Over the last year and 10 months the Azusa Street-Riders ministry has been growing and the Lord has blessed us. We have had 96 new members join, several come back, 27 active chapters and 5 Provisional Chapters. The ASR Philippians has enough members that we are working on structuring them to be self sufficient plus we have added members in Thailand. Last year we were able to purchase 3 motorcycles plus the ones that were donated from our ASR members in Canada. We have had an encouraging note from the UPCI missions department and Bro. Mooney. All exciting things going on!
When this current ASR board first got together we had a lot to learn. There are 4 strong minded people that were trying to agree on what was best for this ministry but we all had our own ideas of how things should work. In the beginning I think we all wondered what on earth we had signed up for LOL. As time went on and through much prayer and seeking Gods will for this ministry we have learned to humble ourselves and work together in unity. We have learned to set our personal opinions and emotions aside and pray for each other. Psalms 133:1-2 AMP Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil {of consecration} poured on the head, Coming down on the beard, Even the beard of Aaron, Coming down upon the edge of his {priestly} robes {consecrating the whole body}.
As this years election approaches we must seek God and pray that whoever is elected the unity of this board will continue so God can work through us to fulfill His will and purpose in this ministry of reaching the lost in a world that so desperately needs to be reached.
I love and appreciate every one of you and pray the Lord blesses you as we work together in one mind and one accord to continue the vision the Lord gave to Bro Fred Beall to reach the motorcycle world and support our foreign missionaries with the only oneness Apostolic motorcycle ministry. I am honored to be able to serve this ministry in any way I can.
God Bless,
Sis Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer