Welcome New Azusa StreetRiders Members

Bro Timothy Gropp, Pastor
Minerva Apostolic Church
Minerva, OH

Sis Christina Gropp
Minerva Apostolic Church
Minerva, OH

Clarence Enmen, Pastor
Bristow United Pentecostal Church
Bristow, IN

Bro James Baker
Bristow United Pentecostal Church
Bristow, IN
Pastor Clarence Enmen, Pastor

Spring is in the Air

I greet all of you in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray this month’s edition of Rumbling’s finds each and every one of you spiritually sound and in good health. I would like to thank all of you for your prayers for me over the last month today is the best I have felt in several weeks and I give God all the glory.

Well Spring is in the air and for many that implies the start of the 2018 riding season. We already have several activities in play on the web site and FB. First let me say if your planning an ASR event please get it up on the web or FB for all to see, you never know who might show up. In addition let me encourage everyone to please partake in at least one or two scheduled ASR event sponsored by our different chapters.

As many of you know a lot of time, effort and money goes into these events and we need to do our best to support the ASR events we can. I know we cannot attend them all and I also know it might be a sacrifice but the time and effort will be worth it. To be honest several of our members try to attend, as many as they can. Sometimes not even letting them know their going to be there only to see the surprise and joy in sponsors faces when they pull up. The reason is they know that person made the effort and yes it can be an effort, but the fellowship and your support is worth it all.

I for one have been on the receiving end when I have held an event and had a great turnout you know what forgive my pride Lord but it felt good that so many sacrificed just to support something we were attempting to do. And it goes both ways I have also experienced if you support someone else’s event than chances are when you hold one many of those same chapters that you attended will attend yours. That kind of how it works.

In conclusion I would like to ask all our chapters that already have or are planning an event. We must be about our Father’s business. So I would like to see in every event time set aside for outreach of some sort. We must remember what were all about and that is doing our part to help save lost souls. If we do not build in that opportunity for focused outreach than well it’s just a day ride. There is nothing wrong with that however I would like us to be more aware than that. It’s fine pulling into a gas station or restaurant and having someone ask about our back patch, that is what it’s there for. What I am asking is deliberate seeking for lost souls. I’m not talking hours but if we can set aside a fifteen minutes to maybe a half hour to hand out a few tracks and maybe a one on one, you never know where that leads. This is our mission field let’s work it the best we can.

Let’s Make America Great Again. God Bless America and God bless you and yours.

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ
email: robert.thompson@AzusaStreetRiders.com
Home: 865-376-0045
Cell: 305-525-4877

Nominations are now being accepted

The board is now accepting nominations for the positions of Vice President and Secretary for the elections to be held at the The 2018 National Conference in Jefferson, OH.

Nominations for these positions will end on June 15th

Anyone wanting to to nominate an individual pease send that nomination to


** Pleas contact Bro Robert via 305-525-4877 either by call or text to confirm the nomination has been received.

The duties for each position is listed below:

To be eligible to be on the Board an Individual “Member” must be a dues-paying “Member” in good standing for at least a period of one year. The term of office shall be two (2) years and elections shall be every year at the annual meeting of AzusaStreetRiders.

To include but not limited to:

Vice-President: In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall discharge the duties of the President. He shall execute all other such assignments as may be ordered by the Board or President. This shall include presiding at membership
meetings and/or Board meetings at the request of the President. Additionally, the Vice-President…

a. shall coordinate the efforts of all standing and special committees appointed by the

Board and/or the President, and be the liaison between the Board and said committees.

b. shall oversee and help implement the vision of the future of ASR.

Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for all books, documents, papers, and records of ASR not otherwise entrusted, temporarily or permanently, to other officers or to standing or special committees. The Secretary is, therefore, custodian of all ministry records. Additionally, the Secretary …

a. shall maintain all membership lists, complete with names, addresses, email addresses, church affiliations, etc., pertaining to all current and prospective members.

b. shall transcribe all minutes of meetings of ASR and the Board, and shall submit it for approval or amendment at the next meeting thereof.

c. when so required, shall conduct the general correspondence of ASR.

d. shall with the President, attest and seal all duly authorized and approved contracts of ASR and keep copies thereof in the corporate files.

e. shall execute all other such assignments as may be ordered by the Board or President.

f. at the expiration of the term of office, shall deliver to his successor the seal and all ASR books and papers in possession.

Because He Lives

As we all know, we are at that time of year that has been set aside to recognize the ultimate sacrifice of the Lamb and the resurrection of our Savior. There was only one spotless Lamb whose blood was capable of redeeming sinful mankind. It is critical that everything that we do is covered by His blood. We know that Hebrews 9:22 teaches us that “without shedding of blood is no remission”. Isaiah 53:5 tells us that “he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed”. Revelation 12:11 lets us know that “they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Verse after verse of the Holy Cannon shines light on the workings and importance of the blood of Jesus Christ.

However, the shedding of His blood was not the conclusion of the miracle. Paul was addressing the belief of some in 1 Corinthians 15 that Christ had not risen from the dead. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:13-14 “But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.” Paul continues and in verse 29 of the same chapter he asks “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?”

We are blessed to know that God wrapped himself in flesh and became our sin in a humiliating crucifixion and shed His blood to become our redemption and allow us, sinners, to go free. Beyond the death and burial, there was a day of resurrection. We MUST take this news to a world that is hurting, hungry, looking, and needing Jesus. If they could only understand that what they are looking for is Him. We must let them know that regardless of all pasts and current situations, issues, hurts, pains, addictions, problems, and sin, the blood covers and heals!! Nothing is too great for the blood of Jesus Christ!! Our ministry, teaching, preaching, and witnessing is not in vain!! For He has risen!! Because He lives we can……….

Thankful for the risen Savior,
Michael Luttrell
Azusa StreetRiders International

Welcome New Members

Wanted to take a moment to welcome our newest members to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry

Royce Montantes from Acampo, CA
Christian Life Center – Stockton, CA
Pastor Haney

Mike Wolmack from Effingham, IL
Christ Fellowship

Albert Glenn Lee from Pollock, LA
Church of Pentecost – Ball, LA
Pastor Weadner

Bro & Sis John McConnell from Metropolis, IL
First Pentecostal Church of Ozark, IL – Ozark, IL
Pastor Jeff Treat

The Board of the Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

Daytona Home Mission Outreach Event

Friday, March 16, 2018 9:00 am – Sunday, March 18, 2018 3:00 pm

Daytona Beach, Florida

The Pentecostals of Daytona
Pastor Louis Rodriguez
1011 W. International Speedway Blvd
Daytona Beach

Daytona Home Mission Outreach Event
For anyone who would like to ride or drive down to Daytona Beach, Florida during Daytona’s bike week. Please join us as we will be helping out Pastor Luis Rodrigues and the Florida chapter in Daytona with outreach March 16-18.

The Home Mission Outreach Event will be held at Pastor Rodrigue’s church Pentecostals of Daytona.
1011 W.International Speedway Blvd
Daytona Beach, Fl 32114

Friday March 16 planning on going out and around Daytona for outreach.

Saturday March 17 events.
There will be a Blessing of the Bikes
A Bike/Car Wash
Gospel Music
There will be a ASR Promotional Table Setup
Biker Church Service

A scenic ride to follow after Church Service. Either a short 45 Mile Light House Ride. Or a 140 Mile Ride to The Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral
Sunday March 18 Church Service at 11AM
We would love to have a huge ASR support for this event.

While in Florida there is also a ASR ride to the southern most post in Key West for anyone who would love to join and ride down to Key West with us. You would need to book your own hotel for this.
We do have limited accommodations contact Bro Thompson  for more details

Note: I would like it to known that we will not hanging around main street, the beaches or any other similar locations where the partying atmosphere is not conducive for a Christian man to be at. We will however go to the Daytona Speedway where a host of motorcycle vendors that sell  every accessory known to man for motorcycles.  We will also be conducting Scenic rides around Daytona for those interested. 

For more information you can contact

Robert Thompson
Michael Theodore

Bind the Strong Man

Thank you Jim Curley for putting this years BTSM event together also Bro Beall who’s direction for so many years guided this ministry and hosted the first BTSM Prayer Conference. This is the kick off event for 2018 please plan to be there.

Bind The Strong Man is only a day away. This is my favorite event of the year. If you are looking for, expecting or wanting a successful year in ministry through ASR (Azusa Street Riders), how about starting the year off with a good old fashion 12 hour prayer meeting. Prayer flat out works.

Bind the strongman will be Friday March 2nd 8pm – Sat March 3rd 8am 2018

Location –
Christian Faith Outreach
2700 Herman Ave.
Ashland, Kentucky

We will be meeting for dinner and fellowship Friday March 2nd at 5:30pm at:

La Finca Mexican Restaurant
1201 Greenup Ave.
Ashland, Ky.

And we will be meeting at the end of the conference for breakfast Saturday March 3rd at 9:00am at:

331 Diederich Blvd., Ashland, KY

I want to encourage all that can to stay over for outreach on Saturday at 2:00pm and if you can Church Sunday at 2:00pm

For information call Jim Curley

Getting excited. See you all soon.


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Hair Care Tips for Women Who Ride

Helmet hair is just the beginning of your problems, ladies. If you want to ride safely, frequently and still have decent looking, healthy hair at the end of the day, there are a few hair care tips that you have to keep in mind. You have to take good care of it or riding will play havoc with it and leave you with a dry, broken and tangled mess.
Step One: Start with Healthy Hair
There is no sense in trying to protect hair that is in horrible shape in the first place. If you have dry hair, start using moisturizing masks or hot oil treatments about once a week. If you do not like buying a lot of products you can whip up your own home hair care masks.
For Dry Hair Use:

  • One egg, beaten and a cup of mayonnaise.  Work through hair, rinse well and then wash or you will smell like a salad for the day.
  • Olive Oil
  • Avocado mashed and worked through the hair is awesome too.

For Oily Hair:

  • A handful of oatmeal worked through your hair will absorb some of the oils without stripping it and leaving it dry.

For All Types:

  •  Use vinegar.

Step Two: Protect Your Hair

During a long ride there are several things that will destroy your hair, especially the wind, the sunlight and the helmet.  For longer hair use a hair sleeve, pony cage or other method of tying it down as much as possible. However, do not just pull it back into a pony tail and then ride off. It causes too much stress at the back of the neck and will simply tangle anyway. There are hair sprays with UV protection, however if you do not like them you can use a little sun block lotion worked through your hair like a gel. Finally, there is nothing to do about the helmet, because you know that you need it. However, when you stop, shake your hair loose and let it dry a little. Opting for a helmet with a little more ventilation is okay, but never give up your safety for good hair.
Step Three: When the Day is Done
After your riding is through you should make sure that you wash the sun block, dust and grit out of your hair before it causes any real damage. If you are washing every day, use a very gentle shampoo; baby shampoos are great for frequent washing and they smell sweet.
Sis.Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer

Steel Horses

I grew up riding a horse before I could even walk. A real cowboy in every sense of the word. Our family ran six brands and over 1500 head of cattle from the time I was born until the late 80’s. I have roped more calves, horses, and yes even people (my sisters) than I can remember. My dad is missing two fingers on his right hand due missing a dally and the rope took them right off! He now needs custom gloves!! I have been thrown, kicked, and stomped enough to now be a very wise fella! I have had several near misses myself when it comes to roping and can tell you from experience that a rope burn will last for a few days. I have had many ropes fail in my lifetime and have to thank the Lord that I have not been seriously injured or dead!
Here in a few months, ASR will be taking part in the Bind the Strongman prayer meeting in Kentucky. As we begin to prepare to wage spiritual warfare, I believe it is a good thing to understand the situation that we find ourselves in. I am so thankful that the book tells us that what we bind here will be bound in Heaven and what we loose here on earth will be bound in Heaven as well! What a problem it would be to have to rely on natural rope to take care of our spiritual needs and problems! Nothing here on earth that is physical can be relied on to sufficiently work in our spiritual lives. It takes the power of an unseen hand to break our chains of bondage! It takes the spoken name of Jesus Christ to encounter the creative power of God himself! When we bind our addictions, personalities, issues, needs, wants, and whatever else that we need to get under control using the only Name under heaven that can save our souls, we can rest assured that the bound will stay bound and the loosed will stay loosed!!
I remember a day many years ago that I, Dad, and Grandpa were bringing a herd of cattle through the woods to the pens where we would separate the herd and take the smaller calves to the sale barn to sell them. In the middle of a thicket of vines and briars, my trusty steed got caught up in the vines and decided to rear up and when he did, I fell out of the saddle and hit the ground on my back which knocked all the breath out of me. I could not even speak as I watch the saddle horn coming my way and I had no way to move out of the way. I can remember trying to say Jesus but to no avail. I screamed it in my mind and as the horse fell towards me, something caused the horse to turn and fall directly beside me! I am so glad that even when we can’t speak his name, we can think his name! His name works when we cannot! I only have to think his name for it to be effective! I cannot wait to be able to use the name of Jesus to bind some things and loose some things at Bind the Strongman!! Can you??
Maybe my love of motorcycles come from my love of riding horses. I don’t know. I can tell you this however, that the ministry of ASR needs the tools used to bind and loose at every rally, church service, chapter meeting, and weekend ride. You never know who you are going to run into that needs someone who knows how to use the name of Jesus and can reach the throne room at a moment’s notice. I pray that you guys and gals keep your “horses” well cared for and your “rope” ready to use!! Saddle up and let’s reach a lost and dying world with his Name!!