Just Imagine

This article is being posted on behalf of our Canadian Azusa StreetRiders Chapters and especially Bro David McLoed  who has directed the ASR Canadian activities for many years now. They have furnished over 50+ bikes through “Cruzin for Christ” on their own while also supporting Motorcycles for Missionaries. So they double up their their efforts and I feel we should give recognition to Azusa StreetRiders Canada for a Job Well Done.
Bro Robert Thompson,
President Azusa StreetRiders


There are times in this life that I readily admit that jealousy overtakes me.

It usually rears its ugly head when I see the FB posts from our fellow StreetRiders who are relating their “Going Riding / Been Riding” ventures.

Keep in mind that while many of you head for Florida when you get tired of winter. I live so far north and east that our idea of a mid-winter break is a long weekend in Augusta, Maine.

That being said,,,, when the snow swirls or the wind chill drops the temperature to -30 degrees Fahrenheit, it gives me a chance to throw another log in the woodstove in the family room and “Just Imagine.”

Please allow me to set the stage:

Last year, (2019) I attended a “What’s Your Vision” meeting. The leadership in the group was challenged to develop a “Plan of Action” for the coming year.

As the chair of the “Cruzin’ for Christ” Motorcycles for Missions Biker Rally Committee, I was required to give a report on what was accomplished in 2018 and an outline of what we’d like to attain in 2019.

Our “Corporate” donations were down in 2018 but the shortfall was more than made up by having individuals either call or approach me with cheques in hand. I’d hear things like “Our family would like to dedicate a Missions Motorcycle in memory of my late husband” or “My late father” or “I had a pastor who helped me many years ago. I’d like to dedicate a bike in his memory.”

It’s rather humbling to have to admit that “Plan A” got adjusted to “Plan B” and eventually to Plan C.” We got to the point that almost none of “Plan A” made it to “Plan C.”

It was as though Jesus was saying “Don’t worry, I’ve Got This.”

2019 ended with one of our most successful financial sheets ever.

We adjusted the plan,,,,, but not the goal!!!

JUST IMAGINE if we could collectively grasp this vision.


WHO BETTER understands the versatility and pure joy of a motorcycle than a patched member of the Azusa StreetRiders?

WHO BETTER understands the vital importance of the “Doctrine” of our “Oneness” message in a world filled with half truths and outright deceptions and lies?

WHO ELSE has a “Oneness” infrastructure in place in North America (our combined population is something over 350 million people) and is dedicated to “Motorcycles for Missions?”

WHO ELSE, as we enter 2020, other than The Azusa StreetRiders, has both the potential degree of commitment and the leadership already in place to accomplish such an outstanding goal?


We, as the Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry, need to step forward and answer the call.

We, as Chapters, need to examine the opportunities that are unique to our geographical areas and put together some ideas and timelines to put Motorcycles on the Global Mission Fields.

We, as individuals, need to answer this call to action.

 Ecclesiastes 4:12 states

12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

  • We have enough dedicated, knowledgeable Oneness Apostolic Bikers within our Ministry organization.
  • Our combined membership has something over 200 “strands”
  • Individually, we tend to get distracted but, when joined together and interwoven spiritually then

TOGETHER, we have an outstanding potential to provide a tangible, positive impact on the many and unique mission fields on our globe.


“Cruzin’ for Christ” has been blessed to the extent that, in the past 10 years the total number of motorcycles purchased by the “Cruzin’ Rally” as of today, stands at about 54. (All funds haven’t been allocated yet.)


If each chapter of the “Azusa StreetRider Motorcycles for Missions Biker Ministry” could receive a renewed vision and connect the dots between our individual chapters & Ministries and the potential of the National Pastors who ride their “Missions” Motorcycles on a daily basis as they work to bring the Oneness, Apostolic Message to a lost village, town, region, country or continent.

JUST IMAGINE if each chapter would commit to raising $1000.00 (US Funds) by 30 September 2020.

Sister Theo tells me that we have at least 40 ASR Chapters in North America.

That means $40,000.00 would be available for distribution.

A motorcycle in Africa costs about $1000.00. In Central America or Southeast Asia it takes about $3500.00 per bike.

Now JUST IMAGINE if one half of the chapters said “We’ll commit to a double portion” That’s another $20,000.00.

And JUST IMAGINE if one half of that one half were to say “We’ll strive to do a triple portion.” That’s another $10,000.00.

That would total $70,000.00.

JUST IMAGINE if 50 of our “Lone Wolf” members,,,,, those Azusa StreetRider members who don’t belong to a chapter,,, but are dedicated “Oneness” bikers were able to commit to raising $300.00, per biker, through pledges, donations, individual rides, etc.

Their partnership would add another $15,000.oo and bring the grand total to $85,000.00.

JUST IMAGINE if our Ministry were to commit to a five year program of purchasing motorcycles.

That’s $425,000.00.

That’s about 350 Motorcycles being used 6 and 7 days per week by a trained, dedicated National Pastors who reach, on average, about 100 people per week. Some of these Pastors lead two or three different churches. Thus, a motorcycle is a true blessing.




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Robert Thompson served as President of Azusa StreetRiders International from 2017-2023 and National Secretary from 2010 - 2016 and has been an active member since 2008.

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