A Culture of Caring
Azusa StreetRiders is proud to announce the addition of “A Culture of Caring” in all future issues of RUMBLINGS. This prayer corner will be updated monthly with prayer requests and praise reports submitted by ASR members. We ask that all ASR members send prayer requests to their Regional Chaplain and the Regional Chaplain will submit reports to Chaplain Carman Hamby by the 25th of each month for submission in the next issue of RUMBLINGS. This way everyone will be informed and praying.
I should clarify that this is not replacing emergencies on Facebook, texts or calls. It is a follow up to show we care and are obeying 1 Samuel 12:23. As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right. Chaplain Carman’s email is: Carmanhamby@yahoo.com
The name of our prayer corner was taken from the title of the book, “Cultivating a Culture of Caring,” by the ASR International Chaplain, Rev. Mark A. Hardin. We would like to thank Chaplain Hardin for allowing us to use this title as it so accurately conveys the prayer corner purpose. It is well worth reading and would make an excellent gift this season and is available on Amazon. Chaplain Hardin believes in cultivating a culture of caring within the confines of our local congregation, or structure of influences, so that we continue to love our neighbor as ourselves.
By having the prayer corner, we meet two important needs; 1) each member knows we are here for them and are praying when difficult circumstances arise. 2) each one is well informed of the needs of individual members.
We all face difficult circumstances. It is important to contact your Regional Chaplain when needs occur along with any updates and they will in turn pass on to Chaplain Carman Hamby so she can add the request to RUMBLINGS. This will create spiritual unity when we are all praying fervently about each others needs.
If we do not use the Holy Spirit that God has placed in our hearts and hands to give increase to the Kingdom by lifting up brethren and our neighbors, we have missed the focal point of God’s divine purpose of distributing or dispersing Himself to mankind. We are to build and restore relationships not walk through this world alone. We are to encourage and share with each other, in the good times and bad. We are to minister to those who oppose us or themselves. Isn’t that what Christ did?
Excerpt from Cultivating A Culture of Caring: Jesus explained to Peter that Satan wished to sift him as wheat…one translation says “riddle”… in other words, grind you up like flour. He went on, but, I pray your faith, fail not and when converted, strengthen the brethren. Converted is also interpreted restored or redeemed. Jesus warned Peter, when you go through the crushing blows of the enemy, don’t loose heart for when you are tried like gold you will come back restored… and when you do, strengthen those who are now going through their personal “hell”.
We want to continually lift up prayers for all ASR members and their families. In addition we have some specific request this month. Please forgive me in advance if I have failed to add someone.
Rev. Mike McGhghy and Rev. Julie McGhghy – AIMers to Costa Rica
Home Mission
Rev. Mike Markham – Turning Point Fellowship
Rev. Johnny Carr – Apostolic Church of Tatum
Robert Thompson – healing of eye issue
Tom Thompson – seizures – heart issues
Lydia Diaz – is currently being treated with chemo
Delbert Hayes – has started chemo for leukemia
Anthony Storey – recovering from motorcycle accident
Kaila Markham Miller – daughter of Rev. and Chalain Krysta Markham, will be having surgery December 6th on right side of brain, the second possibly Dec 12th on the left side of brain
Sophia – Theodore’s granddaughter surgery for crushed her ankle
Scott Culver – bone marrow issue
Rev. Marcos Prieto varicoelectomy – vein stripping in both legs
Rev. Johnny Carr – Vertigo and headaches
Carla – Jon and Serrena Weber’s niece – paralysis from brain tumor surgery
Family members passed 2019
Doug Solomon – father
Joe Endicott – mother
Lisa Endicott – mother
Chaplain Krysta Markham – father
Rev. Anthony Storey – father
Thank You for Your Prayers and Have a Christ Filled Christmas!
