Culture of Caring

We are already getting ready for  October!  Where has this year gone?
It has been such a stressful, uncertain year for most.  Our world is completely out of sorts so it seems.  Much sadness with the Covid-19 and how it has,  in one way or another, affected almost each and every one of us in some form or fashion.  Many lives changed forever through the sickness.

The riots, the total disrespect for our government and our leaders.  We must continue to pray for our President and family, our troops, and the ones fighting battles right here close to home.  All the situations our children are seeing and having to deal with are upsetting to them and they don’t understand. The changes in what they are having to face as “normal” now has a huge impact on them. We need to step in and surround them with prayer. Our prayers may be all the covering that many of these people receive.

My heart hurts when I see the chaos in the world.  Seems people have lost their sense of love, respect and compassion for their friends and neighbors.

The bible says that in the last days, perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high,indee, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.  (2 Timothy 3: 1-4)

I believe we are truly in the last days and it is so important to be the care and compassion, the joy in this dark world that so many are seeking.
My desire is to be a witness and if I can help one soul, that is one less lost and going to hell. I pray that the world sees Jesus in us!

Please join in prayer and fasting for the following needs:

Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy
Aimers to Costa Rica


Bro. Fred Bealle -complete healing in body
Bro. Doug Solomon-brain tumor
Baby Rosie Gilbert -still in ICU (parents ASR members in New Haven, CT)
Bro. Tom Thompson-complete healing in body.
Sis.  Lydia Diaz-complete healing in body.
Bro. Delbert Hayes-chemo treatment


Jon & Serena Weber’s daughter
Krysta Markham’s father
Joe Endicott’s mother
Lisa Endicott’s mother
Doug Solomon’s father
Anthony Stoney’s father


Chaplain Carman Hamby

Welcome New Members in September

Pastor Emory & Sis Tami Aldrick
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church – Washington IN
Pastor Emory (Pete) Aldrich

Bro Robert & Sis Angie Foster
Indianapolis, IN
Southwest Apostolic Church – Indianapolis, IN
Pastor James Young

Bro Roger & Sis Wanda White
Charleston, WV
Smithers Church of Jesus Christ – Smithers, WV
Pastor Ronald Price

Sis Kathy Roat
Cannelton, WV
Smithers Church of Jesus Christ – Smithers, WV
Pastor Ronald Price

Bro Hubert & Sis Andrea Harper
Charleston, WV
Smithers Church of Jesus Christ – Smithers, WV
Pastor Ronald Price

Bro John Fouch III
Wayne, WV
Apostolic Life Cathedral – Huntington, WV
Pastor Edwin S Harper

Bro Joe & Sis Casie Blake
Huntington, WV
Apostolic Life Cathedral – Huntington, WV
Pastor Edwin S Harper

This is what our Future Holds

I think we’re in good hands.

We have world changing students at Apostolic Christian Academy, Maryville, TN — Recently, in their Bible class they were asked to write an essay concerning idols in Paul’s day, compared to idols in 2020. Here is one response from an anointed young lady who lives a godly life:

“In the Bible days the people’s idols were shrines, golden images, and gods made out of stone. Today our idols could be our cell phones, tv shows, movies, music, sports, social media, or anything else we put before God. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the moment that we never think about the future. We can get so stirred up in worldly things that we never think about God.

God has called us to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and peculiar people!

We can’t let the things of this world overtake our lives. We need to stop worrying about how many followers we have, why he or she doesn’t like me, how many likes I have, and why I can’t play sorts like they can; we need to focus on what God has in store for our life and how we can fulfill the calling he’s placed upon us.

An idol is like an unhealthy food or drink, if you are constantly eating and drinking unhealthy things you are not going to be a very healthy person. When we constantly have idols in our lives it will develop an unhealthy relationship with God. It’s okay to have social media (if you use it in a good way), play sports or watch tv but it does not need to be all we’re concerned about.

Our relationship with God is the most important thing in our life. The Bible says that this world is not our home, we are just passing through. We need to live a life pleasing and acceptable unto the Lord and heading in the right direction. With idols in our way we won’t make it; Our focus needs to be on the path set before us, which is heaven.”
Reagan Stafford
Sophomore, ACA Maryville

2020 National Rally Offering for East Africa & India

It never fails to amaze me how much this membership loves to support Missionaries. In addition this is not determined by any organizational affiliation, ASR supports regardless, all they need to know is there is a need.

This year in our Thursday night Missionary service Bro Grimh preached from his heart and all of us were moved by his message. Bro Grimh didn’t ask for any special offering to be taken up on his behalf all he did was talk about his burden.

When presented with an opportunity to give during an unscheduled special offering the response was overwhelming and God moved on our hearts in that service, everyone stepped up to the plate and sacrificed. We were able to raise $7,200.00 for the work in East Africa.

I had a message from Bro Grimh just the other day who wasted no time getting those motorcycles into the field and in hands of pastors who were ready, willing and able to go out and spread the gospel, all they needed was the means to do so. I would like to share that massage from Bro Grimh:

1. Hey Bro Thompson. Were buying this bike for one of our Pastors in India. He’s Pastoring 4 Churches. It’s a 2018 Royale 350cc. Used but in great shape. They wanted $1450 for it but we talked them down to $1200. It goes for $2500

2. We have another 2018 same model we can get for the same price. Heres a pic of that one

3. Also getting prices from 2 more Bishops to get them each a bike! This is the pic Bishop Watita from Bungoma sent me. This is not a Boxer, it’s a TVS 100cc

4. He is at the shop in Bungoma now. We are buying 2 bikes

The mgr I’m working with. We have bought from him before. He gave us a good discount.

5. Just bought this one!

6. Just transferred the money to buy this one! These are sweet machines. Best motorcycles we have bought yet, and we got them for $1200 each.

7. Thank You for your Vision to see increase to the Kingdom of God! This is a Honda 125 cc. It is $1225 brand new off the showroom floor!

This is one of my Sons in the Gospel in India. He is our Bishop in Rajamundry area. He oversees several Churches there and hosts our weekly Bible School class online. Many new Pastors are coming to the Revelation of True Salvation under his Ministry. He is a very short man, but very well respected. I’m going to buy this motorcycle for him. He will be able to handle it very well!

This is our Bishop in the Rajamundry area. He’ll be getting the white Honda Together we are empowering some Very Good Men of God to Maximize their Effectiveness!!!

Thank you Bro Grimh for the opportunity to be a blessing to you and work you are so committed to.


Just a few thoughts I been having.
Maybe we all can ask ourselves some questions.
For what purpose did we join ASR?
For what purpose did I get blessed with this motorcycle?
For what purpose did I stop at a gas station and happen to see other bikers?
For what purpose am I going through this hardship?
For what purpose did I meet this individual?
For what purpose is my health declining?
For what purpose did I hear an acquaintance is struggling?
Now I’m gonna talk about me for a few,  As a self employed roofer of close to 30 years I look back and see that I am always on the move, always in high gear, time is money logic. Looking back , looking at present times, I am figuring out that every blessing, every hardship, every trial, every thing happens for a purpose. When I’m going on a trip I’m always hurrying to get there, hurrying to get home, and not stopping to enjoy some of the things that was put in front of me for a purpose.  How many witnessing opportunities did I miss by hurrying? When I first started having health issues I let worry, panic and fear step in, which means I let my faith drop…… I had been praying for a couple years as some of you know for God to show me how to change up my business, I was having hard time hiring employees, hard time keeping jobs for lack of help, so I tried sub contracting, came with some hiccups but worked for the best, then came the health issues and had to start sub contracting all my jobs and back came panic and fear, but my Pastor and others keeps reminding me that God’s got this. I said all that to say this: No matter what is going on or where your at just going through a normal stress free day or a very stressful moment, stop and ask yourself “What is God’s plan and purpose for this” It could be as simple as an answer to prayer just like maybe God is telling me to get off the roof and be a boss of sub crews and it took health issues for me to listen. But whatever it is there is a purpose for it! God bless you all, slow down and ask God what purpose is this moment for, blessing or trial, it has a purpose.
God bless you all
Bro. Tom Thompson

