We are already getting ready for October! Where has this year gone?
It has been such a stressful, uncertain year for most. Our world is completely out of sorts so it seems. Much sadness with the Covid-19 and how it has, in one way or another, affected almost each and every one of us in some form or fashion. Many lives changed forever through the sickness.
The riots, the total disrespect for our government and our leaders. We must continue to pray for our President and family, our troops, and the ones fighting battles right here close to home. All the situations our children are seeing and having to deal with are upsetting to them and they don’t understand. The changes in what they are having to face as “normal” now has a huge impact on them. We need to step in and surround them with prayer. Our prayers may be all the covering that many of these people receive.
My heart hurts when I see the chaos in the world. Seems people have lost their sense of love, respect and compassion for their friends and neighbors.
The bible says that in the last days, perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high,indee, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. (2 Timothy 3: 1-4)
I believe we are truly in the last days and it is so important to be the care and compassion, the joy in this dark world that so many are seeking.
My desire is to be a witness and if I can help one soul, that is one less lost and going to hell. I pray that the world sees Jesus in us!
Please join in prayer and fasting for the following needs:
Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy
Aimers to Costa Rica
Bro. Fred Bealle -complete healing in body
Bro. Doug Solomon-brain tumor
Baby Rosie Gilbert -still in ICU (parents ASR members in New Haven, CT)
Bro. Tom Thompson-complete healing in body.
Sis. Lydia Diaz-complete healing in body.
Bro. Delbert Hayes-chemo treatment
Jon & Serena Weber’s daughter
Krysta Markham’s father
Joe Endicott’s mother
Lisa Endicott’s mother
Doug Solomon’s father
Anthony Stoney’s father
Chaplain Carman Hamby