Azusa StreetRiders Missionary to the Philippines

In 2013 Bro Mark Naimy’s Missionary to the  Philippians was presented with three motorcycles through our Motorcycles for Missionary program to be put to work there to save souls. The bikes we gave them have been instrumental in saving souls. I the opportunity to talk to Bro Naimy the other day and we now have an opportunity being presented to us to save souls in a different way.

I received this from Bro Naimy and felt compelled to reach out to the Azusa StreetRiders members and friends to ask that we do whatever we can to be a blessing to souls in the Philippines. I also know it’s been difficult for many of us over the last six to eight weeks but take what we have been through and multiply it ten fold and imagine what it’s like in a third world country. No offering is to small so all I can ask is do what you can do.

From the pen of Bro Naimy

In recent days, I’ve heard several of my American friends make light-hearted comments about the weight they have gained during the corona virus lockdowns.

While I fully understand and appreciate that struggle, this illustrates one of the big differences between the situation in the United States and that in underdeveloped nations.

Though being out of work has caused inconveniences for everyone, and true hardship for some, most Americans are finding ways to get through this multi-week period without income.  Our government has provided cash assistance. Many people have at least some savings they can tap into.  And in a crunch, most of us can use a credit card to buy groceries.  But, it isn’t that way in many parts of the world outside of the USA.

Most workers in the Philippines earn the equivalent of $5-10 per day, in normal times.  Now, with almost everybody out of work, and government assistance being scarce to non-existant, many people, including some of our members, are going hungry.

If the situation doesn’t improve soon, people will literally begin starving to death.

We have been doing everything we can to get cash assistance to our churches in the Philippines so they can purchase and distribute food to their members and to folks in their communities, but much more is needed.

I realize everyone is feeling “the pinch” right now, but if there ever was a time for sacrificial giving, it is now, when people are in great need.

God bless you for caring!

Philippines for Christ
Missionaries Mark & Debra Naimy
Help us get food to those in need.
Many people in underdeveloped countries are going hungry right now, due to the Covid-19 crisis.

Philippines for Christ has already distributed thousands of dollars worth of food to truly needy people.

Help us reach more!

Watch this short video to learn more.

Donate here.


A Thankful Heart

A thankful heart goes a long way with most people. Nothing quite like it when you are a blessing to someone and they respond with a sincere expression of thankfulness. For example many of us have experienced perhaps a Birthday or Christmas when an unexpected gift is given to a child and the reaction is such that it brings joy to our hearts that our efforts are rewarded in an expression of thankfulness. At the same time all of us have probably experienced when we have gone out of our way to do what we thought was something nice for someone when yet that individual response might’ve been ho-hum or perhaps not even acknowledge. This can be very disheartening and discouraging. Regardless if it’s family, friends, coworker or even someone we’ve never met, passing on the street. A lack of thankfulness is hard to accept regardless who it’s from.

The funny thing is the Lord is somewhat the same way, throughout our day the Lord drops little blessings upon us. We can be in those times not sensitive to what’s going on around us. Perhaps because we’re busy or God forbid we might write that off as our good fortune, being in the right place at the right time but the Bible says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of lights with home is no varied in this neither shadow of turning. James 11:7 (KJV)

If the scripture is true, which it is, that tells me as a Child of God the good things that come our way, those little blessings throughout the day, are not by chance but they are either one of two things. A direct blessing from our Lord or allowing our circumstance to be a blessing onto us. These blessings can come in many shapes and sizes something as trivial perhaps as pulling into a crowed parking lot and finding a spot at the front entrance.

Maybe opening the mail and receiving a refund check for something that you weren’t even expecting and don’t quite understand how it all happen. Some people might construe this as just being fortunate or lucky however as a child of God we need to recognize from whence our blessings come as James wrote in James 11:7 and we need to be thankful.

Not only that, you see it’s easy to be thankful for the big blessings the Lord brings our way however we need to be mindful of the little things, the day in and day blessing that we receive. Those that if were not to careful go by us unnoticed and unacknowledged. You see if were thankful for the little blessings it can set the stage for the Lord to do more. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:10

So some might ask “So should I thank God every time something good happens in my life regardless of the circumstance. The answer is YES. Go as far as to ask yourself, why shouldn’t I ? Psalms 105:10 states “give thanks unto the Lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people” (KJV) Perhaps stopping and taking a moment to be thankful to the Lord for allowing you to be blessed might be an opportunity to be a witness to someone who doesn’t know the Lord. Remember a Thankful Heart goes a long way.

