Welcome New Chapters, New Members and a Welcome Back

Hocking Hills, OH Chapter

We have another Chapter in Ohio! The Ashtabula, Ohio chapter is now getting smaller due to the fact that we have now branched off into two new chapters this year. The Minerva, Ohio and now the Hocking Hills, Ohio chapter. We got a chance this month to go down to New Straitsville, Ohio to present patches to the Hocking Hills, Ohio Chapter. We are so excited for both Ohio Chapters as they minister and reach the lost through Azusa StreetRiders ministry.

Presented by: Michael Theodore                                                                                                 National Road Captain

We want to Welcome Pastor Jeremy Carver and the Tri-Cities Chapter members to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry. These guys have been riding as a group for several years and felt it was time to incorporate themselves into this ministry. They are definitely a great addition to this ministry and I am excited to see what the future holds for these Holy Ghost filled men of God.

Pastor Jeremy Carver
Bro Steve Campbell
Bro Mark Franklin
Bro Laure Jones
Bro Timmy Salyer
Bro Brian Wagers
The Sanctuary Church, Greeneville, TN

Billy Hogg
Brian Hogg
Mountain Life Church, Pound, VA

The NEW Tri-Cities, TN Chapter with a few friends from FAC

Bro Marvin Wallace
Pentecostal Life Church, Montgomery, AL

Azusa StreetRiders Ministry World View

Let’s keep Bro Robert Frizzell in our prayers where he is working on establishing first time ever a new chapter for the Azusa StreetRiders  Ministry in Bangkok, Thailand.
20 million registered motorcycles more than all the cars, trucks and public transport put together.
WOW what A biker’s Sunday we could have there !

Think of the possibilities

I wanted to thank the UPCI Foreign Missions Department  especially Bro Bruce Howell, Bro Tom Harding (who BTW is an ASR memer), Bro Buckman, Bro Picar and many more in assisting the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry in facilitating sending funds to Bro Guzman the Azusa StreetRiders Coordinator for the PhilippInes.
This was done in memory of a great man of God, Bishop Ompad who went to be with the Lord earlier this year and a big supporter of the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry, Philippines.
The Azusa StreetRiders membership voted unanimously at our National Conference to send enough funds to purchase this bike in memory of Bishop Ompad The new motorcycle is to be given to a local “pioneering” pastor for the furtherance  of the Gospel in that region. This was money well spent and may God get the glory.

Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycle in memory of Bishop Ompad

Azusa StreetRiders Ministry – Philippines 
Youth Rally
Azusa StreetRiders Philippines promoting this ministry to  apostolic youth simultaneously at two different  UPCI Youth Conventions in November for Section 2 Fishermail Quezon City (Bro Danilo Guzman) & Section 5 Queens Row Cavite City (Bro Dennis Elardo)

Queens Row Cavite City Youth Conference
Fishermail Quezon City Youth Conference Philippines

Shopping for cold weather gear

My tip for cold weather riding is buy good gear! You get what you pay for. Make sure you buy something that allows for flexibility by adding or removing layers, and should be waterproof. If cost is a restriction you still can get good gear, but look in different places: garage sales, Craigslist, eBay, and Amazon (don’t forget to use Amazon smile for Azusa StreetRiders when ordering from Amazon). I check motorcycle manufacturer’s sites for items that are on clearance. You can save up to 60% in a lot of cases. Snowmobiling gear is a great option, as it’s high-tech.
If you invest in battery-operated heated gear, be advised this gear does not last long and with the cooler temperatures the batteries lose their power even faster. Gear that you can plug in will be more reliable, but you will have several cords winding through your clothes and you will be tethered to your bike. Do your homework before you buy. Stay warm and have fun!

Sis Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer

Cruzin for Christ 2018 Results

I am proud to submit this report from our Atlantic Canadian Chapter:

I’m FINALLY able to announce the results of the 2018 “Cruzin’ for Christ” Motorcycles for Missions Biker Rally. What once was $1000.00 in Canadian Funds (9years ago) now takes $1650.00 (Cdn) per unit. Inflation, monetary exchange rates & requests for more rugged units  to better withstand the conditions in which they’re being operated all add to this extra amount.

For 2018, we’ve provided:
1 motorcycle to Belize – In Memory of Bro Peter Wright
1 motorcycle to Liberia – In memory of Sis Jessie Williams
1 motorcycle to Senegal – in memory of Rev Clinton Mercer
1 motorcycle to Benin – in memory of Sis Vivian Williams
1 motorcycle to Cameroon – in memory of Rev Clinton Mercer
1 motorcycle to Tanzania – in memory of Bro Carvell Hanscom
1motorcycle to Sierra Leone – in memory of Sis Geraldine Hanscom
1 motorcycle to Ghana – in memory of Sis Vivian Johnson

I also have an outstanding support network which helped to contribute to the success of this year’s ride.
“It takes a team to send a motorcycle.”

