Bro. Kurt Handline and Bishop Logue getting around Cuba in a bici-taxi
Missions: City to City
Bishop L. E. Logue and Bro. Kurt Handline have been tremendous influences in the Cuban Church over the years. This year they made multiple trips, including a country-wide mission trip to visit churches that rarely get visitors.
They even endured my driving across the entire island, getting lost a few times, [accidentally] locking them in a hot car with the windows up, going off road through mud and rain, infinite potholes, dodging dogs, chickens, horse and buggies, and people everywhere. We had several adventures … too much to tell in this email.
These brethren have made a lasting impact in the work in Cuba through consistent support and personal contact.
What the world needs is real Christian people, living the message of Christ, speaking wholesome words, giving without expecting a return, and going forth just to be a blessing. Incarnating the Gospel message to a world without hope. This is what Bishop Logue and Bro. Handline have provided.
Thank you for your prayers and support for the mission in Cuba.

Punta Brava, La Habana
Felicidades to Pastor Dany Daniel Marzo Amores, a local minister in Havana and Bible School student, who just took a church in Punta Brava on the outskirts of Havana.
His mom and dad (also a local minister) actually moved to this congregation to assist him in ministry. They do a lot with kids, outreach and spaghetti dinners!
Bro Houseman the Missionary to Cuba is standing on the far left

Caibarien, Villa Clara
This young minister, Pastor Darian Cabrera and his wife, have recently purchased a new home in Caibarien where they have been installed into new pastoral ministry.
Please keep this relatively new work in prayer. We began this work less than two years ago with a few baptisms and a local woman, also baptized, who opened her home up for us to have services.

Local fruits and vegetables, just one block from the church
Fomento and Cabaiguán, Sancti Spiritus
Pastor Elio Prieto and his wife are country folks! Even in Cuba we have city churches and country churches. Same apostolic doctrine, culturally different congregation and service styles. It’s an honor to work together with apostolic people of all shades of color and culture. This is what God designed all the way back on the day of Pentecost.
I recently met a group of missionaries in Cuba from some sort of American denomination. They asked me what denomination was our church in Cuba.
I replied, “We are the People of the Name in Cuba. We are the Book of Acts Church in Cuba.”
What else is there to say? We believe in only One God, baptize in Jesus Name, speak in tongues when we receive the Holy Ghost, practice Holiness, and believe Jesus is coming back for his Church.
We are not a denomination. We are the Church.

Jobabo, Las Tunas
This church is located about 45 minutes down a long country road just outside of Las Tunas, Cuba. There are actually two churches, one in Jobabo and another in a nearby town.
These brethren joined our fellowship a couple of years ago and are also going through our Apostolic Bible Institute. Thank you for praying for them and the many small towns across Cuba that we are now finally reaching with the Acts 2:38 message.

Pastor Yurisdel Peña, Apostolic Church of Jobabo, Las Tunas.

You will never find a more genuine, authentic, and humble apostolic family than this beautiful family in Camaguey, Cuba. Pastor Anselmo Gonzalez and his wife have converted their home into a sanctuary for the church. All four children sleep in one tiny room in the back, while pastor and wife sleep on a mattress in the sanctuary floor each night.
This is Cuba missions. This is the spread of the gospel in Cuba. Men and women who embrace the Truth and begin preaching, teaching, and having church before any resources or facilities are available. It is New Testament. It is 100% APOSTOLIC.

Pastor Anselmo Gonzalez and family, Apostolic Church of Camaguey

Santiago de Cuba
Over the last six years or so we have worked with a group of apostolic ministers in the eastern province of Santiago. These men and their churches were added to the apostolic fellowship through the ministry of Missionary Armando Roca.
We have been blessed to visit nearly all of their churches, scattered among the small towns and mountainous regions of the province.
Now, we are giving $6,300 for the purchase of property that will serve this group for years to come. On this property they will build a facility to have services, district events, offices, and most importantly training seminars for local and national ministry.
If you would like to help with this special project, please reach out to us and let’s make it happen.

Iglesia Apostólica de Oasis, Santiago de Cuba