First Northern Indiana Biker Week-end

Greetings in Jesus name to our ASR family!

We are honored to have been asked to give a summary of our 1st Annual Biker Sunday for the Northern Indiana Chapter.

We had 16 total bikes attending our Saturday ride, 12 of which traveled from out of town, to make our weekend such a success. We want to thank all that came from the bottom of our heart and say may God richly bless you. To those that reached out to us, that would have liked to have been here but couldn’t, we just want to say you were missed and we pray God blesses you as well.

We had a great time, good food and awesome fellowship. The weather couldn’t have been better for our Saturday ride.

On our way back we made an ice cream stop in South Whitley at Carole’s Corner where we were informed that they were closing but that they would remain open providing us with ice cream and floats. After she served us, she closed the stand and then came out to let us know that although the stand was closed. we were welcome to relax on the property as long as we liked

She then proceeded to tell us the story of her purpose and ministry with the ice cream stand. She always employed young people with the intent of teaching them responsibility, respect of people, hard work ethic, and to be a good person throughout life. After giving herself completely to the business and missing out on all family functions for the last 50 years she had finally felt God was releasing her from her duty and has decided to sell everything, retire and enjoy life for herself. At this time, Bro. Robert (Doc) Thompson asked her if she would allow us to pray with her that God will continue to bless and lead her. She responded that she would like that and appreciate it very much. We would like to give God the glory for providing this opportunity to show what ASR is all about.

We then headed back to the church and returned with a couple of hours to spare during which time the men enjoyed a great time in prayer where God showed up and blessed mightily, instigated and led by Bro Robert Thompson. Followed by a great meal prepared by the ladies and additional fellowship.

Biker Sunday service started with a wonderful move of the Holy Ghost in praise and worship followed by a very difficult message to bring to a church from a visiting minister, however Bro Mike (Grumpy) Markham obeyed the voice of God and delivered it in outstanding fashion feeding our hearts and minds and leaving us with so much to contemplate.

Followed by another great meal topped off with Pie and ice cream!!!

We want to give honor and thanks to all who so generously gave enabling us to not only meet but exceed our goal for Motorcycles for Missions

Last, but not least, we want to thank God for keeping His hand on all our ASR members as they traveled to their homes. We are looking forward to our next time of fellowship with each and everyone wherever it may be.

God Bless!

Northern Indiana Chapter

Welcome New Members July 2021

Let’s Welcome the members of a new chapter  from Rome, GA

Pastor Greg & Sis Tine Briggs
Rome, GA
The Rock of Rome Church
Pastor Greg Bridges

Bro Darryl Bridges
Rome, GA
The Rock of Rome Church
Pastor Greg Bridges

Bro Cameron & Sis Jordan Earwood
Rome, GA
The Rock of Rome Church
Pastor Greg Bridges

Bro Paul & Sis Stacey Holbrook
Cedartown, GA
The Rock of Rome Church
Pastor Greg Bridges

Bro Zack & Sis Star
Cedartown, GA
The Rock of Rome Church
Pastor Greg Bridges

Bro Anthony Wright
Rome, GA
The Rock of Rome Church
Pastor Greg Bridges

Bro Travis & Sis Sarah Hunter
Denison, TX
Truth Church of Denison
Pastor Darren Gilbert

Bro Nicholas & Sis Kaleigh Cronk
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Tabernacle of Joy Church
Pastor Ron Strong

Bro Sis Kaleigh Cronk & Bro Nicholas
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Tabernacle of Joy Church
Pastor Ron Strong

