Let’s Keep the Philippines in Prayer

I am posting this on behalf of Bro Guzman our ASR Coordinator for the Philippines please those that wish to give please contact Bro Thompson or Sis Theodore and we can coordinate this love offering . Regardless all of any offering we all can pray so let’s touch the throne of God for our Brothers,  Sisters, family and strangers affected by this tragedy.

ASR PH is going to conduct a community service to help our apostolic brothers. And churches who are severely affected by the eruption of taal volcano, we are all affected by the ashfall because taal volcano is only 50km away from us (manila), and because of this I’m asking for your kind heart as brothers in Christ, any help you extend will be great help for Apostolic Pastors and churches devastated by the eruption, for now 3 building churches was severely damage due to thick ashfall.

Attached are the photos of our relief operation to the Taal volcano eruption victims..
Deliver the goods to one of the cousin of pastor Sael Anota.
Repacking of goods to be deliver to places where some brethren stayed.
Evacuation center at Malvar Batangas, where some of our Brethren are staying
We are still raising funds to conduct another operation.. this time we will enter to the boundary of safe zone & danger zone set by the government , area where relief operation is hard due to road access for the 4 wheels.. but the motorcycle can pass.. I’m still asking for assistance.. any amount will be a great help for us so we can help others on behalf of AzusaStreet Riders. We also take this opportunity to share the gospel before giving the relief goods to the victims.

Best regards,
Rodante de Guzman
ASR coordinator Phils.

Growing A Chapter – Northern Indiana Style

As we all have experienced, growing a chapter is one of our greatest challenges! It’s never an easy task being a leader and having the right chemistry that not only draws others into the chapter, or even maintains its size, but having a group of individuals that enjoy getting together. The Northern Indiana Chapter has a group of riders that are a “hoot”! They love to ride and they love having fun!! It shows in how they are growing in number, and the way they all express themselves to each other. This chapter is made up of members from several churches…representing several Apostolic organizations…and they example the core ASR mentality that we can break down walls for the sake of winning souls.

I was honored to be invited to the first Annual Meeting for this chapter. Bro Tony Sell has been laboring to grow this group for a couple years and now he is seeing the fruits of his labor. Bro Sell has been working with me and has done an exemplary job of follow up with contacts that I would throw his way, and he, along with his wife, have tirelessly taken on the challenge of “selling” ASR to others in their region. Over the next few months, I (along with the ASR Board’s approval) will be handing over the Indiana Region to Bro Sell. I will be at his service, and want to publicly say that he will do a greater job than I as he grows into this next level of leadership!

The membership of the Northern Indiana Chapter, and their newly elected positions, are as follows; Tony Sell (Indiana Regional Coordinator), Pastor Mark Cotrill, Thomas Bailey, Elmer Miller, Terry Matheny (President), Jon Weber (VP/Road Captain), Serrena Weber (Sec/Treasurer), and Thomas Roberts. We tried to vote on a “Court Jester” but it seemed that they all received a 100% vote, so we had to appoint them all for that position! (Inside Joke)


If there is any take away that all chapters  can glean from, that would help us all grow in number, it would be comradery. Some of the members leave for months at a time, some have jobs that take them away for days and weeks, and some have been through tragedy. Through all of the busyness of life, they still make an attempt to get together each month for a time of fellowship. You feel the love for one another and a respect for their brothers and sisters, and a grand respect for God and the ministry of their local assemblies.

I wish to congratulate them all on a job well done, and I’m sure we all have not heard the last from this chapter!!

Illiana Regional Coordinator (outgoing)
International Chaplain
Mark A Hardin

Greetings from Missionary’s Bro & Sis Riddick, Sierra Leone

Dear Azusa StreetRiders,

Greetings to you from Freetown, Sierra Leone, we trust you are all doing well!

We want to write and extend our heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation to the Azusa Street Riders for blessing Sierra Leone with the funds to purchase two motorcycles for two of our pastors, what a blessing! The average Sierra Leonian makes less than a $100 a month and thus most do not own, nor can afford to ever purchase their own means of transportation. Daily life alone, paired with ministry has so many third world challenges here in Africa. This is such a blessing to our pastors and enables them to better fulfill their role as ministers of the gospel. Thank you for mobilizing them by providing wheels to help spread the WORD!

