I have been tasked with trying to bring as much valid and verifiable info to the membership of ASR on the subject of the COC&I as there is available to us. This info is from the websites of several COC&I’s and other hiker related pages. It also contains info from personal discussions with MC members and leaders of the COC’s.

Let me be as clear here as I can. There has been a lot of information both correct and also incorrect about the current situation with a chapter in N La and the approach of the local COC&I to their membership and also the local Pastor.. I personally have not made a statement concerning the politics and maneuvering that has occurred from either the board nor other individuals involved. I do not plan to do so as well. I will say that if a member wants to find out any info about any of the parties involved or their intents my phone is always on. I do not play a keyboard warrior nor will do so on social media just to fuss. As of yet not a single person involved in this argument have had the common courtesy to call me directly but have some very clear ideas of my intentions that they have been ok with discussing with others? This article will not be discussed until the rally if it is needed then.

This info is as accurate as the sources and is only presented to help with keeping the discussion as honest and as accurate as the info we have.

ASR has had some issues over who we are with COC@I in several different regions in the past. To this point we have never seen a benefit to joining due to these issues. One of the biggest issues was over one of our patches getting drunk and causing trouble with a 1% club. Folks ASR was in the wrong. This is the driving reason we try and only have members who are living a Holy and Godly lifestyle.
This episode led to some hard word between a sitting ASR Pres and an MC Pres. If you need any other info on this subject please call Robert Thompson directly.

There are many different COC&I around the country just as we have many different chapters. Most of them meet in places where as Christians cannot go. This does seem to be changing but not in every club. The COC&I in La happens to hold their meetings at a church in Alexandra. The video is available for all to view if you want.

The board has ask several members to call the President of the COC&I in La and hold a conversation directly. Some have done so and some have refused. Call Robert Thompson and get the number. We have not as some have said tried to hide this fact. If you want knowledge the board will always help you to find it.

The above info is from my observance and personal knowledge.
The below is copied from several different online sources.

The CoC is not really a MRO such as ABATE, but biker rights are often discussed and are paramount to the organization. And motorcycle club politics pertaining to legal problems with law enforcement. They also discuss harresment from certain law agencies. While Patchholders may belong to an MRO, they don’t have a united membership of patch holders. Where most MROs and COCs are made up from various clubs and independents,

The CoC may vary from region to region in makeup, size, and strength but the overall mission of the CoC is unity in the motorcycling world. The CoCexists to bring communication through clubs, and improve the motorcyclist image, support legislation for the betterment of motorcycling, and allow clubs to come to a neutral spot and meet to discuss issues. They monitor and protect our biker rights in the court system. and possibly have lawyers that help to unravel legal red tape. In some areas the organization may also be a sanctioning body for new or probate clubs in that region. Often time, the Dominant club in the area may chair the meeting.The CoC is also a good place to meet some of the people in the clubs in your area.

Please visit this website for info as well.

Last thought. The board has never nor should ever be hiding ASR actions from the membership. This board is here to advise and offer leadership to autonomous chapters that are led by the local pastor or pastors of their membership. Please read the bylaws prior to the National rally as well. They are there for a reason. I have been tasked with trying to bring as much valid and verifiable info to the membership of ASR on the subject of the COC&I as there is available to us. This info is from the websites of several COC&I’s and other hiker related pages. It also contains info from personal discussions with MC members and leaders of the COC’s.

Let me be as clear here as I can. There has been a lot of information both correct and also incorrect about the current situation with a chapter in N La and the approach of the local COC&I to their membership and also the local Pastor.. I personally have not made a statement concerning the politics and maneuvering that has occurred from either the board nor other individuals involved. I do not plan to do so as well. I will say that if a member wants to find out any info about any of the parties involved or their intents my phone is always on. I do not play a keyboard warrior nor will do so on social media just to fuss. As of yet not a single person involved in this argument have had the common courtesy to call me directly but have some very clear ideas of my intentions that they have been ok with discussing with others? This article will not be discussed until the rally if it is needed then.

This info is as accurate as the sources and is only presented to help with keeping the discussion as honest and as accurate as the info we have.

ASR has had some issues over who we are with COC@I in several different regions in the past. To this point we have never seen a benefit to joining due to these issues. One of the biggest issues was over one of our patches getting drunk and causing trouble with a 1% club. Folks ASR was in the wrong. This is the driving reason we try and only have members who are living a Holy and Godly lifestyle.
This episode led to some hard word between a sitting ASR Pres and an MC Pres. If you need any other info on this subject please call Robert Thompson directly.

There are many different COC&I around the country just as we have many different chapters. Most of them meet in places where as Christians cannot go. This does seem to be changing but not in every club. The COC&I in La happens to hold their meetings at a church in Alexandra. The video is available for all to view if you want.

The board has ask several members to call the President of the COC&I in La and hold a conversation directly. Some have done so and some have refused. Call Robert Thompson and get the number. We have not as some have said tried to hide this fact. If you want knowledge the board will always help you to find it.

The above info is from my observance and personal knowledge.
The below is copied from several different online sources.

The CoC is not really a MRO such as ABATE, but biker rights are often discussed and are paramount to the organization. And motorcycle club politics pertaining to legal problems with law enforcement. They also discuss harresment from certain law agencies. While Patchholders may belong to an MRO, they don’t have a united membership of patch holders. Where most MROs and COCs are made up from various clubs and independents,

The CoC may vary from region to region in makeup, size, and strength but the overall mission of the CoC is unity in the motorcycling world. The CoCexists to bring communication through clubs, and improve the motorcyclist image, support legislation for the betterment of motorcycling, and allow clubs to come to a neutral spot and meet to discuss issues. They monitor and protect our biker rights in the court system. and possibly have lawyers that help to unravel legal red tape. In some areas the organization may also be a sanctioning body for new or probate clubs in that region. Often time, the Dominant club in the area may chair the meeting.The CoC is also a good place to meet some of the people in the clubs in your area.

Please visit this website for info as well.

Last thought. The board has never nor should ever be hiding ASR actions from the membership. This board is here to advise and offer leadership to autonomous chapters that are led by the local pastor or pastors of their membership. Please read the bylaws prior to the National rally as well. They are there for a reason.


There has been much discussion, speculation and perhaps even some discontent over the last few weeks regarding the Azusa StreetRiders joining the COC. I want to clear the air and put to rest these rumors. First and foremost, at no point was ASR ever going to be bring itself under the control of the COC. As a whole the direction of the COC and the ASR are at opposite side of the spectrum. I was a little surprised that a few members felt that this board along with Bro Beall would ever do anything of this nature and erode the trust of our church’s, our membership, our family and our friends. We were however presented with a very unique opportunity one of which after much prayer and seeking the face of God we did have a plan of action and were in the final process of putting it into play.

In Louisiana a member of ASR what is invited to a meeting at the C O C & I and asked of this board if it would be proper and could he attend. After several conversations with the Commodore of the Louisiana COC & I it was determined that they were doing their very best to separate themselves from what would be considered a traditional C O C state organization. The fact is they were not allowing themselves to be governed by the 1% community or support groups. A copy of their states bylaws was requested and was given to this board and every indication that their mandate was based on the original framework of how the COC should be operating at the states legislation level. Which was to fight for the rights of ALL motorcycle riders. In addition to be there as a mediator to help settle any disputes involving MC’s, RC’s or MM’s within that state.

Therefor our ASR member from Louisiana attended that meeting not as a representative of ASR but I have an individual and agreeing to the boards instructions. First, he did not represent the ASR ministry. He was representing his church with his pastor’s permission. Second, he was asked to go and oversee the lay of the land and get a feel for what was happening. Our representative was asked to use as a baseline for the spirit of this meeting if he would feel comfortable with his pastor and his pastor’s wife sitting next to him through the duration of the meeting, he reported that he did feel comfortable. Third and the most important was there an opportunity for ministry reaching lost souls. The rest is history!

Since than there has been a lot of speculation by a few that ASR is going to pot because we are allowing that chapter in Louisiana to be a part of that organization. That is simply not true what is true is that this ministry is still about souls and the work of the Lord. This board will never allow the message we preach or the standards we adhere to be water down either internally or by any outside organization. We research the bylaws thoroughly especially under Article 6 subchapter E and F and found nothing that would prohibit any chapter as long as it had its pastor’s permission to be a part of the C O C. Their pastor has agreed and this does not commit ASR to anything. However due to a few members speaking out on social media without all the information available the board, along with the newly formed Northeast Louisiana Chapter have agreed to put off moving forward until this can be discussed at the Nationals in August.

