I have heard it said that the Azusa StreetRiders ministry is all about souls well I might be throwing a monkey wrench into your theology but ASR is not necessarily all about souls. Don’t grab the wood, stake and your Zippo lighter just yet hear me out.
The burden for lost souls must be within each and everyone of us regardless of what ministry we belong to, regardless of what activities or interest groups we surround ourselves with. The burden for lost souls is as individual to each and everyone of us as our walk with God. Our burden for the lost can not be based by our membership within ASR, we need to understand that this burden which is a God-given, God mandated command known as the Great Commission in the word of God “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”.(Mark 16:15) This needs to apply to each of us regardless of membership.
You see Jesus mandated to individuals to go out into all the world and preach the gospel that was never directed to a particular ministry, a particular interest group or even a particular function of the church this mandate was given to individuals just like you and I. Let me take this a step further those absolutely knowing the truth, baptized in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Ghost and living an overcoming life in my opinion should be held to a higher standard. To go out and seek out the lost just like you and I were at one time, those lost living in darkness, not knowing the truth, bound for a lake of fire, we have read the back of the book. Do you remember what that was like, I know I do? In addition each and everyone of us were lost regardless if you came in from a bar stood or sleeping under a pew on Sunday night we all needed to come to repentance and obey ACTS 2:38
We need to have a heart given desire to reach lost souls we must do our part through prayer, fasting, reading of the word of God daily and a strong foundation in a local Apostolic, tongue talking, baptizing in Jesus name, Holy Ghost filled church to give us a strong foundation to work from. Jesus will do the rest how do I know he said it! A strong desire for lost souls, sorry ASR cannot give you that, ASR however can certainly help equip you with the tools to assist you in your quest, if you have the desire.
We have a common thread that runs between all of us, motorcycles. We choose by the grace of God to allow Jesus Christ to take what we enjoy and put that to use for the kingdom of God. It’s true ASR has never won a soul however the God fearing members that have chosen to put what they have at God’s disposal (reminders me of a box lunch with 3 loves and a couple of fishes) and we allow God to put it to use which has through the Holy Ghost been able to reach the lost, see them baptized, filled with the Holy Ghost and are now part of the family of God.
I feel one of another great attributes or benefits of this ministry is how we encourage and equip each other to do battle. The Bible says “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend” Proverbs 27:17. You know what another word for this is “Fellowship” Yes the times were with each other we do talk about motorcycles, new gadgets, helmets and places to ride (Like Tennessee, Oh Yea can’t wait ! ) but we also talk about Our Father’s Business and that’s what fellowship is all about.
In closing my wife brought up a good point and I don’t want any of you “He Men” to look sideways at me but she said she not concerned about who I am with or what I am doing when I am with my Azusa StreetRiders family. Not that she needs to worry but wives are just funny that way I think even if they don’t let on, they like it when they know their man is going about doing the work of the Lord. I like the fact that she not only approves of my time given to this ministry but she encourages me to be a part of this ministry in any way I can and that’s a nice feeling.
God Bless each and every one of you keep up the good work, pray everyday, remember to fast and always be faithful to the house of God and especially your home church.
Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

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