ASR 2020 National Rally – Nashville Indiana – July 29-Aug 1 (Official Dates)
The RALLY is right around the corner!! All are welcome! Here is a short breakdown of the weeks activities that we have planned!
Tuesday (28th) – 9am ride to scenic Madison Indiana and Clifty Falls. Lunch at the Key West Shrimp House!! Contact us to let us know if you arrive early or want to meet us for lunch.
Wednesday (29th) – 8:30am ASR Chaplain training. 11:30am short ride from church (Pentecostals of Nashville) parking lot and time in scenic Nashville Indiana. 5:30pm is an outreach initiative at the church with special singing groups from the area…Potters Clay, Upper Room Experience, Sharp Family Bluegrass, and Pentecostals of Nashville Worship Team.
Thursday (30th) – 9am-3pm ride…lunch (see meal plan) at Golden Corral in Bedford Indiana. 5pm supper (see meal plan) and missions focused service at 7pm. Afterburner fellowship and snacks after.
Friday (31st) – 9am-3pm ride…lunch at Cascades Park (see meal plan) in Bloomington Indiana. 5pm supper (see meal plan) and revival focused preaching (Pastor Shine Doughty of Mattoon IL) at 7pm. Afterburner fellowship and snacks after.
Saturday (1st) – 8am light breakfast with Annual Meeting at 9am-11am and lunch following. Ride is planned following the meeting/lunch to Tulip Trussel (2and longest Railroad trussel in US).
Sunday (2nd) – a list of churches will be provided of all the churches in the area that participated for those staying over.
For the meals (4) falling under the meal plan, please find the pre-pay forms along with the Registration online. The pre-pay will help expedite the lunch process and will also give an idea of how many to prepare the meals/seating for.
If any questions, please call or text Mark Hardin (618-292-7415) and we will try to accommodate.
Azusa StreetRiders and Covid 19
I wanted to drop a note of encouragement to all the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry members & friends. This Covid 19 has affected all of us. I know it has been disappointing for several chapters that have had to cancelled their planes for different Azusa StreetRider events in their areas that had been planned for awhile now. Bro & Sis Joseph in Charleston, WV., Bro & Sis Thompson in New Straitsville, Ohio and especially Bro & Sister Zerbe in Cedar Springs, MI who I feel so bad for, who has been planning for a long time and were very excited about hosting their first Azusa StreetRiders outreach event. In addition the rest of us members that were thrilled about attending these events, let me just say “God Has This”.
We need to stand fast and waver not in our resolve to continue to be the Apostolic light to the lost motorcycle community. I know we cannot do everything right now as we would like but that gives us no reason to throw our hands up and surrender to our circumstance and give up. What we need to be doing is engaged in continuous prayer and fasting for our lost brothers & sisters so when were released we hit the ground running. We can use this time to plan future events in which the lost can be saved. This situation will not go on forever so we need to be prepared.
So if you feel you can plan an event for later this year, which I hope we can salvage a few of these events that were cancelled , let’s get busy and get to work, if not let’s look forward to next year. God is in control and nothing will stand in the way of the church all we need to do is be prepared either to plan an event in your area or plan to attend one. As of today we are still continuing with our National Rally as planned so all I can say is be there, were only two months out today !
About Motorcycles for Missionaries let’s get creative about how to raise the funds for this years recipient. Again I know we can just conceded to our surroundings and throw in the towel and admit defeat, that is the easy road. Instead let’s make a commitment to think outside the box and do the best we can do to raise as much as we can in the time we have. That is all I am asking for, is to do the best you can do. When during our missionary service you walk to the front of the church before this ministry and God knowing you did your best, I for one will be proud of that effort regardless of the size of the offering.
In closing I want to say: Keep the faith, stay the course. Our work here is almost done here. What we do here will carry into eternity and all of this will be behind us.
God Bless and Keep You and Yours.
Bro Robert Thompson
Culture of Caring
COMPASSION- sympathetic pity and concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others.
Our human nature sometimes wants to rise up in our spirit and think that maybe that person deserves what they are dealing with, if they wouldn’t have done this or that, they wouldn’t be going through that. I know I have been guilty of feeling that old streak of-that’s what you get and it’s about time something goes wrong for you the way you act! Haha.
I pray God keeps my mind and heart from hatefulness or envy and let’s me have pure compassion anyone in need. It is not my place to be a judge on their behavior but to show kindness and understanding.
Jesus looked through his eyes at those that persecuted him, mocked him, and judged him with such great compassion. I want to be more like Jesus! Psalms 145:8 says The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. We can practice daily in our conversations we have and merely by our actions. So many people are searching right now, trying to understand and to find something reliable, long lasting that they can depend on no matter the circumstance. They are hungry and it’s time for the church to show compassion to the lost like we never have before.
Mark 6:34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things. My prayer is for people to see compassion in me. I want to have love and understanding in my heart that I may show compassion to a point where people feel the love of Jesus flowing through me. I pray that we all, as Azusa Streetriders, show that example of God in us to everyone we meet. May they feel the presence of God and feel the compassion in our hearts as we witness and reach out to them for their souls to be saved! They are starving and we have the answer!
We are believing for the following prayer requests:
Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and a hunger to know God more intimately.
