Up Coming Events

Events coming up

May 14-15
West Virginia Sword Run and Biker Sunday
May 28
Toledo Ohio Chapter Blessing of the bikes and ride.
May 27-29
Maryville Tennessee Chapter Biker Weekend
May 28-29
Jefferson City, Missouri Biker Weekend
June 2-4
ASR Texas Fellowship Retreat and ride Burnet, Texas
June 11
Rushing Wind Biker Church bikerfest
Outreach and promoting National Rally.
Zanesville, Ohio
June 12
Muskingum, Ohio Chapter Biker Sunday
Zanesville, Ohio
June 16-18
West Virginia Men’s conference ASR Booth
June 24-26
Hocking Hills Ohio Chapter Biker Weekend Hocking Hills Ohio
July 15-17
Northern Indiana Biker Weekend
Warsaw, Indiana
July 30-31
Niles, Ohio Chapter
Biker Weekend
Niles, Ohio
August 3-6
ASR National Rally
Warren, Ohio
August 7
Warren, Ohio Chapter
Biker Sunday
Warren, Ohio
August 12-14
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs, Michigan
August 20-21
Wooster, Ohio Chapter Biker Weekend
Wooster, Ohio
September 3
Toledo Ohio Chapter River Run
September 9-11
Appalachian Chapter Biker Weekend
Clendenin,West Virginia
September 24-25
Sparta, Tennessee
Biker Weekend
September 30- October 2
Myrtle Beach Fall Bike week with round table discussions with founder Fred Beall.
All events are also  listed on our National Website and both Facebook group pages.

Welcome New Members and Brand New Chapter

I would like to reach out to all our newest members  and take this opportunity to welcome you into the greatest One God Motorcycle Ministry anywhere.

Also Let’s Welcome Our Newest Chapter – Northeast Louisiana Chapter:
Pastor Steve Shane Lester
Bro Robert (Rip) Clements
Sis April Danielle Whitstine Stanley
Bro Nathan L. Stanley

Bro James & Sis Savannah Yeager
Jackson, AL
First Pentecostal Church of Jackson
Paster William Hales

Pastor Steve & Sis Candace Letser
Delhi, LA
Pentecost Tabernacle
Pastor Steve Lester

Sis April Danielle Whitstine Stanley
Rayville, LA
Pentecost Tabernacle
Pastor Steve Lester

Bro Robert “RIP” & Sis Lisa Clements
Delhi, LA
Pentecost Tabernacle
Pastor Steve Lester

Bro Zachary & Brittany Land
Rolla, MO
Tabernacle of Praise
Pastor Tim Blackwell

Bro Julio & Sis Angelica Figueroa
Brookfield, MO
New Life Church
Pastor Jeff Keck

Bro Danny Russell
New Carlisle, OH
Life Way Church
Pastor Ken Dillingham

South Carolina
Bro Kenneth & Sis Maureen Dorn
North Myrtle Beach, SC
Christen Life Center
Pastor Stacy Davis







The 2022 AZUSA STREETRIDERS NATIONAL RALLY will be in Warren, Ohio August 4th and 5th. The location will be at an event venue that will be able to accommodate a large crowd. Our speakers will be Thursday night Evangelist Charles Robinette and Friday night speaker will be Evangelist Doug Klinedinst. This is going to be a Holy Ghost outpouring just like the Azusa Street revival with miracles, signs and wonders.

We will be having an alter worker teaching session at The Pentecostals of Champion with Evangelist Charles Robinette for anyone that can be there on Wednesday August 3rd at 7:00pm.

Warren, Ohio biker Sunday with Evangelist Doug Klinedinst will be August 7th at The Pentecostals of Champion, Pastor Mark Semrau at 10:00am.

Schedules for the entire rally will be available soon.
We are excited to be adding something new for our children this year!!! Sis Lydia Diaz and Sis Sheryl Pray will be having a children’s prayer seminar at the host hotel while the parents are out riding during the day. More information will be coming in the next couple of weeks.
God Bless,
Sis Laureen Theodore


The rally will be here before we know it! Here are instructions how our ASR members can register.  Your registration includes, 2022 rally pin, name tag, coffee/donuts before the business meeting and a catered lunch after the business meeting. The lunches offered to be purchased for the Thursday and Friday rides for 15.00 are buffets and the snacks for after service will be wraps, sandwiches and or pizza for 10.00. Please register ASAP so we have a count of how many to prepare for.

Go to the azusastreetriders.com website, click on menu then click on events, click on 2022 national rally, Warren, OH {This might be on page 2} then click on view details. You can put the number of how many you are registering in the drop down boxes,  proceed to “register now” then finish payment information. That is where you can register for the rally and purchase the meals you want. Please let me know if you have any problems or questions. Check your email for a confirmation that the transaction was completed.

God bless,
Sis Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer

Welcome New Members We Have A New Chapter

I would like to reach out to all our new members and take this opportunity to welcome you into the greatest One God motorcycle ministry anywhere. Also Welcome our newest Chapter – Myrtle Beach,  South Carolina

Pastor Charles & Sis Charlotte Shopher
Marianna, FL
Pentecostal Faith Ministries
Pastor Charles Shopher

Bro Mathew & Sis Rachel Maylee
Vichy, MO
Tabernacle of Praise “TOP”
Pastor Tim Blackwell

Bro Todd & Sis Amy Colosimo
Little River, SC
Power House Church
Pastor Jon Feld

Bro German & Sis Molly Badillo
Myrtle Beach, SC
Christen Life Center
Pastor Stacy Davis

Bro Howard & Sis Sylvia Ketron
Conway, SC
Christen Life Center
Pastor Stacy Davis

Bro Joseph & Sis Abigail Lester
Conway, SC
Christen Life Center
Pastor Stacy Davis

Evangelist Jonathan Ashcroft
Bay City, TX
Peace Tabernacle
Pastor Kenneth Grant


Ohio 2022 National Rally

2022 Host Hotel will be the HOLIDAY INN & SUITES

August 3-7, 2022
Warren, Ohio
We have been blessed with block rooms set at $109.00 plus tax a night for a King room or a double queen room. You can also upgrade to a King Suite room for $10.00 more for $119.00 plus tax a night. The cut off date for this group rate is June 29,2022.
Here is the online link. Our Group code is AZR
If the host hotel is booked up here is a list of other hotels in the area close by.
1. Hamton Inn & Suites
5581 Youngstown Warren Rd
Niles, Ohio 44446
2. Residence Inn by Marriott Warren/Niles
5555 Youngstown Warren Rd
Niles, Ohio 44446
3. Fairfield Inn Warren/Niles
1860 Niles-Cortland Rd SE
Warren, Ohio 44484
4. Days Inn Niles
1300 Youngstown Warren Rd
Niles, Ohio 44446
For Anyone who would like to camp or bring a RV toyhauler we have a campground close by.
Mosquito Lake Campground
3620 Hoagland Black Stub Rd
Cortland, Ohio 44410
330-637-2856 or 866-644-6727

2022 Events

Events coming up

April 23
Paoli, Indiana
Hog roast and ride
April 30th
South Alabama Crawfish Boil and prayer ride
May 14-15
West Virginia Sword Run and Biker Sunday
May 28
Toledo Ohio Chapter Blessing of the bikes and ride.
May 27-29
Maryville Tennessee Chapter Biker Weekend
May 28-29
Jefferson City, Missouri Biker Weekend
June 2-4
ASR Texas Fellowship Retreat and ride Burnet, Texas
June 11
Rushing Wind Biker Church bikerfest
Outreach and promoting National Rally.
Zanesville, Ohio
June 12
Muskingum, Ohio Chapter Biker Sunday
Zanesville, Ohio
June 16-18
West Virginia Men’s conference ASR Booth
June 24-26
Hocking Hills Ohio Chapter Biker Weekend Hocking Hills Ohio
July 15-17
Northern Indiana Biker Weekend
Warsaw, Indiana
July 30-31
Niles, Ohio Chapter
Biker Weekend
Niles, Ohio
August 3-6
ASR National Rally
Warren, Ohio
August 7
Warren, Ohio Chapter
Biker Sunday
Warren, Ohio
August 12-14
Michigan Biker Weekend
Cedar Springs, Michigan
August 20-21
Wooster, Ohio Chapter Biker Weekend
Wooster, Ohio
September 3
Toledo Ohio Chapter River Run
September 9-11
Appalachian Chapter Biker Weekend
Clendenin,West Virginia
September 24-25
Sparta, Tennessee
Biker Weekend
September 30- October 2
Myrtle Beach Fall Bike week Fellowship and round table discussions with founder Fred Beall.
All events will also be listed in the monthly rumblings newsletter.  On both Facebook group pages. And on our national website 👍


I will be accepting nominations beginning April 1st and ending May 31st for the positions of Vice President and Secretary. You can email me, text me, facebook messenger me your nominations. Not a requirement but only a request that who you wish to nominate that you contact them and find out if they are interested in running.
Thank you
Tom Thompson