Dave McLeod / Atlantic Canada Chapter

And if that was not enough I received this information earlier today:

I just finished a conversation with a gentleman who asks if it’s too late to contribute $$$$.00 and add another motorcycle to the 2018 allocation. So the totals should be 9 for 2018 and 47 since we started doing this nine years ago… / Dave




(My Evening Ride)
I saw you standing over by
the highway fence with wires high
waiting for the moment when
you felt it right to jump, and then…
because I had my eye on you
I know you had me sighted too.
So then I slowed as caution wills;
It’s dangerous riding in these hills.
when sun has set and darkness falls
and trees close in like curtained walls.
Then two eyes were shining bright
as lit up by my bike’s headlight.
Though I’m warned, I have no fear
especially of a single deer,
but then I see more eyes appear
and begin to wonder why I’m here
and then they jump and start toward me;
not just one, but two… then three.
I’m nervous now but stay my course
while thinking this just might get worse.
So I crank her open to get past
the first and second, third and last
still several yards before the road
a different story had I slowed.
But now I slow and wipe my brow
I’m down the road and past them now.
One thing’s sure as I think back
remembering that buck and his big rack.
If we’d locked horns as thought we might
I wouldn’t have made it through the night.
Marvin Wallace


Posting Events

 You can now view ASR events on the new web site just click on Event Espresso.

If you would like your event posted on the new ASR web site please email your information to me and I will get it up on the new website. Everyone can post their events on our two ASR face book  sites the ASR friends and ASR discussions sites. There is a event page set up were you can post your up coming events.
Thank you so much.
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

How To Get What You Want

I don’t know about you, but I like to have nice things! I love the feel of a Harley and the sound of the wind while riding. I love the feel of a great rifle and waiting for that deer to walk by on opening morning of hunting season. I love the feel of a great book in my hands. I love the beauty of a new Rolex and matching Hart Schaefer Marx suit from Dillard’s! I love the ride a new Lamborghini Diablo! Oh ok, some of those things I have never experienced but sure do want to!!

So how do I get what I want? I could tell you what my Grandpa told me and that’s to go get a job and make some money!! I could tell you to go rob a bank or steal the Lamborghini. I could tell you that you could come and ask me to buy the Rolex for you as a gift! There are a lot of both good and bad ways to obtain the things that we want in this world. I believe however that the good book contains a great secret to obtaining both the things that we need and also the things that we want!

Jesus said to seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all of these things would be added to you!

To many times we get caught up in the wanting of things that we would like to have and even just wanting the things that we may need! WE want, want, want, and then forget that the priority in life should be about what we can do in His kingdom and not what we get done in our little fiefdom! I may need things to survive and I may also want nice things as well, but if I put the things in life first, then we stand little chance of receiving the real blessings of what God has for us!

The stress that we find in our day to day lives always seems to come from worrying about how we are going to get what we want! We worry about bills, tuition, doctors’ reports, careers, family issues, and all the other things that occupy our minds! Yet we are not to live in fear but in peace! Why worry about what we cannot control, and we cannot seem to fix on our own and worry about what we are doing to further His kingdom! When we wake up in the morning and doing His work is the first thing on our minds, the rest of the day seems to take care of itself! We put Him first in our life and He puts us first in His!! Make him your priority and he will make you His priority!

All I want is what I really really want and that is Jesus!! I want Him FIRST! I want to make sure that He is my FIRST priority! As for me and my house, we will serve Jesus FIRST! Nothing is more important than Him! Nothing takes his place at the top of my life! Nobody treats me like he does when I treat him the way HE deserves to be treated!

If you want something and I mean anything, the I suggest seeking His kingdom first and then just let it be added to you!!

Pastor Randy Hennigan

What is our Focus, what is our mission field?

From time to time we need to stop and make a self-examination of the direction were going in. This applies to individuals and I feel especially leadership. For me this occurred after a discussion with a brother who felt “I had lost focus in what ASR is all about” Well I must say I was taken back by the statement and instead of allowing my pride to  lash out I instead took the statement to heart. I certainly did not want to overlook the obvious, did I miss a directional change in this ministry and was unaware? Maybe I miss the mark on what I felt the Lord Jesus Christ put in my heart for direction of this ministry. After gnawing on it for a while. I did the only thing left to do; I took it to Jesus in prayer. I am now thankful there is nothing wrong with examining one’s self on occasion if your true to yourself it can either correct your direction or confirm you have “Stayed the Course”.

After prayer (and a little more gnawing) I feel the Lord confirmed what I had already felt since taking this position. Our main focus is souls and our mission field is everyone. This is not in the ASR bylaws or on any document associated with ASR it’s a direct mandate from Jesus Christ

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 15:15

As Christians Baptized in the Name of Jesus, filled with the Holy Ghost, living an overcoming life we are even more pressed to fulfill this directive to the best of our ability. Brother Luke put it like this.

For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. Like 12:48

Hello that’s you and I. The funny thing is I look at the members of this ministry, many are doing just that. They are giving back, doing all they know and do to reach the lost. So I feel our focus and mission field are evident and we are pursuing  these goals set forth by the word of God.

