Bind the Strong Man (BTSM), Azusa StreetRiders’ all-night prayer event, was held Friday, March 6th from 8 PM until Saturday at 7 AM at the Sanctuary of Macon (GA). Bro & Sis Diaz did a great job organizing the event and Sis Julie Jasinski of WNOP was the featured speaker. Some of the subjects covered were “putting on the armor of God,” “strongholds of the enemy and how to tear them down,” “weapons of our warfare,” “how to do spiritual warfare praying,” “things to pray for in your city during a prayer walk,” and “disengagement.”
“Disengagement” was a topic of particular interest to several of those who reported back after BTSM. Apparently this is something not often taught but is well understood by powerful prayer warriors. I have heard Brother Stoneking and Sister Vesta Mangun speak of doing this.
There are rules to follow when engaging the enemy. We must be full of the Holy Ghost (prayed up and renewed). We cannot go into warfare with any blockages to the flow of the spirit. All sin must be put under the blood of Jesus through repentance and we must be strong in our walk with God. Otherwise, the enemy has legal right to attack us. And attack us he will.
The first rule of “disengagement” is to never let our guard down. We need to walk in the Spirit. There must be a cleansing through God’s spoken Word. This process is crucial in “severing” (to break or make separate, to break off or away) the influences of strongholds and the spiritual battle that was fought in prayer. Severing must be done when traveling from cities, states, countries, or wherever we “engage” and where ministry leads us. For example, if we are in someone’s home and they are grumbling and complaining about someone or something, we must disengage when we leave that home or those spirits can follow us. Without disengagement our peaceful homes can become a war zone with grumbling and complaining.
Example prayer: “Jesus, I disengage from (place or spirits). In Jesus’ name I bind any hindering spirits from trying to follow me or attach to me. I sever myself from them and cast them under darkness to stay there. I loose the Spirit of God to cover me with His blood to protect me by the authority and power of the name of Jesus.
Rev. Mike Markham stated that he could understand why he had experienced many attacks after engaging in spiritual warfare over his city. He said, “Once you engage the enemy you must disengage! If you do not disengage after praying the enemy will stay in warfare with you as you go about your daily routine.”
Rev. Julie McGhghy, AIMer to Costa Rica, attended BTSM because she thought it would be a significant learning opportunity. She said she was not disappointed and, “For me, the most informative concept was that of disengagement. I have occasionally engaged in spiritual warfare for specific urgent matters over the past five or so years. And I always seem to notice that whatever I am battling is defeated for the person for whom I am battling. And yet, after the fact, the spirit that I battled seems to attack me or someone in my family. I now know why and I will be careful to disengage after I engage.”
ASR International Chaplain Mark Hardin said, “I was so glad I drove for 10 hours, both ways, to attend BTSM this year! I was encouraged in two ways…Fellowship and faith! We have some of the greatest folks on earth in ASR, and my faith was increased to pray more fervently and focused. Looking forward to next year!”
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend.
P.S. Please keep Sis Urissa Reynolds in your prayers as she is a nurse. Our prayers are with you all.
Rev. Mike McGhghy and Rev. Julie McGhghy – AIMers to Costa Rica
Home Missions
Rev. Mike Markham – Turning Point Fellowship – Clanton, AL
Rev. Johnny Carr – Apostolic Church of Tatum – Tatum, TX
Tom Thompson – Prayer for complete healing.
Lydia Diaz – Currently being treated with Chemo
Delbert Hayes – Currently being treated with Chemo for Leukemia
Anthony Storey – Recovering from motorcycle accident
Kaila Markham Miller – Healing from two recent brain surgeries
Rev. Johnny Carr – Vertigo and Headaches
Martha Hardin – Chaplain Hardin’s mother is having heath complications and in addition, gallbladder surgery in a couple of weeks.
Family Members Passed 2019
Jon & Serrena Weber’s daughter
Krysta Markham’s father
Joe Endicott’s mother
Lisa Endicott’s mother
Doug Solomon’s father
Anthony Storey’s father
Diane Beall
ASR National Ladies Chaplain