The Stale Green


The Stale Green

Just how fresh is that green light?
As we all know (or should), intersections are the leading spots for crashes involving motorcycles and other vehicles. Fortunately, traffic at busier intersections tends to be managed by automated traffic signals. the presence of those signals should be enough to eliminate incidents. In reality they do not. Why? Because drivers (and some riders) tend to push limits at the critical transition time when lights change. Drivers anticipate green lights,anxiously jumping into the intersection prematurely. Simultaneously, impatient drivers accelerate through red lights to avoid sitting through another cycle. That makes the transitioning traffic light a truly dangerous proposition for any motorcyclist.
Riders commonly carry speed up to an intersection especially if the traffic light ahead shines green. But if that light has been green the entire time it’s been in view, one can’t know how long it has been green. More important, we can’t know if it is about to change. As riders, a good rule of thumb (or throttle hand) is to assume that if the light has been green the whole time it’s been in view, we should consider it to be a “stale” green that is old enough to turn yellow by the time we arrive. On your Approach you should then check your mirrors (looking for that driver behind who might be determined to make it through the intersection with or without you), and select a speed that would allow you to calmly, smoothly and safely stop before the light potentially turns to red. Look for vehicles waiting at the light to the right or left, as well as in an opposing left – turn lane; they will surely trigger a stale green to change to red even sooner. Anticipating the stale green gives us fresh options to stay in control at intersections.
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

2017 National Rally – Are You Ready?

2017 National Rally – Are You Ready?

Believe it or not the 2017 National Rally is only 6 months away. It’s time to start getting ready, marking you calendars,making hotel reservations, putting aside a few dollars and inviting people along for the ride. I personally cannot wait to meet up The first week in August in Denison Texas with all of my ASR family.

It is not to early to start praying and fasting for this rally. I am asking all ASR members to add this rally to your regular prayer schedule and to please fast one day a month in preparation for this rally.

Let’s make this rally the biggest and the best National Rally to date.
Remember to use every opportunity to witness to people. On the way to the rally we will be stopping at gas stations, restaurants etc. let’s use every opportunity that we have to share Jesus with people along the way. I personally do not want to leave a gas station with at least telling one person about Jesus. This much travel gives us great opportunities. We can waste it or use it for His kingdom. The national rally is not just a gathering of friends, it is a gathering of apostolic bikers. So I keep it simple by saying – let’s be apostolic and look for opportunities for the kingdom along the way.

The 2017 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally will be held in Denison Tx

Wednesday Aug 2, 7pm meet and greet

Thursday Aug 3 all day ride and church at 7pm. Bro.Bruce Howell from the UPCI will be preaching the Motorcycles for Missionaries service.

Friday Aug. 4 all day ride and church at 7pm Bro. Samual Smith from the AWCF will be preaching.

Saturday Aug. 5th ASR National business meeting and election for National President and National Treasuerer will be held.

8am coffee and donuts

8:30 annual business meeting starts.

more details coming soon!!!!!!

Sherman, TX (Hwy 75/Hwy 82)
Quality Suites – $69.00 (all suites)
Hampton Inn – $79.00 standard
Denison, TX (Hwy 75/FM120)
Holiday Inn Express – $75.00 standard/$85.00 suite
All rates are available 3-days prior and 3-days post event dates
All rates are per room, per night and for single or double occupancy
$10.00 per additional adult per room, per night up to room capacity
All hotels feature complimentary hot breakfast buffet daily
All hotels feature rooms with 1-king or 2-queen beds (Quality Suites is an “all suite” hotel)
All hotels feature in-room refrigerators and coffee makers
Hampton Inn and Quality Suites also feature in-room microwaves
All hotels feature swimming pools
All hotels feature complimentary WiFi

Can’t wait to see you all in Denison Texas

Challenge – I am challanging all ASR members to invite at least 1 person to this rally.

Rev. Jim Curley
National Vice President
Azusa Street Riders

Azusa StreetRiders: “The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ”

I am extremely thankful for this ministry; and equally thankful to be a part of it. There is no doubt that we are taking the one and only true message of salvation to a culture and world that seems to have possibly been avoided throughout history. We carry the true Apostolic message. However, I have a question that I hope will drive each of us to intentional and genuine soul searching. Is it possible that we can be a member of an Apostolic ministry without being a genuine Apostolic Christian? Is it possible that we can be a member of Apostolic churches without actually living an Apostolic lifestyle? The early Apostolic church was driven with a passion to win the lost. Is it possible that we can become personally content residing under an Apostolic label only to slip away from our desperation to fulfill the great commission? Is our personal greatest endeavor still to find another hungry soul that we can point to Calvary? Are we content with a personal Apostolic experience that included an initial repentance, being “buried with Him by baptism”, and experiencing our personal Pentecost only to slip into complacency? Or on the contrary, are we still driven by the heartbeat of God? Souls. We must work while it is day. I desire to move beyond the contentment of simply residing under the umbrella of an Apostolic church, Apostolic ministry, and Apostolic label. Please don’t misunderstand me; I need each of these in my life. However, my desire is to be an Apostolic Christian. To have an Apostolic heartbeat. I pray that our vision and our focus is to passionately fulfill The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ; leading souls to Him.

Michael Luttrell
Azusa StreetRiders International.

Membership Renewal 2017

It’s time for membership renewal again. Just a reminder that at the National Rally 2016 the membership voted to change the Chapter membership dues to $30.00. When you receive your invoice it will reflect this change. Individual membership dues will remain at $60.00.

Your chapter dues can be paid through paypal or by mail. If you are not part of a chapter you can pay your dues through the online store.

We want to thank all of our members for your continued support of the ASR ministry. We pray that God will continue to bring the increase of souls to your church through this outreach.

Lydia Diaz-ASR Treasurer

prayer and fasting

Praise the Lord!!

we are 5 weeks away from Bind the Strongman all night prayer service.. This year it will be held in Clarksburg WV. March 3rd and 4th. I hope to see many of ya’ll there.

as we get into full swing with events in 2017, I want to challenge you to spend time in prayer. We must be ready to take HIS WORD to individuals that need HIM. we can not do that successfully if we have not taken care of ourselves first. Prayer, Fasting is a must! We all have struggles and when we are in those valleys we must keep on walking with HIM. I would like us all to put some time a side for prayer and fasting this month. prayer for each other, pray for the ASR, pray for the lost and pray for our country..

when we arrive  in Clarksburg for BTSM Prayer service, we will be ready for what God has in stored for us this year.. each year there is an awesome move of God and this year will be know different, so we must prepare.

If you are struggling now, just remember:

If there were 1000 steps between you and God today, I want to assure you, that God would take 999 of them. He leaves it to you to take that 1 step towards HIM.. An old Chinese proverb says that the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Will you take it today?


God Bless

Anthony Storey

Azusa StreetRiders

National President

It’s All About Him

Who is that? What is their name? These are common questions that we ask when we see an individual that we don’t know. As of recent, I have been reminded of how much people are looking to specific individuals for hope and direction. In the very recent political event, it was extremely clear that each side of the stage was pronouncing the name and power of their candidate as a large portion of their political platform. Now I am watching as sports becomes the main topic around the “watercooler” with the approaching Super Bowl and March madness right around the corner. I am hearing how that “this” team will win because this particular individual(s) is on that team or that team will win because they have that particular player. I am recognizing that people’s attention is captivated by distinct persons regardless if the topic is politics, sports teams, employers, singers / music, or even Hollywood.

With that in mind, I am reminded of the focal point of the ministry of the Azusa StreetRiders. As the only internationally recognized Oneness motorcycle ministry, it is imperative that our focus remains on Jesus Christ. We have the “One” to offer that holds all power within His hands. We have the ability and responsibility to introduce this world to Him. Regardless of who people are looking to for their help, we know the One that goes far beyond the doctors, counselors, and advisors of this world. Not to mention, that He is the ONLY savior!! He still forgives sin, delivers from addictions, heals the sick, mends broken hearts, and gives hope to the hopeless in 2017!! And that doesn’t even scratch the surface of what our God can do.

So as plans are underway for rides, events, and outreach for this year, please remember to make God the CENTER of everything that we do. The ASR is really all about Him. It is His ministry. Any and all “success” is attributed to Him. Let’s work together and each one do our part to make 2017 a great year by “building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost”, “consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works”, and, ultimately, talking about and showing this world Jesus. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” We must remind this world (and sometimes ourselves) that everything we are needing and looking for is found in Him!! It’s all about him!!

Michael Luttrell
Azusa StreetRiders
International Secretary

Group Riding Guidelines

I wrote about this before but thought since our new riding season is coming up what better time to do so.

Group Riding: Why?

There are several advantages for motorcyclists who ride street bikes in a group:

  • a group is usually more visible to other drivers than a solo rider;
  • other vehicles can predict what a rider in a group will do because all members generally maintain fixed positions and fixed intervals between riders;
  • in case of a mechanical problem or an accident, help is available immediately to the rider. A member of the group may carry a cell-phone. Usually some riders in a group are trained in First Aid and CPR. They are often aware of safety information and accident management procedures that non-riders may not know — for example, not to remove the helmet of a downed rider unless breathing is inhibited, where to find particular medical information for a downed rider; how to manage an accident scene to prevent complications, etc.; and
  • it can be a lot more FUN!

In addition, motorcyclists tend to learn a great deal from each other about their sport. Planned stops along the way offer a fine opportunity to socialize and to share valuable tips and techniques. Most import with us ASR members it do outreach.

Group Riding: Why Not?

Group riding is not for everyone. It requires a certain level of skill and self-discipline. It restricts an individual rider’s options as to speed, changes in route, and lane positioning. To attempt to ride in a group without having good basic riding skills and a good sense of what others in the group are likely to do — and what they expect you to do — is an invitation to an accident, one that may involve damage and injuries to more than one bike and one rider. It is also a matter of personality, in that group riding requires good communications, courtesy among riders and a willingness to look out for the safety of others while riding your own ride. Those who don’t wish to ride in a group but who wish to arrive at the same destination with everyone may serve as a scout if they have a CB radio, or a cell phone or they may just prefer to travel solo and meet up with everyone at the day’s end.

Rules: Who Needs Them?

The following guidelines for riding in a group are not gospel. There are situations in which they don’t apply. Some organizations may have different terms for these concepts, as well. These guidelines have been tested for many miles.

If you as a rider find yourself in a group which does not follow these guidelines, you can usually find someone who will explain what rules that organization follows, if any, or how they differ from what you learn here. At most responsible group rides, a riders’ meeting will be held prior to departure, in order to clarify what is expected of all the riders who are to participate. If you find yourself uncomfortable with the riding style of a group at any time, DROP OUT. Your safe arrival at your destination is far more important than conforming to rules you don’t like or don’t understand.

People who ride in a group usually appreciate knowing what they are expected to do, and what to expect from others who are taking part in a hazardous sport in close proximity to them. Road Captains and those who frequently ride lead or sweep are particularly urged to become familiar with these terms and guidelines in order to explain them to other riders who may show up for a scheduled ride without having any group riding experience.

Some Common Group Riding Terms

Pack: a number of motorcyclists who ride together, generally without maintaining fixed positions or distances between bikes. Packs are occasionally seen with 20-50 motorcyclists in a single formation.

Group: a small number of motorcyclists who ride together maintaining a generally fixed distance between bikes and maintaining fixed positions within the formation (usually no more than six per group). On rides in which participation by a large number of motorcyclists occurs, it is common to have riders divided into several groups and to name them Group 1, Group 2, etc. This facilitates radio communication when several groups are listening to the same broadcasts and traffic coordination on the same CB channel. Or communicated via cell phone.

Road Captain: a person who devises group riding rules or guidelines for a club or chapter of a motorcycling organization, who communicates these guidelines to the club, and who generally plans and lays out group rides. The Road Captain may or may not ride lead for a particular ride.

Lead Bike: a person who rides in the most forward position in a group and who relays information to all other riders in the group via hand signals and/or CB communications. The Lead Bike determines the group’s direction, speed, choice of lane, and formation. He or she often must make quick navigation decisions in the face of road hazards, changes in road surface conditions, poor signage, construction and other obstacles while maintaining control of his or her bike and communicating to those following. It is the responsibility of the Lead Bike to select a Drag Bike Which I prefer to call a Sweeper with whom communications will be coordinated during a ride. If there are three groups on a ride, there will be three Lead Bikes. If at all possible, the Lead Bike should be equipped with a CB or cell phone some sort of communication system.

Drag Bike or Sweeper: a person who rides in the last position in a group and who relays information to the Lead Bike regarding the other riders in the group, traffic patterns, equipment problems, etc. he or she observes. The sweeper must secure a lane for the rest of the group during lane changes into faster traffic (move first to block oncoming traffic) and close the door (move to block passing traffic) when a lane is lost in a merging lane situation. Usually this is the most experienced rider in a group, for the sweeper they are the rider who stops to assist a rider who has mechanical trouble, loses control, or drops out of a ride for some other reason. The sweeper should be prepared to render aid to a downed or disabled rider in a group while communicating the problem to the Lead Bike and others in the group. If at all possible, the sweeper should be equipped with a CB or cell phone, preferably, will have a co-rider who can assist with communications or traffic control if a serious problem arises. If there are three groups on a ride, there will be three sweepers. The rider in this position is sometimes called the tail gunner.

Cage: any vehicle that is not a motorcycle, but particularly an automobile.

Four-wheeler: any vehicle that is not a motorcycle except an 18-wheeler, a hack or a trike.

Group Parking: a formation in which all bikes in a group follow the Lead Bike in single file into a parking lot, making a U-turn such that they can all line up next to each other in the space available with the rear of their bikes against the curb or edge of the lot, the front tires pointing outward.

Parade formation: a formation in which all the motorcyclists in a group ride two abreast.

Single file: a formation in which all the motorcyclists in a group ride in one track of a lane.

Slot: any position within a group of riders in the right track of a lane, farthest from oncoming traffic.

