Newest & Returning Members

Let’s Welcome all our newest and returning members to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry

Bro James Frierson
Covington, GA
Pastor Talmadge French, Dr
Apostolic Tabernacle, Jonesboro, GA

Pastor Mike & Sis Vickie Powell
Pastors the Sanctuary Apostolic Fellowship For Everyone,
Diana, TX

Bro Gerald Varnell & Sis Donna Vanell (Evangelist)
Minden, LA
Pastor Mike Powell
Sanctuary Apostolic Fellowship For Everyone,
Diana, TX

Pastor David Bethel
Mineola, TX
Pastors the New Life Church,
Mineola, TX

Bro David  & Sis Anga Bayer
Evansville, IN
Pastor James Maroney
Abundant Faith UPC Church
Evansville, IN

Returning Members:
It’s good to see Pastor Mark & Sis Jane Cottrill  back with the Azusa Street Ministry. They had taken a leave of absence for awhile but are now reactivated and doing a work in Bourbon, IN

Pastor Mrk & Sis Jane Cottrill
Bourbon, IN
Pastros the United Pentecostal Church of Bourbon
Bourbon, IN

Few words of wisdom

Bro Gusto our Chaplin is Cooper City, FL sent me a text this morning I thought it had a lot to say.

The depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success! Two thing define you: Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.


By Mike and Julie McGhghy

In this third article regarding holiness, we will present the outward of holiness, including our actions, appearance, and physical stewardship. These are all readily observable by others and impact how others receive the message of the Gospel that we share. If you have not read the first two articles regarding holiness, we encourage you to access the archives of the Rumblings and do so. We do not want you to take this article out of the context set in the other two. Much of the material shared in these articles are taken from Dr. David K. Bernard’s books In Search of Holiness and Practical Holiness:  A Second Look. We encourage you to read these books for more in-depth study about holiness.

Holiness involves both the inner man and the outer man. We must perfect holiness by cleansing ourselves of filthiness both of the flesh and of the spirit. 2 Corinthians 7:1. Inward holiness (attitudes, thoughts, and spiritual stewardship) will produce outward holiness, but outward appearance of holiness is worthless without inward holiness! In the second article of this series we discussed inward holiness, we will now consider the biblical principles of outward holiness, which are modesty, vanity, and moderation of cost.

Modesty involves being decent or chaste, especially in outward dress. Peter teaches that chaste conversation can lead to the conversion of the unsaved (in this context, unsaved husbands).  1 Peter 3:1-2. Dr. Bernard and the Amplified Version of the Bible translate the original Greek of “chaste conversation” to mean chaste conduct. What is chaste conduct? Avoiding actions or apparel that flaunt the body and that demonstrate a lustful spirit by striving to attract the opposite sex by lust. This is not only applicable to women, but to men as well.

Vanity involves dressing and acting pretentiously or ostentatiously in order to attract the opposite sex or to make others envious. Our dress and actions should demonstrate the hidden man (the heart), being ornamented by a meek and quiet spirit. 1 Peter 3:4.

Closely associated with vanity is the principle of moderation of cost. Our moderation should be evident to all men. Philippians 4:5. We are to avoid costly array. 1 Timothy 2:9. The definition of costly array may vary somewhat depending on the culture, society, and income of the individual.  When making purchases, we should ask ourselves the following questions:  1) Is this an ostentatious display of wealth in the sight of acquaintances and fellow believers? 2) Will this arouse envy? 3) Does this represent a good stewardship of the money God has entrusted to my care? When God blesses us with prosperity, he does so not to feed our own lusts, but to invest in winning souls.

Although many scriptures regarding adornment and modesty specifically address women, because we are all striving to reach others with the Gospel of Christ to lead them to salvation, we all (men and women) need to develop a personal sense of modesty, avoid vanity, and consider moderation of cost in order to present ourselves holy and act accordingly.

As we are boldly presenting the Acts 2:38 message to others, our inward and outward holiness should be evident in our speech, our actions, and our appearance.  Because we are called to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16), we want to live dedicated to God and His will and separated from sin and worldliness. 2 Corinthians 6:17 – 7:1. In that way, when we share the Acts 2:38 message the light of Christ will shine through us.

New Azusa StreetRiders Chapter – Central Georgia

I would like to extend a hearty Thank You to Pastor (Dr.) Talmadge French,  Pastor of The Apostolic Tabernacle Church in Jonesboro, GA  who has welcomed the Azusa StreetRiders as one of the newest chapters of this ministry.  We had a great time of  worship and the word.

So please welcome the Central Georgia Chapter

Bro Greg Pray – President
Michael Rhindress – Vice President
Brian Wilkinson – Secretary
Sheryl Pray – Treasure
James Frierson – Road Captain
Randall Wild – Sergeant at Arms

In addition I want to personally thank Bro & Sis Diaz who has agreed to couple with this new chapter. Bro & Sis Diaz are Azusa StreetRiders Evangelists that represent Azusa StreetRiders across this great nation of ours. They recently moved to GA and will be a great asset to the Central Georgia Chapter of the Azusa StreetRiders.

Thank you again Bro French for allowing us the opportunity to present this ministry to The Apostolic Tabernacle Church

Happy Thanksgiving


We just wanted to take a moment and wish all of our Azusa StreetRiders family a Happy Thanksgiving.  Let’s all take a moment, as I know you do especially on this day and thank the Lord Jesus Christ for all he has done in our lives. The fact that as he hung on a tree he thought about each and everyone of us personally. When I get to heaven by the grace of God that is one  of the questions I want answered how he did that.




God Bless you & yours and may God Bless America

Azusa StreetRiders board:
Bro Thompson
Bro Henningan
Sis Theodore
Bro Thompson


By Mike and Julie McGhghy

In this second article regarding holiness, we will present the most important element of holiness, which is our attitude, and how that attitude is manifested by the tongue. Although attitudes are not readily observable by others, they become obvious to others who are with us very much at all or who follow us on social media. Our attitudes come from deep within us, from our hearts.

Consider Jesus’ words to the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:25-28, when He told them that they “make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.” Jesus was talking about having good outward appearance but neglecting the condition of the inside, the heart. When obvious, external holiness practices are evident in our lives, but inward holiness as evidenced by a controlled attitude and tongue is lacking, we are being separated unto God (2 Corinthians 6:17-18) but not dedicated to God (Romans 12:1). We are then not living a holy life!

What is the basic attitude that distinguishes true Christians from the world? Love. Love for God and others. Matthew 22:36-40. When living a holy life, we love God and want to do His perfect will by striving to be like Him as much as possible, trying to avoid anything that is not like Him, and wanting to obey Him and please Him even in areas that seem from a human viewpoint to be unnecessary and trivial. And this love is evident, not just when we are ministering to people, but in our casual communication with others in person, in writing, and on social media.

When our actions, even holiness disciplines, are not motivated by love for God and for others, our holiness is worthless and it will lead to hypocrisy. By analyzing ourselves against the evidence of improper attitudes listed in Ephesians 4:31-32 (bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking, malice), we can tell when our holiness disciplines are not properly motivated by love. If we find these evil attitudes in ourselves, we need to replace them with being kind to one another, tenderhearted and forgiving, which is based on love, involves bearing the cost of someone else’s mistake, gives up our own rights in certain situations, and ignores certain things even when we know we are correct.

It is through the tongue, which is the most difficult member of the body to control and has the potential for causing the most harm, that improper attitudes manifest themselves. Matthew 12:34; Matthew 15:18; James 3:8. We control our tongue through complete submission to God. In James 3:13-18, James makes it clear that it is easy for us to sin with the tongue, that the tongue is very dangerous, and that sinning with the tongue can completely destroy our holiness. Sins with the tongue include talebearing and gossip, sowing discord, swearing, improper use of the name of the Lord, filthy communications, piercing remarks, lying and bearing false witness, and idle words, all of which are born in our attitudes. Jesus views what we say so important that He explained that a man will be justified or condemned by his words. Matthew 12:36-37. James confirms this importance: A man with an unbridled tongue has a vain, useless form of religion. James 1:26. We don’t want the world, those we seek to minister to, to view our faith as a useless form of religion because of what we say or write, whether in person or on social media.