Philippians ASR Hard at Work

Evangelism victory report.
An ASR Team of 6 riders and 4 4-wheeled vehicles convoyed going to General Nakar. We took our breakfast at Rambulls, a well-known place in Tanay for travellers. The team is composed of 11 ASR members with their families. The journey was smooth and very relaxing.. looks like we’re travelling in the clouds due to thick fogs with approx. 5 meters visibility only, a great experience.
We passed three major checkpoints to reach General Nakar, by the power of God, we were able to pass through all these checkpoints. We arrived at 1PM, then we took our lunch and rested for a while.
At 4PM, Sister Stella, who’ve been baptized and received the Holy Ghost last ASR evangelism, started to invite all her neighbors and friends in the area. Within 20mins or less, more than 60 people came to the venue! Truly they are hungry for the Word of God!
We started the service about 5PM. A song number by Bro Jun Fabro and Bro Dan de Guzman; our preachers started to deliver the Word of God: Ptr Dennis E. and Ptr Romie C. The Lord Jesus moved mightily in the midst of us. Some of the attendees told us that what they want now is a pastor who will teach them and guide them spiritually.
ASR ministries is now levelling up from supporting the pioneering pastors in promoting the church in the area to church planting.
Early morning breakfast together and bonding time for ASR Families..
A once in a life time experience happened. A fish called Bolinao filled the sea shore. A local resident told us that this is the first time they saw fishes swim to the shore and toward us while we enjoy the very calm sea. We are so amazed by this phenomena.
A local fisherman tried to catch them using a very fine net 4 times but they failed, they didn’t catch even one fish.. but we continuously enjoyed picking the fishes because they are swimming toward us.. what a great experience! Suddenly, a very significant meaning on what actually happened came to our minds. People in Barangay Sulok General Nakar hunger for the Word of the living God.. they need somebody to feed them. No need to go further to catch some fishes, you just need to pick them. Praise God!
11AM, we left the place with our hearts rejoicing, enjoying the wonders of God’s creation.
Special thanks to:
• Ptr Romie Cabarle and Family for providing kitchen utensils with cook (a very young looking member of LMD UPC Baras)
• Bro Jun Fabro and Family for sponsoring the food packs and fuel for the needy rider.
God Bless ASR Philippines!
Let’s ride and build the church of Jesus Christ!
We need to keep the Philippines in prayer unfortunately the  torrential rains have brought flooding and much damage
PRAY for the Philippines

Welcome New Members for the Month of June

Bro Michael & Sis Colton Frizzell
Vivian, LA
Pentecostals of Bossier City – Bossier City, LA
Pastor Jerry Dean

Bro Shane & Sis Carrie Hayden
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church – Washington, IN
Pastor Peter Aldrich

Bro Nicholas Smith
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church – Washington, IN
Pastor Peter Aldrich

Bro David & Sis Alicia Locke
Old River – Winfree, TX
Peace Tabernacle – Baytown, TX
Pastor Kenneth Grant

Pastor Gene & Sis Reta Alphin
Lincoln, NE
The Life Church of Lincoln – Lincoln, NE
Pastor Gene Alphin

Bro Ken Johnson
Denison, TX
Truth Church – Denison, TX
Pastor Darren Gilbert



Please Forgive Me …

Forgive me Lord …

I have sat down and attempted to write this for several days only to have a hindering spirit press against my goal of putting to paper what the Lord laid upon my heart. I pray this softens someone’s heart in what might be a difficult situation.

Forgive Me Lord …. I think for many of us this might have been some of the first words we ever expressed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Coming to the Lord broken, many of our lives upside down looking for a way out of a sinful lifestyle, tired of all the shame and heartaches that plagued us in life. Whatever the reason that drove you to an alter of repentance for the first time I can only imagine that these words would have at some point been expressed.

Our heartfelt desire to be forgiven for the things we had done, the lifestyle we had lived especially for those that weren’t raised in the church like myself and many others within this membership. Given an opportunity to knee before the King of Kings and ask him to forgive us for all the ugly, sinful, hateful acts in our lives and he was faithful and just to not only forgive us of those sins but to wash them away he threw them into a sea of forgetfulness. How grateful we felt for that, to be forgiven and yet it seems we have, at time the inability of forgiving those around us for so much less. Those we feel have offended us one way or another. Whether it be the warranted or manufactured in our own hearts and minds, we need to be careful, after all;

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it. (Jer 17:9)

You see I don’t even know how much the Lord had forgiven me of, many of you know my past, however the Lord knows everything every dark, dirty unmentionable secret within my heart that he has forgiven me of. I am not just talking about the first time but included is every time since. I ask the Lord to search my heart everyday and forgive me of my sins. You see I do not want anything to come between the Lord and myself that would hinder our relationship. I suppose that is why I have a difficult time watching brother next brother both in church, both filled with the Holy Ghost having a fault one to another, the inability to forgive and allowing our foolish pride to hinder asking someone for forgiveness and if forgiveness is asked the inability to in fact do so, after all the Lord did so much more for us.

