I hope everyone had a merry and blessed Christmas!
As I taught my children’s group, Jesus Crew, the month of December, I spoke to them about the true meaning of Christmas. I wanted them to understand, to know the reason we celebrate. I wanted them to be as excited about Jesus’ birth, as they were about receiving their presents.
The last Wednesday night before Christmas at our kids church, they were so anxious and excited to sing and celebrate Jesus’ birthday. I explained to them how great it was to receive presents but our greatest present was???—— and one of my little bitty girls said, “ the whittle baby in the manger” my heart melted.
They wanted to sing happy birthday to Jesus and we did just that!
If we don’t teach our children and get God in their little hearts, the world sure will latch on to them and drag them as far away from the church as possible.
I have children that were raised in the truth, been filled with the Holy Ghost and shouted all around the church lost. Going to hell, unless I reach the throne of God for them. I don’t want my children to spend an eternity in hell.
I have been thinking how I want a change, a stir in my soul in this new year, like I have NEVER had before. My pastor spoke last Sunday about us longing to see lost souls saved. Do we really have a burden for lost souls? I need to be as upset over someone I have never met, being lost and going to a devils hell as I am my family or my children!
Do we cry and pray for the lost or are we so comfortable with just going to church, satisfied if one comes to the alter- one gets baptized—?
We should cry for lost souls!
I want to reach the lost. I want to be the reason that someone seeks God.
Just as Bro Hardin stated this week, how can we be an influence in 2021? How can we build up the kingdom of God?
I want to set my goals in the new year to do more work for the kingdom than I ever have! Will you join me?
We have a wonderful tool, in itself, with the ASR group. It is a testimony that starts many conversations with people we otherwise may have never came in contact with.
I challenge every rider to reach more souls in 2021 ! People are hungry, they are searching for one thing to satisfy the longing in their soul. We know that only Jesus can satisfy!
Let’s be instrumental in souls being won and the church being on fire in 2021!
- Please join in prayer and fasting for the following needs:
Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy
Aimers to Costa Rica
Healing - Bro. Fred Bealle-complete healing
- Bro. Doug Solomon-brain tumor
- Bro. Eagen’s granddaughter, Julia-divine intervention
- Bro. Oeland Hanes wife Carolyn-complete healing
- Sis. Lydia Diaz-complete healing
- Sis. Mandy Womack-complete healing
Also remember all the ones that have lost family members and friends to Covid-19
Recovering/still in need of touch from Covid
Bro. Johnny & Sis. Esther Carr
Bro. Joe Sanders wife, Sis. Dawn
Chaplain Carman Hamby
Carman Hamby
Latest posts by Carman Hamby (see all)
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- The Culture of Caring - August 31, 2021
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