2022 Rally

Tom’s thoughts on this year’s rally;

Our normal rally is great preaching Thursday and Friday night and sometimes Wednesday evening at host church, we have some great rides , we see some great sights. We enjoy the fellowship with all the members and we always eat great food! It is really a great time that is well worth the trip.  But remember the first sentence of this article? I will say it again “Tom’s thought’s on this year’s rally”

This year needs to be different as it is gonna be, the rally is not in host church but a music hall, yes we gonna have great preaching, great worship and more than likely great food. As I am not trying to steal thunder from Sis Laureen and her church family I just want to be sure that her vision along with my vision reaches the body of ASR. First let me say as much as I love the idea of the music hall it was not me but the Theodore’s that landed this great rally location.

This year let’s not focus on the ride, the fellowship or any of the normal rally festivities, but let’s focus on the Azusa street revival that we got our name from. Let’s all reach out to other motorcycle ministries, other churches regardless of denomination, let’s reach out to anyone we can that does not have the Holy Ghost and invite them to this years rally. If we reach out to any lost soul that we can and get them to the rally then we are setting the stage for God to grant us a revival similar to the Azusa street revival and if we work hard in faith it can be greater than the original revival! So I’m asking us all to pray, to invite and to believe for revival this year at our national rally!

Let’s make 2022 Rally a Rally with purpose of Revival!

Miracles Signs and Wonders will happen if we seek and believe!

Thank you

Tom T

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