Ready Or Not Here Comes That Car.


Will the car pull out and try to pass the line of bikes? How far will the driver make it before the passing zone runs out? Which riders will he try to squeeze between when it does?

It’s easy to become complacent when riding behind other riders. There doesn’t seem to be the same sense of urgency to actively scan the road or look to the mirrors as when we ride solo. Instead, while riding in a group, eyes tend to fixate on bikes ahead, and when we slip into “follow” mode, it’s easy to settle in, let down our guard and let others lead. That’s about the time, at the first hint of a passing zone or straightaway, an impatient driver from behind swoops out and passes, surprising the daylights out of us. That effect repeats one after another as the car blasts by each unsuspecting rider in line. It gets particularly interesting when the overtaking driver suddenly realizes he can’t pass all of the riders before the passing zone ends.

How can we minimize risk in these scenarios? By taking an active role and riding our own ride, even when following others. Make the dashed lines of every passing zone a mental trigger to consult the left mirror. Always know if there is a driver behind you. Pick up on aggressive behavior; if a vehicle approaches quickly or tailgates, expect them to abruptly overtake at the first opportunity as your first defense. When riding curves, make a point to check mirrors as you slow and at the moment the road straightens again, and look for that driver to pop out and pass. Is your group about to make a left turn? A mirror and head check could save your life if that driver pulls out to pass just as you all begin to exit left. Expect them, look for them and plan for them. Because, whether you’re ready or not, here they come!

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


Idle Threat Stayin’ Safe




Sitting Idly by waiting for the light to change may be revving up your risk.
Back in the days riders simply were not being struck from behind like they are today. We live in the era of Total distracting driving. The cell phone the texting. Now being hit from behind by a distracted driver is a growing concern for motorcyclist… and a compelling reason to find ways to avoid being a sitting target.
Today drivers are not recognizing traffic slowing ahead of them until it’s too late. Bad new when it’s you that’s next in line ahead. In addition to increasing your sight to the other driver behind you is having Hi -Viz clothing or Helmet. Brake light flashers. Or my number one tip while stopped. I always keep my foot on the rear brake pedal. Having that bright red on the entire time while stopped is key.
Tip when coming up to a traffic light or stop sign ahead. Slow gradually, When you anticipate a changing traffic light or see a stop sign ahead, take your time getting there. Slow gradually instead of carrying speed to the intersection, You’ll have a better chance of getting that distracted driver to slow down with you rather than relying on them to suddenly react to you. That way you will also spend less time actually stopped and vulnerable.Once you do come to a standstill, maintain a “tactical ready” position, keeping the bike in gear, you should be in 1st gear, your hands on the controls and an eye always on your mirror. Also avoid stopping at the rear bumper of the car ahead of you. Instead, leave a space cushion that allows you to have a distinct escape if necessary.
As that old saying goes, “Don’t just sit there,Do something!”
Be aware of the Idle threat of sitting in traffic, be ready with a plan and be poised to take action should the driver behind fail to slow.
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain





This might be a repeat for some members but we have allot of new members now and I posted this in our old website a few years ago. I bring this up while reading a new members blog last month. So here you guys go.


You’ve seen tar snakes out on the road countless times, but probably never paid too much attention to them in your car. But when riding your motorcycle, it’s a whole different story. With only two tiny patches of rubber keeping you upright on a bike, you have to be a lot more wary about road surface imperfections, and tar snakes are among the most sinister ones you’ll find.

What are Tar Snakes?

As roads age, they develop cracks in the surface. As the road gets abused and traffic and weather take their toll, those cracks get bigger and bigger, and cause the road surface to degrade quickly. As a temporary fix, road crews will fill the cracks with sealant – usually a soft, tar-based substance – to fill the cracks and keep them from expanding. The result? A road covered in random, windy black lines that resemble snakes; hence the term, “tar snakes.”

Why Are Tar Snakes a Hazard to Motorcyclists?

