Goodbye 2020 Goodbye

Goodbye 2020 Goodbye

Can I get an Amen ! I would venture to say there are several who would offer up a resounding cheer to see this year go. Covid-19 confided to our homes with family concerned for our safety to say the least and even fearful to venture outside at times. The introduction to an entire society for the first time the forced wearing of masks in order not to spread or be spread upon a virus that might kill you or perhaps someone you know, Church’s for the first time being forced to close by government mandates yet auto parts stores are allowed to be opened. Go figure huh ….

An election that is still reeling with rumors of wide base fraud. A government that seems to be out of control on so many fronts that for the first time red blooded Americans question their own resolve about being American. Riots in the streets of many major city’s in America. Our very history of America in question and benchmarks we grew up with torn, down for what seems to be little or no provocation.

Are you discouraged yet ? I would be if this is all the future I had to hold on to. Our lives today, right now and our future are not determined by CNN, ABC or Fox news. Not by Democrats, Republicans or independent’s. Not by Congress, the Senate or the Surgeon General. The Word of God clearly states:

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5, 6).

Now either we believe everything the “Word of God” States or we should believe nothing. We have never been given the option to pick and choose want to wish to hold as divine truth and dismiss what we feel as non applicable to our lives.

We have a future and it’s not here. Were living in the last days, more accurately the last of the last days. For the first time since I can remember being in church more and more of this mind set is being expressed not by radicals standing on a wood box on a street corner but by trusted and respected men of God.

2020 has been a tough year no doubt. Love ones have gone on, but God is in Control! Some are battling Covid-19 right now; fearful of their future but God is in Control! Some have walked away from church unable to handle the challenges 2020 has brought but God is in Control! However on the other hand, Bible studies are still being taught, maybe via Skype or face time but the Bible is being taught, souls are getting the Holy Ghost and the sick are being healed. Yes God is still in Control.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. (Psalms 121: 1,2)

I am sanctified proud of the Azusa StreetRiders ministry. We have taken everything this world could throw and yet held our resolve, praying, fasting, teaching, anointing in prayer, supporting each other as best we could and gathering our selves together when we could to minister to souls and to this ministry.

2020 is at our doorstep, in fact writing this article we only have a few more hours. Let’s put behind us the past, I want this ministry to hit the ground running in 2021 starting with Bind the Strong Man. I hope and pray we all in our own and as best we can be a part of this event on March 6th. If you choose not to travel for whatever reason, I understand I only ask you please to set time aside and examine and prepare yourselves for what the Lord has in store for us this coming year.

Time is short folks, there are souls to be saved and it is our only mandate to spread the Word of the Lord. Let’s give Jesus the best we can in 2021 we all know he gave us his best when he hung on a tree for you and me. So stay the Course, Keep the faith; God is Still in Control!

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Robert Thompson served as President of Azusa StreetRiders International from 2017-2023 and National Secretary from 2010 - 2016 and has been an active member since 2008.

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