2020 ASR Chaplain Training Overview

Praise God for His loving kindness!!

What an amazing turn out we had at the Chaplain Training Session on Wednesday morning, prior to the National Rally. I personally want to thank all that were in attendance, whether you are an ASR Chaplain or not. It was a springboard that provided encouragement for all to go deeper into the Kingdom.

Chaplain Hardin provided an overview of ASR Chaplaincy requirements and vision for the future. Chaplain Laureen Theodore share her heart with some words of encouragement to care for those that are hurting. Chaplain/Pastor Perry gave insights on being a presence and how affective it can be when one has patience by allowing the Spirit to do It’s work. Chaplain/Pastor Hennigan challenged us to do all that we do with all our might and never take a lazy approach in the Kingdom. Jesus was in the house, and the material was superb!!

For those who could not attend and would desire to be a part of the ASR Chaplaincy, please contact Chaplain Mark Hardin (618-292-7415 or tennwalker1961@yahoo.com) for more info.

Our goal in the upcoming months is to have a chaplain for every chapter, an overseer for every state that we are represented in, and strong leadership regionally, nationally, and internationally. The network of Chaplains will help bring stability and positive visibility within Azusa StreetRiders in the future by working hand in hand with the chapters, Regional Coordinators, and National Board. I truly believe the success of this ministry depends on it.

Mark A Hardin
International Chaplain/Illinois Regional Coordinator

2020 ASR National Rally…In the History Books!

After all the planning, sacrifices by many to travel, the efforts of so many to pull it together, the preparations were made by worship teams, singers, preachers, and so many more to make it all a success…2020 National Rally is behind us!

So many friendships renewed and new ones made. We wept in the alter together. We danced before the Lord together, while singing the praises unto our King of kings and Lord of lords!! The Pentecostals of Nashville worship team did a fantastic job of ushering us into the Throne Room of God. The preaching by Missionary Scotty Grihm (East Africa and beyond) and Pastor Shine Doughty (Mattoon IL) was over the top! Challenging us to greater heights. “The Cost of Pentecost” will stick with me for a long while!! The Leadership of Azusa StreetRiders did an exemplary job of guiding us through another Rally.

The week started out with a Tuesday “pre-ride” to Madison Indiana for some fish and shrimp on the Ohio River. Wednesday had a Chaplain’s training session that was well attended, several speakers from our own ASR Chaplaincy initiative. Followed by a shorter scenic ride, and an outreach singing with Potters Clay, The Pentecostals Worship Team, and Upper Room Experience that was well attended under a tent!!

Thursday had a soaking rain blow in, but we rallied the troops and had enough vehicles to transport all to our reserved eating location for lunch. A fantastic pasta meal was prepared that evening at the church, and missions focus service that saw this ministry raise over $21,000 for Motorcycles for Missionaries!!!

Friday was a fantastic day for a ride through the scenic hills of southern Indiana, with a stop at the Bloomington Harley Shop and lunch served at a local park. Supper again at the church that evening and the evangelistic service was a blowout!! Each night, after the services, we had an “Afterburner” of pie, ice cream, and a ton of fellowship!

If there was one take away from this rally, it would be just as so many before…we did not want to leave the fellowship of our ASR Family. The feedback that I have received from those that attended for the first time was that they were blown away by how accepting the members are, and how that within a few days you feel as though you have known everyone for 20 years. It is important that we do not loose the newness…the freshness…the spirit of brotherly love. Let us all determine that we will continue to connect with one another in the upcoming year, and Lord willing, we will all meet together in October 2021 in Bossier City, LA for another chapter of building the bond of fellowship within Azusa StreetRiders!

Mark A. Hardin
International Chaplain/Illinois Regional Coordinator

Up Coming Events

July 29 – Aug 1   ASR National Rally Nashville, Indiana
Aug 30  1st Annual Biker Sunday Warren, Ohio
Sept 20  Clennenin Biker Sunday Clennenin,WV
Sept 22-25 UPCI General Conference HAS BEEN CANCELLED
Remember when planning your next biker event. Please give your information to the board. This way we can get your event listed on our National website and on both of our facebook pages and here in rumblings.
Thank you,
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

ASR 2020 National Rally – Nashville Indiana – Overview

Many have ask…”How is Indiana doing with the Covid situation?”  I just checked again today (July 3rd) and they have moved the entire state to above 4.5 stage in opening.  So, though there are some restrictions in various areas, I wanted to let everyone know that, as a state, they are doing well so far.

