2024 National Rally

What a time we had at the 2024 National Rally! God surely met with us in a special way in Omaha, NE. The prayer was fervent, the worship was uninhibited, and the messages were powerful!

Thank you to Bishop Powell and The Church of Omaha for allowing ASR to host the National Rally in Omaha, NE. Your hospitality and generosity was overwhelming. Thank you!

Thank you Bro. Monte Showalter for bringing us the word during our missions service, and for giving us a desire and burden to support missions even more.

I want to also give a special thank you to Bro. David Showalter and family, for all of your hard work in making sure everything went smoothly, and your hours spent prior to the rally in planning and preparing meals. The meals were amazing!


In spite of the severe storms that hit the Omaha area late Wednesday, it did not stand in the way of awesome church!

With the storms, came some unique opportunities for ASR to do what we have been called to do. The membership of ASR, without hesitation, put aside the many scenic and awesome tourist sights to visit, and went out into the community to minister to those affected by the storms.

To God be the glory!! Thank you ASR for being the hands and feet of Jesus to this world!


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Jeremiah Hayes joined ASR in 2017. He was elected Vice President in 2022, and is currently serving as International President.

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