Culture of Caring

COMPASSION- sympathetic pity and concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others.

How many times do we practice showing compassion to those around us that are suffering, hurting, or are struggling due to circumstances they can not control?
In this day and time so many are facing hardships and feel like they have nowhere to turn or anyone that will listen. It is very important for us to show compassion and love just as Jesus did. Psalms 86:15 But thou, O Lord, art a God full of and gracious, long suffering, and compassion plenteous in mercy and truth. Psalms 111:4 He hath made his wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. 

Our human nature sometimes wants to rise up in our spirit and think that maybe that person deserves what they are dealing with, if they wouldn’t have done this or that, they wouldn’t be going through that. I know I have been guilty of feeling that old streak of-that’s what you get and it’s about time something goes wrong for you the way you act! Haha.
I pray God keeps my mind and heart from hatefulness or envy and let’s me have pure compassion  anyone in need. It is not my place to be a judge on their behavior but to show kindness and understanding.
Jesus looked through his eyes at those that persecuted him, mocked him, and judged him with such great compassion. I want to be more like Jesus! Psalms 145:8 says The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. We can practice daily in our conversations we have and merely by our actions. So many people are searching right now, trying to understand and to find something reliable, long lasting that they can depend on no matter the circumstance. They are hungry and it’s time for the church to show compassion to the lost like we never have before.
Mark 6:34 And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.
My prayer is for people to see compassion in me. I want to have love and understanding in my heart that I may show compassion to a point where people feel the love of Jesus flowing through me. I pray that we all, as Azusa Streetriders, show that example of God in us to everyone we meet. May they feel the presence of God and feel the compassion in our hearts as we witness and reach out to them for their souls to be saved! They are starving and we have the answer!


We are believing for the following prayer requests:

Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and a hunger to know God more intimately.

  President, Donald Trump Vice President Pence

All government representatives All Health Care Workers, Policeman and First Responders



Rev. Mike McGhghy and Rev. Julie McGhghy-AIMers to Costa Rica



Rev. Mike Markham-Turning Point Fellowship- Clanton,  AL

 Rev. Johnny Carr-Apostolic Church of Tatum- Tatum, TX






Fred Beall-Kidneys

Tom Thompson-Complete healing in body

Lydia Diaz-Undergoing Chemotherapy

Delbert Hayes-Undergoing Chemotherapy for Lukemia

Anthony Storey-Recovering from motorcycle accident

Kaila Markham Miller-Healing fro two brain surgeries

Re. Johnny Carr-Vertigo and headaches

Esther Carr-Chronic pain

Joyce Knight-Continued healing from hip surgery


Family members passed in 2020

Bro. Elmer Millers sister in May 2020

Rev. mike Markhams sister, Karen Yaworski, April from COVID -19


Family members passed in 2019

Bro. Elmer Millers brother

Jon & Serena Weber’s daughter

Krysta Markhams father

Joe Endicotts mother

Lisa Endicotts mother

Doug Solomons father

Anthony Storey father


Chaplain Carman Hamby

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