Asphalt sealer, or tar snakes, are hazardous to riders because they can compromise your traction in three ways:

  • They have a very different texture than asphalt, and your tires will respond differently to them than to the road
  • They create a bumpy road surface that can unsettle your suspension
  • They can become softer or slicker in hot weather, or when wet

Tar snakes are generally a lot softer than asphalt, so they can easily get foreign objects embedded into them and they can even come dislodged and stick to your tires! Again, none of this would be an issue in a four-wheeled vehicle (which is why they are used), but on a motorcycle, they pose a unique hazard.

What Will Happen If You Hit A Tar Snake?

If you’ve ever ridden over painted lines in the roadway, you may have noticed a change in traction from your tires; this is because paint lines tend to be more slippery than asphalt, and should be avoided.

Tar snakes are similar, but a lot more tricky; because unlike paint lines, you never know where they will be! They are applied on the road wherever damage occurs, so you can hit a patch of them very unexpectedly, and some of these patches can be pretty nasty.

Most of the time, when you ride over tar snakes, you won’t notice much more than a bumpy road. The trouble starts when you’re leaned over; hitting a tar snake can cause you to lose traction momentarily, causing your bike to slide.

Often, you’ll regain traction quickly and won’t experience more than a “puckering moment,” but in a worst-case scenario, you can go down. This has happened to many riders – even motorcycle cops in several cases across the country.

So what do you do when you encounter these dangerous snakes?

How to Handle Tar Snakes on your Motorcycle

Remember, tar snakes are only applied to roads that are damaged, so you’re already riding on a road surface that’s less than ideal. The tar snakes on the road make the surface better for most vehicles, but worse for us riders, so you have to be doubly cautious when riding over them. Here are a few steps you can take to deal with them:

Always scan the road surface while riding to look for them.
  • Mentally, approach the tar snakes as you would any obstacle
    • Be aware of the danger yet remain flexible mentally; be open to new possibilities
    • Accept that the motorcycle may move around beneath you and that traction is less than perfect
    • Visualize a positive outcome
  • Physically, approach the tar snakes as you would any obstacle
    • Reduce speed
    • Approach the tar snakes at 90 degrees where possible, no less than 45 degrees preferably
    • Remain loose on the motorcycle; tightening up or establishing a “death grip” on the motorcycle will only create issues
    • Operate the throttle or brakes in a gradual, slow, and precise fashion
Also, remember that tar snakes respond to changes in weather very differently than normal road surfaces do. In hot weather they can “melt” and become more soft and sticky, and when wet, they can be a lot slicker than asphalt.

Overall, tar snakes are hazardous to motorcycles because they are simply not designed with us riders in mind. Transportation departments and road crews slap them all over aging roads across the country because they are perfectly acceptable road repairs for those in four-wheeled vehicles – the handful of us that ride on two.Just know to look out for them, be prepared, and keep the rubber side down…where it belongs!

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

Rally Registration and Membership Renewal

Praise the Lord Everyone,
Just to update everyone we will be extending the Rally Pre-registration to July 17.  You will have to purchase at the door after that date for $30. Also if you have not renewed your membership you will not be able to vote at the rally this year. You have to be current prior to rally. I will be updating the list on July 18. It must be postmarked, phone or paypal with July 17th date.
If you are a chapter please make sure to bring your Motorcycle for Missionaries contribution. If you don’t have someone attending the rally please send your contribution to me by July 20. You can call me at 609-742-6539 and pay by phone or paypal.
We want to thank everyone who has supported this ministry through contributions, purchases and their time every year. We are all ambassadors of Christ and without all of you allowing God to use you to reach lost souls the laborers would be few. The harvest is ready and so are Azusa StreetRider members.