As you will see by the following information, we have tried to fill up the week!  No pressure to be early or stay late…but, for those who are coming in and do not know the region, we wanted to help make the experience as great as possible…we like to call it, “Hoosier Hospitality!”

The following will be the daily breakdown of events that you all are welcome to participate in:

Tuesday (28th) – 9am ride to scenic Madison Indiana and Clifty Falls. We will meet at the corner of hwy 135 and 40, at the Speedway Gas Station.  Lunch will be at the Key West Shrimp House in Madison as close to noon as we can make it.  Contact Mark Wever (812-325-8983) or Mark Hardin (618-292-7415) to let us know if you have any questions about the ride.  For those coming into the area on Tuesday and coming from the south or east, if you wish to meet us for lunch, you would be able to ride back with our group as well.

Wednesday (29th) – 8:30am ASR Chaplain training will be held at the host church (Pentecostals of Nashville…address: 60 Mount Liberty Rd, Nashville IN). Then, at 11:30am short ride is planned to begin from the host church (Pentecostals of Nashville) parking lot,  and time will be reserved to explore scenic Nashville Indiana. At 5:30pm, there is an outreach initiative at the church with special singing groups from the area…Potters Clay, Upper Room Experience, Sharp Family Bluegrass, and Pentecostals of Nashville Worship Team.  We encourage all the ASR/ASR Friends to come to this event…you will enjoy the groups, and we want to be a witness to all that drop in to listen.

Thursday (30th) – 9am-3pm ride…Ride will begin directly across from the Seasons Lodge along Maple Leaf Blvd, bikes facing north.  Please be fueled and ready to roll.  Lunch (see meal plan) will be at Golden Corral in Bedford Indiana.  At 5pm supper (see meal plan) will be served at the host church.  Our annual missions focused service will begin at 7pm. (Don’t forget to bring your Motorcycle For Missionaries offering to this service)  An “Afterburner” fellowship and snacks will follow, compliments of members from the region.

Friday (31st) – 9am-3pm ride…The ride will begin at the same location as Thursday, across from Seasons Lodge along Maple Leaf Blvd…and be fueled and ready to roll.  This ride will stop off at the Harley Davidson dealership in Bloomington Indiana, then lunch will be at a pavilion in Cascades Park (see meal plan) in Bloomington Indiana. (There is a very large play area for the children across the road, if it is open at that time)  At 5pm supper (see meal plan) at the host church.  A revival focused service will have Pastor Shine Doughty of Apostolic Center in Mattoon IL and begins at 7pm. An “Afterburner” fellowship and snacks is planned after, compliments of members in the region.

Saturday (1st) – Held in a Banquet Room within Seasons Lodge, at 8am light breakfast, compliments of ASR, will be available.  Annual Meeting begins at 9am and should wrap up around 11am.  We have several very important subjects to discuss, and voting for two ASR Board Members to serve us over the next two years.  Lunch following the meeting will be at Seasons Lodge. A ride is planned following the meeting/lunch to Tulip Trussell (2and longest Railroad Trussell in US) for those who are hanging around.

Sunday (2nd) – a list of churches will be provided of all the churches in the area that participated for those staying over.

For the meals (4) falling under the meal plan, please find the pre-pay forms along with the Registration online. The pre-pay will help expedite the lunch process and will also give an idea of how many to prepare the meals/seating for.

We are attempting to have a host/guide for the spouses that do not wish to ride, but, wish to go out for a while and also meet us for the lunch.  Watch Facebook for updates on this initiative.  At least, we will have detailed directions for how to get to the lunch locations.

If any questions, please call or text Mark Hardin (618-292-7415) and we will try to accommodate.

