State Watch

S.B. 288 would allow motorcyclist to split lanes when traffic is congested on limited-access or controlled-access highways.The motorcyclist would be limited to traveling no more than 5 mph faster than traffic. And splitting would be permitted only when traffic is moving at 20 mph or slower.

H.B.2 would allow motorcyclists to ride on the shoulder of highway for the sole purpose of getting to the next exit when traffic is moving at 25 mph or less. The law would apply only to limited access multilane divided highways with speed limits of 50 mph or more. And the motorcyclist may not exceed 45 mph while on the shoulder.

Senate President Peter Courtney, a member of Oregon’s Distracted Driver Task Force, supports amending state laws to create harsher penalties for driving while texting, using social media or talking on the phone. Courtney favors a maximum penalty of one year in prison, a $6,250 fine or both for first time distracted driving offenders. Multiple violations with in 10 years would increase the penalty to five years in prison and a $125,000 fine.

P.A. 318 signed into law by Gov. Rick Syder, increases the penalties for riding a motorcycle without the proper license endorsement. Under the law, violators are guilty of a misdemeanor. The penalty for a first time violation is up to 90 days in jail, a $500 fine or both. Subsequent violations carry up to a year in jail, a $1,000 fine or both.

H.B. 6048, H.B.6281 and H.B. 7055, introduced in the house of Representatives would require all riders in the state to wear a helmet while operating a motorcycle or motor scooter. Current state law allows riders 18 and older to choose whether to wear a helmet. These bills would eliminate that choice.

Two bills would attempt to address distracted driving in the state. H.B. 69 would change the stat’s ban on texting while driving from secondary enforcement to primary enforcement for drivers 18 or younger. The bill also would require that fines be deposited into the states Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund. H.B. 47 would revise penalties for violations of the ban on texting while driving to provide enhanced penalties for violations that occur in a school zone or school crossing. The bill also removes the requirement that texting while driving be enforced as secondary action by law enforcement agencies.

S.B. 159 would raise the legal age for riding motorcycles without a helmet from 18 to 21.

H.123 would prohibit motorcyclist profiling by state or local law enforcement agencies. The bill defines profiling as “the arbitrary use of the fact that a person rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle-related paraphernalia as a factor in deciding to stop and question, take enforcement action, arrest or search a person or vehicle.”

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

Hair Care Tips for Women Who Ride

Helmet hair is just the beginning of your problems, ladies. If you want to ride safely, frequently and still have decent looking, healthy hair at the end of the day, there are a few hair care tips that you have to keep in mind. You have to take good care of it or riding will play havoc with it and leave you with a dry, broken and tangled mess.
Step One: Start with Healthy Hair
There is no sense in trying to protect hair that is in horrible shape in the first place. If you have dry hair, start using moisturizing masks or hot oil treatments about once a week. If you do not like buying a lot of products you can whip up your own home hair care masks.
For Dry Hair Use:

  • One egg, beaten and a cup of mayonnaise.  Work through hair, rinse well and then wash or you will smell like a salad for the day.
  • Olive Oil
  • Avocado mashed and worked through the hair is awesome too.

For Oily Hair:

  • A handful of oatmeal worked through your hair will absorb some of the oils without stripping it and leaving it dry.

For All Types:

  •  Use vinegar.

Step Two: Protect Your Hair

During a long ride there are several things that will destroy your hair, especially the wind, the sunlight and the helmet.  For longer hair use a hair sleeve, pony cage or other method of tying it down as much as possible. However, do not just pull it back into a pony tail and then ride off. It causes too much stress at the back of the neck and will simply tangle anyway. There are hair sprays with UV protection, however if you do not like them you can use a little sun block lotion worked through your hair like a gel. Finally, there is nothing to do about the helmet, because you know that you need it. However, when you stop, shake your hair loose and let it dry a little. Opting for a helmet with a little more ventilation is okay, but never give up your safety for good hair.
Step Three: When the Day is Done
After your riding is through you should make sure that you wash the sun block, dust and grit out of your hair before it causes any real damage. If you are washing every day, use a very gentle shampoo; baby shampoos are great for frequent washing and they smell sweet.
Sis.Laureen Theodore
ASR International Treasurer

Steel Horses

I grew up riding a horse before I could even walk. A real cowboy in every sense of the word. Our family ran six brands and over 1500 head of cattle from the time I was born until the late 80’s. I have roped more calves, horses, and yes even people (my sisters) than I can remember. My dad is missing two fingers on his right hand due missing a dally and the rope took them right off! He now needs custom gloves!! I have been thrown, kicked, and stomped enough to now be a very wise fella! I have had several near misses myself when it comes to roping and can tell you from experience that a rope burn will last for a few days. I have had many ropes fail in my lifetime and have to thank the Lord that I have not been seriously injured or dead!
Here in a few months, ASR will be taking part in the Bind the Strongman prayer meeting in Kentucky. As we begin to prepare to wage spiritual warfare, I believe it is a good thing to understand the situation that we find ourselves in. I am so thankful that the book tells us that what we bind here will be bound in Heaven and what we loose here on earth will be bound in Heaven as well! What a problem it would be to have to rely on natural rope to take care of our spiritual needs and problems! Nothing here on earth that is physical can be relied on to sufficiently work in our spiritual lives. It takes the power of an unseen hand to break our chains of bondage! It takes the spoken name of Jesus Christ to encounter the creative power of God himself! When we bind our addictions, personalities, issues, needs, wants, and whatever else that we need to get under control using the only Name under heaven that can save our souls, we can rest assured that the bound will stay bound and the loosed will stay loosed!!
I remember a day many years ago that I, Dad, and Grandpa were bringing a herd of cattle through the woods to the pens where we would separate the herd and take the smaller calves to the sale barn to sell them. In the middle of a thicket of vines and briars, my trusty steed got caught up in the vines and decided to rear up and when he did, I fell out of the saddle and hit the ground on my back which knocked all the breath out of me. I could not even speak as I watch the saddle horn coming my way and I had no way to move out of the way. I can remember trying to say Jesus but to no avail. I screamed it in my mind and as the horse fell towards me, something caused the horse to turn and fall directly beside me! I am so glad that even when we can’t speak his name, we can think his name! His name works when we cannot! I only have to think his name for it to be effective! I cannot wait to be able to use the name of Jesus to bind some things and loose some things at Bind the Strongman!! Can you??
Maybe my love of motorcycles come from my love of riding horses. I don’t know. I can tell you this however, that the ministry of ASR needs the tools used to bind and loose at every rally, church service, chapter meeting, and weekend ride. You never know who you are going to run into that needs someone who knows how to use the name of Jesus and can reach the throne room at a moment’s notice. I pray that you guys and gals keep your “horses” well cared for and your “rope” ready to use!! Saddle up and let’s reach a lost and dying world with his Name!!

2019 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally

The Board of the Azusa StreetRiders would like recommendations for the location of the 2019 National Rally. There a a few requirements for this event that must be met, an application is available.

Anyone interested in hosting or would like to make a suggestion on a location please email Bro Michael Luttrell @

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ

Bind the Strong Man 2019 Conference

The Board of the Azusa StreetRiders are now accepting applications for hosting the 2019 B.T.S.M. Conference and Prayer meeting.

Please get with Brother Michael Luttrell for an application.

Thank You

Welcome New Members

Welcome New Members January 2018

  • The Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic –
    • Thank you Pastor Micky Smith – Bloomington, IN
    • Brother Rickie Egan
    • Brother Bob Rogers
    • Sister Kathy Rogers
    • Brother Mark Wever
    • Sister Olive Wever
  • Truth Church –
    • Thank you Pastor David Gilbert – Denison, TX
    • Brother Lee Adams

The Board of the Azusa StreetRiders would like to welcome each and everyone of you to this ministry and we are at your service.

My God Bless your ministry.

Texas is on Holy Ghost Fire!

South East Texas Strong Chapter” had their first “Biker” service here at the “Kirbyville Apostolic Church” January 27th. We had a tremendous service!!! Many renewed themselves and we had one receive the Holy Ghost. God is doing great things with our chapter and we are moving forward.

Keep up the Great Work Sis Charlotte

The Best Kind of fellowship
This is what it’s all about Brother’s In the LordThat’s What I’m Talking About

2018 National Rally Ohio

Save The Dates

August 1-4
2018 National Rally Ohio
August 5
9th Annual Biker Sunday in Memory of Michael T Theodore Jr.

There will be two Host hotels right by each other The Hampton Inn and the Residence Inn by Marriott.
Rooms are blocked off under the name ”ASR National Rally” You must let receptionist know when you book your room to receive your discounted rate.

