2018 National Rally Ohio

Save The Dates

August 1-4
2018 National Rally Ohio
August 5
9th Annual Biker Sunday in Memory of Michael T Theodore Jr.

There will be two Host hotels right by each other The Hampton Inn and the Residence Inn by Marriott.
Rooms are blocked off under the name ”ASR National Rally” You must let receptionist know when you book your room to receive your discounted rate.

Meet & Greet will be at the Residence Inn by Marriott from 3 PM to 6 PM on August 1. There is a huge room set up for our ASR fellowship and food will be provided.

Hampton Inn & Suites
5581 Youngstown-Warren Road
Niles, Ohio 44446

Residence Inn by Marriott
5555 Youngstown-Warren Road
Niles, Ohio 44446

Host Church
(PCC) Pentecostal Community Church
5348 Peck RD (Rt 6)
Jefferson, Ohio 44047

If you have any problems with booking your room
contact me Michael Theodore 330-720-0440 blueknight1703@aol.com
National Road Captain
Coordinator for Ohio


The other day I went to see about getting  proscription sun glasses a little thinner style than my motorcycle mirrored polarized proscription riding glasses. My riding glasses are perfect when I use my shorty open face helmet or my 1/3 helmet. But not with my full face or my new modular touring helmet. The new sun glasses will now fit under my new helmet or my full face with out discomfort. Why am I tell you this. Well after I left the eye glass store I was reminded of a conversation I had with a gentleman a while back when he seen my mirrored face shield on my full face helmet.
The question he asked me was. What are the benefits, if any, of a colored mirrored face shields? And then he asked me is it good for night riding? I first answered him that there are colored goggles,glasses and lenses also.And that there are different tints for night riding and Polarized lenses and mirrored for sunny day rides.

For dusk,nighttime,fog,rain and any low – light conditions, clear, non – tinted eye wear (eyeglasses) and eye protection (goggles or face shields) are the best choices.

For sunny days, tint can reduce eye strain. Gray tints are best because they simpley reduce the amount of light reaching your eyes, without distorting color.
Other tints also reduce the amount of light reaching your eyes by varying degrees, but they can distort color. That said, a yellow or amber tint may be very useful in overcast conditions to increase contrast.

Some riders prefer tinted or mirrored face shields to nonprescription sunglasses, because face shields provide more complete coverage, whereas sunlight can encroach around the frames of typical sunglasses. Some face shields automatically adjust their tint to ambient lighting conditions, and some helmets have an internal drop- down tinted visor. Without these features, you would need to carry a separated clear face shield if you’ll be riding into the evening. I have a mirrored full face helmet with a drop- down tinted visor ” see above picture” I use along with a full face modular with drop- down tinted visor I also use when riding. Along with a 1/3 helmet with drop – down helmet.

Polarized eyeglasses or goggles have benefits in most outdoor applications. Polarization allows light that comes straight toward the lens to pass though, while filtering light that comes from an angle. This reduces glare from road surfaces and other vehicles (especially chrome and glass surfaces) and minimizes the resulting distortion and “washing out” of the image-as well as potential damage to the eye. This is especially effective for wet roads, which are more reflective than dry roads. The downside is that polarized lenses can distort some of the light coming from or though instrument panel display or windshields.

Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays, which are as damaging to the eyes as they are to the skin. Generic sunglasses block varying amounts of UV rays. Prescription eyeglass lenses, whether clear,tinted, mirrored, or polarized, typically block most UV rays about 98%. Check with your optometrist to see if your lenses have this protection or if the protection can be added to your next prescription. My new pair of prescription sunglasses will be the same as my riding prescription glasses mirrored and polarized. You can also get prescription goggles to help protect against UV rays. If you don’t need prescription glasses and don’t want to use regular sunglasses a tinted or mirrored face shield will protect against UV rays.
Your eyes are the mind’s window to the traffic world. Your safety depends on the accuracy of that view.
Keep your contact patch between the lines

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


S.B.346 would require motor scooter riders younger than 21 to wear helmets while on public roads. The bill applies to motorcycles and scooters of 50cc or less. Current law allows riders 16 and older to decide whether to wear a helmet on those bikes. The proposed legislation comes a year after a failed attempt to reinstate universal mandatory motorcycle helmet use.

