Momma Don’t Let Your Kid Grow Up To Be A Biker!

I can remember the early conversations that occurred between myself and my parents about wanting a motorcycle when I reached the age of 15. Now understand that my Dad’s sister had been killed in a motorcycle accident when in her 20’s. You can imagine how the conversation turned out! Obeying those that have the rule (or ruler) over you is so difficult! The only horse that I was riding until many years later was one that ate a lot of hay! As the years progressed my life separated from home, I found myself buying a few bikes and learning through a couple of accidents that did no damage to myself the reasons why Mom & Dad were trying to keep me from getting hurt. Motorcycle and other forms of riding entertainment is certainly dangerous and have the potential of great bodily harm so please remember to be careful and keep your head on a swivel! Bike safety however is not my intent in this article. One of my earliest conversations with my Pastor centered around the idea of obeying parents when the directive was not seemingly in my interest or not based in sound judgement! (Tic) His counsel has stayed with me and has keep me from making some very stupid decisions in my life. One of the greatest feelings in the world is to be riding down the road with the wind in your face and feeling the freedom that being on a motorcycle makes you free! You feel as if you don’t have any problems. You can feel as if you are the king of the world for a while. This feeling is part of the heritage of motorcycles and while the feeling can be addictive and certainly entertaining, it will also leave one with a false sense of self and life as it really is. You see, the truth is that while we are here living in this world, the only real freedom is found in our relationship with God and our sense of self is determined by the condition of our soul. As the ASR ministry grows and become more impactful in our society, we must fight against the false sense of worldly worth and false freedoms! The Bible tells of things that would seem to be right in the eyes of a righteous man to do and sometime that gives us pause. Would God really give humanity that much control over what our actions should be? I believe that the believer is also given the kind of decision making power that can change not only them, but the world around them! As we make decisions as to what direction and what kind of ministry that ASR will become, we should always make the decisions by prayer first and then (what seemeth right) decisions will be made with a real freedom of the spirit and with confidence in what God has for his ministers (of whom each ASR member becomes when he places that patch on his cut). If we only view the ASR as a way to get together with other bikers and have some windy fun, then we have missed the ministry and influence that I believe that Jesus has directed us to try and pursue! In every event, in every club ride, in every chapter meeting, let God direct you and find a way to minister to a lost and dying world that is seeking for a way to fill the void in their life left by satan. Remember that we are a Holy Ghost filled, baptized in Jesus name, Apostolic, and world changing motorcycle ministers! Our standards cannot change and our vision cannot dim! Our voices must be heard above the roar of our pipes! Our representation of Jesus to this world must be without blemish or spot!  We may be the only link to that MC member for them to find a way to Jesus! We cannot be less than Jesus wants us to be and that is a CHRISTIAN! Our ASR ranks will continue to grow but we must be careful in that growth. We must never lose our Apostolic identity for when we become like the ones that we are trying to reach, we have camouflaged what we are trying to show them. I would encourage you, the ASR ministry, to be of good cheer, to be of great faith, and to be of intense focus. As we focus on Christ, then our eyes will not become dim nor our character become weak! Don’t let us grow and become just bikers but let us grow and become ministers (who ride bikes)!! Our field is the highway but our destination is still Heaven! As you have elected me to be your Vice President, I can only hope to help ASR have the kind of impact that will allow Him to say well done, my good and faithful servant. Please know that I am praying for each of you in your endeavors for this ministry and am available to each of you as needed.

Pastor Randy Hennigan

ASR International VP

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Randy Hennigan

Pastor at New Life Tabernacle, Price Texas
Pastor Randy Hennigan serves as elected Vice President of Azusa StreetRiders International. He also serves as Pastor at New Life Tabernacle in Price Tx. He resides in Henderson, TX.

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