One of the most irritating things in life for most people are the rules that we have to obey! Why can’t I drive 55? Why do I have to wait at the red light? Why can’t I just shoot somebody when the almost run me off the road????? Why Why Why! So many times we find ourselves in situations that cause us to fume and fuss but won’t let us do what our carnal human nature would drive us to do simply because there is a rule or law in effect that we don’t want to break and then have to pay the cost of doing so.
Law and rules affect every aspect of our life and day to day routine. They are there for a reason. They are designed to eliminate chaos. Chaos causes failure of opportunity and keeps us from accomplishing our goals. We would have a hard time crossing a large city with no traffic laws in place and would certainly not be very efficient with our time and effort.
Rules are not perfect by any means and are often implemented under conflict and the need for a temporary fixing of a problem. Parents should be able to identify with the situation!! We have rules that change over the course of time and also according to geographical and cultural norms. Rules are sometimes hard to understand and also to be able to enforce. Sometimes the rule is the rule and there is no explanation! Parents??
ASR has come a long way in the last two years that I have served as VP. Membership has been growing by leaps and bounds both here in the US and overseas as well. Only God gets the glory!! What a time to be involved with such a ministry!!
The issues that concerns me this morning is not an issue of growth but of quality. We have some rules that are set in place in the foundation of this ministry and sometimes they are misunderstood as something that hinders growth. They are however only there to keep the quality of the garden as it should be. I want to list just a few of them below that I feel we need to make sure that time and situation does not change.
We are first and foremost a One Name Motorcycle Ministry! This means that each and every minister of this ministry (and that is every member) has to have been filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus Name. There are no exceptions to this rule as it is a salvation issue. I know that sometimes we want to be inclusionary but salvation is to important to water down. We cannot allow other forms of belief and doctrine to be a part of this ministry. Remember in trying to get other members to join us in our endeavor that it is first to receive the Holy Ghost and then make sure the pastor of that person has had the time and effort to make sure that they are rooted and grounded enough to be trusted to become a part of an outside ministry of their local assembly. Remember their pastor and assembly are held to the same conditions above as well. We have been sent to preach the truth to the whole world and it is the truth that will make us free!!
If we hold the rule above to be true, then the following must also apply. We must act, look, and be a christian! And I don’t mean any old Christian! We as ministers are held to a higher standard when it comes to living for God. Others can act and look any way they want but we cannot. Our dress and appearance must be modest and Godly. We are not going to be able to change the world if we look like the world! Modesty and humility are still required of a child of God. Our speech and attitude must be Christ like. It is not the fruits of the spirit but the fruit of the spirit! One fruit that bears the 7 characteristics of Christ! We cannot pick and choose which of those characteristics that we show but must have all of them evident in our lives.
Man, I hate rules!! But then I think of the fact that Rule #1 is that if I keep his commandments and live a life pleasing to HIM that I can make Heaven my eternal home!! IF I submit my self to him and keep the blood applied in my life, then I to can hear him say Well Done!! Rules like the one that says Knock and the door opens! I like that one! How about the one that says that there is a strong tower that I can run to! And I can find shelter there! How about the one that says that when I receive the Holy Ghost and the blood covers my sins that NO ONE can hold them against me anymore and that God himself doesn’t even remember them!!!
The more I think of it I don’t hate the rules as much as I thought that I did!! They keep me safe from myself and others as well!! I just wanted to let you guys and gals know that if we keep the faith and stand our ground on our beloved doctrine that the promises of God are for our blessing! Keep the faith! Keep ministering to the lost!! Keep working until Jesus comes!!!
Love ya’ll
Pastor Randy—VP