A new state law allows anyone with a valid driver’s license to operate an auto cycle –a three-wheeled vehicle with side -by-side seating and steering wheel. No motorcycle endorsement is needed. Three – wheeled motorcycles still require a motorcycle license to operate.

The city of Columbia is considering a ordinace banning all texting for drivers younger than 21 and for commercial truck drivers. Efforts to enact a statewide ban have proved unsuccessful. The Columbia effort is part of the city’s Vision Zero plan, intended to reduce traffic injuries and deaths.

Michael Theodore

National Road Captain


Store is back open

Thank you for your patience while we were updating our products and payment system. We are back up and running again. You can now shop and pay your dues. Invoices will be mailed out this week. First week of February.

Laureen Theodore
International Treasurer

Greetings for the New Year

I greet you in the Name of Jesus Christ
along with the church in Maryville, TN
and your local  Azusa StreetRiders Chapter.

I wanted to take just a moment of your time to wish all of our Azusa StreetRiders Members, Family, Friends, Associates and Supporters a Happy New Year. Here we are once again at the brink of a new year. I roll into 2018 wondering what happened to 2017, seems like yesterday we all were standing in Watch Night Service worshiping in the New Year and now it’s but a memory.

Along with the New Year comes Resolutions, “Do-Overs” and Reboots. Seems we offer ourselves that opportunity this time of year on something that we might or might not complete or even get off the ground. Some of these attempts might go by the way side, some might stink and yet for others well it’s jump start that’s needed to pull ourselves up by the boot straps, hit the floor on our knees and come the the realization we need a closer walk with God

The concept or opportunity to start fresh is not new. The Bible says:

“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.  For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Cor 4:14-16 (KJV)

Think about that for a moment; Jesus Christ has given us an opportunity to start fresh not once a year on New Years Day or like the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament but each and every day we have a fresh start available to us. So regardless if your hiking on the mountain top or crawling in the valley this opportunity is for each and every child of God regardless of your circumstance.

All we need to do is adhere to the Word of God. If we would read God’s word daily our prayer life with blossom, we will see results, our worship will glow, others will be drawn by our sincerity and the things that trouble us although present will not be prevalent in our every day lives. Jesus Christ can take a problem and give us the strength to bear and overcome that burden for as the word says it’s only for a season. In addition the word of God says

“But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” Matthew19:26 (KJV)

If this was not enough there are at least 14 more scriptures in the Bible with the same message about God’s ability to do “The miraculous out of the ordinary” we being the ordinary and God being God. I have always been taught that we cannot pick and choose what parts of the Bible we can believe; it’s all or nothing. So if we can believe that God created the heavens and earth by his spoken word than we MUST believe he counts the hairs on our head and knows where were at, at all times.

All we need to do is trust and if we find ourselves in that place where, on occasion, were at the end of our rope. We need to go to God for a fresh renewing of the Holy Ghost. First by prayer and repentance, than by worship and the reading of his word and lastly by knowing God has our six and loves us enough that on the day he hung on that cross we were in his mind and he saw us from our beginning to our end and yet filled us with his Holy Ghost regardless of our shortcomings and loved us enough to place a man of God our Shepard’s over us for protection.

All I can say is Thank You Jesus.

Robert Thompson
President, Azusa StreetRiders International



Please check the Azusa StreetRiders web site and FB page for up coming Events

In addition if your planning an event PLEASE get it posted as soon as possible. Even if you need to update it later, I would like to see all our events attended by as many members as possible. The way to do that is planning ahead and there are those that need to request vacation time off of work,  get permission from our wives or husbands, girlfriends or boyfriends, (come on guys let’s live in the real world :-)) set funds aside etc.

So anyone planning an event please get it posted in addition Bro Michael Theodore has agreed to assist in  anyway possible with your event to be successful. Bro Theodore has held some of the best events I have attended in the past and in my opinion has a wealth of knowledge at your disposal.

Thank you Bro Theodore !

So let’s get rolling in 2018, get these events posted and let’s do a good work for Jesus Christ.

