Up Coming Events

Sept 5-8: ASR Ride to Arkansas
Sept 21-22: 2nd Annual Biker Sunday; Clendenin, WV
Sept 23-28: UPCI General Conference; Indianapolis, Indiana
Oct 16-19  Texas Second Annual Fall Retreat  Winnie,Texas

All event information can be viewed  on our ASR website or on our facebook pages. If you have an event and it is not listed or you are planning a event and would like it listed please email your information to the board or to myself so we can get your event information listed.

Thank you,
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

Welcome to the Azusa StreetRiders National Rally – 20th Anniversary

By the time anyone reads this article we would have already been blessed by the preaching of Pastor Mark McCool at our Opening Night Service on Wednesday July 31st at FAC Maryville. I again want to take this opportunity to welcome each and everyone of you to the 20th anniversary of the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry and the 2019 National Rally looking forward to a great time in Lord and I pray each and everyone of you will  be blessed beyond measure

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Tentative Meal Plan for the 2019 National Rally

Pizza, breadsticks, Tossed salad with choice of dressing and Dessert

Breakfast – On your own

Lunch – Lunch at Deals Gap Motorcycle Complex
Your Choice of Cheese Burger, Deli or BBQ Sandwich one side and a drink

Dinner – Brisket and all the fixings 😇
and of course dessert

Breakfast – On your own

Lunch – Granny’s Kitchen Buffet
Cherokee NC

Dinner – Taco Bar with Soft and hard tacos chips salsa and dessert

Breakfast donuts and coffee in the Event Center

Lunch – Lasagna, breadsticks, salad and dessert

The Maryville chapter will be hosting an area ride Saturday afternoon for anyone that wants to stay over location TBA

Worship Is More Than A Song

As Apostolics we are very familiar with the expression of worship and praise by declaring thanks (Hebrews 13:15), by clapping our hands and shouting (Psalm 47:1), by musical instruments and dancing (Psalm 150:4), by singing praise songs (Psalm 9:11), by psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19-20), by making a joyful noise (Psalm 98:4), by lifting our hands (Psalm 134:2), by being still (Psalm 4:3-5), 46:10), and by being loud (Psalm 33:3, 95:1-6). These beautiful acts of worship and praise elevate us into God’s presence, giving us power to overcome obstacles, walk in the miraculous and live a joyful life.

Dedication is the basis of commitment, without it we are not able to give God anything else. Committing our thoughts and emotions unto obedience to Christ shows our respect for Him. To obey Him willingly involves our intellect, emotions and will (Romans 12:1-2). Our body is to be dedicated as a living sacrifice to God. We are to avoid being conformed to the world, but must strive to be transformed by the Word. Only then can we discover God’s perfect will for our life.

Worship refers to the supreme honor given either in thought or deed to a person or thing. It is reverence, a deep respect, admiration and honor given to God. The Bible teaches us that God alone is worthy of worship (Revelation 4:11).

Worship is not just for Sunday morning church. We should daily live a life of obedience to and worship of God. The single most important act of worship for any Christian is to totally present ourselves to God as an obedient servant. Jesus’ dedication to God involved His body and mind, “Nevertheless, not my will but yours be done.” Our minds coordinate the actions to be executed by the body while the body carries out the will of God. Once the mind and body are completely devoted to God, we become instruments of righteousness by which His will is done in earth as it is in heaven. He chooses to use us to perform His Will.

Praise is an outward expression of faith. When we praise Him, we are telling Him that we believe He is there to protect, comfort and to do battle on our behalf. God wants us to be so dependent on Him that no matter what the circumstances we face, regardless of how dark the night, we know that God is working out all things for our good. He wants us to be confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

What is your default reaction when things don’t go your way, when the trials and tribulations of life surround you? Do you respond by worshipping God and thanking Him for the storm that draws you closer to Him or do you react by getting angry and/or withdrawing from God, sulking in the hurt and pain? Paul and Silas were arrested for casting a spirit of divination out of a girl. The local authorities beat them and threw them in jail. Beside the trauma of being beaten, they were chained in stocks and their arms and legs were essentially immobile which caused cramping and loss of circulation. It was truly a depressing atmosphere. Despite the throbbing pain and depressing circumstances, Paul and Silas were heard praying and singing praises to God. Suddenly there was an earthquake and it shook the prison. The doors opened wide freeing Paul, Silas and all the prisoners. Praise and worship are the keys to the miraculous. In times of suffering, we sometimes forget this powerful principle that Paul and Silas understood. God inhabits the praises of His People not the complaints.

Choose worship and praise. When a storm develops in our life, it is our responsibility to go out before the battle, to sing praises to God — to shout the victory! No negativity and grumbling allowed. When we worship and praise God, He will elevate us to new heights and give us greater revelation. The degree to which we worship God reflects the degree of His worth to us. Each morning when we wake, we should ask God what he would like for us to do during the day. Ask Him who can we speak life to; give hope to today. Plan your day by telling God, “As I prepare for this day, I appoint it to be used for Your glory. Everything that happens will be used for your purposes. Even the problems that happen will be appointed to be used for Your glory.” Not my will today God, but Your will be done.

Diane Beall,  ASR National Ladies Chaplain

2019 National Rally Guest Speakers

Wednesday July 31st – Opening Service
Pastor Mark McCool – Pastor FAC Knoxville, TN

Pastor Mark & Sis. Jamie McCool – Pastor McCool was born in Knoxville in 1958. He grew up working for and loving the saints of First Apostolic Church. He graduated from the University of Tennessee with a bachelor’s degree in elementary art education. He married Sis. Jamie McCool in 1981, and together they served as associate pastors and teachers in Apostolic Christian School. Sis. Jamie McCool also has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee in child and family development. They have two children Ashley and Anthony who are both very involved in the ministry of First Apostolic Church. Ashley and Anthony are both graduates of the University of Tennessee. In 2001, Bro. Mark was named Pastor of First Apostolic Church. Together they are leading First Apostolic Church forward.

Thursday August 1st – Motorcycles for Missionaries Service
Rev Darry Crossley  – UPCI Regional Director for South America – Retired

Rev Darry & Sis Kathy Crossley – Darry and Kathy Crossley’s missions involvement began in Argentina in July 1974 under the Overseas Ministries program. Their initial responsibility was to help set up the Bible school program in Buenos Aires. They taught in the Bible school, set up national financial books, pastored in San Justo, and held revivals and seminars. They returned to the States in October 1975 to receive full missionary appointment. Through the years Brother Crossley held every office on the national board and pastored the Central Church. Brother Crossley was elected as president of the UPC of Argentina in 1982. He was kept very busy administrating and coordinating the national work, teaching in seminars and in the Bible school and spent about missionary profile half of his weekends ministering in the interior of the country. In September 2002, the Foreign Missions Board appointed Brother Crossley the regional director for South America. He now oversees the churches, missionaries, and national leaders in the ten nations of the South America Region. He also serves as the President of the UPCI of Bolivia and as President of the UPC of Uruguay

Friday August 2nd  – Evangelistic service
Rev Kenneth Carpenter – ALJC General Supertantant  & Senior Pastor of FAC Maryville, TN

Rev Kenneth Ray Carpenter & Sis Penny Carpenter became senior pastor of First Apostolic Church of Maryville in June 1984, and continues to pursue the vision and dreams God placed in his heart to reach the community of Blount County.

His ministry began at age 17 when he preached his first sermon, and shortly thereafter he began evangelizing throughout the United States.  As a troubled 16-year-old teenager, he was enrolled at Apostolic Christian School in Knoxville, Tennessee. It was there that Bishop Billy and Betty McCool and the First Apostolic Church of Knoxville took a chance on him. February of that school year, he was baptized in Jesus name and received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

He has been a minister with the Assembles of the Lord Jesus Christ (ALJC) for well over 30 years. He is a regular conference and camp meeting speaker and is well-known for his leadership in missions giving. Pastor Carpenter was elected General Superintendent of the ALJC in 2013. His compelling burden and vision for the ALJC is to see prayer networked throughout the organization. It is his heartfelt desire to see all churches, regardless of size, have the tools they need to propel them into a greater revival and reap a harvest of souls.

Pastor Carpenter is passionate about God, family, and church. He treasures being a husband, father, grandfather and pastor. In 1982, while preaching as an evangelist at FAC Maryville, he met the love of his life, Penny Bennett. In July 1984, one month after becoming pastor of FAC Maryville, he and Penny were married and she joined him in pastoring. From the beginning Penny assumed the role as lead administrator for both First Apostolic Church and Apostolic Christian Academy. She also spends a great amount of time teaching bible studies and helping disciple individuals with their walk with God.

Welcome our newest members

Azusa StreetRiders Ministry would like to take this opportunity to welcome all our new members for the month of July

Robert Poleto
Myrtle Beach, SC
Christian Life Center
Rev Stacy Davis

Robert & Ginger Beck
Stockton, CA
Christian Life Center
Rev James Kinney

Neva Brasfirel
Denison, TX
Truth Church
Rev Darren Gilbert

Jon & Serrena Weber
Ft Wayne, IN
Calvary Lighthouse
Rev Richard Maron

Terry Metheny
Plymouth, IN
Community Lfe Center
Rev Phil Chandler


State Watch

Articles for State Watch are from the AMA

State Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R- Monongahela) has introduced legislation prohibiting grass clippings from road ways. She said clippings can cause the surface of the roadway to become extremely slippery, causing motorcycle crashes. Grass on the roadways can also clog storm drains and contribute to run off pollution into streams.
Bartolotta’s bill would treat offenses related to grass clippings on roadways in the same way as other litter. Fines would range from $50 to $300 for a first offense and $300 to $1,000 for a subsequent offense. Offenders also would be required to remove clippings from the road.

A bill to include motorcycles in the states electric vehicle rebate program failed to make it to the Senate floor. S.B 486, sponsored by state Sen. Kirk Watson (D-Austin) would have allowed a rebate of as much as $2,500 for the purchase of an electric motorcycle.
The AMA believes this bill was important because it would have ended a discriminatory policy against motorcyclists, who should be eligible for the same benifits as other motor vehicle owners.
Ensuring motorcyclists have access to the same rights and programs as the owners of other vehicles is a key goal. Importantly, this bill also recognized motorcycles as part of the future of transportation and something to be encouraged and incentivized for the benefit of all road users.

A bill passed by legislature would allow motorcyclists 18 or older to ride with out a helmet. The bill also requires motorcyclists to be covered by heath insurance policy before riding without a helmet.

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson unveiled the awareness campaign ”Motorcyclists Are Hard to See. Look Twice. Save a Life” The campaign is amid at preventing motorcycle crashes in Michigan by teaching people about the importance of constantly looking for motorcycles while driving. The effort will include billboards,radio ads and social media spots. It will be funded through the Motorcycle Safety and Education Fund, which was created by the Michigan Legislature.

H.B.141, which creates a law enforcement training program on motorcyclist profiling, passed the House, 91-0, in May and passed the Senate, 38-0 in June and was signed by the Governor. The bill defines motorcyclist profiling as the “arbitrary use of the fact that an individual rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle-related clothing pr paraphernalia as a factor in deciding to stop,question,take enforcement action,arrest or search the individual or his motorcycle or motor vehicle”

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

Up Coming ASR Events

July 31 – August 3: ASR National Rally; Maryville, TN                                                          Sept 5-8: ASR Ride to Arkansas
Sept 21-22: 2nd Annual Biker Sunday; Clendenin, WV
Sept 23-28: UPCI General Conference; Indianapolis, Indiana                                         Oct 16-18: ASR Fall Retreat Winnie, Texas
All event information can be viewed  on our ASR website or on our facebook pages. If you have an event and it is not listed or you are planning a event and would like it listed please email your information to the board or to myself so we can get your event information listed.
Thank you,
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

Leaving the Rally

By the time you are all reading this August 1, 2019 well most of you will be traveling back home from the National Rally. I pray that you all make it home safe and have great weather.


Michael Theodore                                           National Road Captain 


Azusa StreetRiders Emissaries to Costa Rica

Greeting in Jesus name from Costa Rica. We miss seeing everyone this year at the National Rally. Our friends in ASR are so supportive and caring that it is always a time of encouragement when we are together. We are starting our 8th week in Costa Rica and have been busy. We completed 4 weeks of Spanish immersion classes which is a start but we have a long way to go to be fluent in Spanish. God has provided a vehicle at a very reasonable price so we are able to get around. We were able to sell our house in July so we praise God that we are not maintaining two households.

We have been able to teach in Sunday School and Julie will start teaching English classes at the Pavas church in mid-August.   The people here are excited about learning English since it provides more opportunities for employment. God is opening doors for us to get involved.  The people here are true worshippers and are expecting and working toward a great revival in Costa Rica.

We have met a few bikers here and have handed out several of our ASR cards. One of the bikers has been in group rides with the Soldiers for Jesus, which is the only Christian motorcycle club in Costa Rica that we have found. We are living in the San Jose metro area which has a population of around 2.2 million people. The roads are similar to what you would find in the Smokey Mountains – very narrow, lots of curves, and steep climbs. A 1.5 mile drive to the grocery store can take 15-20 minutes each way. Motorcycles are everywhere and are very aggressive.   It gives a totally new meaning to lane splitting. The motorcycles are on your right, your left, and will cross in front of you to go from one side to the other depending on traffic. It will be an experience to ride here.

We are praying for ASR, the services and for the business meeting at the Nation Rally. Please keep us in your prayers as we make this transition. God is Great!

Bro & Sis McGhghy


Over the last year and 10 months the Azusa Street-Riders ministry has been growing and the Lord has blessed us. We have had  96  new members join, several come back,  27 active chapters and 5 Provisional Chapters. The ASR Philippians has enough members that we are working on structuring them to be self sufficient plus we have added members in Thailand. Last year we were able to purchase 3 motorcycles plus the ones that were donated from our ASR members in Canada. We have had an encouraging note from the UPCI missions department and Bro. Mooney. All exciting things going on!
When this current ASR board first got together we had a lot to learn. There are 4 strong minded people that were trying to agree on what was best for this ministry but we all had our own ideas of how things should work. In the beginning I think we all wondered what on earth we had signed up for LOL. As time went on and through much prayer and seeking Gods will for this ministry we have learned to humble ourselves and work together in unity. We have learned to set our personal opinions and emotions aside and pray for each other. Psalms 133:1-2 AMP Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil {of consecration} poured on the head, Coming down on the beard, Even the beard of Aaron, Coming down upon the edge of his {priestly} robes {consecrating the whole body}.
As this years election approaches we must seek God and pray that whoever is elected the unity of this board will continue so God can work through us to fulfill His will and purpose in this ministry of reaching the lost in a world that so desperately needs to be reached.
I love and appreciate every one of you and pray the Lord blesses you as we work together in one mind and one accord to continue the vision the Lord gave to Bro Fred Beall to reach the motorcycle world and support our foreign missionaries with the only oneness Apostolic motorcycle ministry. I am honored to be able to serve this ministry in any way I can.
God Bless,
Sis Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer