Amazon Smile

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please remember to use Azusa StreetRiders as your charitable organization to donate to when you use Amazon Smile!!
Make sure that you are using the Amazon Smile portion of Amazon when you purchase online products and Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to the charitable organization of your choice. Just go to your settings and search for Azusa StreetRiders and select them to donate to.
Please contact myself or Sis Theodore with any questions.

Pastor Randy Hennigan
National VP

Welcome These New Chapters to Azusa StreetRiders Ministry

  • Southwest Ohio Chapter
    • Brother Scott Culver – President
    • Todd Brown – Vise President
    • Mike McGhghy – Sec / Trea.
    • Julie McGhghy – Member (National Ladies Chaplin)
  • Larry Walker – Member – Road Captain

Azusa StreetRiders are very please to announce the establishment of the Azusa StreetRiders Philippines International Chapter to be known as from this day forth

  • ASR Philippines

Azusa StreetRiders Ministry would first like to Welcome the ASR Advisors and Pastors of the newly established ASR Philippines Chapter and Thank them for their support:

  • ASR Advisers
    • Bishop Celedonio C. Ompad
    • Rev. Gadiel C. Ompad
    • Rev Lorenzo Reyes
  • Members – Pastors
    • Pastor Romy Villanueva
    • Pastor Medel Zarsuelo
    • Pastor Brentson Bago
    • Pastor Marcos Prieto
  • Azusa Street Riders Philippines Officers
    • Rodante D. de Guzman
      • Chapter President
      • Philippeans Area Coordimator
    • Bernelito C. Gavero – Chapter Vice President
    • Eleazar Villaraza – Secretary
    • Dan Carlo M. Coloma – Treasurer
  • Philippines Chapter Road Crew
    • Danilo L. de Guzman – New Rider Mentor
    • Billie Joel C. Gavero – Sweeper/Marshal
    • Jacob Paniza – Sweeper/Marshal
  • Members
    • Virgilio Escobia
    • Federico L. Padawang
    • Jose G. Labong
    • Jose A. Padernos
    • Emmanuel A. Piedad
    • Erwin C. Bernardo
    • Alvin M. Godito
    • Danmark Joseph C. Labong
    • El John C. Labong
    • Julius C. Labong
    • Aldrin M. Arellano
    • Moises Alcontin
    • Harris Manzo
    • Joel Ampan
    • James Alvin R. Masilang
    • JirahRuire  M. Teja
    • Estaniel C. Soriano
Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

Momma Don’t Let Your Kid Grow Up To Be A Biker!

