2nd Annual Biker Weekend, Clendenin Pentecostal Church

Greetings and Praise the Lord from Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia. I want to start by giving God the praise, honor, and glory for the favor He has given us with our local motorcycle community. Let me just say, I am far from being an expert event planner, or anything close to it.  However, I would like to share a couple of things we did this year that may be helpful to other areas. We posted our event on local and statewide Facebook motorcycles groups, and also created a sponsored ad for our church’s Facebook page, where you can choose a radius of distance around the church, pay a small fee, and actually target Facebook users that have interest in motorcycles. It gives a broader reach than is possible with only handing out flyers, although there is no substitute for pounding the pavement. At our 2nd Annual Biker Weekend at Clendenin Pentecostal Church, we increased from 8 bikes last year on our ride, to 19 bikes this year. We had a mixed group of riders on our ride, ranging from CMA members, former club members, and weekend warriors. A good time was had by all, and we want to personally thank all of the ASR members that supported our event, and showed forth Christian love, not by title, but by example. The staff at our host hotel also complimented the ASR members that were staying there for being the example of a true Christian. We also want to give honor to Bro Anthony Todd Storey, for bringing the Word of God for our Biker Sunday service. One thing we did different this year, was to combine our Saturday evening after the ride, into a full community outreach event. Everyone was invited to this event, which included an outdoor gospel sing, free food, and door prizes, some biker specific, others for the community. One young lady from the community that attended the outreach on Saturday evening, returned for the Biker Sunday service, where she repented. She returned to church the following Wednesday, where she received the baptism of the Holy Ghost! Praise God! I am also excited to announce, that a coworker of mine that was invited, but did not attend our outreach event, agreed to a Bible Study on the Thursday following the event, and has committed to coming to church this Sunday! The harvest truly is plenteous! Please continue to hold us up in prayer as we endeavor to be a light of hope in a dark and dreary land, and we will also be in prayer for all of you. To echo the words of our associate pastor, let the revival continue!

God Bless,
Bro Jeremiah Hayes

The Ministry of “Helps”

1 Corinthians 12:28, “And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.”

Many, when preaching about church government and the strength of a church body, will begin with Ephesians 4:11, instead of the above passage. Both Scriptures focus our attention on the gifting of members, while Paul writes to the Ephesians, he makes the bold statement about what the list of five are for…

Ephesians 4:12-13, “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ”

There is a slight difference in message to the church in Corinth. It seems that the emphasis isn’t as much on perfecting and growing as it is in nurturing and allowing the gifts to work within the church body.

The English word “Helps” is only used twice in all of Scripture. The one used here to the Corinthians has a root word that indicates “Relief”. Each individual is to use our gifting to help by providing relief to the rest of the body. The other time “Helps” is used is found in Acts 27:17, and its root meaning has more of a binding up or securing or supporting by using ropes or chains. The Passage in Acts is when the ship was about to fall apart and “Helps” were needed to keep the ship from inevitable destruction.

As I looked at these passages in light of the work of a Chaplain, the Lord began to impress upon me that we are to become “Helps”. It should be our goal to be a balm that brings relief to members of the body…and at times, when disaster hits people’s lives, a chaplain becomes spiritual ropes and chains that bind and secure the hurting and broken.

We are “Helps”! We may not be listed as one of the five elite ministries, but the steady work of a Chaplain will bind up the wounded and help bring relief to stressful situations. Where we will shine the most is when we are needed the most. Because we will bring a calming to a stressed member of the body.

Pray that you may become “Helps” in these trying days where the enemy would desire to kill, steal, and destroy the weakening vessels.

Chaplain Hardin
Azusa StreetRiders International Chaplain

New National Chaplain

I would like to take a moment to make a couple of announcements concerning our National Chaplain position.

I would like to thank Bro Allen Cherry for his dedicated and prayerful service as our National Chaplain for the last few years. Many of us have benefited from his prayer and dedication to this ministry and its membership. I hope as he takes a different direction in his ministry, he knows that we are praying for guidance and God’s favor as well. We love and appreciate you Bro. Cherry!

That being said, I also have the privilege of announcing a wonderful minister that has been persuaded (or swindled LOL) into taking over this position and burden. Bro Mark Hardin is a wonderful man of God and I believe he will have a seamless transition and move right into the position at full throttle!

As ASR moves forward, I believe that the prayer and guidance in prayer by those like Bro Cherry and Bro Hardin will be vital in our success to both riders and ministers in the kingdom!

Bro. Cherry….Thank You

Bro Hardin…We are looking forward to what God has in store for us!!




Mike and Julie McGhghy

Greetings from Costa Rica! What a privilege it is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in Costa Rica and with our Azusa StreetRiders brothers and sisters.

ASR is a motorcycle ministry seeking to unite all motorcycle riders in Oneness Apostolic Churches around the world to spread the Holy Ghost flames of revival begun on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in the Book of Acts. We seek to spread the Acts 2:38 message to motorcycle riders and their families regardless of their existing beliefs, their loyalties, their church attendance, their traditions or their socioeconomic status. THE SOUL-SAVING MESSAGE OF ACTS 2:38 IS FOR ALL!

As we travel throughout the world, including the United States where the vast majority of ASR members reside, we present our message very boldly on our backs as we wear our patches that proclaim Acts 2:38. It is this great tool that often opens conversations with other people about salvation and provides opportunities to pray for and minister to people outside of ASR. We praise God for these opportunities and continuously pray that He will put people within our paths so that we might minister to them.

With the privilege of ministering for our Lord, we carry the responsibility of living the message, not just speaking it. And what does living the message look like? It looks holy! After all, we are called by God to “Be ye holy; for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16. But what does being holy look like?

ASR is made up of many Oneness Apostolics from many different parts of the world, organizations, and congregations. Although our cultures and convictions may differ, the word of God is constant! His word provides all the guidance we need to live the Acts 2:38 message before the whole world. When people see our patch, they want to see more than a scriptural reference. They want to see a scripture-based life.

So, let’s remember that living holy is comprised to two things:

  1. Separation unto God (2 Corinthians 6:17-18); and
  2. Dedication to God.

We want to live a life that: is pleasing to God for God’s own sake, not our own; communicates Christ to others; and evidences that we are members of the family of God, which is a holy family, a holy priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). In the next few issues of the Rumblings, we (Mike and Julie) will be reviewing the scriptural guidance for living a holy life before the world. As a resource we will be referencing Dr. David K. Bernard’s books In Search for Holiness and Practical Holiness: A Second Look.

Throughout this month, please remember that we live a holy life by faith and cultivating the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 3:11; Ephesians 2:8-10. We do not earn our salvation through holiness! Nor do we live holiness through our own strength. We live holiness through faith! God created us and strengthens us to walk in holiness. Philippians 2:13. The Christian life is a close, personal relationship with God. It is a constant, intentional effort to draw closer to God and to become more like Him, which is to search for holiness. If we let His Spirit lead us and if we will cultivate the fruit of the Spirit then holiness will come naturally and easily. And it will be a joy and not a burden. It will be a normal way of life that will be evident to those the Lord sends our way that we might share with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our words and our lives. This is how we will spread the Holy Ghost flames of revival.


Going To the Enemy’s Camp

That’s right, that’s where we are going but we are going prepared.  In unity we sing the old song, we are going to the enemy’s camp to take back what he took from me.  Sounds exciting until we go to battle against the enemy and see what we perceive as obstacles.  God said, “Be not afraid, only believe for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”  Warfare is messy business and many times the challenges are providing and demonstrating the love of God to those who don’t seem to deserve it.  If we are not fully prepared by having on the whole armor, we’ll be reeling on the battlefield like a drunken man.

God is calling all warriors to rally in unity for our struggling prodigals and the enemy is desperate to distract us. Rapidly fired demonic bullets of fear, worry, anxiety, frustration and anger can cause offense which wounds us terribly.  “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:10-11).  Schemes, wiles, devices and tricks are tools the devil uses to  project his poisonous thoughts into our minds.  He suggest we do things his way instead of listening to and obeying the voice of God.  One way we hear the voice of God is through our conscience.  A Spirit filled conscience does not tell us to speak harsh words to or about our brothers and sisters.  It does not tell us to go out and rob a store or kill someone. No, that is the voice of the enemy projecting his thoughts onto us. By complaining and criticizing instead of thanking God during a trial, we allow the enemy free access in our lives. Vesta Mangun once said, “Anything you don’t bring before God for counsel, hell is authorized to counsel you about it.”