Currently in the United States there exists extreme political division and we are bombarded with very divisive communication in the media, as well as in our own conversations and social media posts. It is always proper to voice support for political positions based on our love for God and others and to oppose positions that are against God’s teaching. When we do so, we must always be aware of our attitudes that are evidenced in our communication. Does our communication evidence our love for God and others or could it be viewed as motivated by bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking, and malice? We must be careful to avoid the sins of the tongue when expressing our political views.

At all times, as children of God and ASR members, we strive to live holy in our attitudes, actions, and communication, as is pleasing unto God. God working through our holiness coupled with our ASR patch will help us effectively minister to others and see people respond to God in repentance, baptism in Jesus’ name, and receiving the Holy Ghost.


On a recent trip to Haiti, I heard a Haitian pastor illustrate to his congregation the need for total commitment to Christ. His parable:

A certain man wanted to sell his house for $2,000. Another man wanted very badly to buy it, but because he was poor, he couldn’t afford the full price. After much bargaining, the owner agreed to sell the house for half the original price with just one stipulation: he would retain ownership of one small nail protruding from just over the door.

After several years, the original owner wanted the house back, but the new owner was unwilling to sell. So the first owner went out, found the carcass of a dead dog, and hung it from the single nail he still owned. Soon the house became unlivable, and the family was forced to sell the house to the owner of the nail.

The Haitian pastor’s conclusion: “If we leave the Devil with even one small peg in our life, he will return to hang his rotting garbage on it, making it unfit for Christ’s habitation.” – Dale A. Hays

This message was preached over 25 years ago by a young man by the name of Bro Brian Buyers in a time where I was in the deepest valley I ever walked. I came to realize that night that I had always had that one nail on the back porch and whenever the devil or my flesh wanted to pull me down into that miry clay  (that was on many occasions) all they had to do was walk out to that nail, on my porch and hang that one thing I was unwilling to give up to the Lord. I have always believed whatever we hold in the dark place within our heart, in secret has the right to persecute us with.

I learned the hard way I wish I could go back and change the hand of time regrettably I cannot however I can throw a red flag and say do not let that one thing, that one nail haunt you time and time again. Put it down through the Grace of Jesus Christ and once you have do so leave it there.

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:
because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
1 John 4:4-6

Welcome our Newest (and Returning) Members

Let’s Welcome all our newest and returning members to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry

Bro James Frierson
Covington, GA
Pastor Talmadge French, Dr
Apostolic Tabernacle, Jonesboro, GA

Pastor Mike & Sis Vickie Powell
Pastors the Sanctuary Apostolic Fellowship For Everyone,
Diana, TX

Bro Gerald Varnell & Sis Donna Vanell (Evangelist)
Minden, LA
Pastor Mike Powell
Sanctuary Apostolic Fellowship For Everyone,
Diana, TX

Pastor David Bethel
Mineola, TX
Pastors the New Life Church,
Mineola, TX

Bro David  & Sis Anga Bayer
Evansville, IN
Pastor James Maroney
Abundant Faith UPC Church
Evansville, IN

Returning Members:
It’s good to see Pastor Mark & Sis Jane Cottrill  back with the Azusa Street Ministry. They had taken a leave of absence for awhile but are now reactivated and doing a work in Bourbon, IN

Pastor Mrk & Sis Jane Cottrill
Bourbon, IN
Pastros the United Pentecostal Church of Bourbon
Bourbon, IN

Going Into The Arkansas Highways and Byways

It was an invasion of Razorback territory! It wasn’t planned to be an invasion, but, when you put together a ride and add a group of ASR members that are willing vessels in the Kingdom, then it becomes a Holy Ghost invasion!