President, Donald Trump Vice President Pence
All government representatives All Health Care Workers, Policeman and First Responders
Rev. Mike McGhghy and Rev. Julie McGhghy-AIMers to Costa Rica
Rev. Mike Markham-Turning Point Fellowship- Clanton, AL
Rev. Johnny Carr-Apostolic Church of Tatum- Tatum, TX
Fred Beall-Kidneys
Tom Thompson-Complete healing in body
Lydia Diaz-Undergoing Chemotherapy
Delbert Hayes-Undergoing Chemotherapy for Lukemia
Anthony Storey-Recovering from motorcycle accident
Kaila Markham Miller-Healing fro two brain surgeries
Re. Johnny Carr-Vertigo and headaches
Esther Carr-Chronic pain
Joyce Knight-Continued healing from hip surgery
Family members passed in 2020
Bro. Elmer Millers sister in May 2020
Rev. mike Markhams sister, Karen Yaworski, April from COVID -19
Family members passed in 2019
Bro. Elmer Millers brother
Jon & Serena Weber’s daughter
Krysta Markhams father
Joe Endicotts mother
Lisa Endicotts mother
Doug Solomons father
Anthony Storey father
Chaplain Carman Hamby
Working on the Bylaws
Short note to say that the board of the Azusa StreetRiders along with several others met this past weekend and by the anointing and blessings of God I feel we have a good revision of the Bylaws streamlining the context yet maintaining the fiber and the spirit it was originally written in. We will be posting the revision on the “members only” FB page within a short period of time so the membership has the opportunity to review it before the national rally in July.
Azusa StreetRiders Covid-19 Relief update
Forwarded from Rodante de Guzman Azusa StreetRiders Philippines Area Coordinator:
I already sent the financial support to the ASR members here in the Philippines. . on behalf of Azusa Street Riders Phils. We thank you for the financial support. These are some of the members who already received their financial support will send additional photo once I received their photo.
Welcome New Members
Rev Wilcon & Sis Julie Fessenden
Hastings, NE
New Life UPS of Hastings, NE
Pastor Wilson Fessenden
By Julie McGhghy
Blessings to all of my ASR friends. Mike and I love and miss you so much, but we are enjoying serving as Associates in Missions in Costa Rica.
I also started a new project. I’ll be writing a new blog post on approximately every other week. As the name of the website suggests, I will be blogging about having confidence in God in many areas of our lives.
I spent many years of my Christian walk with faith, but not confidence. I had faith that God was all He said He was and would do all He said He would do. But I wasn’t confident that He would do those things for or through me. Through the years He has shown me His faithfulness, His desire for each of us to complete our walk with Him, that I can relax in Him because He will keep me with Him, and that He will work for and through me. Now my heart’s passion is to share with others what I have learned in order to walk with confidence in God.
The first post in the website asks, “Do you lack confidence in God?” and provides 8 scriptures to demonstrate how God loves and protects us. God used so many of you to help me build confidence in Him as I rode with the ASR and served as the National Ladies’ Chaplain. I’d like to help you grow your confidence in God in return.
Please visit the Confidence in God page on Facebook ( and the website ( Like, share, comment, send me a private message. And you will receive an additional article entitled, 5 Steps to Experience More Confidence in God when you sign up to receive updates about the website.
Culture of Caring by Carmen Hamby
During this time of COVID-19 there are so many people in anguish. Not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually. Hardships on families financially, stress in the home and people looking to place blame to feel the slightest bit of comfort and justification in their minds.
Is is so important for us as Christians to show strength, faith and unity. The churches have taken a hit with the accusations regarding the pandemic. It has been asked: If you have faith, why are you closing your doors? If your God is a healer – why are Christians dying? If you God is so mighty – why is He doing this? It rains on the just and unjust. God is not a respecter of persons.(Acts 10:34)
It is so important for our speech, actions, and response to folks negative comments be received without offense, responding in a positive manner exactly as Christ did. To be like Jesus – to be like Jesus on earth I long to be like him! Let’s bind together and pray for healing through the chaos in our world. People are being stirred and experiencing feelings of desperation for something they can believe in and seek refuge in.
I know souls will be saved through this tragedy and it will be the beginning of a break through in our churches like never before! Revival is coming! I want to be right in the middle of it! God said, “in the last days I will pour out my spirit on ALL people. (Acts 2:17)
Like the scripture, When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him! (Isaiah 59:18). What if we move the comma? ** When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him! God is moving like a flood!
Thru tragedy comes TRIUMPH! I pray God’s blessings and protection on each of you.
We are believing for the following prayer request:
Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and a hunger to know God more intimately.
President, Donald Trump
Vice President Pence
All government representatives
All Health Care Workers, Policeman and First Responders
Rev. Mike McGhghy and Rev. Julie McGhghy-AIMers to Costa Rica
Home Missions
Rev. Mike Markham-Turning Point Fellowship- Clanton, AL
Rev. Johnny Carr-Apostolic Church of Tatum- Tatum, TX
Destiny Hearon 18 – Her dad was hit by a truck while rididng his bicycle and killed on contact. Please lift her up in prayer. She is Sis. Esther Carr’s grandson’s girlfriend.
Tom Thompson-complete healing in body
Lydia Diaz-undergoing chemotherapy
Delbert Hayes-undergoing chemotherapy for Leukemia
Anthony Storey-Recovering from motorcycle accident
Kaila Markham Miller-Healing from two brain surgeries
Rev. Johnny Carr- Vertigo & Headaches
Sis. Esther Carr – Chronic Pain
Joyce Knight-Recovering from hip surgery
Family Members passed in 2020
Rev. Mike Markham’s sister Karen Elaine Yaworski passed April 25 COVID-19
Family Members passed in 2019
Jon & Serrena Weber’s daughter
Krysta a Arkham’s father
Joe Endicotts mother
Lisa Endicotts mother
Doug Solomon’s father
Anthony Storey’s father
Chaplain Carman Hamby
ASR Philippines Update
I received this email today after posting the one from Missionary Mark Namie concerning the sitution in the Philippines . Our Brothers and Sisters are in dyer need of help.
Contact me via email and I will do whatever I can do to help facilitate your offering and no amount is to small.
Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus!
I just want to update about the ASR Philippines..