We are currently in the process of locating the two bikes for purchase. As soon as the bikes are purchased, paperwork is finished and they are in our possession, we will be sending pictures of the pastors and their new bikes. We have already had small plaques made that will be attached to the bikes in honor of the Azusa Street Ryders.

My family and I would also like to express our gratefulness and sincere gratitude for the generous love offering that you sent to us. You truly blessed us and we appreciate your kindness and consideration. Thank you for investing in Sierra Leone and in our ministry. May the Lord richly bless you for your labor of love and your sacrifice. Thank you for reaching all the way across the globe to make a difference in someone else’s life, we appreciate you!

Yours for Jesus,

Rusty & Adriane Riddick
Missionary-Sierra Leone

You, The Azusa StreetRiders Ministry raised enough funds last year that when we got the call late for an opportunity to help Bro & Sis Reddick in Sierra Leone.  We were able to send them enough money to purchase two new motorcycles and also give them a love offering.  This was our way of showing them our appreciation for their work for the Lord and the sacrifice they are making every day spreading the Gospel in an area of the world that is considered the poorest of the poor.

This was done after we sent our 2019 commitment funds to Cuba for Bro Houseman there was enough left over for Sierra Leone & Bro Smoak in Tanzania.  All of this because “you all” gave from your heart there are those in heaven that will greet you on streets of gold because of your sacrifice and hard work.

The Azusa StreetRiders board and this membership are committed to invest every penny raise for Motorcycles For Missionaries within a given year for the work of One God Apostolic Missionaries throughout the world.  “The Need is Great, but Our God is Greater”  Let’s stay the course, keep the faith our time is limited we’ll be going home before you know it, let’s bring some with us OK

Bro Thompson

ASR hard at work in India

From an email transcript between Bro Schafer, Missionary to India and the and the Azusa StreetRiders board

Dear Brother Robert Thompson,
Praise the Lord it was good speaking with you this morning. As discussed attached are some pictures of the Azusa Street Riders Kesavaram India.  This Chapter was started with the donation from the Azusa Street Riders of two motorcycles in 2011.  These Ministers are Acts 2:38 and use the motorcycles to reach tribal areas in their region.  They also take care of widows, leper-sous people and orphans.
I want to thank you for your kind consideration and  assure you that these are the uttermost parts of the earth that will be reached.
I am copying this e-mail to Pastor Matthew Raju and his son Chinna.  I will have them contact you directly for any further information that might be needed.
In His service,
Pastor Gary Schafer


A Culture of Caring

“We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.  Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification.  For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written.  The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.  For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.  Now that the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus;  That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.”  Romans 15:1-7

“A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13: 34,35

This is what a “Culture of Caring” is all about.  Each member knows we are here for them and praying when difficult circumstances arise.  Please remember to forward any prayer needs to your Regional Chaplain when needs occur along with any updates and they will in turn pass on to Chaplain Carman Hamby so she can add the request to RUMBLINGS.   CarmanHamby@yahoo.com.

Rev. Mike McGhghy and Rev. Julie McGhghy – AIMers to Costa Rica

Home Missions
Rev. Mike Markham – Turning Point Fellowship – Clanton, AL
Rev. Johnny Carr – Apostolic Church of Tatum –  Tatum, TX


Tom Thompson –  Prayer for complete healing.
Lydia Diaz – Currently being treated with Chemo
Delbert Hayes – Currently being treated with Chemo for Leukemia
Anthony Storey – Recovering from motorcycle accident
Kaila Markham Miller – Healing from two recent brain surgeries
Rev. Johnny Carr – Vertigo and Headaches
Martha Hardin – Chaplain Hardin’s mother is having heath complications and in addition, gallbladder surgery in a couple of weeks.


Family Members Passed 2019
Jon & Serrena Weber’s daughter
Krysta Markham’s father
Joe Endicott’s mother
Lisa Endicott’s mother
Doug Solomon’s father
Anthony Storey’s father

Thank you for your prayers and support

Diane Beall
ASR National Ladies Chaplain

We’re NOT A Motorcycle Club, We’re A Ministry!