Meet & Greet will be at the Residence Inn by Marriott from 3 PM to 6 PM on August 1. There is a huge room set up for our ASR fellowship and food will be provided.

Hampton Inn & Suites
5581 Youngstown-Warren Road
Niles, Ohio 44446

Residence Inn by Marriott
5555 Youngstown-Warren Road
Niles, Ohio 44446

Host Church
(PCC) Pentecostal Community Church
5348 Peck RD (Rt 6)
Jefferson, Ohio 44047

If you have any problems with booking your room
contact me Michael Theodore 330-720-0440
National Road Captain
Coordinator for Ohio


The other day I went to see about getting  proscription sun glasses a little thinner style than my motorcycle mirrored polarized proscription riding glasses. My riding glasses are perfect when I use my shorty open face helmet or my 1/3 helmet. But not with my full face or my new modular touring helmet. The new sun glasses will now fit under my new helmet or my full face with out discomfort. Why am I tell you this. Well after I left the eye glass store I was reminded of a conversation I had with a gentleman a while back when he seen my mirrored face shield on my full face helmet.
The question he asked me was. What are the benefits, if any, of a colored mirrored face shields? And then he asked me is it good for night riding? I first answered him that there are colored goggles,glasses and lenses also.And that there are different tints for night riding and Polarized lenses and mirrored for sunny day rides.

For dusk,nighttime,fog,rain and any low – light conditions, clear, non – tinted eye wear (eyeglasses) and eye protection (goggles or face shields) are the best choices.

For sunny days, tint can reduce eye strain. Gray tints are best because they simpley reduce the amount of light reaching your eyes, without distorting color.
Other tints also reduce the amount of light reaching your eyes by varying degrees, but they can distort color. That said, a yellow or amber tint may be very useful in overcast conditions to increase contrast.

Some riders prefer tinted or mirrored face shields to nonprescription sunglasses, because face shields provide more complete coverage, whereas sunlight can encroach around the frames of typical sunglasses. Some face shields automatically adjust their tint to ambient lighting conditions, and some helmets have an internal drop- down tinted visor. Without these features, you would need to carry a separated clear face shield if you’ll be riding into the evening. I have a mirrored full face helmet with a drop- down tinted visor ” see above picture” I use along with a full face modular with drop- down tinted visor I also use when riding. Along with a 1/3 helmet with drop – down helmet.

Polarized eyeglasses or goggles have benefits in most outdoor applications. Polarization allows light that comes straight toward the lens to pass though, while filtering light that comes from an angle. This reduces glare from road surfaces and other vehicles (especially chrome and glass surfaces) and minimizes the resulting distortion and “washing out” of the image-as well as potential damage to the eye. This is especially effective for wet roads, which are more reflective than dry roads. The downside is that polarized lenses can distort some of the light coming from or though instrument panel display or windshields.

Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays, which are as damaging to the eyes as they are to the skin. Generic sunglasses block varying amounts of UV rays. Prescription eyeglass lenses, whether clear,tinted, mirrored, or polarized, typically block most UV rays about 98%. Check with your optometrist to see if your lenses have this protection or if the protection can be added to your next prescription. My new pair of prescription sunglasses will be the same as my riding prescription glasses mirrored and polarized. You can also get prescription goggles to help protect against UV rays. If you don’t need prescription glasses and don’t want to use regular sunglasses a tinted or mirrored face shield will protect against UV rays.
Your eyes are the mind’s window to the traffic world. Your safety depends on the accuracy of that view.
Keep your contact patch between the lines

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


S.B.346 would require motor scooter riders younger than 21 to wear helmets while on public roads. The bill applies to motorcycles and scooters of 50cc or less. Current law allows riders 16 and older to decide whether to wear a helmet on those bikes. The proposed legislation comes a year after a failed attempt to reinstate universal mandatory motorcycle helmet use.

A new state law allows anyone with a valid driver’s license to operate an auto cycle –a three-wheeled vehicle with side -by-side seating and steering wheel. No motorcycle endorsement is needed. Three – wheeled motorcycles still require a motorcycle license to operate.

The city of Columbia is considering a ordinace banning all texting for drivers younger than 21 and for commercial truck drivers. Efforts to enact a statewide ban have proved unsuccessful. The Columbia effort is part of the city’s Vision Zero plan, intended to reduce traffic injuries and deaths.

Michael Theodore

National Road Captain