Brother Thompson

ASR Store Temporarily Closed

The ASR store will be temporarily closed. If you need to order anything please contact me through my e-mail laureen.theodore@azusastreetriders.com, cell phone 330-720-4382 or private message. Thank you for your patience while we update our products and payment system. We will be up and running again as soon as possible. I am looking forward to riding with you all and excited to see what the Lord is going to do for us and through us as we join together for fellowship and outreach. Love and blessings to all of you! Sis Laureen Theodore (International Treasure)

2018 National Rally OHIO

 2018 National Rally  August 1-4
Host Hotels
There will be two Host hotels right by each other The Hampton Inn and the Residence Inn by Marriott.
Rooms are blocked off under the name ”ASR National Rally” You must let receptionist know when you book your room to receive your discounted rate.
Hampton Inn & Suites
5581 Youngstown-Warren Road
Niles, Ohio 44446
330-652-1277Room Type
Queen and King rooms
20 Rooms are blocked off at a discounted rate of $99.00 a night you must state you are here for the “ASR National Rally” to receive the discounted rate.


Residence Inn by Marriott
5555 Youngstown-Warren Road
Niles, Ohio 44446

Room Type
One Bedroom Suite there are 10 of these rooms blocked off
Studio Room there are 10 of these rooms blocked off
20 rooms are blocked off here at the discounted rate of $109 a night.
You must state you are here for the “ASR National Rally” to receive the discounted rate.
The Residence Inn is connected to our mall so if the need arises for a shopping trip.


If you have any problems with booking your room contact Director of Market Sales Christa Blasko at 330-505-3655 christa.blasko@tmihospitality.com
Or Myself Michael Theodore 330-720-0440 blueknight1703@aol.com

Meet & Greet will be at the Residence Inn by Marriott  from 3 PM to 6 PM  on August 1. There is a huge room set up for our ASR fellowship and food will be provided.

Host Church
(PCC) Pentecostal Community Church
5348 Peck RD (Rt 6)
Jefferson, Ohio 44047

Wednesday service starts at 7 PM
Thursday Service starts at 7 PM Guest speaker is Missionary Dwayne Abernathy from Belize
Friday Service starts at 7 PM Guest speaker is  Reverend  David Bounds from Parkersburg, WV
Saturday Business meeting at 9 AM for Coffee & Donuts. 10 AM starts meeting.
Sunday is 9th Annual Biker Sunday in Memory of Michael Theodore Jr. Service starts at 10 AM Guest Speaker is Reverend David Bounds

ASR Fellowship Outreach Rides
Thursday Kickstands up at 10 AM sharp
Friday Kickstands up at 10 AM sharp

For anyone who is looking for a cheaper hotel here are two of them. They are a little ways from our two host hotels.

Days Inn

1300 Youngstown-Warren Rd

Niles, Ohio 44436


Econo Lodge Inn Niles

4258 Youngstown Rd SE

Warren, Ohio 44484


More information to come at a later date.

State Watch


H.B. 2597 Oregon’s distracted-driving law, was signed by the governor and became effective on October 1. The new law defines the offense of driving a motor vehicle while using a mobile electronic device. Beginning Jan 1,2018 first offenders can be fined $130 to $1,000. Second offenses and first offenses that contributed to a crash are subject to a fine of $2220 to $2,500. A third offense with in 10 years carries a minimum fine of $2,000 and the possibility of six months in jail. First offenders can have their fines suspended if they complete a distracted driving avoidance course.

H.B. 280 was introduced that would allow motorcyclist to wear earplugs to protect their hearing while riding. Ohio is one of only three states that prohibit using hearing protection while operating a motorcycle.

The state has reclassified its vehicle operator licensing requirement to allow those with a valid state driver’s license to drive three wheeled vehicles, such as the Polaris Slingshot, without a motorcycle endorsement. Arkansas is the 37th state to make this change to accommodate vehicles with side-by-side seating and steering wheels.

AMA and the ABATE of Indiana is pressing state officials to find a better method of fixing cracks in paved roads than the patching material commonly known as tar snakes. They state that the tar snakes reduce traction and cause motorcycle tires to slide,especially on curves and in hot or wet weather. A letter from the Indiana Department of Transportation stated that officials will review the current patching method and consider alternatives.

State officials are researching a device called a “textalyzer” that allows law enforcement to check whether a cell phone was in use just before or during a crash.The governments Traffic Safety Committee is to examine the technology as well as the questions about privacy and civil liberties its use would raise, according to the Associated Press report when plugged into a phone for about a minute can tell law enforcement agencies whether the phone’s user was texting,emailing,surfing the web or otherwise using the phone before a crash. Law Enforcement agencies like this device because they would not have to obtain a search warrent for the phone.