Proposed Bylaw Changes

Hey guys and gals!
You will find below a copy of both the current bylaws and the proposed changes to the current bylaws. The board along with several other members have spent a lot of prayer, time, and effort to bring the current set of bylaws into a more efficient and legal form.
You will find that the biggest change is only to the order and placement of many of the items.
We have also removed redundant and out of date info as well.
We have added a few things to also get us more in line with current ethical and societal terms.
We will be discussing and answering any questions at the business meeting during the national rally.
I believe that we have been successful in our endeavor and you will be pleased with the results.

Please be in prayer for our national rally and come ready to worship and receive your miracle from God!!


Proposed Copy of ASR Bylaws 6-22-20 ASR bylaws Updated 9-26-18



We will have this waver for everyone to read over and sign at the National Rally.

_____________________________________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as “Event”) Organizers and/or Sponsors: ________________________________________________________________, Azusa StreetRiders, Inc. and other organizations sponsoring the Event (Hereinafter collectively referred to as “Organizers”) Please Print and Complete Entire Form In consideration for being allowed to participate in the Event organized and hosted by the Organizers, I state the following: I acknowledge the dangers and hazards associated with riding motorcycles and understand and accept that all activities related to the Event, including travel to and from the Event, could expose me to numerous and unanticipated risks which could result in personal injury, illness or death or could result in damage to my property and/or the property of others. I hereby: (a) waive, release and hold harmless the Organizers and organizations the Event may benefit (“Beneficiaries”), their boards of directors, officers, members, employees and/or volunteers, from any liability whatsoever, including but not limited to liability for my death, disability, personal injury, property damage, or property theft, as a result of my participation in the Event and related activities; and (b) indemnify and hold harmless the entities or persons mentioned in this paragraph from any and all liabilities or claims made by other individuals or entities as a result of my actions while participating in the Event and related activities. I further promise not to sue the Organizers and Beneficiaries, their boards of directors, officers, members, employees, and/or volunteers and agree to pay all court costs and all reasonable attorney fees that result from my action, civil or otherwise. I agree that the terms of this Motorcycle Ride/Run Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement shall also serve as a release by my heirs, executors, administrators and by all members of my family. Additionally, this Motorcycle Ride/Run Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement shall serve as a release agreement for any family member(s), including minors, who may accompany me on the Event and/or be involved in the related activities. This provision shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law. I acknowledge I will be riding on public highways and am solely responsible for determining the speed and operation of my motorcycle while participating in the Event. I further understand I am solely responsible for the decision to participate in the Event and have freely chosen to participate, despite the risks associated with it. I assume all the risks associated with the Event, as well as the risks of any related activities in which I may participate. I certify that I have motorcycle liability insurance coverage to cover me, my property, and any liabilities that may arise out of any accident and/or injury which may occur involving me or my passenger before, during or after the Event. I certify that I am at least eighteen (18) years of age, have a valid driver’s license to operate a motorcycle, and am competent to operate a motorcycle in a safe manner and that the vehicle I will be riding during the Event is in safe operating condition. – – – Azusa -StreetRiders – – – “The Oneness Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ” MOTORCYCLE RIDE / RUN RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AGREEMENT Page 2 of 2 I understand and agree that all passengers must be at least twelve (12) years of age and if under the age of eighteen (18), must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during the Event. I understand and agree that I must obey the helmet laws and traffic laws of the state(s) on the ride route during the Event and that it is my responsibility to know such laws. I acknowledge that the choice of wearing protective gear, when not required by law, is solely my responsibility. I certify that I have no known physical or mental impairment that may affect my ability to operate a motorcycle or that may affect my safety or the safety of other individuals participating in the Event. I further certify that I am not under the influence of any narcotic, alcohol or other substance that may impair my judgment and that I will not at any time during the Event operate my motorcycle under the influence of any narcotic, alcohol or drug. I understand and agree that consuming alcohol and/or other drugs while operating my motorcycle and/or other vehicle(s) associated with this Event, if discovered by the Organizers, will result in immediate termination of my participation in the Event. I agree to operate my motorcycle in a safe manner at all times and to abide by any and all instructions given by the Organizers regarding riding matters. Such instructions may include, but are not limited to, terminating my participation in the remainder of the Event or instructing me to ride in the back of the pack and/or be accompanied by an official representative of the Organizers for the remainder of the Event. I understand that the Organizers are not responsible for any damage or loss of property, including but not limited to my motorcycle and/or personal property. I further understand and agree that the Organizers shall not be liable for any claims, actions, causes of action, injuries, damages (including indirect, special or consequential damages), loss, delays, illnesses, or expenses of any nature whatsoever suffered by me arising out of or resulting from the Event or any related activities. I understand and agree that in the event any dispute about participation in the Event or related activities arise, remedies against the Organizers will be limited to a refund of fees paid by me. As a condition of participation, I agree to waive any other damages other than a refund of fees paid to participate in the Event. I understand that pictures taken during the Event are the property of the Organizers and may be used for advertisement and/or promotion of the Event or similar events in the future whether locally or elsewhere. I hereby release the Organizers from any and all claims based upon or arising out of the use, reproduction, distribution, display or performance of all or any part of the photographs or recording, or any derivative thereof, including any claim of invasion of privacy or right of publicity. I agree that prior to signing this agreement, I have had an adequate opportunity to read and understand it, to consult with an attorney if I desire, and any and all questions have been fully answered to my satisfaction. I have read and understand the terms of this Motorcycle Ride/Run Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement. Effective as of the date signed below, I hereby agree to be bound by this Motorcycle Ride/Run Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement and the policies of the Organizers for the Event. I understand that participation in the Event is non-transferable and all deposits and fees are non-refundable except as provided for here in above. Rider Signature:_____________________________________ Passenger Signature: ______________________________________ Rider Name: ________________________________________ Passenger Name: _________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:_______________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________ Date: ___