I read in Matthew chapter 18 where we are turned over to the jailer (tormentors) if we don’t forgive.  We are tormented daily by the video reel playing the offense over and over in our head until we repent.  I have experienced the darkness of jail several times in the past due to perceived insults and misunderstandings. I was hurt and in return hurt others. Through reading scriptures about offense and forgiveness, the Word washed me,  I came to my senses and realized I was in violation and had sinned against God by holding on to unforgiveness. God delivered me when I cried out for mercy.  I  also went to the people and ask them to forgive me.  I did this in order to obey the Word which says if you are offering your gift at the altar and  remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar.  First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.  By forgiving and asking God to order our steps, speech, attitudes and even our facial expressions, we are protected and victorious!

To remove wounds, we lay them on the altar of repentance and are cleansed, forgiven and God forgets. We speak His Word in faith, believing and problems disappear. We pray until every word that comes out of our mouth aligns with God’s Word. This is the will of God where signs, wonders and miracles operate.  This is where our prodigals are set free.

God bless and keep reaching for the prize of the high calling (what the Spirit is telling you to do) of Jesus Christ.

Praise Report:  We have five prodigals from the names in the vase who have come back to the altar. This is powerful! Let’s give God great praise.  If anyone has not put their prodigals’ names in the vase please send to our President Robert Thompson (Robert.thompson@azusastreetriders.com) and he will write the name out on paper and add to the prodigal vase.

Video from our President Robert Thompson:   Prodigals_4012

Chaplain Diane Beall, ASR National Ladies Chaplain



Spiritual Warfare (Video at the end of the article)

It seems that before the National Rally and even more so after Azusa SterrtRiders ministry and it’s members have been under a spiritual attack. No wonder were rattling the gates of hell through a renewed effort to take this ministry to a new level of commitment. For example we have, as a ministry dedicated ourselves to more focus prayer especially in regards to our prodigals. Which by the way is already paying dividends we have had five souls come back whose names were in the vase from the Friday night service  and one person who wasn’t in that vase however was on the hearts of some ASR members. 

Praying for the “Prodigal Vase” given to ASR by Pastor Kenny Carpenter, Friday August 2nd 2019

We are now working on revamping our Chaplin program to fine tune what has already been put into place with the placement of Bro Harding and Sis Beall. In addition we have committed to spreading the One God doctrine internationally with our Motorcycles for Missionaries progem both in Cuba and in Sierra Leone. Hopefully when the dust settles we might even have enough money to fund another one or two bikes this year which is a huge blessing for our Apostolic Missionaries. I am also seeing with our different chapter events a heartfelt desire for even more greater outreach. I feel our mindset is  evolving into what this ministry is really about,  reaching for  souls. 

Of course these endeavors do not come without a cost in the spiritual world. We need to be on our toes and ready for any and all attacks that our common enemy might bring against this ministry .  Our enemy wants to cause division and dissension in our lives through whatever means is at his disposal and he has had a lot of practice.  I am writing all of this in order to introduce a lesson that Bro Carpenter gave a few weeks back  on  a wednesday night service to me it was one of the most informable messages on the subject of Spiritual Warfare that I have heard in a long time.

I want to encourage everyone to take the hour and listen to it. You can fast forward right to the teaching I pray that it helps and strengthens you as it has me.

Click on video below

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

CUBA Missions – Thank You Bro Houseman

Bro. Kurt Handline and Bishop Logue getting around Cuba in a bici-taxi

Missions: City to City

Bishop L. E. Logue and Bro. Kurt Handline have been tremendous influences in the Cuban Church over the years. This year they made multiple trips, including a country-wide mission trip to visit churches that rarely get visitors.

They even endured my driving across the entire island, getting lost a few times, [accidentally] locking them in a hot car with the windows up, going off road through mud and rain, infinite potholes, dodging dogs, chickens, horse and buggies, and people everywhere. We had several adventures … too much to tell in this email.

These brethren have made a lasting impact in the work in Cuba through consistent support and personal contact.

What the world needs is real Christian people, living the message of Christ, speaking wholesome words, giving without expecting a return, and going forth just to be a blessing. Incarnating the Gospel message to a world without hope. This is what Bishop Logue and Bro. Handline have provided.

Thank you for your prayers and support for the mission in Cuba.

Punta Brava, La Habana
Felicidades to Pastor Dany Daniel Marzo Amores, a local minister in Havana and Bible School student, who just took a church in Punta Brava on the outskirts of Havana.

