
2 Replies to “Authors”

  1. Bind the strong man event;
    I would like to personally invite all members and beyond to this event. My wife Renaye and I are eyewitnesses to Bro George Hurt’s ability to reach God through his prayer techniques. The presence of God was so thick that day it’s hard to put to words, Amazing is only one word that comes to mind, He talked to us 4 that was in hotel room for little while, then prayed, we all was speaking in tongues and he instructed her to step forward, she did, she walked few steps and he tells her Sister your walking, she looked as if she saw ghost, he told her don’t stop now, she walked all over that hotel room, kept walking past wall mirror and saying I’m walking, that was first time in 5.5 years she was even able to put weight on left foot/leg not to forget first time walking. I urge you all if you can only attend 1 event this year make it Bind the strong man!
    Thank you
    Bro Tom Thompson
    ASR Secretary

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