I can remember the early conversations that occurred between myself and my parents about wanting a motorcycle when I reached the age of 15. Now understand that my Dad’s sister had been killed in a motorcycle accident when in her 20’s. You can imagine how the conversation turned out! Obeying those that have the rule (or ruler) over you is so difficult! The only horse that I was riding until many years later was one that ate a lot of hay! As the years progressed my life separated from home, I found myself buying a few bikes and learning through a couple of accidents that did no damage to myself the reasons why Mom & Dad were trying to keep me from getting hurt. Motorcycle and other forms of riding entertainment is certainly dangerous and have the potential of great bodily harm so please remember to be careful and keep your head on a swivel! Bike safety however is not my intent in this article. One of my earliest conversations with my Pastor centered around the idea of obeying parents when the directive was not seemingly in my interest or not based in sound judgement! (Tic) His counsel has stayed with me and has keep me from making some very stupid decisions in my life. One of the greatest feelings in the world is to be riding down the road with the wind in your face and feeling the freedom that being on a motorcycle makes you free! You feel as if you don’t have any problems. You can feel as if you are the king of the world for a while. This feeling is part of the heritage of motorcycles and while the feeling can be addictive and certainly entertaining, it will also leave one with a false sense of self and life as it really is. You see, the truth is that while we are here living in this world, the only real freedom is found in our relationship with God and our sense of self is determined by the condition of our soul. As the ASR ministry grows and become more impactful in our society, we must fight against the false sense of worldly worth and false freedoms! The Bible tells of things that would seem to be right in the eyes of a righteous man to do and sometime that gives us pause. Would God really give humanity that much control over what our actions should be? I believe that the believer is also given the kind of decision making power that can change not only them, but the world around them! As we make decisions as to what direction and what kind of ministry that ASR will become, we should always make the decisions by prayer first and then (what seemeth right) decisions will be made with a real freedom of the spirit and with confidence in what God has for his ministers (of whom each ASR member becomes when he places that patch on his cut). If we only view the ASR as a way to get together with other bikers and have some windy fun, then we have missed the ministry and influence that I believe that Jesus has directed us to try and pursue! In every event, in every club ride, in every chapter meeting, let God direct you and find a way to minister to a lost and dying world that is seeking for a way to fill the void in their life left by satan. Remember that we are a Holy Ghost filled, baptized in Jesus name, Apostolic, and world changing motorcycle ministers! Our standards cannot change and our vision cannot dim! Our voices must be heard above the roar of our pipes! Our representation of Jesus to this world must be without blemish or spot!  We may be the only link to that MC member for them to find a way to Jesus! We cannot be less than Jesus wants us to be and that is a CHRISTIAN! Our ASR ranks will continue to grow but we must be careful in that growth. We must never lose our Apostolic identity for when we become like the ones that we are trying to reach, we have camouflaged what we are trying to show them. I would encourage you, the ASR ministry, to be of good cheer, to be of great faith, and to be of intense focus. As we focus on Christ, then our eyes will not become dim nor our character become weak! Don’t let us grow and become just bikers but let us grow and become ministers (who ride bikes)!! Our field is the highway but our destination is still Heaven! As you have elected me to be your Vice President, I can only hope to help ASR have the kind of impact that will allow Him to say well done, my good and faithful servant. Please know that I am praying for each of you in your endeavors for this ministry and am available to each of you as needed.

Pastor Randy Hennigan

ASR International VP

Assemblies of The Lord Jesus Christ National Men’s Conference

2017 Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ Menistry National Men’s Conference Maryville, TN September 15th & 16th.

The Maryville Azusa Streets Ministry will be sponsoring a motorcycle ride Friday the 15th This should prove to be a very beautiful ride through the mountains and valleys of east tennessee, getting back to Maryville mid afternoon with plenty of time to prepare for the evening service. We will be meeting at Shoney’s 1021 W Lamar Alexander Pkwy Maryville TN at 9:00 am kickstands up at 10:00 am. If you ride please come and be a part of this day of fellowship we look forward to seeing you there. For more information contact Bro Donnie Grider @ 936-648-1143 or email

Thank You for all Your Support

I wanted to take just a moment and thank everyone that participated in the 2017 Azusa StreetRiders National Conference in Denison, TX. In addition, I extend appreciation to Pastor and Sister Gilbert for their gracious hospitality in allowing Azusa StreetRiders to host this year’s conference at Truth Tabernacle Church. Also very special thanks to Sister Urissa Goodin, Brother Clarence Earp, and all of those who supported their efforts. Job well done! It was a great conference.

As many of you already know, this year’s elections yielded three new board members for the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry. The new board consists of:

Robert Thompson, President
Randy Hennigan, Vice President
Laureen Theodore, Treasurer
Michel Luttrell, Secretary

We are all being diligent during this transition period to continue the good work that Brother Anthony Storey, Brother James Curley and Sister Lydia Diaz have done over the last several years, and I take my hat off to them. Moving forward, we’re getting ready for the annual ALJC (Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ) Men’s Conference, to be held in Maryville, Tennessee, September 15 and 16. We have been asked to sponsor a day ride, and I have been asked to speak at that conference about the ASR ministry. Everyone is invited, of course. Next on the agenda is the UPCI (United Pentecostal Church International) General Conference, in Kansas City, Missouri, September 26-29. We will have a booth set up there, so if you plan to attend, please stop by.

