The Work in Cuba Continues

“Come over and help us…”

It’s just one line. A single plea for help. “Come over and help us…” The divinely inspired words of the Macedonian man seen in a vision by the Apostle Paul.

We are blessed to have had many come over into Cuba to help us over the years. And, I thank God for the times we also have heard the call for help and stopped what we were doing to go help somewhere else.

Most recently, we’ve been involved in the mission field of Mexico with Bro. and Sis. Ismael Cañas. They’ve been working in the federal prison in Chihuahua as well as spreading the gospel in towns and villages in Southern Mexico. Many inmates, including ex-cartel members, have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost.

For several years they and Evangelist Thurman Covey Jr. have been going and making a difference. It is amazing what can be done when people will answer the simple call “Come over … and help us.”

We have had national superintendents of large church organizations come to minister in Cuba. We have had notable evangelists and conference speakers to come.

We have also had workers and other volunteers come to help us.

Sometimes, it was simply to bring donations. Other times, it was not to preach or sing at a conference, but to bring much needed funds to help meet immediate needs and propel the work to the next level. Thank God for all of them!

The Macedonian call is not a special invitation to preach and be in the spotlight. It is a plea for help.

Please continue to pray for us as we endeavor to help the work in Cuba and anywhere else the Lord will lead us.

Nathaniel Houseman
Missionary to Cuba

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Robert Thompson served as President of Azusa StreetRiders International from 2017-2023 and National Secretary from 2010 - 2016 and has been an active member since 2008.

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