In addition we cannot even enter into his presence without a thankful heart Psalms 100:4 states “enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful on him and bless his name” That let’s me know that in order to gain access into that inter circle we should have a thankful heart gets us the introduction than praise gets us a seat at the table.

The Lord laid all this on my heart a couple of weeks ago this simple thought: Be thankful for the little things that come our way. If we are diligent to look for it the Lord will not only show us but will increase our awareness. In doing to we set the stage to draw closer to the Lord and who would not want to do that ? My prayer is that this article is received as the Lord has expressed it to me.

God Bless you all and God Bless America



Azusa StreetRiders Bylaws Revamp

I would ask that the membership and those associated with this ministry please keep your board and the other team members associated with this project in prayer over the next month. We are starting the process of going through the Azusa StreetRiders Bylaws, page by page in order to bring them up to date and more applicable to our current strategy of strengthening this ministry and advancement of savings souls.

This is no easy task we are undertaking and our greatest desire is to do the will of the Lord. We will be addressing different aspects of the bylaws that need to be updated, removed and added. Therefore please Azusa StreetRiders prayer warriors please help us by asking our Lord Jesus Christ to guide our steps and direct our thoughts to his will and desire.

Thank you Sincerely,
Brother Robert Thompson

Greetings from the Philippines

Posted on behalf of Bro & Sis Beall
Azusa StreetRiders International Chapter Coordonator

Greetings in the Name of Jesus!
ASR PH is going to conduct a community service to help our apostolic brothers. And churches who are severely affected by the eruption of taal volcano, we are all affected by the ashfall because taal volcano is only 50km away from us (manila), and because of this I’m asking for your kind heart as brothers in Christ, any help you extend will be great help for Apostolic Pastors and churches devastated by the eruption, for now 3 building churches was severely damage due to thick ashfall.

Best regards,
Rodante de Guzman
ASR coordinator Philippines



I want to personally thank Bro Mike & Sis Julie McGhghy for the anointed article on Holiness they have presented to all of us over the last several months.  Their insight has been a blessing for many and I for one appreciate all they do for this ministry.  God Bless the both of you and we pray for your mission field of Costa Rica


By Mike and Julie McGhghy

In this final article regarding holiness, we will provide some practical tips for living holy. These tips come from Dr. David K. Bernard’s book, Practical Holiness: A Second Look. But let’s first review the effort we must make to walk in holiness as we shared last month.

Remember that we need not be overwhelmed by our responsibility to reverently and watchfully implement holiness in our lives. God works in us, giving us the desire and the power to live righteously. Philippians 2:12-13. Below is the three-fold approach to overcoming sin that is revealed in Romans 6 and shared by Dr. Bernard in his book:

  1. Know who we are and what has happened to us. Know that when we were born again, we died to sin. Know, therefore that sin has no power over us.
  2. Reckon this to be so. Think on that knowledge and act as if we died to sin and sin has no power over us.
  3. Yield to God. Replace sinful habits with an active performance of God’s will as revealed by His Word and His Spirit.

Are you still wondering how we can know, reckon, and yield? Here are some practical tips.

  1. We must pray! Prayer draws us closer to God and we progressively absorb more of His mind and attitude. It is important to pray in the Spirit, meaning reaching a dimension of prayer in which the mind concentrates totally on God and the human spirit unites with the Holy Spirit.
  2. We must hide the Word of God in our hearts so that we will obey His Word as a matter of course. We must absorb the Word until it becomes a very part of us. “God’s Word must be so strongly fixed in our minds that it becomes the dominant influence in our thoughts, our attitudes, and our actions.” This also enables us to recall the Word and speak it in our hearts when we face temptation.
  3. We must personalize the truth of God’s Word. We must realize both our personal ability and responsibility to obey God and resist sin. We must recognize that we died to sin. In the time of temptation, we must recall the principles of Romans 6: know, reckon and yield.
  4. We must not give the sinful nature any opportunities. Instead, we must consciously avoid tempting or dangerous situations. We must not feed our fleshly desires by thinking, reading, watching, or indulging in things that would inflame those lusts. Cut off sinful thoughts and desires as they begin to develop. We must learn to think on the good things (Philippians 4:8) and to make every thought obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Fasting is a good way to impose discipline on the physical body, not to punish it but to control it.
  5. We must train ourselves to develop proper habits of Christian living instead of sinful habits. When we recognize and experience a scriptural prompting to do God’s will, we must visualize and meditate upon the action desired, decide to do it, and then yield our bodily members to perform it.

