Reminder-I will be emailing invoices for the ASR membership for 2021 dues the second and third week of January. If there are any changes to the information that I have on file please contact me with the updated information. All dues are 60.00. Individual dues the 60.00 goes to National headquarters which can be paid by paypal or credit card on the emailed invoice, paid on the azusastreetriders.com website store or sending a check to Azusa StreetRiders Ministry P.O. Box 188 Warren, OH 44482. Members in a chapter pay 60.00 for the first year after membership then it is split 30.00 to National headquarters and 30.00 stays with the chapter. Please see your chapter president or treasurer for information on payment. Any office held by a member will have until March 1st to pay their dues before being put on an inactive status for the position held. I’m looking forward to what the Lord is going to do through this ministry in 2021! Have a blessed and Happy New Year! Love you all!
God bless,
Chaplain Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer
The Blessings of Attending “Bind The Strong Man”

Motorcycles for Missionaries
What an amazing Rally we had! The Lord continues to bless the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry. Last years Motorcycle for Missionaries offering was 20,356.64. We were able to purchase motorcycles for Cuba, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Asia. This year despite Covid19 our offering at the end of the rally was 21,349.00 with checks still on the way. After taking up a special offering on Thursday nights Missions service we were able to provide 6 motorcycles for Bro Grimh in East Africa. We will also be purchasing a motorcycle for a missionary in Isreal. I pray the Lord continues to bless every one of you as you bless our Missionaries.
God Bless,
Sis Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer
Motorcycle for Missionaries offering
REMINDER-Bring your Motorcycle for Missionaries offering to be given at the Thursday nights missions service at the National rally. If you are unable to attend the rally this year but would still like to support our missionaries you can give on our website azusastreetriders.com or send a check to Azusa StreetRiders Ministry P.O. Box 188 Warren, OH 44482
Sis Laureen Theodore ASR International Treasurer
Official Website
We will be updating the Official Web Site very soon. We will be adding all the new chapters to the web site along with biker -friendly apostolic churches. If your church is not listed and you would like to have it listed in our official web site. Please contact a board member with your church name and address so we can add it to the web site.
Thank you,
Michael Theodore
Winter Fire 2020 ASR Booth
A big thank you to Brother Rick Perry and the New Haven Connecticut chapter for representing Azusa StreetRiders at Winter Fire this year. You guys did an amazing job with the booth.