2019 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally

The Board of the Azusa StreetRiders would like recommendations for the location of the 2019 National Rally. There a a few requirements for this event that must be met, an application is available.

Anyone interested in hosting or would like to make a suggestion on a location please email Bro Michael Luttrell @ Mike.Luttrell@AzusaStreetRiders.com

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

Bind the Strong Man 2019 Conference

The Board of the Azusa StreetRiders are now accepting applications for hosting the 2019 B.T.S.M. Conference and Prayer meeting.

Please get with Brother Michael Luttrell for an application.

Thank You

Welcome New Members

Welcome New Members January 2018

  • The Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic –
    • Thank you Pastor Micky Smith – Bloomington, IN
    • Brother Rickie Egan
    • Brother Bob Rogers
    • Sister Kathy Rogers
    • Brother Mark Wever
    • Sister Olive Wever
  • Truth Church –
    • Thank you Pastor David Gilbert – Denison, TX
    • Brother Lee Adams

The Board of the Azusa StreetRiders would like to welcome each and everyone of you to this ministry and we are at your service.

My God Bless your ministry.

Texas is on Holy Ghost Fire!

South East Texas Strong Chapter” had their first “Biker” service here at the “Kirbyville Apostolic Church” January 27th. We had a tremendous service!!! Many renewed themselves and we had one receive the Holy Ghost. God is doing great things with our chapter and we are moving forward.

Keep up the Great Work Sis Charlotte

The Best Kind of fellowship
This is what it’s all about Brother’s In the LordThat’s What I’m Talking About

Greetings for the New Year

I greet you in the Name of Jesus Christ
along with the church in Maryville, TN
and your local  Azusa StreetRiders Chapter.

I wanted to take just a moment of your time to wish all of our Azusa StreetRiders Members, Family, Friends, Associates and Supporters a Happy New Year. Here we are once again at the brink of a new year. I roll into 2018 wondering what happened to 2017, seems like yesterday we all were standing in Watch Night Service worshiping in the New Year and now it’s but a memory.

Along with the New Year comes Resolutions, “Do-Overs” and Reboots. Seems we offer ourselves that opportunity this time of year on something that we might or might not complete or even get off the ground. Some of these attempts might go by the way side, some might stink and yet for others well it’s jump start that’s needed to pull ourselves up by the boot straps, hit the floor on our knees and come the the realization we need a closer walk with God

The concept or opportunity to start fresh is not new. The Bible says:

“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.  For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Cor 4:14-16 (KJV)

Think about that for a moment; Jesus Christ has given us an opportunity to start fresh not once a year on New Years Day or like the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament but each and every day we have a fresh start available to us. So regardless if your hiking on the mountain top or crawling in the valley this opportunity is for each and every child of God regardless of your circumstance.

All we need to do is adhere to the Word of God. If we would read God’s word daily our prayer life with blossom, we will see results, our worship will glow, others will be drawn by our sincerity and the things that trouble us although present will not be prevalent in our every day lives. Jesus Christ can take a problem and give us the strength to bear and overcome that burden for as the word says it’s only for a season. In addition the word of God says

“But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” Matthew19:26 (KJV)

If this was not enough there are at least 14 more scriptures in the Bible with the same message about God’s ability to do “The miraculous out of the ordinary” we being the ordinary and God being God. I have always been taught that we cannot pick and choose what parts of the Bible we can believe; it’s all or nothing. So if we can believe that God created the heavens and earth by his spoken word than we MUST believe he counts the hairs on our head and knows where were at, at all times.

All we need to do is trust and if we find ourselves in that place where, on occasion, were at the end of our rope. We need to go to God for a fresh renewing of the Holy Ghost. First by prayer and repentance, than by worship and the reading of his word and lastly by knowing God has our six and loves us enough that on the day he hung on that cross we were in his mind and he saw us from our beginning to our end and yet filled us with his Holy Ghost regardless of our shortcomings and loved us enough to place a man of God our Shepard’s over us for protection.

All I can say is Thank You Jesus.

Robert Thompson
President, Azusa StreetRiders International



Please check the Azusa StreetRiders web site and FB page for up coming Events

In addition if your planning an event PLEASE get it posted as soon as possible. Even if you need to update it later, I would like to see all our events attended by as many members as possible. The way to do that is planning ahead and there are those that need to request vacation time off of work,  get permission from our wives or husbands, girlfriends or boyfriends, (come on guys let’s live in the real world :-)) set funds aside etc.

So anyone planning an event please get it posted in addition Bro Michael Theodore has agreed to assist in  anyway possible with your event to be successful. Bro Theodore has held some of the best events I have attended in the past and in my opinion has a wealth of knowledge at your disposal.

Thank you Bro Theodore !

So let’s get rolling in 2018, get these events posted and let’s do a good work for Jesus Christ.

Brother Thompson

’Tis The Season

Tis the season for Thanksgiving. And Christmas. And an abundance of cooking and eating. And Christmas banquets. And Christmas decorating. And Christmas shopping. And wrapping gifts. And exchanging gifts. And traveling in cases. And…….

It is a very busy time of year. However, with a few exceptions for those fortunate enough to live in a climate conducive to year round riding, there aren’t many opportunities to enjoy two / three wheel therapy in this season for most of us. With that thought in mind, what do we do as part of the Azuza StreetRiders when we are unable to ride?

I want to encourage each of us to think “outside of the box”. Please remember that the focus of Azuza StreetRiders is to be witnesses and soul winners for our Savior. It is very easy to recognize our motorcycles as being one of our best tools to “break the ice” with other motorcyclists, but the motorcycle isn’t our only tool. I would encourage each of us to discover and implement other approaches to reach lives while not on our motorcycles. This season brings the perfect “excuse” to take an extra step and consciously go out of our way to show ourselves friendly, caring, and loving. May we be reminded of John 3:35. “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” It is imperative that we reflect the love of God to those outside of our church buildings AND to those within. I have recognized that people may or may not remember what we ride. They may or may not remember our name. They may or may not even remember the name of the motorcycle ministry that we are a part of. However, they WILL remember how they are treated and any emotions that we stir within them. Our words and actions will also reveal to them our true being. Beyond that, our words and actions show them who, or even what, we serve. So, once again; “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

While Azuza StreetRiders is certainly the “Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ”, please remember that we are called to be witnesses even beyond the motorcycle community. We must reach EVERYONE within “our world”; even those who don’t have the slightest interest in motorcycles. While we continue to put forth efforts to reach those within the motorcycle community, we must not lose sight of the “big picture”. Luke 14:23 instructs us to “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” This instruction certainly includes but is not limited to motorcyclists. Although our motorcycles may not be our most effective tool during the winter months (for most of us anyway), we can ill afford to take time off from attempting to pull souls out of the grasps of Hell. We must continue to work while it is day.

I am confident that we have all heard and are hopefully making a conscious decision to be thankful every day and not just on Thanksgiving. Hopefully, we all recognize that the true meaning of Christmas is to set aside a day in each year to reflect upon the birth of Jesus Christ even though we continue to put Him first in our lives 365 days a year. However, I want to encourage each of us to remember that we are called to be witnesses year around; not just during “riding season”. With this in mind, I have been reminded that even during ’Tis The Season, I must be busy for the Kingdom.

Merry Christmas!!
Michael Luttrell
Azusa StreetRiders International

End of Year Sale at the Azusa StreetRiders Store

Now through December 31st every item on the AzusaStreet Riders online store over $10 will have a 25% discount  applied at check out or before the credit card is processed.

Note: This is new for us so if there is any problem or for some reason the discount doesn’t apply please contact Sis Theodore via email at laureen.theodore@azusastreetriders.com and we’ll get it taken care of right away.

Thank you and God Bless
Brother Thompson

Welcome New Members

Newest Chapter – Kirbyville, TX

New Members:
Pastor Malcolm Hennigan
Brother James Odom III
Sister Charlotte Dawes
– Kirbyville, TX

Brother Christopher Gilbert
Brother Brian Murphy
– Oxford, CT

Pastor Tim Downs
– La Porte, IN

New International Member:
Peter John Lujan
– Yigo, Guam

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ
email: robert.thompson@AzusaStreetRiders.com
Cell: 305-525-4877