Jesus Christ hung on a cross so we would not have to, why, so we could humble ourselves and ask him for forgiveness, the first step in the plan of salvation. In addition not everything we repent of and ask for with respect to forgiveness needs to be sinful in nature; sometimes it’s attitudes and actions that need a check and balance. Perhaps a time out could be in order to do a personal inventory and compare those results to the word of God. Were quick to and assured of that the Lord has forgiven us, but has he ?

Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.(Matt 5:23,24)

I don’t think there is much wiggle room here in this scripture. It’s pretty much cut and dry. How can I hold ought against my brother and expect the Lord to forgive me. How can I not forgive my brother after all the Lord did for me the only thing I can come up with is pride? To proud to go to a brother who might not even be fully aware of the offense or perhaps is hurting as much as we are only to pray that the gulf between us could be closed, but because were a stiffed neck generation that wound remains open seeping until is becomes infected with hurt, anger, strife, ill will and so much more. The Lord shows us forgiveness everyday should we not in turn show others the same courtly.

Does the Bible not say that we should be Christ like where does that line end, where do we stop being Christ like and become what he hates to see in us? Love one anther as I have loved you,

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another (James 5:34,35)

Some might say I can love them but I just don’t like them, it doesn’t really work like that. We need to learn to forgive and forget it’s difficult but is possible. Because my word say;

But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. (Matt 19:26)

My Pastor early in my walk told me that earnestly praying for a person that has offended might not affect that individual’s attitude towards me (but it might) but it most certainly helps the way I look at them. I learned a long time ago you can’t earnestly pray for someone and not have it affect your attitude toward him or her. In other words I cannot pray sincerely for someone and not have the Lord soften my heart toward him or her, I have never known it not to work. You may not become best friends but one can walk brother with brother in the sight of Christ.

I closing I want to say if while reading this someone comes to your mind that maybe there is some riff between you. You don’t really know how to take that first step let me say just call them (don’t text) and talk to them from your heart let them know if there is an offense please forgive me. It will take some humility perhaps, especially if you are not at fault. Remember it might not be for them it’s more so for you. At that point in the sight of God you have fulfilled your requirements to make things right. If that individual refuses to acknowledge your attempt to set things straight it’s totally on his head, he will need to answer for that, you will not. You never know he or she might just be waiting for such a call and only eternity will tell whom all that one act might effect for the kingdom of God.



What Role Does Azusa StreetRiders Play in Your Life?

What Role Does Azusa StreetRiders Play in Your Life?

Azusa StreetRiders ministry is many things to many people. For some it’s just an opportunity to ride with like-minded Apostolic christen men and woman, for some it’s an avenue to put the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ to work. For others it’s simply a chance to serve. Missionaries it’s an opportunity to receive something they might not ever be able to afford in a timely manner, a motorcycle for God’s work. For pastors it can be an extension of the church to reach out for souls they might not otherwise be able to connect with, simply another quiver in their pouch to reach a lost and dying world.

Of course there are many other roles that Azusa StreetRiders ministry plays in people’s lives. That is why we need to make this ministry, ourselves available for service to others whenever and wherever we can. I know schedules are tight; lives are busy whether or not we want them to be. This week alone my heart yearns to have been in Central Missouri for their event and trying every which way next week to get to Omaha, NE. I am still trying to figure out how to put fifteen gallons into a five-gallon bucket, any suggestions? As the Azusa StreetRiders ministry grows and yes we are defiantly growing there are choices that need to be made and time is a valuable commodity. My prayer is all of our membership gets engaged at some level, at some time during our riding season let do the best we can do to support each other’s efforts.

So how do we manage this already packed schedule, our families, church, jobs and honey do’s and yes down time. I wish I knew! I do know that when we commit to an Azusa StreetRiders ministry event it is counted as a sacrifice on behalf of the members that attend and promote these events. Mark my words this is God’s work and he is not slack. We are about our Fathers business when we are a part of either someone else’s event or ours. If you are an Apostolic man or women of God and a member of this ministry regardless of what role Azusa StreetRiders ministry is currently playing in your life you are in the soul reaching business and that job description is all about lost souls via motorcycles.

Our mission if we choose to accept it is to go out in the highways and byways always keeping in mind, what can I do to reach the lost? I suggest start with prayer asking the Lord Jesus Christ for direction after all he knows your schedule better than you do so why not consult with the one that can make it all work our according to his will. Second, wear the Azusa StreetRiders backpatch when you ride, that is a drawing card for so many. I have seen it many times where people will inquire about the backpatch and Azusa Street, it works! We all cannot attend every event, believe me I want to but we can do some. One advantage of a growing ministry like ours is there are more events every year and many which are coming closer to home, get involved when you can, be a part, make a difference.

