Confidence in God Monthly Blog

Allow me to encourage anyone who has not signed up for the “Confidence in God” Monthly Blog by Sis Julie McGhghy to please do so.

Bro Paul and Sis Julie McGhghy, long time Azusa StreetRiders Members are currently working as Missionaries in Costa Rica since their retirement.  The Lord had laid upon Sis Julie’s heart to put this project together and it’s a wonderful anointed Apostolic Blog with a wide variety of subjects and articles that will encourage and help in your walk with God, such as:

Growing the Confidence in God Family
Practical Prayer Guidance
Be Confident in God’s Will
Encouragement for Times of Discomfort and Disarray
And other practical christian topics

I promise you will be blessed !
Anyone interested please follow the link below for more details or contact Sis Julie directly:

Welcome New Members in November

Rev Israel & Sis Amanda Garza
Zanesville, OH
The Pentecostals of Zanesville – Zanesville, OH
Pastor Israel Garza

Rev Scott  & Sis Debra MiKesell
Alliance, OH
Calvary Pentecostal Church – Sebring, OH
Pastor Scott MiKesell

Bro Terry Hemmes
Byron Center, MI
Pentecostals of Kentwood – Kentwood, MI
Pastor Jay Jones

Bro Russell & Sis Sherry Parker
Evansville, IN
Abundant Life United Pentecostal Church – Evansville, IN
Pastor James Maroney

Bro David Randolph
Starke, FL
Connect Point Church – Middleburg, FL
Pastor Michael Guerra


BTSM 2021 will have some profound changes. It is our desire to grow this event in such a way that it can become even more affective within the ASR family, as well as reach further into our local church families and those around us. With this in mind two changes have been made…first, we will have multiple locations to provide greater opportunity for attendance. Secondly, though the date of the first Friday of March will remain in tact, our time will be from 7pm till 2am…or until the Lord has finished His work. Much prayer and seeking God’s will has went into these changes, and we are believing for a great outpouring of the Holy Ghost that will propel us into the future end time revival!

BTSM 2021 Theme, “Unity…In One Mind, One Place, One Accord”

The theme for BTSM 2021 has its roots in our fundamental ASR/Apostolic doctrine of sharing the Acts 2:38 message. Patterns are important throughout Scripture…Old and New Testament…we find patterns that lead to revelation, salvation, and power from the Throne of God. One of those patterns are Repentance, Baptism (the Blood of Jesus applied), and Spirit infilling. The need for unity is always a challenge for any believer, church, or ministry, so we tie the two together and we find a profound secret to really binding the strong man! We cannot bind until our flesh has been bound!

BTSM 2021 will impact many lives and will bring us together with bonds of unity and help us to navigate more clearly in the realm of the Spirit. It is our burden to see us bind the enemy that has attacked our health, churches, and society. We will come together for a time of repentance, a baptism of sorts by placing our situations under the Blood of Jesus, and being filled with the Holy Ghost that we in turn can be led of the Holy Ghost. It’s imperative that understand the need to say, “Not my will…Thine be done!”

It is imperative that all locations follow the same outline! The speakers and perhaps what they say may vary based on the leading of the Holy Ghost, but the basic message and agenda for the event will need to be followed, so show solidarity and unity throughout all locations. We are attempting to have five regional locations in the United States, and exploring a few satellite locations to accommodate those in more remote parts of the States and in other countries. Each location that hosts a BTSM 2021 will be required to provide a few pictures and a short report on how their event went, so that we can share and magnify God for what He has done around the world! 

Following is the outline that will be followed by all locations:

7:00pm – Welcome and Worship

7:30pm – Session #1 / “Repentance is Personal” (20-30min teaching/15-20min of prayer)  We all need repentance. It’s a moment by moment conditioning of the heart.  Finding this place takes real searching of the Holy Ghost. Personal flaws and attitudes that keep us from being unified with others.

8:20pm – Session #2 / “Repentance for Others Sake” (20-30min teaching/15-20min prayer) There is a need for personal evaluation to find those things which cause dis-Unity with others. Repentance is both vertical and horizontal. We tend to focus Only on our sins against God, but, we need the Spirit to
illuminate those areas that break down unity within the body and repent
(turn away) from them. Sins of the Nation and a repentance that includes forgiveness by bringing a spirit of repentance to such a degree that we can plead the cause of others.

9:10pm – 10 minute break

9:20pm – Session #3 / “Under the Blood” (20-30min teaching/15-20min prayer) As things, circumstances, situations have been revealed and brought to our attention, it is now time to be intentional with placing it under the Blood of Jesus. Not only for forgiveness, but to fully turn away and forgive others.

10:10pm – Session #4 / “Pleading the Blood” (20-30min teaching/15-20min prayer)  Forgiving others and praying for those who have fallen away or even that persecute us is an absolute. Pleading the cause of others and invoking the
Blood of Jesus upon their lives can and will change us, and them. 