Staggered formation: a formation of motorcyclists in a group in which the Lead Bike rides in the left track of a lane, the next bike in the right track or slot, and the next bike in the left track, and so on. Bikes in a group generally maintain a minimum interval of two seconds travel time between bikes in the same track, and one second travel time between each bike in the group. In a staggered formation, a rider still commands and may ride in the entire width of his lane as needed. Group riders may also ride single file or two abreast. The sweeper may ride in the left or right track depending on the number of bikes in the group. It is preferable for the sweeper to ride in the left track, so as to have the same visibility line as the Lead Bike.

Station keeping: maintaining a fixed position and interval within a group of riders but not riding as Lead Bike or sweeper. Riders without a CB usually ride as station keepers in the middle of a group. Positions within a group are initially assigned by the Lead Bike based on the experience level of the rider, particularly his or her group riding experience.

Track: the zone of a lane in which a rider maintains his position in a group. A lane of traffic is divided into five zones: the left track is the second zone from the left, the middle of the lane (generally not used) is the third zone, and the right track is the fourth zone from the left. Two zones on the sides of a lane serve as margins. A rider may vary his path of travel from his normal track as is required by a road hazard or by an incursion into the group’s lane by other vehicles.

Two abreast: a formation in which the members of a group ride adjacent to each other in pairs, used when riding in parade formation. Used after stopping at signs and traffic signals so that riders can get through an intersection quickly and together if possible. When departing from a stop, the rider in the left track normally pulls out before the rider on the right, returning to a staggered formation.

Road Captain’s Job: Preparing for a Group Ride

When a number of motorcyclists are invited for a group ride, the riders and their co-riders gather at the appointed time and place, often without knowing their specific destination or route from that point on. The Road Captain for that ride will have a route in mind and will usually have pre-ridden the route within the past week in order to look for construction and road surface problems and other situations which might affect the safety of those who are to participate. The Road Captain will appoint or volunteer experienced riders to serve as Lead Bike, depending on the total number of bikes and the number of groups required. Each Lead Bike will then select a person to ride as Drag Bike for that group. The other riders will determine which group they are going to ride in, and if there is an inexperienced rider along, will usually ask the Lead Bike to make suggestions on group positioning. The Lead Bike should determine roughly the experience level of each rider in his or her group before departing, putting the rider with the least experience in group riding immediately in front of the sweeper in the slot position. If the last open position before the sweeper is not a slot, the least experienced rider should be in the last slot position available, away from oncoming traffic.

The Road Captain will usually provide a Route Memo or will have copies of maps or directions to give the members of the group (this should be supplied to the Lead Bikes if not to all riders), and will have a rough idea of times and distances to be traveled, suggestions for rest stops, food and gas, etc. The Road Captain will hand out emergency medical information forms and release of liability forms for sponsored rides, to be filled in and signed. He or she will then conduct a short riders’ meeting to establish that each group has a designated Lead and Sweeper, to review group riding guidelines briefly, to alert the riders of potential hazards, to discuss communications within and between the groups, to review hand signals if there are riders without CBs, or cell phones and to answer any questions about the ride. The Road Captain may or may not lead a group himself, and in fact may not accompany the riders at all once the ride is underway.

If there are several groups of riders, the Road Captain expects all Lead Bikes to follow the route which has been laid out and not to initiate changes in the route except in an emergency. In case of problems that require emergency personnel or re-tracing a route to find a disabled rider or part of a group which has gotten lost, it is much easier to locate the person(s) sought if all groups follow the same path to their common destination. It is not unusual for groups of riders to be separated by several miles and to find themselves out of CB range from other groups during a long trip or in heavy traffic. Why cell phone comes in handy. It is also not unusual for groups to break up briefly in traffic, requiring a station-keeping rider to serve as Lead Bike or sweeper for a fragment of a group, for a short time.

Rider’s Job: Preparing for a Group Ride

Riders are expected to arrive on time at the departure point with a full tank of gas, in proper attire for the conditions, and physically ready to ride (rest-room stop made, medications packed if needed, ready to be alert). Motorcycle endorsements and insurance should be up to date, and the bike should be in street-legal condition. The Road Captain may ask a rider not to join a group ride if these basic conditions are not met (for example, if a rider does not want to follow directions or if a bike is mechanically unfit to ride).

If a rider brings a co-rider (a passenger) for a group ride, he or she is expected to manage and attend to that passenger’s needs personally, before the riders’ meeting. The following guidelines are suggested for preparing a co-rider for a group ride:

Do not permit a co-rider to mount the motorcycle until all riding gear is on and fastened securely (beware of outside pockets!). The co-rider should not mount until the rider is seated and holding the motorcycle vertically, and then not until the rider nods that he or she is ready for the co-rider to get on. The co-rider should avoid contact with hot exhaust pipes, wiggling out of position once seated, and shouting or making sudden movements of the upper body during the ride. The passenger’s feet should remain on the pegs or floorboards designed for them at all times, until disembarking.

A co-rider needs to know generally what he or she should and should not expect in terms of comfort and safety considerations. This should be explained by the rider.

Suggested jobs for the co-rider during the ride: Watch out in traffic for anything that may detract from a safe ride: two pairs of eyes are better than one. Do not assist the rider by leaning in turns, but look over the rider’s inside shoulder on curves. Wave at all other bikers, children, anyone who shows interest in the riders, and law enforcement officers on their feet. And — smile!

In group riding, if the rider (with or without a co-rider) wishes to slow down or stop during the ride, for any reason whatsoever, he or she may drop out of the ride. If at any time a co-rider becomes uncomfortable during the ride and wants the rider to slow down or stop, for any reason whatsoever, the rider should be prepared to do so as quickly and as safely as possible. It is courteous to notify or signal to the other riders in the group before doing this unless it is not convenient or possible to do so. Unless the sweeper clearly understands the reason for a rider’s decision to drop out, normally the sweeper will notify the Lead Bike of a problem and will stop with the rider who is stopping, to render aid if needed, or to determine his intentions about rejoining the group ride.

Normal Group Riding Maneuvers

Entering Traffic

When the Lead Bike for each group sees that all riders are helmeted in states that require them sitting on their bikes, motors running, and ready to depart, he or she will check for traffic and enter the roadway. Usually the Lead Bike will not attempt to exit a parking lot unless there is room for all or most of the group to follow immediately. If the group is split, the Lead Bike will normally take the slow lane and keep the speed relatively low until the group can form up in the positions the riders will keep for the duration of the ride. This may mean traveling slower than surrounding traffic, to encourage four-wheelers to pass and allow the group to form up. Occasionally this cannot be accomplished until the group has made a lane change or entered a freeway, depending on where the entrance ramp may be.

Regardless of the Lead Bike’s signals, a rider is responsible for his or her own safety at all times. Ride Your Own Ride.

Once all members of the group are together, the group will take up a staggered formation and will stay in it most of the time during the ride, unless the Lead Bike signals for a change or the need for a change is obvious. Reasons for changing out of a staggered formation could be a passing situation or poor road surface (single file), dog or other animal charging the group (split the group), or coming up to a traffic signal (two abreast while waiting for a light).

Changing Lanes

When a group of motorcycles is changing lanes, many safety considerations come into play. Should every rider move into the adjacent lane at the same time? If not, should the Lead Bike go first, or should the sweeper move first to “secure the lane”? When the sweeper radios to the group or motions to the group that the lane is secured, is it really? What if another vehicle sees a gap in traffic and tries to cut into the group? If part of the group gets separated from the other riders, should everyone change relative positions (tracks) so that the new Lead Bike is now riding in the left track? The recommended procedure for a group lane change maneuver depends on how the surrounding traffic is moving at the time. The goal for the bike which moves first is to create a gap into which the other bikes can fit.

Regardless of what other riders in the group are doing, each rider must personally check to see that the new lane is clear of traffic before entering it.

Changing Lanes as a Group

There is virtually no time (absent an emergency) when a group of riders should all move at the same time into a different lane, in regular traffic conditions. The wide gap required for a whole group to move is difficult to find in heavy traffic, and if it exists, it will be an invitation for other drivers to jump into it, perhaps while the group might be moving. Additionally, such a maneuver could be interpreted as “parading”, which may arguably not be covered under some insurance policies.

Changing Lanes into Slower-Moving Traffic

In most jurisdictions traffic laws prescribe that, on a road in which there are two lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, the lane on the right will be the slower lane. If a group of motorcyclists is going to move into the slower lane from the faster one, the first bike in a group which moves is responsible for creating a gap into which all the following bikes can fit. This is accomplished by maintaining a constant speed in order to enlarge the gap after the first bike moves. Each bike moving in succession should also be aware of this dynamic. Thus, the group moves from first to last. (An exception is the sweeper, which may move on its own for reasons explained later.)

The first bike to move under these conditions will be the Lead Bike. The maneuver is accomplished in this way: the Lead Bike signals for the lane change and announces to the group via CB and/or hand signals that the group is moving to the right, front to back. Then, after checking by actually turning the head to see that the new lane is cleared and looking in his mirror for traffic sufficient for one bike to safely enter it, the Lead Bike moves across the tracks of the current lane, taking up a position in the left track of the new lane where the Lead Bike usually rides. By maintaining the maximum speed which the traffic in that lane will allow, the Lead Bike creates a gap into which the next bike in the group can insert, moving into the right track there. Each succeeding bike follows this pattern: signal right, move right in your own lane, head-check, enter new lane, maintain speed to create gap, and take up regular position (left or right track) in the new lane.

The sweeper in this pattern is normally the last to enter the new lane, unless “closing the door” was possible. As the bikes move quickly and re-form their group, it is rare that a four-wheeler will move up into the gap in the new lane. If a cage moves into the gap, the next bike to move must tuck in behind it and wait for the group ahead to slow up, encouraging the cage to pass. When the cage passes the slower forward group, the whole group can re-form into a normal riding configuration.

Breaking Up is Hard To Do

If a lane change results in the group’s changing formation — the bike which was unable to move into the new lane slows down and becomes for a time the Lead Bike for the left lane, while the rest of group moves ahead in the slower lane — or, the bike which was unable to move right is forced to PASS the slower group — should the new Lead Bike take the left forward track?

Ordinarily, no. Only if the group breaks into two obvious sub-groups and becomes separated for a substantial period of time should the “new Lead Bike” move into a new track to the left, if that has not been that rider’s normal position. Otherwise, this will be only a temporary break in formation, and the riders will quickly enter the new lane and re-form as usual behind the Lead Bike, in the positions they had originally.

Why doesn’t the “new Lead Bike” change tracks? Because during any period in which the bikes are changing tracks, the spacing between them is cut in half, drastically reducing the reaction time and space available to the rider in case the bike directly ahead of him becomes a problem. In a lane change, this period is fairly short. If the “new Lead Bike” shifts position and all the bikes following attempt to adapt to the new configuration by changing to a different track, they will then have to change back when the original group re-forms. There is no real reason to put the riders in additional jeopardy this way in order to have the “correct” formation, just for short periods.

Forcing all the bikes in the rest of the group to change track position is especially hazardous in the case of a new group rider who has become accustomed to riding in the protected “slot” as opposed to facing oncoming traffic in the exposed left track position. In most cases, anyone who is riding in a group will quickly adapt to this change of conditions and track positions, but there may be times when a new rider who is trying to learn this whole concept will be very uncomfortable changing tracks. The sweeper should pay special attention to inexperienced riders under these conditions.

This pattern may occur not only during a lane change, but also during a passing maneuver or when a group gets separated in traffic because of signal lights and traffic flow.

The sweeper will usually notify the Lead Bike and the rest of the group after a brief separation by one or more riders that the group has re-formed by saying, “We’re family.” via communications or with an all thumbs up sign.

Changing Lanes into Faster-Moving Traffic

The same basic lane-changing principle for entering slow-moving lanes also applies when a group is entering faster-moving traffic where at least two lanes of traffic are moving in the same direction; that is, moving from the right lane to the left. The first bike to move creates a gap for the remaining bikes. Since traffic is pulling away from the group as each member enters the lane, this maneuver is done back to front.

The maneuver is accomplished in this manner: The Lead Bike signals for a lane change and announces to the group via CB and turn signals that the group will be moving to the left, back to front. Then the Lead Bike asks the sweeper to “secure the lane” to the left to which the sweeper should normally respond with “Stand by.” All station-keeping bikes maintain their position while this occurs, putting their own turn signals on to indicate the move to be made. The Sweeper then moves first when a space in the lane to the left opens up and radios to the Lead Bike and the group, “The lane is secured.” If no radio communications The lead bike will watch in his/her mirror for the all clear to sign.

No one is to change lanes at this point, however! First, each rider must make certain the lane is clear by actually turning his head to insure that there is no other vehicle still approaching the group in the left lane. If a vehicle is still moving up beside the group, the sweeper will usually say, “After the red truck,” or “After the station wagon,” etc. Whether or not a warning is given by the sweeper (who may have other concerns with the traffic to his rear), each rider must do a head-check before entering a faster-moving lane.

The second bike to move will be the one in front of the Sweeper. That rider moves across the tracks of the current lane, does a head-check, changes lane and then takes up a position in the track of the new lane where he was originally riding. By dropping to a speed slightly slower than the rate at which traffic in that lane has been traveling, each bike creates a gap into which the next bike forward can insert. Each rider follows this pattern: signal left, move left in your own lane, head-check, enter new lane, maintain (slower) speed to create gap, and take up regular position (left or right track) in the new lane.

The Lead Bike in this pattern is normally the last to enter the new lane. As the bikes move quickly and re-form their group, it is rare that a four-wheeler will move up into the gap in the new lane. If a cage moves into the gap, the next bike to move must wait for the cage to pass, so that a gap appears again. Then the maneuver can be completed and the group can re-form into a normal configuration.


On a busy two-lane road, oncoming traffic typically prevents a group from passing a slow-moving vehicle while in formation. Each member of the group must accomplish two lane changes in order to pass, and this usually is done on an individual basis.

Regardless of what a rider is told by others in the group about oncoming vehicles, each rider must personally check to see that the oncoming lane is clear of traffic before entering it.

If oncoming traffic requires the group to pass individually, the Lead Bike will signal the group to move into a single-file formation and will announce that the group members are to pass the vehicle one at a time. The forward members of the group will gradually position themselves in single file in the left track to prepare to pull into the oncoming lane. The Lead Bike will usually wait for a gap in oncoming traffic that is big enough for more than one bike to pass, but this is not always possible. When a safe interval is observed, the Lead Bike will put its left turn signal on and pull into the oncoming lane. After passing the “obstacle,” looking in the rear view mirror for clearance and actually turning the head to be sure the lane is clear, the Lead Bike then signals that it is moving into the right lane and does so, taking its normal position in front of the slower vehicle(s) in the left track. The Lead Bike must then maintain or even slightly increase its speed.

As with a lane change to the right, each bike should be aware of the need to create a gap into which the next bike in succession can fit after overtaking an obstacle. For this reason, each bike should maintain speed after passing, until the sweeper has passed and the group has re-formed.

Special care should be taken when passing not to focus on distant oncoming traffic to the point of establishing “target fixation.” The rider should continue to scan the environment for hazards and should plan escape routes in case of the unexpected; for example, the “obstacle” may come to life again when he sees motorcycles passing him and may accelerate while the rider is still in the oncoming lane, exposed to additional risk.

After he has passed the slower moving vehicle, the sweeper will usually notify the Lead Bike that the group is intact again by saying, “We’re family.” Or with thumbs up sign.

Number One Rule (The ‘Prime Directive’)

In a group ride, the primary job for every rider is to not hit the motorcycle in front of him.

Spacing Out

Especially on less-congested rural back roads, the riders in a group may spread out to create larger intervals between motorcycles. This allows a rider to relax a bit, to enjoy the scenery and the ride. If no four-wheelers are trying to pass the group, this is fine. However, the riders should remain close enough to each other to be able to see hand signals being passed back from the Lead Bike. Also, if a group is at maximum size (eight to ten bikes is usually the limit) and the riders spread out too much in hilly terrain, CB communication between the Lead Bike and the sweeper may be severely tested or lost. The Lead and sweeper cannot work together if they can’t communicate.

It is possible that a rider will also “space out” in terms of losing his concentration and will forget to practice safe riding strategies. If the rider has become too fatigued to ride properly, the sweeper will usually notice this first and will advise the Lead Bike that a rest stop is needed. If a rider is not riding safely enough to avoid endangering others in the group (because of lack of experience, medical problems, fatigue, or some other reason), the Lead Bike will usually discuss the problem privately with that rider at the next stop. If a problem cannot be solved reasonably in this way, the Lead Bike has absolute discretion to request that a rider leave the group and is entitled to expect the group to support this decision. In the case of a mechanical or minor medical problem, it is not unusual for another rider to accompany the distressed rider to get help. Sometimes if the Lead Bike just re-assigns the riders to new positions within the group, this is enough to bring a spaced-out motorcyclist back to a state of alert awareness.

Checking Out The Curves

On any stretch of curvy road and in any corner, a group may ride in single-file momentarily, to enable each rider to corner at his own speed and to have as much room as possible for maneuvering. This is especially important to riders with little experience in a group, as they may “wobble” or be nervous about making turns with another bike to their side or riding close behind them. This is an accepted variance to staggered formation; usually the Lead Bike will not signal for single-file at each turn but will expect the riders to choose their own path of travel.

Odd Formations and Maneuvers

Odd formations may be necessary in group riding when there is a member of the group which is not a standard, two-wheel motorcycle —  This includes three-wheeled motorcycles (“trikes”), bikes with a sidecar (“hacks”), bikes towing a trailer, or four-wheelers.

In each case, other than for four-wheelers, it’s a good idea to place the odd bike at the rear of the formation, in the last available slot. The group should also allow extra clearance and reaction time for a bike towing a trailer. Instead of a one-second interval between that bike and the next, and a two-second interval between it and the bike directly behind it in the same track, these minimum times should be doubled. For trikes and hacks, it is not so important to position these riders in a slot, but it is still a good idea, because these vehicles do not handle turns in the same way a motorcycle does. If a rider has difficulty handling an “odd duck” vehicle, the bike following it may need extra time to react, and the “odd duck” should not worry about being hit from the rear by a group member while he solves his problem. If there are several bikes towing trailers in a group, they should generally be riding at the back of the group, even if they are not all in slot positions.

When a four-wheeler is a part of a group, it should trail the group behind the sweeper bike. It helps if the four-wheeler is equipped with a CB radio. Additionally, that vehicle should drive with its headlights on at all times, to enable the sweeper to distinguish it from other cages if possible.

Hand Signals

Certain hand signals are optional in group riding: turn signals on the bikes ahead will usually advise a rider without a CB that a turn is coming up, for example, and hand signals in a turning situation may actually add to the danger for some. However, other hand signals are extremely helpful to the rider who has no other means to communicate.

The most important two hand signals for a non-CB equipped rider are these: pointing to an obstacle in the road, warning the rider to avoid it; and pointing to the tank. The rider who has no CB should be advised that, no matter what his reason, if he points to the tank on his bike, he will be telling those following him (especially the sweeper Bike) that he needs to stop as soon as possible. This may be because he needs fuel; or because he wants to make a “rest room stop”; because he is having a mechanical or equipment problem; because his co-rider is uncomfortable; because he has a medical problem; because he is having a crisis of confidence; or for any other reason at all. Such a signal will be relayed to the Lead Bike. If a convenient place is available, the Lead Bike may orchestrate a stop by the whole group. If not, the affected bike can count on the sweeper to stop with him to try to help him.

Other hand signals may be useful to bikes not equipped with a CB during a group ride. These include:

  • Back off — Palm of left hand shown to group, pushing motion toward rear of bike
  • Ready to ride –- “Thumbs up” high enough in air to be visible to Lead Bike
  • Single-file formation — One finger points to the sky on top of the helmet (sometimes entire flat hand at 90 degrees to top of helmet)
  • Slow down — Left arm is held out straight, then goes up and down
  • Smoky alert (police or emergency vehicles) — Hand taps top of helmet several times
  • Speed up or close ranks in formation — Left arm makes “windmill” sign
  • Staggered formation — First finger and little finger point to the sky on top of the helmet (“Hook ‘em, Horns” sign)
  • U-turn — Left hand makes circle in air over head

Universal ‘Caution/Warning/Danger’ Signal

Though it is not, yet, a universally agreed to signal, it should be. That is, whenever a rider observes a potential threat, or wants to announce that he may need to change speeds quickly, that rider is obliged to tap his front brake lever twice in rapid succession. Any rider following that bike needs to do two things when he observes that signal:

  • slow down in order to widen his following distance
  • repeat the signal to insure that bikes following receive the warning

In the event that no emergency or rapid speed change is needed or occurs within a minute or so of seeing that signal then all bikers can assume the potential emergency has passed and can resume normal speeds and spacing. Nothing was lost yet everyone took defensive postures, just in case. That, after all, was the purpose of the signal in the first place.

Exceptions to Normal Guidelines

The often-heard rule, “Ride Your Own Ride,” means that any guideline for group riding can and should be ignored when it doesn’t make sense. Determining whether this is the case and acting prudently is each rider’s individual responsibility at all times.

Under normal circumstances, the Lead Bike will choose a lane, will determine the speed at which the riders are to travel, will suggest the formation which makes maneuvers most safe, and will navigate.

Common exceptions to these guidelines occur with a rider who is not yet experienced with group riding. If a maneuver looks too dangerous or awkward for the new rider to complete safely, he or she should do what he needs to do to protect himself and avoid an accident. This may mean passing up a turn or taking it very slowly, or parking somewhere not with the group, or going more slowly through a curve than the riders ahead of him.

Each rider commands his entire area within a lane and may move to left or right in it as required.

Another exception: the sweeper may not travel in the same path as the rest of the group. If, for example, a two-lane road is narrowing so that a lane is about to be lost, the sweeper will frequently “close the door” by moving out of the group’s staggered formation into the lane which is soon to disappear. This is to prevent a four-wheeler from trying at the last minute to pass part of the group and then have to cut into it when the pavement runs out. Even if the riders near the back of the group observe that the sweeper is no longer in the position where he has been riding most of the time, they should maintain their own place in the group.

Rubber-Band (“Yo-yo”) Effect

Reaction time for a motorcyclist when confronted with an unexpected threat is, on average, about one second. If the need to react is anticipated (such as when a turn has been announced), then riders can usually react within about half a second after the bike ahead begins to react. When a group of riders change speeds very gradually, however, it usually takes two or three seconds for a rider to recognize this and begin to change his speed to maintain his position in the group.

This doesn’t sound like much time, but experienced group riders manage their risks reasonably well with a minimum one-second interval between each bike and a minimum two-second interval between bikes that are traveling in the same track. When the group has more than six bikes in it, however, gradual changes in speed within the group can become tricky.

When a Lead Bike begins to accelerate, the second bike doesn’t instantly start to travel at the faster rate. Instead, a gap grows between them while the second bike is reacting — and it continues to grow until the second bike is fully up to the increased, stable speed of the Lead Bike. Clearly, once the speeds are the same, the gap will remain the same size. However, since most groups prefer to keep a one-second minimum interval between bikes (two seconds between bikes in the same track), the new gap caused by the Lead Bike’s acceleration may be larger than is desired. When this occurs, the second bike must go faster than the first one for a brief time in order to “catch up.”

If we assume that the Lead Bike speeds up from 60 to 70 mph over a period of two seconds, the second bike will have to ride at 75 mph for two seconds (after his reaction time passes) in order to close the gap. Then he will take another one second to decelerate back to 70 mph to create a gap of the proper size.

If there were only two bikes in the group, this example is easy to follow. But when the group is larger, and the bikes involved are riding further back in the pack, the “rubber band” effect can be especially dangerous to all bikes from the middle of the group to the sweeper.

For example, the third bike in the group has this problem: About two seconds after the second bike has begun to accelerate, the third bike responds. Now, however, the second bike is moving at 75 mph rather than at 70 mph like the Lead Bike. The third bike must use even more effort to catch up to the second bike than the second bike did to match his speed to the Lead Bike’s new speed, if the gap is to stay relatively constant. He will have to move at 75 mph for four seconds, not two, to catch up. The fourth bike will have to accelerate to 80 mph!

In a group of only six motorcycles, the last one will find the gap between himself and the fifth bike has grown to 143 feet before it begins to close, once he starts to speed up, given these average reaction times. And it will be at least 11 seconds after the Lead Bike first began to accelerate before the sixth bike does so.

Now, imagine what happens in the group if, while this is taking place, the Lead Bike must apply his brakes! This rubber-band effect becomes extremely important if the Lead Bike happens to make an abrupt and major change of speed at certain critical moments, such as when approaching a sharp turn or a tricky curve.

The rubber-band effect can be reduced by following these guidelines:

  • Lead Bike changes speed more gradually
  • Lead Bike announces speed changes over the CB radio
  • All riders watch farther ahead than just the bike immediately in front of them in order to notice and to react quicker to changes in speed
  • All riders restrain the impulse to “crank it up” in order to quickly re-establish normal spacing
  • Lead Bike does not increase speed within 15 seconds of entering a curve which may require braking or some slowing down to maneuver it safely
  • All riders abandon the one-second spacing rule when riding twisties
  • Groups should not be larger than six bikes per group if even one rider is not experienced at group riding. Groups should never be larger than eight bikes: break the groups down into smaller ones.

This problem has been described with respect to the acceleration of the Lead Bike. When the rubber band effect is considered in reverse — that is, when the Lead Bike is suddenly braking — these tips on how to avoid the rubber-band effect can be even more important. Those who ride as Lead Bike for their group should be aware of the importance of avoiding sudden changes in speed if at all possible, so as to reduce the risks to those following. Group riding can be as fun as you make it.

Michael Theodore

National Road Captain


Happy New Year! 2016 was awesome, but the best is still to come!

I would like to start 2017 by saying thank you to each and everyone of the Azusa StreetRiders!!

Thank you for your dedication to this ministry. thank you for all the prayer that went out in 2016, not only for our members in need of prayer but for all who were in need of prayer.

2016 was an awesome year. There was awesome growth in this ministry in many places of the country.  We each have had our own trials and victories, but we made it through with the help of an awesome God.

Please continue to pray that we can reach more soul’s in need of a relationship with Jesus and that the right door will open so we can share His Word with them.

We started off 2016 with Bind the Strongman all night prayer service in Cincinnati Ohio and we had an awesome time in the Lord a big thanks to Bro. & Sis. McGhghy for all there work.

Our2016  National Rally was awesome! We had a great turn out in Cameron, Missouri. The chapter  that hosted the rally did an awesome job. I would like to thank Bro. Jones and his group for a job well done!! The Azusa StreetRiders had their first Chapter of the year and Coordinator of the year in 2016.  Keep pushing, your chapter could be picked in 2017. We had some Holy Ghost filled Church!!!

I would like to thank our National board for all their work in 2016

Rev. Jim. Curley  National VP

Rev. Lydia Diaz  National Treasurer

Robert Thompson National Secretary ( former )

Michael Luttrell National Secretary

I would like to thank my friend  Bro. Robert Thompson for his many years of service on the National Board of Directors.

2016 we added a Chaplain brigade headed up by Rev. Robert Eades our National Chaplain and our National Ladies Chaplain Sis. Julie McGhghy. the list of 9 chaplains and their districts can be found on our national website please use these men and women they are there to assist you..

Like I said 2016 was an awesome year, but 2017 will be even greater!!

We must stay in prayer and HIS WORD!!

Now for a few things about 2017 and even a little bit of what’s to come in2018.

First, March is not far off, so plan to be in Clarksburg WV March 3-4 2017 for bind the strong man. We are always blessed at this all night prayer service. Bring a friend!