In closing I want to say it has been a privilege to service this ministry. I have seen the Azusa StreetRiders ministry blossom due to the efforts of this membership and with growth come challenges. In earlier years it was easy to attend all or most of the events because there were only a few but now we have something going on almost weekly especially when you add in unadvertised local chapter rides or events, just local chapters going out ministering where and when they can. I feel this fulfills what Bro & Sis Beall envisioned when they first started this ministry and I give them both honor for allowing this membership to run with the ball. I am also sanctified proud that were doing our best to adhere to Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Even if that is from a motorcycle seat.



Welcome New Members, May 2021

It’s a privilege to welcome our newest members and a brand new chapter

Pastor Michael & Sis Elizabeth Weedman
Sparta, TN
The Pentecostals of Sparta, Sparta, TN
Pastor Michael Weedman

Pastor Micah & Sis Dawn Turner
Davenport, FL
For the Least of These… Living Waters Ministries
Haines City FL
Pastor Micah Turner

Bro Allen “Lea” & Sis Carolyn Culver
Fairborn, OH
Lifeway Pentecostals of Xenia, Xebia, OH
Pastor Ken Dillingham

Bro Nathan & Sis April Stanley
Rayville, LA
Pentecost Tabernacle, Delhi, LA
Pastor Shane Lester

The NEW Paoli, IN Azusa StreetRiders Chapter:

Pastor Barry & Sis Jenifer Laird
Paoli, IN
Paoli UPC Church, Paoli, IN
Pastor Barry Laird

Bro Cecil & Sis Michelle Wininger
Hardinsburg, IN
Paoli UPC Church, Paoli, IN
Pastor Barry Laird

Bro Kenneth & Sis Jordan Wilder
Mitchell, IN
Paoli UPC Church, Paoli, IN
Pastor Barry Laird

Bro Darren & Sis Barbara Echterling
English, IN
Paoli UPC Church, Paoli, IN
Pastor Barry Laird

Carl Echterling
English, IN
Paoli UPC Church, Paoli, IN
Pastor Barry Laird

Bro Thomas & Sis Kelly Jones
Paoli, IN
Paoli UPC Church, Paoli, IN
Pastor Barry Laird


Do your fears point you to God?

You’ve heard people say, “Choose faith over fear.” That’s much easier said than done.

But, with God’s help, it can become a reality for you.

My friend Dr. Eugene C. Scott, a pastor, counselor, coach, and accidental expert on fear, has helped thousands of people hear the deeper messages behind their fears and see how listening to your fear can draw you closer to God.

I am happy to share a great resource Eugene created called 5 Unusual Strategies to Help you Manage Your Fear. It is a simple guide that will give you new insight into your fear and its message for you.

Click here to grab Eugene’s ebook and his awesome emails about seeing God in the everyday, including fearful ones. For additional information about the author contact Bro Eugene Scott through his web site:

Thank you Sis Julie for including this article in your May’s publication.  Bro Paul & Sis Julie McGhghy are Missionaries to Costa Rica and long time faithful members of the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry. Sis Julie is the Chief Editor of the Confidence in God monthly Apolostic publication and also a contributing author for the Rumblings.  If you wish to receive her Monthly Publication please feel free to contact her anytime  @ or click on this link below

Where Are We Heading ?

One of the main goals of this current board and myself personally as president has always been to keep the vision of Bro & Sis Beall for the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry alive and well. In continual discussions with the Beall’s I feel we have met and exceeded their heart’s desire in the direction and where this ministry is today. In order to continue with that thread this past week the board, Bro Markham & Bro Earp met in Price, TX for our annual planning session in order to seek the Lord’s direction for this ministry. Also Thank You Bro Hardin for your unselfish service to our ministry, this man is a great asset to this ministry and I for one am glad he is on our team. We spent many hours discussing a variety of issues in order to bring us, what we hope is to the next level in our ministry for the remainder of this year and going into 2022.

