Welcome New Member July 2018

Wanted to take a moment to welcome our newest members to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry:

Bro Neal Bennett
of the Pentecostal Assembly of Eau Claire, WI
Pastor Paul Bennett

Bro Tommy Roberts
of the Bethel Temple Pentecostal Church of Brookhaven, MS
Pastor Steve Williams

Bro Michael Thompson
of the Haven of Hope Church of East Haven, CT
Pastor Rick Perry

In Memory of Rev Bishop Ompad

Azusa StreetRiders Member – Philippines
Posted on behalf of our Brothers and Sisters
in the 
Philippines our prayers are with you

On July 17, 2018, many were saddened by the news of the passing of Rev. Bishop Celedonio“Donnie” Ompad. A great man of God, and one of the pillars of the Apostolic faith in the Philippines. From being a fisherman, to becoming a fisher of man. He was truly a man full of wisdom and indeed a well-respected man of faith.

A week-long funeral service was prepared at the Philippine Evangelism Center, where BishopOmpad was the resident pastor.Stories of memories with our loving Bishop were shared; eulogies were told; word of encouragements were heard; songs were offered.

The interment was held on July 24, 2018. Headed by Azusa Street Riders Philippines, together with the other Riders group, escorted the procession from the Philippine Evangelism Center in Makati City to the Heritage Memorial Park in Taguig City.

A final salute was given by the pastors led by his brother, Pastor Gadiel Ompad. As the Azusa Street Riders Philippines’ adviser, the riders also gave their final salute by raising their helmets.

We cannot deny that as human beings, it is sad and painful to lose someone. But the Lord is there to comfort the heavy-hearted. He had departed from this earth, but we know he has arrived in heaven.The battle has been won. You have fought a good fight of faith. You will be deeply missed, Rev. Bishop Celedonio Ompad. Your legacy continues here.

Absentee Ballots for National Secretary

Greetings in Jesus Name – Please if you are not able to attend the 2018 National Rally and are a dues paying member you have the right to cast your vote. See form below it’s self explanatory however any questions please feel free to contact me anytime

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
email: robert.thompson@AzusaStreetRiders.com
Cell: 305-525-4877
You can click on the link to download or print

Welcome New Members

Wanted to take a moment to welcome our newest members to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry:

June 2018

Bro Kevin Renick
of The United Pentecostal Church of New Straitsville, OH
Pastor Mike Thompson

Sis Ashley Renick
of The United Pentecostal Church of New Straitsville, OH
Pastor Mike Thompson

Brother & Sister Rawk
of Kings Temple, Shreveport, LA
Pastor Damon Magee

May 2018

Brother James Baker
of Bristow United Pentecostal Church, Bristow, IN
Pastor Clarence Enmen,

Brother Mark Waltz
of Liberty Tabernacle Church, Whiteland, IN
Pastor Brian Lane

Brother & Sister Shayne Benoit
of F.A.C. Maryville, Maryville, TN
Pastor Kenneth Carpenter

Big News

Board Nominations for Vice President & Secretary close on June 15!

(See Below)

Important Article on New Web Site and Facebook Pages in this edition!

(See Below)

It’s What We Do!

How proud we are of our accomplishments and wins!! We all love to be a success in what ever we do. Success should drive us to be the best we can be in both our secular lives and in our walk with God. The question is how do we measure our success!

Our measuring stick and Gods differ in many ways. Our ways are not his ways and I believe that is a great thing! When I don’t understand, he does. When I can’t move in any direction, he makes a way out of thin air! What a wonderful thing to be in the hands of a loving God!

In a few months we will be meeting for our national rally and I wanted to be sure and encourage all of our members to try and be there! Why? So that we can worship the one who has made us a success together! To be able to seek direction and to hear from him!

For those who will be running for office let the Lord direct you and your heart! Remember that it is a sacrifice of love (and money lol) to be able to reach into the lives of this membership and try to be an encouraging voice. It has been a privilege to serve this last year and it still feels like I only just started!

So much to do and so little time! The fields are truly white unto harvest!

Will God be pleased with our success? We can only hope and pray that we hear well done! I believe that if we put our whole heart into this ministry that we are a part of we cannot fail! Our prayer and spirit filled lives will be the difference in a dark world. This who are seeking the Savior are the important contacts that we make! Lord, let our lights shine brightly! Let us do what we do with all of our might and spirit!

Pastor Randy Hennigan

ASR National Vice President

Board Nominations for Vice President & Secretary Close on June 15

The board is now accepting nominations for the positions of Vice President and Secretary for the elections to be held at the 2018 ASR National Conference in Jefferson, OH.

Nominations for these positions will close on June 15

Anyone wanting to to nominate an individual please send that nomination to:


** Pleas contact Bro Robert Thompson via 305-525-4877 either by call or text to confirm the nomination has been received.

The duties for each position is listed below:

To be eligible to be on the Board an Individual “Member” must be a dues-paying “Member” in good standing for at least a period of one year. The term of office shall be two (2) years and elections shall be every year at the annual meeting of AzusaStreetRiders.

To include but not limited to:


In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall discharge the duties of the President. He shall execute all other such assignments as may be ordered by the Board or President. This shall include presiding at membership meetings and / or Board meetings at the request of the President. Additionally, the Vice-President…

  • a. shall coordinate the efforts of all standing and special committees appointed by the Board and/or the President, and be the liaison between the Board and said committees.
  • b. shall oversee and help implement the vision of the future of ASR.


The Secretary shall be responsible for all books, documents, papers, and records of ASR not otherwise entrusted, temporarily or permanently, to other officers or to standing or special committees. The Secretary is, therefore, custodian of all ministry records. Additionally, the Secretary …

  • a. shall maintain all membership lists, complete with names, addresses, email addresses, church affiliations, etc., pertaining to all current and prospective members.
  • b. shall transcribe all minutes of meetings of ASR and the Board, and shall submit it for approval or amendment at the next meeting thereof.
  • c. when so required, shall conduct the general correspondence of ASR.
  • d. shall with the President, attest and seal all duly authorized and approved contracts of ASR and keep copies thereof in the corporate files.
  • e. shall execute all other such assignments as may be ordered by the Board or President.
  • f. at the expiration of the term of office, shall deliver to his successor the seal and all ASR books and papers in possession.