From Day One, Azusa StreetRiders’ main goal, its objective, its focus has been to reach the lost. Twenty years ago (October 1999) we held our first event — a Revival during Fall Bike Week in Myrtle Beach, SC (USA). With food as the attraction (our famous “Bike Week Bar-B-Que”), we set up a tent to allow our Pastor (Rev. Ben Cooke, First UPC Conway, SC) to preach to bikers who — for whatever reasons — did not attend churches (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Growth during the ensuing years has brought about many challenges, foremost of which has been to keep the focus. Nearly every opportunity Diane and I have had to address a group about ASR, we’ve made the statement, “We’re not a motorcycle club, we’re a ministry!”

During our formative years, we had to pound this thought into countless hearts, many of whom were pastors. Bikers were generally viewed as “rebellious” and we were not different in their eyes. A well-known organizational leader in one state publicly stated that we were nothing more than “Thugs for Jesus” and advised pastors in his district to not allow their church members/bikers to join ASR. The “Easy Rider” image of bikers was a strong barrier to overcome in Oneness Apostolic circles. Despite the fact that nearly 700 Trinitarian motorcycle ministries and clubs had been identified, we struggled to gain “acceptance” among those we looked to for spiritual and biblical guidance.

With God’s help, we’ve come a long way! Rev. Paul D. Mooney (Assistant UPCI General Superintendent for Eastern Zone) paved the way for us by not only preaching at our First Annual National Rally (2012), but he and Sis. Mooney stayed with us and participated in all of the events at “The Hub” in Marble Hills, AR, a motorcycle resort! After heading up ASR for its first 16 years, Diane and I stepped down in 2015 with our Azusa StreetRiders National Rally services being held in the church pastored by the ALJC General Superintendent (Rev. Kenneth Carpenter) featuring the ASR guest speaker, Dr. David Bernard (UPCI General Superintendent). Again, we’ve come a long way! Thank you Jesus!

Although not formally “endorsed” by either of these organizations, worldwide leaders from these and other Oneness Apostolic organizations have blessed us with messages at our Azusa StreetRiders’ National Rallies and our biker-ministry efforts have become well known. And this “unofficial” support is still evident today as mentioned in October’s RUMBLINGS Newsletter where Bro. Michael Theodore (ASR National Road Captain) reported that Rev. Bruce Howell (UPCI’s Director of Global Missions) brought several missionaries to the ASR booth at UPCI General Conference just to say, “Thank you for what you do!” To date, we’ve provided funding for about 65 motorcycles to missionaries on foreign fields (anywhere other than the US or Canada) who preach the Oneness Gospel Message.

As with organizations of any size, we’ve had individuals who’ve let their personal agendas try to overtake our original organizational focus, but God has protected us! Sure, we’ve had our ups-and-downs, but what ministry hasn’t? And we’ve certainly made mistakes that we wish we could undo! We’re a collection of imperfect servants who ultimately want the best for the Kingdom! Our tools are simple — bikes, backpatches and tracks — but our testimonies are our most powerful tool! (Revelation 12:11)

Looking back over the past five years without our full-time input into Azusa StreetRiders’ organizational and ministry efforts, Diane and I have watched in awe at God’s leading hand at work. ASR’s leadership is in constant prayer for His input and direction and we’re greatly encouraged — all is well! We believe ASR as an organization has turned the corner and has a renewed and stronger-than-ever focus on ministry and outreach with a desire to let God lead us where He may! Both individual and organizational ministries continue to develop and excitement-to-serve is evident.

We encourage every member of Azusa StreetRiders, whether you are part of a chapter or are a lone voice in the motorcycle-world-wilderness, to be humble and witness. Help your pastor build a bigger, stronger and community-influential church based on Truth where souls can be saved and nurtured. Witness to all that will listen. Use your personal influence wherever possible and most of all be bold for Christ remembering His words to the Disciples in Mark 16:15-18.

With all of this being said, Pastor Doug Joseph (ASR Clarksburg, WV) and I have agreed to revise “The Book of Salvation” to hopefully make it more impactful and helpful in our outreach efforts. In doing so, we plan to include personal testimonies of ASR members and how they came to the Lord. Each testimony will be limited to about 500 words and would include a photograph (preferably on a bike and “before” and “after” photos would be considered for publication). Anyone who is interested — and we encourage all to participate — please send your testimony to me at Fred.Beall@AzusaStreetRiders.com with the subject title “Testimony of ___________” (your name in the blank). We may take some literary license to help convey the testimony’s impact, but we’ll be careful not to discount or modify the power of your words. So, even if you don’t consider yourself a “writer,” please put your testimony on paper and we’ll go to work to help make the “Revised Book of Salvation” more helpful in your outreach, soul-winning efforts.

In His Service,
Fred Beall, Azusa StreetRiders

Greetings in the Name of Jesus

I would like to take just a moment and wish our Azusa StreetRider ministry members, family, friends & guests a Happy New Years. I know during this season its somewhat of a time for hibernation from riding some may see that as a time of complacency in a motorcycle ministry I say it’s a time for preparing for ministry in the upcoming year. Allow me to encourage each and everyone of us to use this “down time” to strengthen our resolve and to be prepared to hit the ground running come spring,

One way we can prepare for this by planning to attend the “Bind the Strong Man” Conference in Macon, GA. I know it takes effort and there is a cost involved, I also know it’s not as enjoyable as a nice summer ride on the Dragon however we need began to be ready for battle and this one of the tools that can help us do so.

If anyone cannot make it I would ask that you please set time aside in your home or local assembly that Friday night and separate yourselves aside in time of prayer and fasting. I read the end of the book and we win, the thing is we need to take and hang onto as many as we can. This is only achieved through prayer, fasting and bombarding Heaven for those around us.

In closing the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry is growing and were a force, through the Holy Ghost, to be reckoned with however this battle is not ours it belongs to Jesus Christ but we do have a part to play and that is, as mentioned above to be faithful to prayer, fasting and the things of God. I know I am preaching to the choir I only wish to be an encouragement nothing brings me more joy than watching this Ministry in Action and I have a feeling 2020 is going to have a lot of action, so let’s get ready. So my dear brethren I bid you good night and may the good Lord Jesus Christ bless each and everyone of you as only he can do.

Bro Thompson
Azusa StreetRiders, President


By Mike and Julie McGhghy

In this fourth and final article regarding holiness, and in the spirit of thankfulness and celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we will unwrap a gift given to us by Dr. David K. Bernard in his book, Practical Holiness:  A Second Look. No, Dr. Bernard did not write the book thinking of his message, as a gift to the readers, but to me this message was a life-changing gift.

Remember that our goal is to live the Acts 2:38 message that we wear on our back patches when we ride, but to live it at all times, not just when we ride. Living the message means living holy. In the prior articles we discussed holiness involving both the inner man and the outer man and how that looks in our lives. The gift we will unwrap today is the message we find in Romans 6, 7, and 8, but we will first start with a review of our sinful nature.

 We know from both the Old and New Testaments that all human beings have sinned (I Kings 8:46; II Chronicles 6:36), all human beings inherit the sin of Adam (Psalms 51:5; Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 5:12), and the penalty of sin is death, but forgiveness is available through Christ (Romans 5:19; 1 Corinthians 15:22). Even after receiving forgiveness through the experience of the New Birth, our sin/carnal nature struggles against the Spirit. Galatians 5:17. We must all wage against our sinful nature, even after we experience the New Birth.

 The sinful nature consists of a compulsion to commit sinful acts, not just a capacity to sin. If we let the sinful nature lead us it will always cause us to sin. Paul taught that neither the law of God nor the law of the mind, that is neither God’s moral law nor the good intentions of the human mind, imparts power to overcome the principle of sin that drives humans to sin. Most of us are familiar with Romans 7:14-25, where Paul describes a struggle between the carnal nature and our desire to walk holy. Verse 15 states, “For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I.” Many people accept this as a description of the norm for Christian living, a constant battle with the desire to sin. Many, including myself in times past, justify ourselves saying something like, “Hey, if Paul struggled with sin, of course I am going to struggle.”

But here is the gift: Romans 7 does not describe the norm for Christian living! It describes a good-intentioned person trying to overcome sin without the power of the Spirit. Paul concludes Romans 7 by thanking God that through Jesus Christ we can serve the law of God in our minds, overcoming the law of sin in our flesh.

To find the norm for Christian living, we must look at Romans 6 and 8. Romans 6:6 and 11 tell us that we are dead to sin and we are to consider ourselves as such. Romans 8 describes life in the Spirit, where there is no condemnation (verse 1) and we are more than conquerors through Christ (verses 37-39). Yes, the principle of sin remains in the born-again believer, but the born-again believer can overcome the principle of sin through the power of the Spirit!

Holiness starts at salvation. Without salvation, we will constantly live in the struggle Paul describes in Romans 7. Once we experience the New Birth (repentance, baptism in Jesus Name, and receiving the Holy Ghost), we embark on the process of daily submission to the leadership and control of the Holy Spirit. We must follow holiness in order to see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14. The New Birth has no eternal value unless we walk by faith and live after the new nature of the Spirit, allowing God to complete the work of salvation that began at the New Birth.

Following holiness requires personal effort. It is our responsibility to reverently and watchfully implement holiness in our lives. But we need not be overwhelmed by this! God is the One who works in us, giving us the desire and the power to live righteously. Philippians 2:12-13. Below is a three-fold approach to overcoming sin that is revealed in Romans 6 and shared by Dr. Bernard in his book:

1.    Know who we are and what has happened to us. Know that when we were born again, we died to sin. Know, therefore that sin has no power over us.

2.    Reckon this to be so. Think on that knowledge and act as if we died to sin and sin has no power over us.

3.    Yield to God. Replace sinful habits with an active performance of God’s will as revealed by His Word and His Spirit.

God will consider us holy if we live a repented life, have faith in Christ, live according to the knowledge of His Word, and strive to become progressively more like Christ. Ephesians 4:13. He expects us to grow continually in grace and knowledge (Mark 4:26-29; 2 Peter 3:18) and to bear more and more spiritual fruit (John 15:1-8). If we do not become progressively more holy and Christ-like in thought, attitude, conduct, and lifestyle, something is wrong.

Welcome New Member

Let’s Welcome all our newest  member to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry

Bro Jeffrey Todd Nuchols
Maryville, TN
Pastor Kenneth Carpenter
FAC Maryville
Maryville, TN

Allow me to say something on Bro Nuckols behalf. He has built numerous churches, in many third world countries. His wife and him raise money and when they have enough to build a church he leads a team into remote areas of the world and builds a sanctuary for the the Lord Jesus Christ. I am glad he the is a part of this ministry I know he loves to ride, I know he love God and he is excited to be a member of the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry

Bind the Strong Man, March 6th and 7th 2020

We are already looking forward to the 2020 Bind the Strong Man event kicking off the riding season for the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry. Sis Juli Jasinski from WNOP (World Network of Prayer) will be leading our prayer and directing us on how to bring down strongholds, March 6 & 7, 2020 from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am

Sanctuary of Macon
1780 Tucker Rd
Macon, GA 31220

Please join us in a Daniel fast the day before and during Bind the Strongman.

There will be Prayer to bind and loose, to take over our cities, homes, churches and our lives.

Bring a map of your city and mark key areas (City Hall, Police Dept, courthouse, Schools, colleges, bridges, gateways, Masonic temples, tattoo parlors, palm readers, strip bars, etc)

This is a preview of what we will be addressing and praying:
Plowing before the harvest training
Strongholds of the enemy
Focused prayer
Prayer walk inside the church
Armor of God
Weapons of our warfare
7 Points of effective prayer walking
How to prayer walk and disengagement
Things to pray for your city
Strongholds of the city
How to do spiritual warfare praying
Directed prayer

This year’s hosts will be Bro & Sis Diaz
Central Georgia Chapter & Members of the
Sanctuary of Macon church.

Hotels in the area (March 6 – 8th)

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Macon-West
4970 Harrison Rd, Macon, GA 31206
(478) 803-0033

Comfort Inn & Suites West,
5000 Harrison Rd, Macon, GA 31206

Hampton Inn & Suites Macon I-475, 5010 Eisenhower Pkwy, Macon, GA 31206