First allow me to say to me it is an honor and a privilege to be a member of the Azusa StreetRiders. This is a ministry and we must hold ourselves to a higher standard because were at the front lines in God’s work. This is NO time to deviate from the mandate God has given us, both as a child of God and as a member of the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry of which both mandates are the same:

“And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” Mark 16:15

 Thankfully I feel we do just that, I have seen this ministry in action and were anointed and effective in the things we put our hands to. Unfortunately I am not satisfied where were at. Don’t take me wrong I am highly pleased in what we have achieved as a ministry and in the direction were heading but it’s weighing on my mind knowing there is so much more we need to do. The fact is the Lord is coming soon and I want to see as many as the Lord would call to make it into heaven. Folks our time is short.

Therefor going forward the board will be presenting to the membership additional suggestions to the bylaws to help streamline the goals we have set forth. In addition we are developing the means to provide better flow of information for area coordinators, Chaplain’s and local chapters, thanks to Bro Joseph. We also are going to tweak the way in which Azusa StreetRiders Ministry promote events. Starting now Azusa StreetRiders chapters have available to them the full extent of our social media presence on what were calling “Sanctioned Events”

To have an “Sanctioned Event” regardless of the agenda were asking for the following:

  1. Coordinate the event details with Bro Theodore who is the Azusa StreetRiders Event Coordinator so he can be attuned to the details and therefor promote the event to it’s full extent and to assure that the information presented is accurate and current.
  2. The most important new aspect to our events is going to be the newly appointed Event Outreach Coordinator, Bro Clarence Earp. Bro Earp will contact each individual hosting a ride to see what he or she has built into the event for outreach. He is there as a tool to be used to assist with any questions or suggestions you might have.
  3. Contact Bro Markham the Azusa StreetRiders Safety Officer to assure that each event has the correct safety protocols, procures & documentation in order to minimum our exposure in the event something ever happens. I think we all can see the reasoning behind this precaution. I know this only becomes important after someone gets hurt, so let’s not be a victim here OK. (If applicable)

Note: If you’re doing a local chapter ride, just some of the guy’s getting together and do not feel this is pertinent to your particular ride or event there is no need to go to this extent. Its there is you need it.

Let me say this and I hope I ruffle a few feathers here to the point we all go down in prayer to seek the face of the Lord as to what he wants out of us. Folk’s it’s not about the ride, the beautiful scenery or the fellowship. It’s about souls and I feel we need to get into the habit to ride less and minister more. To build into each event the intent to set aside time for one purpose reaching souls. Therefor the board asked Bro Earp to work with Bro Theodore and Bro Markham in order to develop this part of our ministry into a driving force.

There are other goals that were working towards and over the next few months with your permission I would like to share them with you. This ministry for me and I know for many, many of y’all is our heartthrob. This ministry keeps many of us tethered to the church, to each other for the opportunity to minister. For me it has made me a better man of God and I pray it has done the same for my brother’s and sisters of the Azusa StreetRiders.

There is no loss of vision here and when this board was entrusted with this responsibility all of us committed ourselves to keep the faith and stay the course, we are unified to the end. The Buck stops at our desk. In completing two days of prayer and intense leadership planning the result is a clear and decisive direction which again is right in line with the goals and aspirations laid down by our founders, Bro & Sis Beall. We all feel the membership expects the best and that is what we have given.

We appreciate your prayers in our endeavor and that has helped us in the decisions we needed to make. At this point we as a ministry are reaching for the next rung in the ladder before us. We are climbing onto higher uncharted ground here. I feel the membership with be pleased in our direction, some of which will be put into effect immediately, some we’ll be discussing over the next couple of months and some presented at our National Rally.

Fear not my brothers and sisters our primary goal as “The Apostolic” motorcycle ministry of Jesus Christ has not changed were here to reach the lost and do our part that the Lord has entrusted to us, to save lost souls, to minister to the sick, to pray for the discouraged and position ourselves so our pastor’s can count on us. Anything other than that, well we’ll become just a “riding club”.

Sorry not on our watch.

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

Welcome New Members – April 2021

The membership of the Azusa StreetRiders would like to take a moment and welcome each  of you into this exciting One God Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry.
Let’s Make a Difference !

Bro Rick & Sis Haney
Charleston, IL
Apostolic Center Church
Pastor Shine Doughty

Bro Donald & Sis Wallace
Zanesville, OH
The Pentecostals of Zanesville
Pastor Israel Garza

Bro Derick & Sis Crews
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Pete Alldredge

Bro Timothy & Sis Kendra Browers
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Pete Alldredge

Bro Kyle & Sis Mandy Stephens
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church
Pastor Pete Alldredge