11:00pm – 30 min fellowship break

11:30pm – Session #5 / “Be Filled!” (45min with evangelistic focus)
No matter how long we have been born again…and have received the Holy
Ghost, we cannot bind anything without our lamps being filled! This session
Has a focus of being renewed in the Holy Ghost!!

12:45pm – Session #6 / “Be Led” (20-30min preaching/15-20min of praying for others) Now that we have repented (personally and for others sake), been covered by the Blood and covered others with the Blood, and have been renewed and filled With the Spirit in such a way that we are empowered by the Holy Ghost to go…Now its time to be led to others and pray for them. The heart of ministry should overwhelm each participant. Pray in the Holy Ghost…Spirit intercession.

2pm – Departure Although…this is not a set in stone time. If the Holy Ghost is
moving that is our goal and we will allow it to move as long as needed.

Saturday Noon – Lunch…recommending a time of breaking bread together for the purpose of binding together in unity, being of one mind and in one accord.

“Unity – In One Mind, In One Place, In One Accord”…although we are in multiple locations, it is our intent to be unified by the leading of the Holy Ghost to Bind The Strong Man in 2021!

Chaplain Hardin

Culture of Caring

Let me begin by saying I hope everyone had a blessed, and happy Thanksgiving! 
As we traveled, I was noticing the difference in the atmosphere of just simply walking in to a restaurant or gas station. There is no longer a simplicity of everyday, “normal” activities. People are adapting to the craziness of the all dreaded masks, staying 6 feet apart and minimum physical contact with others.
I began to think that even in the craziness and the unknown – we have a steadfast Saviour! What a peace, a comfort in serving God!
I reflect on my blessings, all that I am thankful for and my ASR family is at the top of my list. Donald and I have formed so many friendships with folks that if not for ASR, would have probably never met. We love each and everyone of you and appreciate knowing that there are kindred spirits working together for the ultimate reward!
Not only our friendships inside ASR but also all the strangers we have met in our journeys, that have become friends thru witnessing because of ASR. We, as a group, should be so thankful and grateful to Bro. Fred and Sis. Diane Beall and their burden for an Apostolic motorcycle ministry! Have you ever thought just how many souls have become entwined because of their burden? I’m thankful because they listened to the calling and followed thru with their vision. Just how many people have come to God because of this ministry is unknown, but it continues to reach the lost and that’s what it is all about!  Luke 14:23 And the Lord said unto the servant, go out unto the highways and hedges , and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
I have an excitement stirring in me and so looking forward to being able to reach the lost thru this ministry and to continue hearing all the good reports of healings, lives being changed, and blessings being poured out on our churches and missionaries.  God is GREAT and GREATLY to be praised
This year has brought so many changes and uncertainties but the ONE thing that has not changed is our on time God!
No matter what the hiccups we face in our daily walk, we can go to the master. He carries us and is working on our behalf. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and know that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning!

Please join in prayer and fasting for the following needs:

Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy
Aimers to Costa Rica


Bro. Fred Bealle -complete healing in body
Bro. Doug Solomon-brain tumor
Baby Rosie Gilbert -still in ICU (parents ASR members in New Haven, CT)
Bro. Tom Thompson-complete healing in body.
Sis. Lydia Diaz-complete healing in body.
Bro. Delbert Hayes-chemo treatment

Please pray for peace and strength for:
Bro. And Sis. Perry loss of his mother
Bro. Earl and Sis. Ruby Cobb loss of her father

Chaplain Carman Hamby

Culture of Caring

The end of another year is upon us.  Time surely has a way of quickly passing. There is still so much work to be done-so many souls still to be reached.
I am thankful for the ASR ministry and the outlet it provides to reach those that we may have never even encountered in other settings.
so many different types of people- battered, broken, depressed, empty and totally abandoned. But no matter the case, they ALL have one thing in common- they need to know Jesus!   We are here to show them the love and compassion of Christ. People are searching for something, they are hungry in these perilous times we are living. We need to show them a love far more than they have ever felt. Only Jesus can fill their loneliness, emptiness, desperate need in their lives. Let our lights shine in this dark and gloomy world that they can see Jesus through our daily living. We may be the only bible that some ever see.
Let’s unite in prayer for the lost and hurting!
We also need to be in prayer for the upcoming election and our president.
The devil is on a rampage to destroy and we must bind every stronghold

Please join in prayer and fasting for the following needs:

Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy
Aimers to Costa Rica


Bro. Fred Bealle -complete healing in body
Bro. Doug Solomon-brain tumor
Baby Rosie Gilbert -still in ICU (parents ASR members in New Haven, CT)
Bro. Tom Thompson-complete healing in body.
Sis.  Lydia Diaz-complete healing in body.
Bro. Delbert Hayes-chemo treatment

Chaplain Carman Hamby


Motorcycle for Missionary Funds Hard At Work

If you can remember the Azusa StreetRiders raised $7,500.00 in out Missionary service Thursday night for Brother Scotty Grihm at our Annual Conference in Nashville, IN. I feel this is a great example of how Jesus takes the little that we give and multiplies it for his kingdom.
Here is an update from the field:

We bought it new for $1,175 and gave him n additional $100.The third bike we purchased went to Pastor Abraham our Regional Leader of the Kaikaluru region of Southern India.