In closing, it is the boards opinion this is a good opportunity to reach out in a very direct way into other motorcycle organizations in Louisiana mostly due to the fact of the way the COC & I is managed. What is being asked of our membership now is to be prayerful let’s not enter in with preconceived ideas as to what the COC & I is all about until we’ve had an opportunity to test the waters. To me it’s like saying all Pentecostal churches are the same, we know they are not. This does not commit ASR on a national level or if the truth be known any other state other than the state of Louisiana and this is a trial only. This does not affect any other chapter within ASR regardless of what may have been said on social media. All we ask is be in prayer and we will discuss this further and in detail in OH in August.

Robert Thompson

You Are Important

How many times have you felt that your importance in life was less than optimal? Every day just like the last? No apparent change in ourselves or those around us? Why would a person continue this adventure called life and never feel like you have made a difference? It is safe to say that no one has not felt this way at some point.

In our visually dependent society, the need to have verifiable evidence has been driven into our lives on so many levels. The keeping up with the Jones mentality is a great example. If you can’t point to a piece of evidence that you have achieved some level of success, then you have a hard time getting some folks to believe it! When we reach one of those times in our lives that we can’t see any signs of success, we quickly fall into the trap of doubt and then our real troubles start.

Doubt is the one enemy of success that we bring to ourselves at the first sign a drought! No positive feedback then no way is what we’re doing the right path. No return on our investment starts us reinvesting in another adventure. No one likes the long game! As the timeframe gets longer, the doubt gets bigger. The shorter the distance seen gives rise to greater and greater doubt. If not careful, doubt becomes the new vision and success fades into oblivion.

Good News!

Be ye not weary in well doing! God’s measurement of success is not defined by man’s evidence but rather by evidence not seen. We are not even promised tomorrow so the farmer who plants may not ever see the harvest. My success in life is measured by my trust and faith in God. Let no one ever tell you that your walk with God is not important. Your life and efforts are more important than you can even imagine. When the world sees you they are seeing CHRIST and the world is lost without you.

What ever you are doing today, keep believing.
What ever you are saying today, keep believing.
What ever you are thinking today, keep believing.

Don’t stop trying!
Don’t stop trusting!
Don’t stop reaching!

You are important today!
You are important to the Kingdom!
You are important to Jesus!

Where o Where Are You Tonight

Most of us who has seen Hee Haw would follow up with why did you leave me here all alone!
I am sitting here at the Hennigan Compound by my fire pit and thinking about what I wanted to write to all of our Rumbling Rowdies! We have grown to become a very large and diverse cross section of churches and ministries over the last few years. All walks of life, personalities, and backgrounds are to be found in our ranks. Many time I feel as VP that I’m very much a small frog in a very large pond. So many of you guys and gals bring much knowledge and life experiences far beyond my own.

As the holidays move closer, there are many that will experience very different emotions over the next few weeks and I wanted you to know that you are never alone! I may not know where you may be at any particular time but God never loses sight of us. He said he will never leave you alone.

Many of us have lost loved ones this year due to Covid and other issues. Loneliness and feelings of loss go hand in hand with these issues of life. God never loses sight of us and He never leaves us alone.

Many have lost jobs and finances over the last year. Gas tanks take more money or we use less gas. Cost of living is taking a toll on 401 and IRA balances. God never loses sight of us and He never leaves us alone.

Some of us have changed our lifestyles and habits to better lead us to a closer walk with God. This has led to a loss of some friends and family sometimes seem to disprove of our more Godly choices. Addictions are difficult to break and even harder to replace with better coping skills. We seem so small and insignificant. God never loses sight of us and He never leaves us alone.

It seems like the commission that was handed to us by the Almighty is to large and impossible to accomplish with our meager talents and abilities. In walking thru the hedges and byways we see ourselves in those we seek to invite to the marriage supper and we wonder at our success in showing them the Christ. Such a responsibility. Such a vision. Such potential. So much to do. God never loses sight of us and He never leaves us alone.

I may not know where each of you may be this evening. I may not now your struggle today. I may not know how far or close you may be to throwing in the towel. I may not be able to give you the direction you seek or the answer you desire. I can tell you this,

Jesus never loses sight of you and your never alone!

Hugs and prayers to all of you!


COVID 19! In such a short time, the phrase has been used and maybe abused to strike fear into the hearts of men and women across the country. We all have either been infected or affected by this virus pandemic. Loved ones lost, hospital stays, loss of health and well-being, distancing and in some cases isolation from loved ones along with the uncertainty of jobs and finances have been one of the most trying times in my memory. Many tears have been cried. Many hours of lost sleep. Many unhappy phone calls. Many, Many, Many!

It seems that life itself has been changed by CV19. We have had to adopt wearing a mask. We dry our hands and face out with sanitizer. We have groceries delivered like a Domino’s pizza. We take more vitamins to help our health. We take our temperature daily. We spray the inside of home and car with disinfectant on an hourly basis. We no longer just go to the mall. We no longer invite friends over for dinner. We no longer hug others. We no longer get closer than 6 feet to another person.

So many changes due to such a simple thing like a virus!!

I just wonder what would happen if we suddenly started to view eternity and our walk with God in the same light of importance as protecting ourselves from CV19??? What would happen if we would let ourselves be affected by the fear of a soul being loss?? What about the friends and family that are just waiting on one of us to pray for them? Or visit them? Or cry for them? Or lose sleep while praying for them?? How about a phone call? How about a card or letter?

Maybe we should be changing our lives so that eternity is secure? We should wash our souls in his blood more often! We should pray more and play less! We should study more and sleep less! We should take our spiritual temp more times a day and clean our house and hands more times a day! We should go to the mall more but not to shop but to witness! We should invite friends to church! We should let Jesus hug us more and stay closer to him than a brother!!

Covid 19 will come and go.
Jesus is coming again!
I want to be ready when he returns!

Stay safe and stay saved!
Pastor H

Proposed Bylaw Changes

Hey guys and gals!
You will find below a copy of both the current bylaws and the proposed changes to the current bylaws. The board along with several other members have spent a lot of prayer, time, and effort to bring the current set of bylaws into a more efficient and legal form.
You will find that the biggest change is only to the order and placement of many of the items.
We have also removed redundant and out of date info as well.
We have added a few things to also get us more in line with current ethical and societal terms.
We will be discussing and answering any questions at the business meeting during the national rally.
I believe that we have been successful in our endeavor and you will be pleased with the results.

Please be in prayer for our national rally and come ready to worship and receive your miracle from God!!


Proposed Copy of ASR Bylaws 6-22-20 ASR bylaws Updated 9-26-18

Man I Hate The Rules!

One of the most irritating things in life for most people are the rules that we have to obey! Why can’t I drive 55? Why do I have to wait at the red light? Why can’t I just shoot somebody when the almost run me off the road????? Why Why Why! So many times we find ourselves in situations that cause us to fume and fuss but won’t let us do what our carnal human nature would drive us to do simply because there is a rule or law in effect that we don’t want to break and then have to pay the cost of doing so.

Law and rules affect every aspect of our life and day to day routine. They are there for a reason. They are designed to eliminate chaos. Chaos causes failure of opportunity and keeps us from accomplishing our goals. We would have a hard time crossing a large city with no traffic laws in place and would certainly not be very efficient with our time and effort.

Rules are not perfect by any means and are often implemented under conflict and the need for a temporary fixing of a problem. Parents should be able to identify with the situation!! We have rules that change over the course of time and also according to geographical and cultural norms. Rules are sometimes hard to understand and also to be able to enforce. Sometimes the rule is the rule and there is no explanation! Parents??

ASR has come a long way in the last two years that I have served as VP. Membership has been growing by leaps and bounds both here in the US and overseas as well. Only God gets the glory!! What a time to be involved with such a ministry!!

The issues that concerns me this morning is not an issue of growth but of quality. We have some rules that are set in place in the foundation of this ministry and sometimes they are misunderstood as something that hinders growth. They are however only there to keep the quality of the garden as it should be. I want to list just a few of them below that I feel we need to make sure that time and situation does not change.

We are first and foremost a One Name Motorcycle Ministry! This means that each and every minister of this ministry (and that is every member) has to have been filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus Name. There are no exceptions to this rule as it is a salvation issue. I know that sometimes we want to be inclusionary but salvation is to important to water down. We cannot allow other forms of belief and doctrine to be a part of this ministry. Remember in trying to get other members to join us in our endeavor that it is first to receive the Holy Ghost and then make sure the pastor of that person has had the time and effort to make sure that they are rooted and grounded enough to be trusted to become a part of an outside ministry of their local assembly. Remember their pastor and assembly are held to the same conditions above as well. We have been sent to preach the truth to the whole world and it is the truth that will make us free!!

If we hold the rule above to be true, then the following must also apply. We must act, look, and be a christian! And I don’t mean any old Christian! We as ministers are held to a higher standard when it comes to living for God. Others can act and look any way they want but we cannot. Our dress and appearance must be modest and Godly. We are not going to be able to change the world if we look like the world! Modesty and humility are still required of a child of God. Our speech and attitude must be Christ like. It is not the fruits of the spirit but the fruit of the spirit! One fruit that bears the 7 characteristics of Christ! We cannot pick and choose which of those characteristics that we show but must have all of them evident in our lives.

Man, I hate rules!! But then I think of the fact that Rule #1 is that if I keep his commandments and live a life pleasing to HIM that I can make Heaven my eternal home!! IF I submit my self to him and keep the blood applied in my life, then I to can hear him say Well Done!! Rules like the one that says Knock and the door opens! I like that one! How about the one that says that there is a strong tower that I can run to! And I can find shelter there! How about the one that says that when I receive the Holy Ghost and the blood covers my sins that NO ONE can hold them against me anymore and that God himself doesn’t even remember them!!!

The more I think of it I don’t hate the rules as much as I thought that I did!! They keep me safe from myself and others as well!! I just wanted to let you guys and gals know that if we keep the faith and stand our ground on our beloved doctrine that the promises of God are for our blessing! Keep the faith! Keep ministering to the lost!! Keep working until Jesus comes!!!

Love ya’ll
Pastor Randy—VP

New National Chaplain

I would like to take a moment to make a couple of announcements concerning our National Chaplain position.

I would like to thank Bro Allen Cherry for his dedicated and prayerful service as our National Chaplain for the last few years. Many of us have benefited from his prayer and dedication to this ministry and its membership. I hope as he takes a different direction in his ministry, he knows that we are praying for guidance and God’s favor as well. We love and appreciate you Bro. Cherry!

That being said, I also have the privilege of announcing a wonderful minister that has been persuaded (or swindled LOL) into taking over this position and burden. Bro Mark Hardin is a wonderful man of God and I believe he will have a seamless transition and move right into the position at full throttle!

As ASR moves forward, I believe that the prayer and guidance in prayer by those like Bro Cherry and Bro Hardin will be vital in our success to both riders and ministers in the kingdom!

Bro. Cherry….Thank You

Bro Hardin…We are looking forward to what God has in store for us!!



Man I Hate Rules

One of the most irritating things in life for most people are the rules that we have to obey! Why can’t I drive 55? Why do I have to wait at the red light? Why can’t I just shoot somebody when the almost run me off the road????? Why Why Why! So many times we find ourselves in situations that cause us to fume and fuss but won’t let us do what our carnal human nature would drive us to do simply because there is a rule or law in effect that we don’t want to break and then have to pay the cost of doing so.

Law and rules affect every aspect of our life and day to day routine. They are there for a reason. They are designed to eliminate chaos. Chaos causes failure of opportunity and keeps us from accomplishing our goals. We would have a hard time crossing a large city with no traffic laws in place and would certainly not be very efficient with our time and effort.

Rules are not perfect by any means and are often implemented under conflict and the need for a temporary fixing of a problem. Parents should be able to identify with the situation!! We have rules that change over the course of time and also according to geographical and cultural norms. Rules are sometimes hard to understand and also to be able to enforce. Sometimes the rule is the rule and there is no explanation! Parents??

ASR has come a long way in the last two years that I have served as VP. Membership has been growing by leaps and bounds both here in the US and overseas as well. Only God gets the glory!! What a time to be involved with such a ministry!!

The issues that concerns me this morning is not an issue of growth but of quality. We have some rules that are set in place in the foundation of this ministry and sometimes they are misunderstood as something that hinders growth. They are however only there to keep the quality of the garden as it should be. I want to list just a few of them below that I feel we need to make sure that time and situation does not change.

We are first and foremost a One Name Motorcycle Ministry! This means that each and every minister of this ministry (and that is every member) has to have been filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus Name. There are no exceptions to this rule as it is a salvation issue. I know that sometimes we want to be inclusionary but salvation is to important to water down. We cannot allow other forms of belief and doctrine to be a part of this ministry. Remember in trying to get other members to join us in our endeavor that it is first to receive the Holy Ghost and then make sure the pastor of that person has had the time and effort to make sure that they are rooted and grounded enough to be trusted to become a part of an outside ministry of their local assembly. Remember their pastor and assembly are held to the same conditions above as well. We have been sent to preach the truth to the whole world and it is the truth that will make us free!!

If we hold the rule above to be true, then the following must also apply. We must act, look, and be a christian! And I don’t mean any old Christian! We as ministers are held to a higher standard when it comes to living for God. Others can act and look any way they want but we cannot. Our dress and appearance must be modest and Godly. We are not going to be able to change the world if we look like the world! Modesty and humility are still required of a child of God. Our speech and attitude must be Christ like. It is not the fruits of the spirit but the fruit of the spirit! One fruit that bears the 7 characteristics of Christ! We cannot pick and choose which of those characteristics that we show but must have all of them evident in our lives.

Man, I hate rules!! But then I think of the fact that Rule #1 is that if I keep his commandments and live a life pleasing to HIM that I can make Heaven my eternal home!! IF I submit my self to him and keep the blood applied in my life, then I to can hear him say Well Done!! Rules like the one that says Knock and the door opens! I like that one! How about the one that says that there is a strong tower that I can run to! And I can find shelter there! How about the one that says that when I receive the Holy Ghost and the blood covers my sins that NO ONE can hold them against me anymore and that God himself doesn’t even remember them!!!

The more I think of it I don’t hate the rules as much as I thought that I did!! They keep me safe from myself and others as well!! I just wanted to let you guys and gals know that if we keep the faith and stand our ground on our beloved doctrine that the promises of God are for our blessing! Keep the faith! Keep ministering to the lost!! Keep working until Jesus comes!!!

Love ya’ll

Pastor Randy ASR VP

Sometimes You Ride The Bike And Sometimes The Bike Rides You

Life seems to be so difficult to understand at times! It seems like all is going along so great and then WHAM! all hell breaks loose and you are in the fight of your life! I don’t know about you or your lives but mine has always seemed like a roller coaster and not the kiddie kind if you know what I mean!?! How do we get through the trials and disasters that come our way? How do we keep our chins up? How do we get to Heaven if is seems like all we live in is hell??

Well suffice it to say……I have no idea!! lol I do however have an idea on the mindset required to get through the issues and get to our promise!! A long time ago, when my bones weren’t as brittle and my brain wasn’t as developed, I broke, trained, and rode a few horses both on our ranch and rodeo. I had a wise old cowboy (Pawpaw) tell me after a little go round and mix up on a frisky critter that called itself a horse that sometimes you ride the horse and sometimes the horse rides you! Wonderful words to hear while dusting your seat off on the ground! (and almost hard to hear them though the laughter!)

I took a ride the other day with another ASR member and a mutual friend. I tried to tell them that they should pick the route. They did not listen and I punched in a route app that asked me if I wanted to avoid highways. I obviously checked YES!! Well, a few miles down the road, we found ourselves on a clay freshly graded road in Mississippi with mud about a foot deep. With a total of 5 falls between us and motorcycles that looked like dirt bikes after a weekend of fun, we finally spotted pavement ahead and went to find a car wash! AS I passed a Jeep going the other way laughing at such a odd sight, I told him through the window that a Jeep was cheating! What a day! Bikes seemed to be riding us more than we rode them. Thankfully no one was hurt and bikes lived to ride again.

How many times have we found ourselves on life muddy road and cant seem to get where we are going since we keep falling off our bikes? People laughing at our calamity and wondering why we are doing what we are doing? I can tell you that during these times, we may be in the dirt more than we are on the bikes, but the pavement is coming!! The road will get better and there will be a car wash around the corner to get cleaned back up!

I wish we didn’t have to go through some things but life is still life. We still have to get up every day and get to work in the kingdom. He didn’t promise us every day would be wonderful but he did promise us he would never leave us or forsake us! He would never put more on us than we can bear! We may sometimes choose the wrong road but he even keeps us safe and will provide a way out if necessary. Jesus love us enough to even overlook our zealous attitudes and let us avoid the highway at times.

I may not know how to avoid the muddy roads of our lives but I do know who helps go down them! If you are in the midst of a disaster, keep your chin up. You may be under the bike now, but there’s pavement coming! Jesus helps us to look back and maybe even find some humor. You should have seen us pitiful looking bikers!

Keep the wheels down and your spirits flying high!
God Bless!!