East Region Bind The Strong Man Ohio

2022 East Region Bind The Strong Man
Azusa StreetRiders season kick off prayer meeting
March 4,2022
7 PM till Midnight

Host Church Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Pastor Ben Robinson
3030 S. Columbus Rd
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Hotels close to the church

Best Western
243 Liberty St
Wooster,Ohio 44691

Hilton Garden Inn
959 Dover Rd
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Comfort Inn & Suites
965 Dover Rd
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Hampton Inn
4253 Burbank Rd
Wooster, Ohio 44691

2022 Events

March 4 BTSM

Check your Region
East Region Ohio
Southeast Region Georgia
West Region Texas
May 5-6
Apostolic Tabernacle Benefit Ride and Biker Service
May 14-15
Clarksburg, West Virginia Sword Run/Biker Sunday
May 20-22
ASR fellowship with the Beall’s in Myrtle Beach, SC New ASR video to be made.
May 27-29
Maryville,Tn Chapter Biker Sunday
May 28-29
Jefferson City, Missouri Biker Weekend
June 2-4
ASR Texas Fellowship Retreat
Burnet, Texas
June 11
Zanesville, Ohio to promote the National Rally at The Rushing Wind Biker church
Zanesville, Ohio
June 12
Muskegon Ohio Chapter Biker Sunday
Zanesville, Ohio
June 16-18
West Virginia Men’s Conference
ASR Booth
June 24-26
Hocking Hills, Ohio Chapter Biker Weekend
August 3-6
National Rally
Warren, Ohio
August 7
Warren, Ohio Chapter Biker Sunday
August 20-21
Wooster, Ohio Biker Weekend
September 9-11
Appalachian Chapter Biker W
Clendenin, West Virginia
October 22-23
Sparta, Tennessee Biker Weekend
If you are thinking of hosting an event. Please send your dates and information to the board or myself. This way it can be listed on the national website,rumbling’s, Facebook group pages.
Michael Theodore
National Public Relations Coordinator


This is a reminder invoices will be sent out individually to email addresses on file or last known home addresses the second or third week of January. If you are a chapter president and would prefer to have an invoice for the entire chapter members sent to 1 person please contact me via email at laureen.theodore@azusastreetriders.com or text message 330-720-4382 by January 10th. We have changed dues to 40.00 for every member instead of the 60.00 individual members and 30/30=60.00 for chapter members. This was discussed at the National Rally and concluded this would be the best option moving forward to make it easier keeping up with the growth we have seen in ASR over the last couple of years.
Thank you and may God richly bless you this upcoming year,
Sis Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer

Goodbye 2021, Welcome 2022

So goes another year goodbye 2021 and for many good riddance, Hello 2022! Holidays are about over, the Christmas tree has been put away, the presents are still stacked up in the corner and the decorations have been gingerly packed away until next year. I know it’s been said we can sometimes forget the meaning of the season with all the hoopla going on around us, at home, church and work. As this holidays is now a memory I would like to stop and remind myself as to the greatest gift the Lord has given not only myself but all of those that have been Baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost. Take OUR salvation coupled with the relationship we have with our Lord how can anyone not cherish that more than anything this world has to offer. I know His gifts are poured out upon us, as unworthy as we are, however I also like to be mindful of the “Stocking Stuffers” or what I consider “Dividends” that the Lord grants us everyday and all year long that we receive being a child of God.

These blessing can vary in range and can come in small or large packages, so to speak. I’m talking here about those things we have a tendency to take for granted  or even be overlooked. Events I try to keep an eye opened for in my everyday living. For example not finding your keys after 20 minutes of searching everywhere, only to whisper “Lord please help me find them” and all of a sudden there they are. Pulling into a crowded parking lot and finding a space right by the front door. Maybe a check came in the mail or an unexpected financial blessing. Or perhaps just driving along and out of nowhere the presence of God floods your vehicle and you begin to speak in tongues and know the Lord has just touched your life in a special way.

I don’t know why the Lord had laid this on my heart for the Rumbling’s as an end of year thought, but he has. I just want to say I personally want to be “more mindful” of the blessings that come my way.

The Bible says “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thes 5:18

So one of my goals starting the New Year will be to give thanks for the “Stocking Stuffers” or “Dividends” that come my way all year long  and to be diligent in seeking for them in my life. Thanking the Lord always for the good things he has given me.

But what about when we experience hard times?

I know there are those reading this article and shaking their heads because right now your lives are filled with difficulties and more drama than you deserve. You might not feel or see these the blessing I am referring to right now, perhaps you don’t even feel like looking? You are in the midst of the battle, we have all been there, but this to will pass. Be faithful as our Lord has been faithful and as you are drawn out of this valley remember that God loves and knows you well. Sometimes that is the hardest thing to remember that the Lord Jesus Christ knows exactly where we are and what we’re going through.

“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?  But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7

So when the Lord does deliver you off the battlefield don’t forget to give God thanks. Our Lord Jesus Christ will be here sooner than we know for his church and in the end it will be worth it all. Do not waver, keep your eye on the prize and that is making it into heaven in one piece. We might be battered, bruised and maybe broken but make it in we need to do. We need to as Paul wrote “Finish the course, and keep the faith”  that is out goal. And if I can add an addendum it would be and pick up as many as we can along the way.

God Bless each and every one of you, your families, your pastors and your church. Be safe and we’ll see y’all at the 2022 Regional “Bind The Strongman” event, let’s all make an effort to be at one.




Don’t forget to add Outreach to your 2022 events

If you are hosting an event in 2022 PLEASE let Brother Clarence Earp  know what outreach you are building in to your event. Brother Earp will be keeping a record of the different types of outreach for events. and hopefully we can use the information to tweak our outreach and bring souls into the kingdom of GOD. Also send your dates of your events to the board. So we can help promote your event.


2022 National Rally

August 4-6  National Rally.
The 2022 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally will be in Warren, Ohio August 4th and 5th business meeting the 6th. The location will be at The Packard Music Hall that will accommodate 2,500. Our speakers will be Thursday night Evangelist Charles Robinette and Friday night speaker will be Evangelist Doug Klindenst.  The host church is The Pentecostals of Champion Pastor Mark Semrau. This is going to be a Holy Ghost outpouring just like the Azusa Street revival with miracles,  signs and wonders.
We will be having a teaching session at the church with Evangelist Charles Robinette for anyone that can be there on Wednesday August 3rd. The Pentecostals of Champion  308 Cleveland Avenue East Warren, Ohio.
We have been  blessed with a nice group rate for our Host hotel which will be the Holiday Inn Express & Suites.  The  group hotel link is posted on our ASR facebook pages for easy online booking.
August 7th  The Penecostals of Champion will be hosting their 2nd annual Biker Sunday. Host speaker is Evangelist Doug Klindenst. Service starts at 10:00 AM.

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year to All. May You All Have A Very Blessed New Year. Looking Forward To What The Lord has planned for Azusa StreetRiders This Coming Year.

East Region Bind The Strong Man

2022 East Region Bind The Strong Man
Azusa StreetRiders season kick off prayer meeting
March 4,2022
7 PM till Midnight

Host Church  Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Pastor Ben Robinson
3030 S. Columbus Rd
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Hotels close to the church

Best Western
243 Liberty St
Wooster,Ohio 44691

Hilton Garden Inn
959 Dover Rd
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Comfort Inn & Suites
965 Dover Rd
Wooster, Ohio 44691

Hampton Inn
4253 Burbank Rd
Wooster, Ohio 44691


How many of you want to support the ministry without doing anything but shop?💳🛒 Go on Amazon smile when using your Amazon account. You can even use your Amazon prime just add Azusa StreetRiders Inc. to Amazon smile. It’s that easy, Amazon deposits a percentage of what you spend right into the ASR account.😃


There have been some questions concerning initial application fees and membership dues. The initial membership of 60.00 for Heaven Bound or 75.00 for City/State pays for the patch so everyone actually gets the first years dues at no cost. Beginning January I will invoice every member individually instead of invoicing the chapter unless otherwise communicated in advance. Beginning January 2022 dues will be 40.00 for every member instead of the 60.00 for individual members and the 30.00/30.00 split for second year chapters. The Azusa StreetRiders ministry has grown to the point we needed to adjust how we invoice. Keep an eye out in your email for invoices between the second and fourth week of January. Dues can also be paid in the ASR website store azusastreetriders.com at any time.
God bless,
Sis Laureen Theodore
Azusa StreetRiders International Treasurer