Pastor Abraham coordinates all our conferences and events. He hosts our weekly online Bible School class in Kaikaluru, and he is a great support and encouragement to all our Pastors there. He has converted many trinitarian Pastors there who are now with us.


This 250 cc is a 2019 in like new condition, and we were able to get it for $1,150.


We also bought 2 motorcycles for East Africa that we gave out last in Kenya. (The last one was given at our monthly Pastors meeting today!)
These motorcycles are brand new 100cc TVC’. This is a very popular brand in Kenya.
The first one went to Bishop Rajab Watita. He was a muslim imam. I baptised him last fall. He is our Bishop in the Bungoma region of Western Kenya. He is doing a great work and has baptized several Pastors in Jesus name. I am working very closely with him. He is holding weekly Ministers conferences
and the motorcycle will be a tremendous blessing to him!
The 5th motorcycle was gifted to our Regional Leader Pastor Robert Barasa. He Pastors in Funyula, Kenya. We were able to build a new Church there last year. I don’t have pics yet, but they sent me this video of the dedication and presentation of the bike to Pastor Barasa! Hope you enjoy it

Welcome New Members in Octomer

Pastor Chad Akers
Shelburn, IN
Well of Life Pentecostal Church – Shelburn, IN
Pastor Chad Akers

Sis Jody Akers
Shelburn, IN
Well of Life Pentecostal Church – Shelburn, IN
Pastor Chad Akers

Bro Delbert Hayes & Sis Tina Hayes
Pinch, WV
Clendenin Pentecostal Church – Clendenin, WV
Pastor F.L. Walker

Pastor Bill Monk & Sis Chere’ Monk
Dunbar, WV
Clendenin Pentecostal Church – Clendenin, WV
Pastor Bill Monk

Sis Christina Scott (Wife of Bro David Scott)
Jefferson City, MO
Landmark Church – Jefferson City, MO
Pastor Scott Breedlove




It is with great anticipation that we look toward BTSM 2021! This annual event was birthed out of compassion and faith, and has been a mainstay event throughout the last several years for the ASR Ministry. Each year the focus of prayer and supplication, taking our needs before the Lord, and Binding the enemy of our soul and our communities has brought a tremendous amount of understanding within our ministry and beyond. Each year many have traveled great distances to participate, and each event has given great encouragement and strength. This coming year is no exception…and it is our desire to take BTSM to the next level!!

Mark your calendars and set March 5th and 6th aside and plan to participate in Bind The Strong Man 2021!!!

Much more information will be to come, but we have decided to make several changes…the first is that we will have, not only one location, but, five locations across the United States, and we are looking at locations internationally. All of these will be on the same dates with the same theme at each location. Our goal is to bring it close enough for everyone within ASR to participate….and, we do believe that it will impact your life in a great way.

Please set these dates aside and we will share more information in the upcoming months!!

3rd Annual Biker Weekend, Clendenin, WV

If you would ask several different people how to measure success, you would no doubt get several different answers. With each event, comes the desire for everything to go smoothly, everyone to have a good time, to enjoy riding, and have good fellowship and church. However, everything we deem important for success, dims in comparison to how God views it. This year, we had some great fellowship, some awesome riding, and good times. We had some breakdowns on our ride, and I began to be concerned with making sure everyone was having a good time. It was in that moment, God reminded me, it’s not about the ride, it’s about souls. To see a young lady give her heart to God during Biker Sunday service made everything fade in the distance, as we rejoiced with her. Sometimes we have to be reminded, although there is good times when we ride with our brothers and sisters, we do what we do for the harvest of souls. Looking forward to what God is going to do in this ministry!

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the ASR members that went to the hospital Friday evening to pray for mom, the staff, the patients, and Bro Beall. God met with us there, and I am believing the report of the Lord!

I want to give special thanks and honor to Bro Randy Hennigan, for bringing an anointed Word from the Lord.

It was an honor to become a chapter during our Biker Weekend. I want to welcome our new members of the Appalachian Chapter.
Kathy Roat, Roger & Wanda White, Hubie & Andrea Harper, Delbert & Tina Hayes, Bill & Chere Monk

God Bless,
Jeremiah Hayes (Bullfrog)