I have also observed greater awareness for outreach in our events. I see members becoming bolder in their approach in reaching souls one on one. We have had a steady increase in membership. We had record offering for Motorcycle for missionaries. Events now seem to have family, friends and acquaintances, as it should be. Let me say as many of you know, you reach more people through friendship than any other form of outreach available to us.

The blessing for ASR is that Jesus Christ has facilitated us the opportunity to take it a step further by allowing to use something we enjoy doing and using it as a medium to not only be available to reach everyone as directed but to the motorcycle community at large. Have you all not prayed for folks that were not in a leather cut or chaps in a gas station, restaurant or rest stop that noticed your back patch, sure you have that’s the “everyone” I am speaking about. Do we also not reach out to those souls of the biker community from all walks of life under the same circumstance, of course we have. You see our mission field is not limited ONLY to the MC’s of this world we go “way” beyond that, we have a greater mandate and an effective motorcycle ministry to fulfill God’s bidding.

“Iron Sharpeneth iron: so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend” Proverbs 27:17

Fellowship is another aspect of out ministry. Sometimes it’ a blessing just for a chance to get out and ride with brethren of like faith and you know what, there is nothing wrong with that either. This allows us to bind together and allow me to encourage you if this is the case always be ready for an opportunity to be a witness. This is “our” ministry; this is our focus, reach lost souls, this is our mission field along with and of course including all of the biker community. I have tried to express myself that whatever we put our hands to do with respect to an event we do it first to the best of our ability starting with prayer and also with an planned opportunity to reach for the lost. I have seen that happening in event after event that I have attended this year. Some have seen had more fruit than others don’t forget it’s our job to sow the seed no one I know has ever filled anyone with the Holy Ghost other than Jesus Christ

This ministry is not perfect and some things we do (in Leadership) I know rubs some people the wrong way. I get it. You know I don’t try to focus on the negative I like to observe the positive strives that were achieving now. After prayer, after searching my soul to see if we were in fact fulfilling that which Azusa StreetRiders was set out to do I feel that we are working at that mandate Jesus Christ assigned to each and every one of us. Were doing the best we know to do reaching souls with the resources we have. Is there more we could do well yes and those days are coming so press yourselves even the more to figure out what else can we do to be even more effective.


More on the New Disaster Relief Ministry of Azusa StreetRiders

I am posting this on behalf of Sis Amber Holland & Bro Steven Belrose

In 2017, the Texas coast was faced with the worst storm in the last 10 years. As we all prepared for the typical, seasonal hurricane, we soon realized we were way over our head, that we could never be prepared enough for what was going on around us. As we started to prepare for the absolute worst, it rapidly became apparent that this was going to be a devastating hurricane. As the winds blew and the rain squalled, many stayed and withstood the storm. We watched as our homes and property were torn to pieces. It soon became apparent that help was going to be needed on ever corner. it was laid upon the hearts of a few members what we could provide and do in the rescue of countless stranded families. The lord allowed a few of us to come together to aid our fellow man in their time of need. Boats were brought in and countless volunteers worked around the clock to reach stranded families and neighbors to bring them to a safe haven. At the end of our rescue attempts, the idea was tossed into the air about being able to do this as a group in the future. Little did we know, that the idea would be revisited, and would be seriously considered to become reality on a national level.

So now we would like to introduce to our ASR brother and sisters, the approval and full blessing of the national organization of ASR, the Azusa StreetRiders Emergency Response Team!!! We have been given full authority and power to form and organize regional emergency response teams throughout the United States and our other world wide chapters. For now, we are looking for those who want to go above and beyond just riding two wheels. We are looking for those that have the time and energy to be able to reach out beyond our local communities and touch a soul who needs help far beyond their own control. If you have a desire for an outreach ministry far beyond the norm, then this is the team you’re looking for…

Our idea is to set up regional teams throughout the United States to start with. From there, we will be in touch with our overseas chapters to set up coordinators to help set up teams within their areas. We are also looking into training organizations and facilities to help us prepare ourselves better incase certifications are necessary.

All of this is going to take some time to set up and organize. What started out as a whimsical idea and said in jest, has now turned into reality. We are proud to be apart of an organization who would support volunteers that are willing to give of themselves and time to be the angel in the hour of need to those that have been devastated. We hate the idea of any catastrophic event happening to anyone in any area of the world, Whether it be family or business, sinner or saint.

God has called each of us to sometimes bare the load of our brothers. In the Bible, we remember the story of where Cain slew his brother Able. The lord came to Cain and asked,  where is your brother? His reply was, “Am I my brothers keeper?” That story rings true today. Sometimes the load my be to much for one man to carry or try to recover from. That is where the ASR Emergency Response Team will step in and try to help make the load lighter.

Anyone interested finding out more information, please feel free to contact me anytime night or day. You can contact Amber Holland anytime through Facebook, Email, Text or Call.

You can contact me @ (936)465-8477

Email: amberaah@yahoo.com