Lydia Diaz,
National Treasurer

July 17 7th Annual Biker Sunday In Memory of Michael T. Theodore JR

2016 Biker Sunday event shirt

July 17 7th Annual Biker Sunday In Memory of Michael T. Theodore JR
Our 7th Annual Biker Sunday is right around the corner and we are getting very excited on what God has in order for us. We changed this years event up some still geared on outreach. This years guest speaker will be Brother Rick Perry from New Haven Connecticut. looking forward to hearing brother Perry.  Friday night is Meet & Great night at the Holiday Inn Express at 6 PM. Saturday Kickstands up at 9 AM For a nice ride and a little outreach there will be stops along the way as we make our way to a big Bike event on the shores of Lake Eire in Erie, Pa. We will then do a dinner stop on our ride back to the hotel. In the evening we are opening our home to everyone for some relaxing fellowship at the Theodore house. Sunday morning we will ride up to the church Pentecostal Community Church in Jefferson, Ohio at 9 AM Sharp. Service starts at 10 AM. There will be a dinner after service small cost of $10 for the dinner all the proceeds will go towards Motorcycles for Missionaries. Also we are selling event shirts cost is $20 for sm to xxl and $25 for anything larger. We are looking forward to spending time with our ASR family hope you can join  us as we keep our son’s memory alive through our biker Sunday. 
If anyone needs more information you can Call me or email me.
Michael Theodore 

National Road Captain
Host hotel is the Holiday Inn Express
135 Highland Terrace Blvd., Warren, OH

2016 National Rally

2016 National Rally

Praise the Lord Azusa StreetRiders

It’s July 1st  2016, that puts us 34 days from the 2016 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally in Cameron Mo.

God has impressed apon me the importance of us all coming expecting great things this year!!  so we all need to prepare ourselves, by getting back to the basics.. prayer and fasting are key to preparation. We must be ready to receive what the Lord has for us!!

Vicky and I are looking forward to seeing ya’ll again this year, we love our ASR family.

I am excited about this year,along with all the fellowship and awesome preaching this year, we will be announcing our very first ASR ” chapter of the year” and Our first “Coordinator of the year.”

we have two National offices to fill this year. first we have the National Vice President then the National Secretary.

all of the nominations are in and counted, so here are the candidates for the positions .a few nominees respectfully declined their nomination, so we will bring these four men before you. each one will stand and address the membership prior to voting. each is qualified and meet all requirements


Ed Sears from Louisiana

Jim Curley from Ohio



Michael Luttrell from Kentucky

Robert Thompson from Tennessee


God Bless you all

I am counting the days till we fellowship and worship together.

Rev. Anthony Storey

Azusa StreetRiders

International President



What’s Mine is Yours Safely riding unmarked back roads

back country road

What’s Mine is Yours Safely riding unmarked back roads
IF YOUR LIKE ME, your favorite roads are the lesser-known gems that wind through the back country,  away from traffic and civilization. While those wonderful rural roads can offer up a relaxing ride, they can also present their own set of threats, especially the “lane-and-a-half” variety with no lane markings. On these stretches, “sharing the road” can suddenly mean sharing the same space. Quiet back roads are attractive because we expect them to have little or no traffic. But keep in mind that local drivers have that same expectation. Driving these roads daily, they rarely encounter other vehicles on a typical drive. As a result, they’re often inclined to use more of the road, especially on curves .Without a painted line to define lanes, what’s ours is often claimed as theirs, creating a no man’s land in the middle portion of an already narrow roadway.
The typical cornering strategy calls us to establish an outside line to improve the view around a bend. But an unmarked, narrow back road with limited sight distance calls for a compromise. Think of your lane as less than your half of the pavement. For a right hand bend, establish a position that doesn’t extend wider then the middle of your lane in anticipation of an on coming vehicle partly on your side of the road. Why not just move toward the inside of the lane? Because vehicles tend to drop wheels off the inside edge, kicking dirt, gravel and other debris onto the adjacent road surface. For a left hand bend, position yourself toward the outside of the curve, just in case that wide tractor or truck with a trailer appears suddenly and is taking a wide approach that includes part of your lane. Just Remember, when riding the back country roads. When there are no road markings, what’s mine is your, And theirs.
Keep it safe enjoy your ride
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain