The Blessings of Attending “Bind The Strong Man”

Bind the Stong Man will be here in just a few short months so I wanted to give a testimony of past BTSM that I had the privilege to attend. I have attended 4 of the prayer meetings and each one was a blessing in different ways but each one added to my faith. The first one I remember one of the sessions we were interceding for backsliders to come off the streets and walk into our services as the Lord drew them. On that Sunday during service a man come into our church service off the street! The man that came to our service told us he didn’t know why but he felt like he needed to stop and come into the church while service was going on. The Lord answered our prayers from that prayer meeting! The second year I attended BTSM it was during a snack break that a minister came to me with a word from the Lord. The word was a confirmation that ministered to me and gave me the confidence to move forward with the ministry the Lord was calling me into. The third year during the teaching sessions I learned how to anoint people with oil and pray effectively for healing. The fourth year I learned how to effectively do a prayer walk in a city to take dominion over spiritual strongholds and then how to disengage from the spirits. Bind The Strong Man prayer meeting starts off our season for the Azusa StreetRiders ministry and to me is the most important meeting of the year because we receive direction and spiritual discernment for our personal lives as well as for the ministry. We can feel the unity in the spirit during this prayer meeting even if we aren’t in the same physical location. I highly recommend if it is possible plan on attending one of the locations scheduled for this year. If it’s not possible to attend in person then plan to set aside time to pray during the scheduled meetings. I’m looking forward to the testimonies that will be coming out of BTSM 2021!!!
Chaplain Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer
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