Our National Rally will be in Dennison Texas Aug. 2-5 2017

Thursday night missionary service, Rev. Bruce Howell, St Louis Mo will be preaching.

Friday, Rev. Samuel Smith,   Evansville In will be preaching.

We are going to have an awesome time of fellowship and worship you will not want to miss it.

I am going to share a little about the 2018 National Rally in Ohio

Thursday night Missionary service. Rev Dwayne Abernathy from Belize and he is also our 2017 sponsored mission for the ASR motorcycle for missionaries program.

Friday night  service. we  will have Rev. Aaron Bounds preaching.

It’s going to be good !!

Vicky and I are looking forward to seeing each of you in 2017

We pray that God Blesses each of you and your families in the years to come. God Bless

Love Ya’ll

Rev. Anthony Storey

Azusa StreetRiders

International President



Planning your First Day or Weekend Trip in 2017



Maybe you’ve just got your first motorcycle and want to make sure it’s well used. Maybe you’re a moto-commuter, but you’re looking for a good recreational ride. Regardless of your reason, it’s possible you have never taken a full day trip on your motorcycle. Where should you go? What should you bring? How do you plan out your first day ride? Everyone’s got to start somewhere.

Planning a Motorcycle Day Trip

If you have never planned a day trip before, you might feel a little overwhelmed at the prospect. Fortunately, it’s not nearly as difficult as it seems. All you need to do is sit down and approach planning systematically. You might be surprised if the trip practically plans itself!

Where Should You Go?

The most important aspect of planning any trip is deciding where to go and how to get there. When all is said and done, this is the part of your trip that will leave you with the most memories.

I suggest choosing a “destination ride,” where you choose an area of the state with great views or a place you have never been before. This can make a trip especially memorable as you experience a scenic route for the first time from your bike or travel to that national park in your state you have always wanted to visit.

Let’s take a look at a few things you should consider as you decide where you will go.

Ride Length

The first thing to do is determine how far you want to go. That begins with recognizing how far you can go. Ask yourself this question: How long do I want to be gone? Be reasonable with your expectations, especially if this really is your first ride. Or First ride of the new season. You might think that you can handle a 12-hour day, but it simply isn’t worth finding yourself burned out from riding when you’re several hundred miles from home. You might want to plan your first trip at eight hours or fewer. At the end, if you think it was too short/long you can always make the next ride longer or shorter.

Categorizing Your Time

Motorcycle trips are best spent admiring the views on scenic roads and enjoying the sights and sounds of your destination. Make sure that you allow yourself plenty of time to do both. You might want to break out your time into separate categories like riding, recreation, meals, breaks and extra.

Of course, you will need to spend time riding – that’s part of the fun! Just don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can travel four hours one-way in an eight-hour day. There will not be any time to do anything else before you have to turn around and go home. Spend about a third of your time on the road. Make sure that you allow yourself plenty of time to see different attractions. Your recreational activities should be roughly the same amount of time that you spend riding.

The other third of your trip is split among meals, breaks and extra. You can decide exactly how to split up your ride, but make sure you give yourself enough time to eat and rest. And what exactly is extra? Nearly every trip includes the unexpected – unanticipated traffic, a flat tire, or mechanical issue. Or additional attractions worth seeing or a 30-minute discussion with a fellow rider at the gas pump. Of course witnessing. By planning for these things in advance, you ensure that your overall plan isn’t interrupted. If you don’t like the thought of getting home early, plan some tentative stops as part of your extra time that you won’t mind cutting out if you need to – and make sure they’re towards the end of your trip.

Planning the Route

Once you know how long you will actually  be on the road, you can begin to plan an actual route. Since you only have a certain amount of time allotted to riding, how far you can go is largely dependent on how fast you can go. If you stick to highways, you can go a lot farther, but you might miss out on some great views. Even if you don’t think that scenery is for you, plan a route that incorporates the road less traveled for your first ride. You might be surprised how much you like it.

There are several ways to pick a riding destination. You might already have somewhere in mind, and that’s okay (as long as it isn’t too far). But if you just want to explore somewhere you’ve never been and know nothing about, there are plenty of online tools to help you.

Using Online Resources to Choose a Ready Route

There are several great resources with routes that others have already tried and tested. Here are a few that you can check out:

  • – All you need to do is make a few clicks to see great routes that others have already created. Each route is given a score for scenery, road quality and roadside amenities, making it simple to gather a lot of great information at a glance. A user-rating system allows you to easily see how popular a given route is with other site visitors.
  • Sunday Morning Rides – With a slick interface and plenty of options, Sunday Morning Rides allows you to identify a route in your area and easily access relevant information via Goggle Street View or Goggle Earth.
  • Open Road Journey – You can enter a location in the search bar to find routes that others have added nearby. It includes a description, a map and an option to download the route to a GPS unit.
  • – It’s easy to zoom in and click on a specific route in your area. Each route is rated on a variety of factors (including corners, visibility, hazards, etc.)

In some cases, the routes available in your area may not be exactly the right distance for the trip you want, but they can be a great starting point for getting ideas.

Setting the Date

Once you’ve got your trip planned out, it’s time to set a date. You may have already started with one in mind, but if you haven’t, you might want to consider if any events are occurring at your destination. Participating in festivals or other events is a great way to enjoy the local culture and make your trip that much more memorable.

Setting a date is largely up to you, but there are a few things you might want to be aware of. Check the weather ahead of time. Sites like The Weather Channel or Weather Underground are great for this. You should also remember that in heavily populated areas, larger roads (and sometimes smaller ones) can become congested during rush hour. You may also experience heavier traffic during events or holidays.

What Should You Do?

Once you know where you’re going, you need to decide what you’re going to see or do while you’re there. Take a look at your route. Be sure to include both your destination city as well as other places along your route.

There are a number of useful web sites that display information about things to do in practically any location in the United States. A few of those resources are listed below.

  • Virtual Tourist – Browse things to do and restaurants to eat at listed by real people (many of them locals or residents). The user-content aspect of Virtual Tourist means that it misses a few items picked up by other sites, but it also includes a few unique details you might not find anywhere else.
  • – With a focus on events more than locations, is a great place to discover what’s going on in a given location. It features a number of great categories, such as Culture and Outdoors. It will also display details for nearby locations.
  • Yelp – Search an extensive database of local businesses, complete with reviews and other details. Yelp is a great site to find restaurants to eat at. If you want to cut through a lot of the noise on the site, access theArts & Entertainment category for a few points of interest.
  • Trip Advisor – While it is primarily a site devoted to flight and hotel bookings, Trip Advisor also has an impressive database of tourism attractions. After you search for a city under Destinations, click Things to Do or Restaurants at the top of the page.


With as extensive as these online resources can be, you might find too many things to do even in the smallest of cities. Decide in advance how long you want to spend at each location. That way, you’ll make sure to see everything on your list, and you won’t plan so many things that you run out of time.

Alternatively, if you prefer not to set time limits, you might just want to place each item in the order you’d like to accomplish it, understanding that you will not see everything. When you run out of time, you simply head home.


Of course, if you are going to be gone all day, you will need to find yourself at least one good place to eat. You can always pack a lunch if you prefer, but choosing a local restaurant is one more way to get to know the area and enhance your overall experience. A nice meal at a local favorite is a good way to meet  people and get great food. Avoid hitting up chains or other establishments that will not add to the unique aspects of your trip.

Gas Stations

If you’re going for a particularly long trip, don’t forget to identify where you plan on filling up your tank with fuel. There are some stretches of country where gas stations are few and far between. Don’t forget that some stations are listed online that may have gone out of business. It never hurts to call in advance just to find out if you’re worried about gas station availability.

Rest Stops

Identify locations on your route where you can take a break if you need it. Since breaks are factored into your trip’s schedule, you shouldn’t feel like you don’t have the time to stop

What Should You Bring?

If your motorcycle is outfitted with some sort of luggage, you’ll be able to take a little bit more with you. If your bike doesn’t, you might want to pick up a day pack or saddlebags. At the very least, you can use a backpack. Other than a bag, there are a few things you might want to consider taking along.


If you plan on doing anything that costs, you  definitely want to bring along something to pay for it. Don’t forget that you will also have expenses for meals and fuel. But even after that, you may come across toll roads in your route that you were not aware of. You may also need money to pass through certain national parks. It helps to look into those details in advance, but it never hurts to keep a little cash on you just in case. Don’t forget that while credit cards offer an extra level of convenience, it’s best to carry cash as well since some places still are not set up to run plastic.

Appropriate Gear along appropriate riding gear like jackets, gloves and boots. It’s important to be comfortable to avoid getting rider fatigue. And definitely don’t forget safety gear like your helmet.

Aside from riding gear, make sure you wear appropriate clothing for your excursion as well. You might consider multiple layers of light clothing that you can take off if it’s too warm or put on if it’s too chilly.

Mobile Phone

Your mobile phone is your lifeline in the case of an emergency. Make sure you bring your phone along and that it’s in a secure (and dry) location. Remember to completely charge it the night before your trip to make sure it has plenty of power.

Navigation you’ve never been along the route you’ve planned for yourself, make sure to bring some sort of navigation. Today’s technology makes navigation easier than ever with GPS units. Some are able to mount directly to your bike’s frame or handlebars. Use this setup if you already have it, but it isn’t essential if you don’t. Also, many modern phones include GPS navigation software that operates in essentially the same way. Either way, make sure your device is fully charged in advance.

If you do not have a GPS unit. Paper Maps are still as useful today as they ever have been. In fact, some maps are available that are specifically designed for motorcyclists. If you do not already have a map, you can print one online using a service like Goggle Maps.


If you are  not the type that likes to eat out, you can pack a lunch. But even if you are, you might want to bring along some snacks. It’s also important to take water with you to make sure you do not get dehydrated.


Don’t finish your trip with just memories. Take along a camera and take pictures.

Emergency Kit

Nobody likes it when bad things happen, but those who do not prepare like it even less. Make sure that you have an adequate emergency kit for unexpected problems.

A good emergency kit incorporates items for both you and your bike. A simple motorcycle repair kit is important. Keep a few spare parts and tools to fix common issues – flat tire, bad spark plug, etc. You don’t have to bring the whole toolbox with you, just take along what you need for minor repairs. as your emergency kit should have basic repair parts and tools for your bike, it should also have a simple first aid kit. Even if it’s nothing more than small bandages and a tiny bottle of pain medicine, you’ll be glad you have it if you ever need it.

It’s not a bad idea to purchase an emergency phone battery just in case your mobile phone dies unexpectedly and you need it. Take along a list of emergency phone numbers as well. You may feel that this is unnecessary if you have relevant numbers stored in your phone’s memory, but if it is damaged on your trip, you’ll still be able to call important people from a payphone. You might want to look at tow services along your route in advance and write down their numbers just in case your bike breaks down.

You might be able to think of other items to pack along as well. For example, rain gear would be nice if you find yourself caught unexpectedly in a rainstorm.

How Should You Prepare for Your Ride?

For one thing, you should always perform any needed maintenance or repairs on your motorcycle before your riding day ever comes. You’re going to be quite a distance away, and it’s best if your bike is in top shape for the trip.

Pre-Ride Inspection

T-CLOCS is a mnemonic acronym developed by The Motorcycle Safety Foundation and designed to help with pre-ride inspections. Each letter stands for a vital motorcycle component that should be checked.

  • Tires – Check the tires for any problems. Check the air pressure.
  • Controls – Check all levers and the brake pedal. Ensure that both front and back brakes function properly.
  • Lights – Make sure that all lights (including turn signals) operate.
  • Oil – Ensure that oil levels are appropriate. Fill up the motorcycle with gasoline.
  • Chassis – Check the suspension and drive system (chain and gears). Make sure all nuts and bolts are sufficiently fastened.
  • Stands – Ensure that the stand doesn’t swing down when you’re riding and that it securely holds your bike when you’re not.

Tell Someone

Before you go, tell someone about your trip: where you plan to go, when you plan on returning, etc. Give them your specific route and the spots you plan on visiting. This is important in case of an unexpected event.

You might also find someone to go along with you. There’s nothing better than going for a ride and sharing the memories with friends.


Now you know how to plan and prepare for a day trip, even if you’ve never been on one before. Remember these key points:

  • Determine how long you want to be gone.
  • Categorize your time before you plan a route.
  • Utilize online resources to find ideas for a route.
  • Map out a route ahead of time. You can use a tool like Goggle Maps.
  • Set an appropriate date for the trip.
  • Identify the attractions you want to visit and how long you want to be there.
  • Make sure you don’t forget to take important objects like cash, a mobile phone, navigation methods, an emergency kit, etc.
  • Complete a pre-ride inspection before you go.
  • Tell someone where you’re headed.

Once you’ve been out on the road, let us the ASR Family know how your trip went. Share it with us post about it on our web site. We would all love to hear about your great ride/trips.

Enjoy the 2017 Riding Season

Michael Theodore

National Road Captain


Controlling Your Lane

Controlling Your Lane

Two wheels are enough to own a lane 


Lane position should be chosen based, among other things, on establishing escape routes, making yourself visible to others, staying out of the blind spots of other vehicles, and road conditions. What is often overlooked, in my opinion, is the concept of ‘controlling your lane’.

For example, assume you are riding on surface streets in a city and are stopped at a traffic light preparing to make a right turn. Logic suggests that you should be in the right track of your lane, but it is safer, I suggest, to be closer to the left track.


Why? Because while nearer the left track of your lane you CONTROL the lane. There are people that upon seeing you in the right track with your right turn signal flashing will slide their vehicles into the lane beside you and try to share the lane – to get a jump off the line when the light changes.

 That you only have two wheels is of no consequence – you OWN the whole lane that they would try to share with you. If you were to change your mind and elect to not make that right turn, you would be in trouble. Worse, should that sharing vehicle actually decide to make a right turn too, you could easily be forgotten (in his/her blind spot) and they could drive right over you while making that turn.

Controlling your lane is as important as any other consideration when you choose your lane position.
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain