Culture of Caring

Greetings in the name of Jesus!
As I began to pray about a word for our newsletter, I started thinking  about  culture of caring.  Just WHAT is the meaning?  How can this be carried out by us, by me?
Building a culture of care means creating an environment where people feel valued. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say.  People depend on honesty and trust. If we want to reach the lost, we show kindness, loyalty, and compassion.  There is enough pull on people daily from the world, showing the glamorous side of sin, the “fun” side of sin.  I have seen firsthand lately that people are searching, they are looking and longing for something true, something solid and something constant.
It is urgent that we show God in us and through us.  We must reach souls through caring, love and stability.  I believe with all my heart we are living in the last days. There are so many people confused, not knowing who to believe or what to believe.  Let’s show our culture of caring and show them there is truth, a stable place they can depend on and truth they can believe in!



Rev. Mike and Julie McGhghy Aimers to Costa Rica




Bro. Mark Wever-Urgent prayers need for total healing from Covid and stroke
Sis. Leanne Wever- complete healing in her body
Bro. Randall Wild- healing in body from automobile accident
Bro. Fred Bealle total healing
Bro. Anthony Storey total healing

Please keep Bro. Jeremiah and Sis. Jennifer Hayes and extended family in prayer during the loss of his mother, Sis. Tina.

Be in prayer for every ASR member, family and friends that are being affected by Covid.

Chaplain Carman Hamby



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Carman Hamby

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