Diane Beall
International Ladies Chaplain
Merry Christmas
Be A Billboard For Jesus
We are a representation of someone or something as we perform our everyday tasks in this world. I have no doubt that my brothers and sisters of ASR represent Jesus very well to this world as we go about our everyday lives, and for that I thank you. I for one, in the spirit of being transparent, have struggled with road rage at times. Once I joined ASR, and began wearing the Name of Jesus Christ on my backpatch, came a new level of responsibility and self awareness of my actions while representing ASR and Jesus Christ. It has helped me to overcome that issue in my life. I take the opportunity as much as possible to wear my ASR shirts even when I am not on the bike, so I can have that door opening wherever I may be. One such occurrence happened recently, not to me, but to my sister and brother in law. They had traveled to Washington DC on business for my sister’s job, and had went downtown to sightsee. They both purchased support shirts at the 2019 National Rally, and were wearing them on that trip. While they were traveling on the subway, a Vietnam veteran noticed their shirts, came over and struck up a conversation with them. The name Azusa had grabbed his attention, and he explained to them how he had attended school in Azusa, California. He loved the motorcycle design on the front and the “Jesus Information” on the back. Had it not been for those support shirts, it would possibly have been just another subway ride. One planteth, one watereth, and God gives the increase! As we approach the year 2020, let’s be a “Billboard For Jesus”, and use every method and opportunity available to us to advance the Kingdom of God!
God Bless You
Bro Jeremiah Hayes
Cold-Weather Motorcycling Presents Unique Challenges
Gift Of Healings
1 Corinthians 12:28-31, “And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.”
I feel led to focus us on the portion of “gifts of healings” this month.
Several years ago, I ask one of my Bible College brothers the question of “Why didn’t our Bible College faculty discuss with us more about our gifting?” This question stemmed from my own heart searching that led to asking what is my gifting. I was almost 50yrs old and was re-considering what my gifting was.
I’ve heard verse 31 quoted many times, implying that we are to “covet earnestly the best gifts…” but we seem to stop there and do not quote “yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.” As I pondered this gifting situation, I was challenged with Paul writing to the church in Corinth about the coveting of certain gifts. In his letter to the Corinthians he transitions from speaking about a gifting being from the selfsame Spirit (1 Cor 12:7-13) and all working for the church body as a whole. We have a chapter break from chapter 12 and moving into chapter 13, but in his letter there were no breaks. So, his statement in chapter 12, and verse 31, simply leads into chapter 13 which is the “love chapter”. Without Charity all is for naught! No matter what our gifting, if it doesn’t stand firm on the foundation of love, then all ministry through our gifting is lost.
Gifts of Healings. The word translated as “healings” also can mean, cure or make whole. A gifting to bring wholeness to the body of Christ. James 5:14-15 tells us that if there are any sick among you, call for the elders of the church and they will pray the pray of faith and save the sick. If the gift of healings is listed behind “miracles”, as stated in our subject text, it quite possibly is more than just laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed of physical sickness.
Jesus healed ten lepers and one came back and worshipped him and in doing so, that one was not only healed of leprosy but he was made whole. He was made complete. That one was restored. There was an outward and inward healing that was complete! The other nine still held onto scars that told the horrifying story that they were lepers. But, this one fell at the feet of Jesus and worshipped him and was made as though he never were a leper.
With that said, I’m compelled to reach for my fellow ASR members, and especially to those called as Chaplains and Pastors…those that have stepped into the realm of ministry to people. Not everyone has the gift of healings. Not everyone has a gift to cure and make whole. But, may I challenge us today to accept the gifting from the same Spirit that called us into various administrations of ministry, that we accept and strive to heal. To heal the broken hearted, and to set at liberty the captive. To go beyond the superficial or cosmetic changes of mankind…but for those who come back and worship…those that fall at the feet of Jesus, then we, through the power of the Holy Ghost, can make whole.
This gift of healings goes far beyond the laying on of hands, but it is “hands on”. Its seeking to restore a fallen brother or sister. Its a heart (gifting) that says, I’m not just settling for the miracle of salvation alone, but to press in the spirit realm until we have brought emotional, mental, and spiritual healing to all.
Oh how the church needs more of those who will go beyond the doors of religious pious where we make the outside clean, but, where we go into the hidden rooms of the heart and make a soul complete. To have a burden to heal to the uttermost. To cure, healing all aspects of a believer’s life, to seek to make them complete in Christ Jesus our Lord. To make them Whole.
It is a gifting that few will strive for….the Gift of Healings is for those that love.
Mark A Hardin
ASR International Chaplain
The Work Continues in the Philippines
Bro Mark Meyer posted this on his latest trip to the Philippians.
Look who I found in the Philippines going strong! The Azusa Street biker group! Fred Beall Diane Beall they are very active here and are making a impact! #lovingit
Thank You again Bro & Sis Beall your vision made all this possible.
Newest & Returning Members
Let’s Welcome all our newest and returning members to the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry
Bro James Frierson
Covington, GA
Pastor Talmadge French, Dr
Apostolic Tabernacle, Jonesboro, GA
Pastor Mike & Sis Vickie Powell
Pastors the Sanctuary Apostolic Fellowship For Everyone,
Diana, TX
Bro Gerald Varnell & Sis Donna Vanell (Evangelist)
Minden, LA
Pastor Mike Powell
Sanctuary Apostolic Fellowship For Everyone,
Diana, TX
Pastor David Bethel
Mineola, TX
Pastors the New Life Church,
Mineola, TX
Bro David & Sis Anga Bayer
Evansville, IN
Pastor James Maroney
Abundant Faith UPC Church
Evansville, IN
Returning Members:
It’s good to see Pastor Mark & Sis Jane Cottrill back with the Azusa Street Ministry. They had taken a leave of absence for awhile but are now reactivated and doing a work in Bourbon, IN
Pastor Mrk & Sis Jane Cottrill
Bourbon, IN
Pastros the United Pentecostal Church of Bourbon
Bourbon, IN
Few words of wisdom
Bro Gusto our Chaplin is Cooper City, FL sent me a text this morning I thought it had a lot to say.
The depth of your struggle will determine the height of your success! Two thing define you: Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.
By Mike and Julie McGhghy
In this third article regarding holiness, we will present the outward of holiness, including our actions, appearance, and physical stewardship. These are all readily observable by others and impact how others receive the message of the Gospel that we share. If you have not read the first two articles regarding holiness, we encourage you to access the archives of the Rumblings and do so. We do not want you to take this article out of the context set in the other two. Much of the material shared in these articles are taken from Dr. David K. Bernard’s books In Search of Holiness and Practical Holiness: A Second Look. We encourage you to read these books for more in-depth study about holiness.
Holiness involves both the inner man and the outer man. We must perfect holiness by cleansing ourselves of filthiness both of the flesh and of the spirit. 2 Corinthians 7:1. Inward holiness (attitudes, thoughts, and spiritual stewardship) will produce outward holiness, but outward appearance of holiness is worthless without inward holiness! In the second article of this series we discussed inward holiness, we will now consider the biblical principles of outward holiness, which are modesty, vanity, and moderation of cost.
Modesty involves being decent or chaste, especially in outward dress. Peter teaches that chaste conversation can lead to the conversion of the unsaved (in this context, unsaved husbands). 1 Peter 3:1-2. Dr. Bernard and the Amplified Version of the Bible translate the original Greek of “chaste conversation” to mean chaste conduct. What is chaste conduct? Avoiding actions or apparel that flaunt the body and that demonstrate a lustful spirit by striving to attract the opposite sex by lust. This is not only applicable to women, but to men as well.
Vanity involves dressing and acting pretentiously or ostentatiously in order to attract the opposite sex or to make others envious. Our dress and actions should demonstrate the hidden man (the heart), being ornamented by a meek and quiet spirit. 1 Peter 3:4.
Closely associated with vanity is the principle of moderation of cost. Our moderation should be evident to all men. Philippians 4:5. We are to avoid costly array. 1 Timothy 2:9. The definition of costly array may vary somewhat depending on the culture, society, and income of the individual. When making purchases, we should ask ourselves the following questions: 1) Is this an ostentatious display of wealth in the sight of acquaintances and fellow believers? 2) Will this arouse envy? 3) Does this represent a good stewardship of the money God has entrusted to my care? When God blesses us with prosperity, he does so not to feed our own lusts, but to invest in winning souls.
Although many scriptures regarding adornment and modesty specifically address women, because we are all striving to reach others with the Gospel of Christ to lead them to salvation, we all (men and women) need to develop a personal sense of modesty, avoid vanity, and consider moderation of cost in order to present ourselves holy and act accordingly.
As we are boldly presenting the Acts 2:38 message to others, our inward and outward holiness should be evident in our speech, our actions, and our appearance. Because we are called to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16), we want to live dedicated to God and His will and separated from sin and worldliness. 2 Corinthians 6:17 – 7:1. In that way, when we share the Acts 2:38 message the light of Christ will shine through us.