Culture of Caring

What a Wonderful time we had at the 2020 ASR Rally!
The rally was held July 29 through August 1 In beautiful Nashville, Indiana. We appreciate all the hard work and planning that went into this event. We had 40 plus bikes and many vehicles. I know it took much preparation to plan the routes for the rides, restaurants big enough to hold everyone and to work with the local church for our services.
Our first meeting for the Chaplains was held this year and Bro. Mark Hardin did a fantastic job with this very informative meeting. I heard so many words of help and how to be compassionate in ways I hadn’t thought of. How, sometimes, just be there. Sit quietly, doing nothing, just a presence. Sis. Theodore, Bro. Perry and Bro. Hennigan did an amazing job and was very informative!
The Pentecostals of Nashville were AMAZING! They worked with a big smile for all the riders.
Thank you to each of them and to Bro. Dupree for his leadership and involvement!
Wednesday night was a great tent singing with the spirit of God moving all around! What a glorious time of praise and fellowship.
Thursday Night we had Bro Scotty Grimh, Missionary to East Africa. What a blessing he was. I thank God for the money raised to bless him with 6 motorcycles. The service was so powerful and the presence of the lord was mighty! Souls were blessed beyond measure.
Bro Grimh even hung around and joined our ride Friday.
We had a beautiful ride Friday and a delicious lunch served by Sis Bubbly and crew❤️ Friday night service was a blow out! How mighty is our God? Bro. Doughty from Mattoon, Ill did a fantastic job!
We closed out Saturday with the annual business meeting and lunch. It is always so sad to have to say goodbye to everyone. One day, and I don’t believe it will be long, we will never have to leave one another again.
During this week together, you could not only see the love, But feel the unity and love among our Azusa Streetriders. Some of us only see each other once a year, but there is a love between everyone constantly. It is so comforting to know we have brothers and sisters in Christ that carries us in prayer and love.
We sure missed Bro. and Sis. Bealle this year! Our prayers for them continuously!

Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy-Aimers to Costa Rica

Rev. mark Markham, Turning Point Fellowship, Clinton, Al.
Rev. Johnny Carr, Apostolic Church of Tatum, Tatum, TX.


Bro. Fred Bealle-complete healing in body
Bro. Tom Thompson-complete healing in body
Sis. Lydia Diaz-complete healing in body
Bro. Delbert Hayes- chemo treatment
Bro. Scott Culver-recovering from finger amputation
Sis. Serena Weber- recovering from Covid-19
Bro. Robert Eades-recovering from Covid-19
Bro. David Pierces’ wife-recovering from Covid19
Bro and Sis Sell-recovering from Covid-19

Jon and Serena Weber’s daughter
Krysta Markham’s father
Joe Endicott’s mother
Lisa Endicott’s mother
Doug Solomon’s father
Anthony Stoney’s father

Chaplain Carman Hamby

Indianapolis Crusade on the Circle!

September 3, 4, and 6th…downtown Indianapolis Indiana…the Azusa Streetriders have been requested to attend and participate in this milestone event! The local chapter (Southern Indiana) out of Whiteland Indiana, and led by Bro Larry Mahurin, is to lead us in this initiative. This event has been pulled together over the last few weeks and was birthed from a very negative situation where an Apostolic led group was having open air prayer downtown Indy when a group of Antifa rioters ran from police into the crowd of prayer warriors. The police pursued and began to pepper spray everyone, including the peaceful praying Apostolics. This opened the door for this event to take root, due to the way it was handled, and now it will bring all Apostolic organizations and churches together for one unified purpose….to see at least 1,000 souls baptized in Jesus Name!!

A meeting is planned for Monday August 10th at 6pm (est) to hammer out final details of times and speakers, but we wanted to have everyone be in prayer about attending, or at least be in fervent prayer leading up to the event and during its proceedings. We are believing for a Book of Acts outpouring of the Holy Ghost! We do not command these types of outpourings, we humble ourselves before a Holy God and seek Him to move among us. In our broken and humbled approach to His Throne, we are trusting that He will show up and show out!!

Keep an eye on our Facebook Friends ASR page as we post updates of accommodations and times for this Crusade. Azusa Streetriders is a Ministry…a ministry of seeking and seeing souls changed with the Acts chapter two message of salvation!! We are believing this will reap a great harvest of souls and the Kingdom of Heaven will rejoice with us!

Mark A Hardin
International Chaplain/Illinois Regional Coordinator

New Azusa StreetRiders Officers & Area Coordinators

The Azusa StreetRiders board unanimously agreed and appointed the following at this year’s National Rally

Bro Michael Theodore – National Public Relations Coordinator
Bro Mike Markham – National Road Captain
Bro Bill Johnson – NE Area Coordinator
Bro David Scott – MO Area Coordinator
Bro Johnny Carr – East Texas Area Coordinator

The board also wishes to relay that these individuals carry the blessing of the board with them and would ask that all members adhere to authority extended to them in the execution of their offices.

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