2020 ASR National Rally…In the History Books!

After all the planning, sacrifices by many to travel, the efforts of so many to pull it together, the preparations were made by worship teams, singers, preachers, and so many more to make it all a success…2020 National Rally is behind us!

So many friendships renewed and new ones made. We wept in the alter together. We danced before the Lord together, while singing the praises unto our King of kings and Lord of lords!! The Pentecostals of Nashville worship team did a fantastic job of ushering us into the Throne Room of God. The preaching by Missionary Scotty Grihm (East Africa and beyond) and Pastor Shine Doughty (Mattoon IL) was over the top! Challenging us to greater heights. “The Cost of Pentecost” will stick with me for a long while!! The Leadership of Azusa StreetRiders did an exemplary job of guiding us through another Rally.

The week started out with a Tuesday “pre-ride” to Madison Indiana for some fish and shrimp on the Ohio River. Wednesday had a Chaplain’s training session that was well attended, several speakers from our own ASR Chaplaincy initiative. Followed by a shorter scenic ride, and an outreach singing with Potters Clay, The Pentecostals Worship Team, and Upper Room Experience that was well attended under a tent!!

Thursday had a soaking rain blow in, but we rallied the troops and had enough vehicles to transport all to our reserved eating location for lunch. A fantastic pasta meal was prepared that evening at the church, and missions focus service that saw this ministry raise over $21,000 for Motorcycles for Missionaries!!!

Friday was a fantastic day for a ride through the scenic hills of southern Indiana, with a stop at the Bloomington Harley Shop and lunch served at a local park. Supper again at the church that evening and the evangelistic service was a blowout!! Each night, after the services, we had an “Afterburner” of pie, ice cream, and a ton of fellowship!

If there was one take away from this rally, it would be just as so many before…we did not want to leave the fellowship of our ASR Family. The feedback that I have received from those that attended for the first time was that they were blown away by how accepting the members are, and how that within a few days you feel as though you have known everyone for 20 years. It is important that we do not loose the newness…the freshness…the spirit of brotherly love. Let us all determine that we will continue to connect with one another in the upcoming year, and Lord willing, we will all meet together in October 2021 in Bossier City, LA for another chapter of building the bond of fellowship within Azusa StreetRiders!

Mark A. Hardin
International Chaplain/Illinois Regional Coordinator

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