You can download the waver and sign it in advance if you like.


Michael Theodore                                                                                                                      National Road Captain


Motorcycle for Missionaries offering


REMINDER-Bring your Motorcycle for Missionaries offering to be given at the Thursday nights missions service at the National rally. If you are unable to attend the rally this year but would still like to support our missionaries you can give on our website azusastreetriders.com or send a check to Azusa StreetRiders Ministry P.O. Box 188 Warren, OH 44482

Sis Laureen Theodore                                                                                                                      ASR International Treasurer



Culture of Caring


We are facing such difficult times in our world. Each and every day we hear more and more of ongoing riots, discontent, racism, division and no respect for  anyone in authority.  Our country is changing, and not for the good by any means.
God has been taken out of the equation by so many when HE is the ONLY one that can heal our broken society and unify our people.
The devil is on the loose in a mighty way. Minds are confused and distorted in what is right and wrong.
2 Timothy 3:1-5. But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.  For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power.  Avoid such people.  
The church is being ridiculed and mocked as people destroy hope of togetherness.  How much further will things go? How long will innocent people die for absolutely no wrong doing?  We need healing in our government, in our communities and in ourselves.  Until God is back where he belongs, there will be no peace. We must bind together as the church to cover our president, our police officers, military personnel, our friends and our families in constant prayer.

We are believing for the following prayer requests:

Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and a hunger to know God more intimately.

President Donald Trump  Vice President Pence

All government representatives, Healthcare workers, Policemen and First Responders


Rev. Mike and Julie McGhghy-Aimers to Costa Rica


Rev. Mike Markham-Turning Point Fellowship, Clinton, AL                                                     Rev. Johnny Carr—Apostolic Church of  Tatum, Tatum, TX

Let’s believe with Bro. & Sis. Perry for property they are looking at for new church.




Legrand Phelps, a friend of the Bealles that has been diagnosed with Covid  19 Vickie Davis, friend of the Markhams, needs a divine miracle                                     Bro. Tom Thompson- complete healing in body.                                                                        Sis. Lydia Diaz-Undergoing Chemotherapy.                                                                                Bro. Delbert Hayes-Undergoing Chemotherapy.

Family Members Passed in 2020

Bro. Vincent Sims mother  In June
Bro. Elmer Millers sister in May
Rev Mike Markhams sister, Karen. In April from Covid 19

Family Members Passed in 2019

Bro. Elmer Millers brother
Bro. Jon and Sis. Serena Weber’s daughter
Sis. Krysta Markhams father
Bro. Joe Endicotts mother
Sis. Lisa Endicotts mother
Bro. Doug Solomon’s father
Bro. Anthony Storey’s father


Chaplain  Carman Hamby