Moving into 2018 we’re already looking forward to the “Bind the Strong Man” event sponsored by Christian Faith Outreach Church in Ashland, Kentucky, March 2-3. Please plan to be there.

I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support for the new board. The response is welcomed, and I for one am humbled by it all. I appreciate the confidence you have for us, but I covet your prayers more. In closing, I wish to make myself available to anyone that needs me. Therefore I have included my contact information below. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

God bless you all, and God bless America.

Human Vision

Drivers often say, “I didn’t see it” — after hitting a motorcycle!

I bring this up because one day last month I was at a stop sign, and while stopped I looked left then right, and then left then right. As I thought “all is clear” I then attempted  to move forward — only to realize a smaller motorcycle was in my path. I clearly did not see him at all. No, I did not hit him, but I know I gave him a huge scare, which brings me to this: Looking in the direction of something does not mean that we see it!

In general, we only see what we expect to see, or what we’ve trained ourselves to see. Our brain is wired to filter out much of what our eyes receive, focusing on specific items based on each individual’s experience and judgment, taking into account the relevance of the input to the task at hand, its location, perceived threat level, and any movement, and then prioritizing takes place even if important information is directly in front of us. Also, we have visual clarity in only a  three-degree cone in the center of our vision (“central vision”).

Some people believe they get better information from their peripheral vision then they actually do. To have a useful “big picture,” our central vision must be consciously directed to capture the important details. In other words, instead of our eyes passively transmitting images to our brain, our brain needs to direct our eyes to scan the environment, like a searchlight. Successful scanning strategies involve moving attention far-and-near, and side-to-side, to identify relevant factors, especially those that have little or no movement of their own.

The more effectively we gather information, the better we can make decisions and take appropriate action. This continuous process is called “S.E.E.” — Search, Evaluate, Execute. If searching identifies a hazard, and evaluation determines the hazard that should be avoided and suggests various ways to avoid it, the next step is executing an action. If you are lax with your eye movement, the visual field can “stagnate,” and less conspicuous items, such as motorcycles coming straight at you in an inter section, are rendered virtually invisible. Eye movement is critical, because, as hard as it is to notice and act on important clues in the central vision, imagine if those clues are outside that three-degree cone!

Just as hazardous as not focusing on the right thing in your visual environment is focusing on a single, wrong thing. Good riders keep their eyes moving, so they are able to detect and evaluate factors several seconds ahead and to the sides. This includes giving extra attention to known problem areas, such as intersections (including driveways) and blind corners, and periodically checking your mirrors to construct a “big picture” of the environment. I am always moving my head and eyes — scanning and checking my mirrors. Are you? Just ask my wife, and she will tell you: my head is always moving. Just remember your motorcycle may not be categorized as a ‘threat’ by the CAR/SUV driver’s brain, so your image is filtered out.

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


Thank You!!

Praise the Lord Azusa StreetRiders:

We had another awesome National Rally this year. The church services were superb. The Holy Ghost visited us in a mighty way!! We had an awesome turn out this year. Thank you to all that helped put this rally together. I got to meet a lot of our new members. Putting faces with the names is always my favorite part.

I would like to thank  the individuals that served on the board with me.

Rev. Lydia Diaz

Rev. Jim Curley

Bro. Michael Luttrell

I love you guys. Thank you so very much! We will always be family.

Special thanks to Rev. Doug Joseph for all the direction and wisdom he shared.

I am looking forward to seeing what is next in my ministry and what is next for the Azusa StreetRiders.

Now I would like to introduce the new ASR Board of Directors.

President: Bro. Robert Thompson

Vice President: Rev. Randy Hennigan

Treasurer: Sis. Lauren Theodore

Secretary: Bro. Michael Luttrell

If you follow God and work as a team, you will have great success. I’m here if you need any help getting adjusted to the job.

God Bless,
Rev. Anthony Storey
Exiting  Azusa StreetRiders International President


Did My Title get your attention
Membership in this club has its privileges. It is called the Smooth Riding Club.
So how does one become part of the smooth riding club? What are the requirements for membership? Simple just be committed to continual improvements and safer riding. In this club we don’t need people who are ignorant and inconsiderate of others, but what I really mean here is that members in this club are consistently smooth and precise. No jerks, no clunks, no head banging, no abrupt and jarring moves. How can one get the keys to the smooth riding clubhouse? Well I will let you in on a few club secrets.
READ THE ROAD AHEAD Getting your eyes up and looking farther ahead means you can eliminate the constant steering corrections that are common when riders focus just a few yards ahead of the front fender. Looking farther ahead also helps you anticipate activity up ahead, allowing you to eliminate surprises and respond smoothly and calmly to developing circumstances.
MAINTAIN A LIGHT TOUCH. The smoothest riders keep a very light touch on the handlebars and guide the bike with subtle inputs instead of steering the bike with forceful, tight-fisted stabs and tense,stiff arms. Lightly and tenderly movements is key.
MAKE BRAKING ULTRA-SMOOTH. Most riders could benefit by improving their braking transitions. Skilled riders recognize the need to allow smooth weight transfer from the rear wheel to the front during braking, and then back to the rear again as throttle is reapplied. To avoid bouncing the suspension like a pogo stick and accomplish a smooth transition, a minimum of 3-4 seconds should be allotted for braking, allowing sufficient time for smooth brake application and release (longer,if greater braking effort is applied). Think of braking like squeezing someone’s hand. Don’t grab. Instead, use a progressive squeeze and a polite release.
EXECUTE SEAMLESS UPSHIFTS. What is the trick for smooth up shifting? Three overlapping steps and regular practice. Start by pre loading the shift lever with your boot (you are wearing boots, right?). Apply just enough pressure to suggest the shift, not enough to cause an actual shift to occur without disengaging the clutch. Secondly, when your ready to make the shift, gently squeeze the clutch lever just far enough to be in the friction zone. ( You do know what is the friction zone is?).
It’s not all the way to the handlebar. The pre load shift lever will slip effortlessly into the higher gear. Thirdly, reestablish smooth and steady throttle as you ease the clutch back out of the friction zone for a silky smooth and silent up shift.
MAKE SILENT DOWNSHIFTS. The mark of a truly proficient rider is how he or she executes ultra- smooth down shifts with no clunks, jerks and no”turtle kisses” ( This is when riders and passenger bump helmets). In addition to pre loading the shift lever as described in up shifting, the trick is to match engine rpm with the gear you’ll be shifting to. How? Some riders blip the throttle as they squeeze the clutch lever. I prefer to hold the throttle steady in place of rolling off the throttle during the shift. I then squeeze the clutch lever only enough to allow the shift lever to snick into the lower gear (don’t squeeze the lever all the way to the handlebar). With practice, every down shift will be marked only by a change in engine sound, not by clunks and jerks. By dedicating efforts to work on these key techniques, you will not only see a marked improvement in your ability to ride more smoothly and expertly, you’ll be among the distinguished membership of the smooth riding club, And that’s not a bad club to be in. After all, there are no jerks allowed.
Keep The Contact Patch Between The Lines
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain



Praise the Lord Azusa StreetRiders, By the time you receive this issue we will be headed towards Denison Texas for the 2017 ASR National Rally.
I just wanted to say to each of you that it has been an honor to serve as the ASR
President and I thank you all for this opportunity.

I do have a few announcements to make.
First of all Rev. Robert Eades is still the National Chaplain, last month I made a mistake on the announcement that he was stepping down.
we do have a new International Chaplain that is Rev. Allen Cherry from La.
and we have add another east regional chaplain, Sis. Diane Beall from SC
Please travel safely to Texas.
we will be announcing the information fro bind the strongman 2018 and the 2018 & 2019 ASR Nation Rally at our Annual Business meeting.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.
God Bless
Rev. Anthony Storey
Azusa StreetRiders
International President