God’s moral law for us can be summed up in these words: Love God with all your being and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-40; Mark 12:28-31; Romans 13:8-10). In essence, holiness means to imitate Christ, to do what He would do. It means to be Christ-like.

The power to live a holy life is a gift from God, but it is our responsibility to implement holiness on a daily basis. We seek holiness out of love for God, not out of fear or an effort to earn salvation.

Holiness is an integral part of the salvation of the whole person and frees us from the power and effects of sin. It is a joyful privilege, a part of abundant life, a blessing from the grace of God, and a glorious life of freedom and power. For someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit and truly loves God, holiness becomes the normal – indeed the only – way to live. The life of holiness fulfills God’s original intention and design for humanity.

It has been a privilege for us to share with you the biblical principles of holiness and a plan for living a holy life. We miss you all as we serve the Lord in Costa Rica and we look forward to seeing how God will work in and through the AzusaStreetriders this year as the members endeavor to grow in holiness and prepare for the riding season through prayer and fasting and Bind the Strong Man. God bless and keep you!

Welcome New Members – January and February

First I would like to say we had a total of 58 new members in 2019 and 3 returning members so we are growing. I give Jesus Christ the Glory for his hands upon this ministry.

Pastor Steve & Sis Eva Joy
Parkersburg, WV
Gateway Apostolic Church, Parkersburg, WV
Pastor Steve Joy

Bro Michael & Sis Pamela Seebaugh
Parkersville, WV
Gateway Apostolic Church, Pakersville, WV
Pastor Steben Joy

Bro Ronald & Sis Connie Seebaugh
Parkersburg, WV
Gateway Apostolic Church, Pakersville, WV
Pastor Steben Joy

Bro Raymond  Seebaugh
Davisville, WV
Davisville Community Church,  Davisville, WV
Pastor Raymond L Seebaugh

Pastor Raymond & Sis Elizabeth Seebaugh
Davisville, WV
Lifeline Apostolic Church, Davisville, WV
Pastor Daniel Hopkins

Bro Colby L Seebaugh
Davisville, WV
Lifeline Apostolic Church, Davisville, WV
Pastor Daniel Hopkins

Bro Curtis & Sis Margie McNaughton
Olla, LA
Urania Pentecostal Church, Urania, LA
Pastor Clay Hutto

Bro Steven & Sis Kimberly Boswell
Mason, IL
Apostolic Center, Mattoon, IL
Pastor Shine Doughty

Sis Elizabeth & Pastor Chalmer Perkins
Lisbon, OH
Lifeline Church, Alliance, OH
Pastro Chalmer Perkins

Bro James Littleton III
Jonesboro, GA
Apostolic Temple, Jonesboro, GA
Pastor Talmadge French, DR

Pastor Mark Semaru
West Farmington, OH
The Pentecostals of Champion, Warren, OH
Pastor Mark Semrau

Sis Datha Semrau
West Farmington, OH
The Pentecostals of Champion, Warren, OH
Pastor Mark Semrau


Just Imagine

This article is being posted on behalf of our Canadian Azusa StreetRiders Chapters and especially Bro David McLoed  who has directed the ASR Canadian activities for many years now. They have furnished over 50+ bikes through “Cruzin for Christ” on their own while also supporting Motorcycles for Missionaries. So they double up their their efforts and I feel we should give recognition to Azusa StreetRiders Canada for a Job Well Done.
Bro Robert Thompson,
President Azusa StreetRiders


There are times in this life that I readily admit that jealousy overtakes me.

It usually rears its ugly head when I see the FB posts from our fellow StreetRiders who are relating their “Going Riding / Been Riding” ventures.

Keep in mind that while many of you head for Florida when you get tired of winter. I live so far north and east that our idea of a mid-winter break is a long weekend in Augusta, Maine.

That being said,,,, when the snow swirls or the wind chill drops the temperature to -30 degrees Fahrenheit, it gives me a chance to throw another log in the woodstove in the family room and “Just Imagine.”

Please allow me to set the stage:

Last year, (2019) I attended a “What’s Your Vision” meeting. The leadership in the group was challenged to develop a “Plan of Action” for the coming year.

As the chair of the “Cruzin’ for Christ” Motorcycles for Missions Biker Rally Committee, I was required to give a report on what was accomplished in 2018 and an outline of what we’d like to attain in 2019.

Our “Corporate” donations were down in 2018 but the shortfall was more than made up by having individuals either call or approach me with cheques in hand. I’d hear things like “Our family would like to dedicate a Missions Motorcycle in memory of my late husband” or “My late father” or “I had a pastor who helped me many years ago. I’d like to dedicate a bike in his memory.”

It’s rather humbling to have to admit that “Plan A” got adjusted to “Plan B” and eventually to Plan C.” We got to the point that almost none of “Plan A” made it to “Plan C.”

It was as though Jesus was saying “Don’t worry, I’ve Got This.”

2019 ended with one of our most successful financial sheets ever.

We adjusted the plan,,,,, but not the goal!!!

JUST IMAGINE if we could collectively grasp this vision.


WHO BETTER understands the versatility and pure joy of a motorcycle than a patched member of the Azusa StreetRiders?

WHO BETTER understands the vital importance of the “Doctrine” of our “Oneness” message in a world filled with half truths and outright deceptions and lies?

WHO ELSE has a “Oneness” infrastructure in place in North America (our combined population is something over 350 million people) and is dedicated to “Motorcycles for Missions?”

WHO ELSE, as we enter 2020, other than The Azusa StreetRiders, has both the potential degree of commitment and the leadership already in place to accomplish such an outstanding goal?


We, as the Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry, need to step forward and answer the call.

We, as Chapters, need to examine the opportunities that are unique to our geographical areas and put together some ideas and timelines to put Motorcycles on the Global Mission Fields.

We, as individuals, need to answer this call to action.

 Ecclesiastes 4:12 states

12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

  • We have enough dedicated, knowledgeable Oneness Apostolic Bikers within our Ministry organization.
  • Our combined membership has something over 200 “strands”
  • Individually, we tend to get distracted but, when joined together and interwoven spiritually then

TOGETHER, we have an outstanding potential to provide a tangible, positive impact on the many and unique mission fields on our globe.


“Cruzin’ for Christ” has been blessed to the extent that, in the past 10 years the total number of motorcycles purchased by the “Cruzin’ Rally” as of today, stands at about 54. (All funds haven’t been allocated yet.)


If each chapter of the “Azusa StreetRider Motorcycles for Missions Biker Ministry” could receive a renewed vision and connect the dots between our individual chapters & Ministries and the potential of the National Pastors who ride their “Missions” Motorcycles on a daily basis as they work to bring the Oneness, Apostolic Message to a lost village, town, region, country or continent.

JUST IMAGINE if each chapter would commit to raising $1000.00 (US Funds) by 30 September 2020.

Sister Theo tells me that we have at least 40 ASR Chapters in North America.

That means $40,000.00 would be available for distribution.

A motorcycle in Africa costs about $1000.00. In Central America or Southeast Asia it takes about $3500.00 per bike.

Now JUST IMAGINE if one half of the chapters said “We’ll commit to a double portion” That’s another $20,000.00.

And JUST IMAGINE if one half of that one half were to say “We’ll strive to do a triple portion.” That’s another $10,000.00.

That would total $70,000.00.

JUST IMAGINE if 50 of our “Lone Wolf” members,,,,, those Azusa StreetRider members who don’t belong to a chapter,,, but are dedicated “Oneness” bikers were able to commit to raising $300.00, per biker, through pledges, donations, individual rides, etc.

Their partnership would add another $15,000.oo and bring the grand total to $85,000.00.

JUST IMAGINE if our Ministry were to commit to a five year program of purchasing motorcycles.

That’s $425,000.00.

That’s about 350 Motorcycles being used 6 and 7 days per week by a trained, dedicated National Pastors who reach, on average, about 100 people per week. Some of these Pastors lead two or three different churches. Thus, a motorcycle is a true blessing.




Let’s Keep the Philippines in Prayer

I am posting this on behalf of Bro Guzman our ASR Coordinator for the Philippines please those that wish to give please contact Bro Thompson or Sis Theodore and we can coordinate this love offering . Regardless all of any offering we all can pray so let’s touch the throne of God for our Brothers,  Sisters, family and strangers affected by this tragedy.

ASR PH is going to conduct a community service to help our apostolic brothers. And churches who are severely affected by the eruption of taal volcano, we are all affected by the ashfall because taal volcano is only 50km away from us (manila), and because of this I’m asking for your kind heart as brothers in Christ, any help you extend will be great help for Apostolic Pastors and churches devastated by the eruption, for now 3 building churches was severely damage due to thick ashfall.

Attached are the photos of our relief operation to the Taal volcano eruption victims..
Deliver the goods to one of the cousin of pastor Sael Anota.
Repacking of goods to be deliver to places where some brethren stayed.
Evacuation center at Malvar Batangas, where some of our Brethren are staying
We are still raising funds to conduct another operation.. this time we will enter to the boundary of safe zone & danger zone set by the government , area where relief operation is hard due to road access for the 4 wheels.. but the motorcycle can pass.. I’m still asking for assistance.. any amount will be a great help for us so we can help others on behalf of AzusaStreet Riders. We also take this opportunity to share the gospel before giving the relief goods to the victims.

Best regards,
Rodante de Guzman
ASR coordinator Phils.

Greetings from Missionary’s Bro & Sis Riddick, Sierra Leone

Dear Azusa StreetRiders,

Greetings to you from Freetown, Sierra Leone, we trust you are all doing well!

We want to write and extend our heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation to the Azusa Street Riders for blessing Sierra Leone with the funds to purchase two motorcycles for two of our pastors, what a blessing! The average Sierra Leonian makes less than a $100 a month and thus most do not own, nor can afford to ever purchase their own means of transportation. Daily life alone, paired with ministry has so many third world challenges here in Africa. This is such a blessing to our pastors and enables them to better fulfill their role as ministers of the gospel. Thank you for mobilizing them by providing wheels to help spread the WORD!

We are currently in the process of locating the two bikes for purchase. As soon as the bikes are purchased, paperwork is finished and they are in our possession, we will be sending pictures of the pastors and their new bikes. We have already had small plaques made that will be attached to the bikes in honor of the Azusa Street Ryders.

My family and I would also like to express our gratefulness and sincere gratitude for the generous love offering that you sent to us. You truly blessed us and we appreciate your kindness and consideration. Thank you for investing in Sierra Leone and in our ministry. May the Lord richly bless you for your labor of love and your sacrifice. Thank you for reaching all the way across the globe to make a difference in someone else’s life, we appreciate you!

Yours for Jesus,

Rusty & Adriane Riddick
Missionary-Sierra Leone

You, The Azusa StreetRiders Ministry raised enough funds last year that when we got the call late for an opportunity to help Bro & Sis Reddick in Sierra Leone.  We were able to send them enough money to purchase two new motorcycles and also give them a love offering.  This was our way of showing them our appreciation for their work for the Lord and the sacrifice they are making every day spreading the Gospel in an area of the world that is considered the poorest of the poor.

This was done after we sent our 2019 commitment funds to Cuba for Bro Houseman there was enough left over for Sierra Leone & Bro Smoak in Tanzania.  All of this because “you all” gave from your heart there are those in heaven that will greet you on streets of gold because of your sacrifice and hard work.

The Azusa StreetRiders board and this membership are committed to invest every penny raise for Motorcycles For Missionaries within a given year for the work of One God Apostolic Missionaries throughout the world.  “The Need is Great, but Our God is Greater”  Let’s stay the course, keep the faith our time is limited we’ll be going home before you know it, let’s bring some with us OK

Bro Thompson

ASR hard at work in India

From an email transcript between Bro Schafer, Missionary to India and the and the Azusa StreetRiders board

Dear Brother Robert Thompson,
Praise the Lord it was good speaking with you this morning. As discussed attached are some pictures of the Azusa Street Riders Kesavaram India.  This Chapter was started with the donation from the Azusa Street Riders of two motorcycles in 2011.  These Ministers are Acts 2:38 and use the motorcycles to reach tribal areas in their region.  They also take care of widows, leper-sous people and orphans.
I want to thank you for your kind consideration and  assure you that these are the uttermost parts of the earth that will be reached.
I am copying this e-mail to Pastor Matthew Raju and his son Chinna.  I will have them contact you directly for any further information that might be needed.
In His service,
Pastor Gary Schafer