Over a year ago, Bro Mike Womack (he is originally from Arkansas) and I began to discuss a “rolling ride” where we would not only experience the Pig Trail and other curvy roads but also reach into the state of Arkansas and attempt to open it up for more ASR membership. Mike set up an ASR table at the 2019 Arkansas Men’s Conference and had a few contacts that we wanted to invite to ride with us. Little did we know that the 16 individuals that road with us would become a Holy Ghost firebrand! The ride started innocently enough…with food! Eating at Lamberts in Sikeston, “the home of the throwed roll”, on Thursday evening. Then up early on Friday to ride 330 miles across Missouri/Arkansas to Eureka Springs, which included a ferry ride across Bull Shoals Lake and a stop off for prayer at a little church in Blue Eye, MO (where our dear friends and fellow members, Bro and Sis Cobbs go to church). Then on Saturday it was the Pig Trail and meandering back across Arkansas to Mountain View, AR, for some bluegrass pick’n and grin’n down on the square! Then…Sunday morning! Oh my, what a Sunday morn’n!!

All through the ride…each stop at convenience stores or restaurants, it seemed as though people were drawn to us. Everyone, young and old, began to put the “Go” in the “Gospel”. Folks stopped us to ask questions. Our riders opened up conversations by just being friendly. The very essence of the ASR membership and what we all stand for…ministry…kicked into gear and it was amazing to watch. By Sunday morning, it was a fire shut up in our bones! Literally!! Four times we had prayer…twice in the parking lot of the hotel…then we stopped at Hardees for breakfast where a couple came in and wanted prayer. We prayed in Hardees and the manager videoed our “commotion” and many were onlookers. We didn’t know if the manager was recording to turn us in or just for the novelty of the moment. But, when she followed us out to the parking lot and began to share that she had been backslid from an Apostolic upbringing for over 25yrs, we knew that this meeting was ordained of God! Prayer clothes were anointed and left with several along the way. Then we went to The Sanctuary in Mountain View and had some kind of church! Fired up and rejoicing in what God had done the past several days. I would not have missed it for anything…my hat is off to all that rode with us, for your sensitivity to the needs of others. And, we praise Jesus for allowing us to be in his service as ministers of this glorious Gospel!

Almost a month later, the feedback from Pastor Mize (Mt View, AR) is that they are still feasting on our visit, and still following up with those that we had met. Here are a few comments from those that were privileged to go on this ride…

“It just seemed that the ASR members that attended this ride went out of their way to, not only greet people, but to witness and pray for many souls. In my opinion, this event exemplifies what ASR is all about…” ~ ASR National President, Robert Thompson

“From our first stop to our last stop, I believe without a doubt God was leading us…What stood out more than anything was the hunger of people/strangers coming up and asking questions and asking for prayer…” ~ Missouri Chaplains Donald and Carmen Hamby

“The experience I got was a Revival Experience!…John 12:32 says, that if He be lifted up the He will draw all men unto Him! We were just the vessels being willing to be used of Him so that hungry, lost, and backslidden souls were touched…the harvest is ripe! Let’s go get them!!” ~ ASR Arkansas Regional Coordinator, Mike and Mandy Womack

“I have never experienced such a hunger from as many people as we saw that Sunday morning in Mountain View. Each one of us were willing vessels, used of God to reach out in prayer and love.” ~ Heaven Bound Hoosiers President/Chaplain Mark Wever

“Wow! Stopping long enough to pray for Bowman Pentecostal Church, its future, its Pastor and congregation, that God would bless it and lead them! Still to this day raises the hair on my arm remembering that experience!” ~ ASR Member (Rogers, AR) Troy Shaffer

“This was our first ASR ride, and we weren’t really sure what to expect. We were impressed by the comradery of the group and its acceptance of new riders. We’d heard about the ministry side but the “half had not been told!” ~ ASR Road Captain Toledo IL Chapter Gregg Johnson

As you can see, we were blessed to have been a part of something Jesus led and directed! As I watch the Biker Sundays and the various rides all around the world, I’m blessed to see this same Spirit being exampled throughout this amazing organization!! We can truly sing the song, “Your my brother, your my sister…together we will work until He comes. There’s no foe that can defeat us, because we are walking (riding) side by side…”

Until Jesus returns and we all take that last ride into the heavens!
ASR International Chaplain,
Mark A Hardin