His mom and dad (also a local minister) actually moved to this congregation to assist him in ministry. They do a lot with kids, outreach and spaghetti dinners!
Bro Houseman the Missionary to Cuba is standing on the far left

Caibarien, Villa Clara

This young minister, Pastor Darian Cabrera and his wife, have recently purchased a new home in Caibarien where they have been installed into new pastoral ministry.

Please keep this relatively new work in prayer. We began this work less than two years ago with a few baptisms and a local woman, also baptized, who opened her home up for us to have services.

Local fruits and vegetables, just one block from the church

Fomento and Cabaiguán, Sancti Spiritus 

Pastor Elio Prieto and his wife are country folks! Even in Cuba we have city churches and country churches. Same apostolic doctrine, culturally different congregation and service styles. It’s an honor to work together with apostolic people of all shades of color and culture. This is what God designed all the way back on the day of Pentecost.

I recently met a group of missionaries in Cuba from some sort of American denomination. They asked me what denomination was our church in Cuba.

I replied, “We are the People of the Name in Cuba. We are the Book of Acts Church in Cuba.”

What else is there to say? We believe in only One God, baptize in Jesus Name, speak in tongues when we receive the Holy Ghost, practice Holiness, and believe Jesus is coming back for his Church.

We are not a denomination. We are the Church.

Jobabo, Las Tunas 

This church is located about 45 minutes down a long country road just outside of Las Tunas, Cuba. There are actually two churches, one in Jobabo and another in a nearby town.

These brethren joined our fellowship a couple of years ago and are also going through our Apostolic Bible Institute. Thank you for praying for them and the many small towns across Cuba that we are now finally reaching with the Acts 2:38 message.

Pastor Yurisdel Peña, Apostolic Church of Jobabo, Las Tunas.


You will never find a more genuine, authentic, and humble apostolic family than this beautiful family in Camaguey, Cuba. Pastor Anselmo Gonzalez and his wife have converted their home into a sanctuary for the church. All four children sleep in one tiny room in the back, while pastor and wife sleep on a mattress in the sanctuary floor each night.

This is Cuba missions. This is the spread of the gospel in Cuba. Men and women who embrace the Truth and begin preaching, teaching, and having church before any resources or facilities are available. It is New Testament. It is 100% APOSTOLIC.

Pastor Anselmo Gonzalez and family, Apostolic Church of Camaguey

Santiago de Cuba 

Over the last six years or so we have worked with a group of apostolic ministers in the eastern province of Santiago. These men and their churches were added to the apostolic fellowship through the ministry of Missionary Armando Roca.

We have been blessed to visit nearly all of their churches, scattered among the small towns and mountainous regions of the province.

Now, we are giving $6,300 for the purchase of property that will serve this group for years to come. On this property they will build a facility to have services, district events, offices, and most importantly training seminars for local and national ministry.

If you would like to help with this special project, please reach out to us and let’s make it happen.

Iglesia Apostólica de Oasis, Santiago de Cuba

Welcome New Members – August 2019

Let’s take a moment and welcome our newest members to Azusa StreetRiders

Bro Justin Call
Orwell, OH
Pastor Scott Acdary
Pentecostal Community Church, Jefferson, OH

Sis Eliza Call
Orwell, OH
Pastor Scott Acdary
Pentecostal Community Church, Jefferson, OH

Bro Thomas & Sis Judy Robert
Pierceton, OH
Pastor Phillip Chandler
Community Life Center, Warsaw, IN

Bro James Rhindress
McDonough, GA
Pastor Talmadge French
Apostolic Tabernacle Church, Jonesboro, GA

Bro Gregory & Sis Sheryl Pray
Fayetteville, GA
Pastor Talmadge French
Apostolic Tabernacle Church, Jonesboro, GA

Pastor Phillip & Sis Shari Easton
Tilden, IL 62292
God’s House Pentecostal Church

Welcome to the Azusa StreetRiders National Rally – 20th Anniversary

By the time anyone reads this article we would have already been blessed by the preaching of Pastor Mark McCool at our Opening Night Service on Wednesday July 31st at FAC Maryville. I again want to take this opportunity to welcome each and everyone of you to the 20th anniversary of the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry and the 2019 National Rally looking forward to a great time in Lord and I pray each and everyone of you will  be blessed beyond measure

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Tentative Meal Plan for the 2019 National Rally

Pizza, breadsticks, Tossed salad with choice of dressing and Dessert

Breakfast – On your own

Lunch – Lunch at Deals Gap Motorcycle Complex
Your Choice of Cheese Burger, Deli or BBQ Sandwich one side and a drink

Dinner – Brisket and all the fixings 😇
and of course dessert

Breakfast – On your own

Lunch – Granny’s Kitchen Buffet
Cherokee NC

Dinner – Taco Bar with Soft and hard tacos chips salsa and dessert

Breakfast donuts and coffee in the Event Center

Lunch – Lasagna, breadsticks, salad and dessert

The Maryville chapter will be hosting an area ride Saturday afternoon for anyone that wants to stay over location TBA

Worship Is More Than A Song

As Apostolics we are very familiar with the expression of worship and praise by declaring thanks (Hebrews 13:15), by clapping our hands and shouting (Psalm 47:1), by musical instruments and dancing (Psalm 150:4), by singing praise songs (Psalm 9:11), by psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19-20), by making a joyful noise (Psalm 98:4), by lifting our hands (Psalm 134:2), by being still (Psalm 4:3-5), 46:10), and by being loud (Psalm 33:3, 95:1-6). These beautiful acts of worship and praise elevate us into God’s presence, giving us power to overcome obstacles, walk in the miraculous and live a joyful life.

Dedication is the basis of commitment, without it we are not able to give God anything else. Committing our thoughts and emotions unto obedience to Christ shows our respect for Him. To obey Him willingly involves our intellect, emotions and will (Romans 12:1-2). Our body is to be dedicated as a living sacrifice to God. We are to avoid being conformed to the world, but must strive to be transformed by the Word. Only then can we discover God’s perfect will for our life.

Worship refers to the supreme honor given either in thought or deed to a person or thing. It is reverence, a deep respect, admiration and honor given to God. The Bible teaches us that God alone is worthy of worship (Revelation 4:11).

Worship is not just for Sunday morning church. We should daily live a life of obedience to and worship of God. The single most important act of worship for any Christian is to totally present ourselves to God as an obedient servant. Jesus’ dedication to God involved His body and mind, “Nevertheless, not my will but yours be done.” Our minds coordinate the actions to be executed by the body while the body carries out the will of God. Once the mind and body are completely devoted to God, we become instruments of righteousness by which His will is done in earth as it is in heaven. He chooses to use us to perform His Will.

Praise is an outward expression of faith. When we praise Him, we are telling Him that we believe He is there to protect, comfort and to do battle on our behalf. God wants us to be so dependent on Him that no matter what the circumstances we face, regardless of how dark the night, we know that God is working out all things for our good. He wants us to be confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

What is your default reaction when things don’t go your way, when the trials and tribulations of life surround you? Do you respond by worshipping God and thanking Him for the storm that draws you closer to Him or do you react by getting angry and/or withdrawing from God, sulking in the hurt and pain? Paul and Silas were arrested for casting a spirit of divination out of a girl. The local authorities beat them and threw them in jail. Beside the trauma of being beaten, they were chained in stocks and their arms and legs were essentially immobile which caused cramping and loss of circulation. It was truly a depressing atmosphere. Despite the throbbing pain and depressing circumstances, Paul and Silas were heard praying and singing praises to God. Suddenly there was an earthquake and it shook the prison. The doors opened wide freeing Paul, Silas and all the prisoners. Praise and worship are the keys to the miraculous. In times of suffering, we sometimes forget this powerful principle that Paul and Silas understood. God inhabits the praises of His People not the complaints.

Choose worship and praise. When a storm develops in our life, it is our responsibility to go out before the battle, to sing praises to God — to shout the victory! No negativity and grumbling allowed. When we worship and praise God, He will elevate us to new heights and give us greater revelation. The degree to which we worship God reflects the degree of His worth to us. Each morning when we wake, we should ask God what he would like for us to do during the day. Ask Him who can we speak life to; give hope to today. Plan your day by telling God, “As I prepare for this day, I appoint it to be used for Your glory. Everything that happens will be used for your purposes. Even the problems that happen will be appointed to be used for Your glory.” Not my will today God, but Your will be done.

Diane Beall,  ASR National Ladies Chaplain