State Watch

State Watch is from the AMA

New York
New York Assembly Members introduced A.B. 6080, which would exempt all motorcycles from congestion pricing program fees if such a program is adopted. Current and past congestion pricing proposals for New York City would have charged motorcycles the same amounts as cars and trucks. The AMA is urging New York riders to write to their New York State Assembly members in support of this commonsense legislation that recognizes the benefits of motorcycling for city traffic.

New York
The AMA is supporting an effort by Harley Davidson to expand the state’s Drive Clean Rebate program for electric vehicles to include motorcycles. Currently, the program is limited to four-wheeled vehicles. The rebates available through the program range up to $2,000.

North Carolina
A state house committee has approved a mandatory-helmet repeal bill, H.B. 267 The bill would require helmets for riders younger than 21, but would allow those 21 and older the option of riding without a helmet.
In a story in the Raleigh News & Observer, the bill sponsor- state Rep.John Torbett said, “It’s not a matter of wearing a helmet or not wearing a helmet. It’s just a matter of, ‘Does a state tell you to wear it?”

S.B. 273 would allow lane splitting in congested traffic if the motorcyclist is traveling no faster than 20 mph and no more than 5 mph faster than surrounding vehicles. The provision would apply only on limited-access highways. The companion bill is H.B.1270. The AMA fully supports both bills.

Utah became the second U.S. state to formally recognize a type of lane splitting,with the governor’s signature on a bill legalizing the filtering of motorcycles between lanes of stopped traffic. H.B. 149 allows motorcyclists traveling no faster than 15 mph to filter between lanes of stopped traffic traveling in the same direction on roads where the speed limit is 45 mph or less.

The Virginia Senate and house of Delegates passed bills prohibiting motorists from touching their cell phones while driving. The bills would allow the use of hands-free mode.
State law currently prohibits only reading email or text messages or manually entering letters or text in a hand-held personal communications device while driving. It is still legal to operate phones while stopped or while reporting an emergency.

Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

Motorcycle Parking Tips

Motorcycle Parking Tips

Article is from the AMA

Where is the best spot to park a motorcycle within a parking lot space?

Park so the rear of your bike ( or the front, if you’ve backed your bike into the space) is at the entrance of the space, similar to where the rear of the average car would be positioned.
In this way, a driver or other rider hunting for a space will see your bike and not start to enter the space and then come upon your bike at the last moment. If you are traveling with other riders, park two to a space, when possible, to minimize the group’s “footprint.”
In some lots the spaces are narrow, so there may not be enough room for two motorcycles to park side-by-side and still leave enough room for the doors of the adjacent cars to open. In that case, try staggering the bikes fore-and-aft.
Also when leaving a parking space, be alert for motorists distracted by their own quest to find a parking spot.
Keep it between the lines.
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

Up Coming Events

July 7: 10th Annual Biker Sunday in Memory of Michael T. Theodore Jr., Ashtabula Chapter; Jefferson, Ohio

July 31 – August 3: ASR National Rally; Maryville, TN                                                                Sept 5-8: ASR Ride to Arkansas
Sept 21-22: 2nd Annual Biker Sunday; Clendenin, WV
Sept 23-28: UPCI General Conference; Indianapolis, Indiana                                          Oct 16-18: ASR Fall Retreat Winnie, Texas
All event information can be viewed  on our ASR website or on our facebook pages. If you have an event and it is not listed or you are planning a event and would like it listed please email your information to the board or to myself so we can get your event information listed.
Thank you,
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain

4th Annual Biker Sunday New Straitsville

Thank you all who came in support of us and supported M4M’s.  It was great honor to have all 4 board members in attendance as well as close to a hundred in service. I would like to thank my dear friend Bro Mike Markham for coming and delivering a great message from God to us. Altar service was amazing with refillings and literally sitting at the King’s table!  Our saturday ride was great 150 mile ride with outreach opportunity’s taken!

Invitations to Kings table.

  Board and associates.

Awesome presence!

God’s table being blessed.

Big Muskie bucket.

ASR Board

Outreach ride turnout.

Greetings from Sis. Laureen.

Greetings from Bro. Randy


Greetings from Bro Robert.

Kings table

Kings table being blessed

Asr board


Thank you all from the

Hocking Hills Chapter! God bless! It’s all for souls!

ASR Thailand – Great Time of Outreach and Fellowship

On this side of the world, ASR Thailand has been busy organizing rides with other motorcycle enthusiasts. Our love for riding is also an instrument in reaching more souls for Christ. Two years ago, I started a riding club and now has grown to a good number. Some may just see it as a weekend hobby- but we have a deeper reason for meeting as many as we can. Souls. Precious souls!

Ride safe everyone!
Bro Steve Kabasen, ASR Thailand

Sawadee Khap (Good morning/afternoon/evening in Thai language)!

The Azusa Street Riders of Thailand have been very busy the past weeks meeting riders on various groups rides and meet-ups that we have organized. We are all based in Bangkok and we often organize weekend rides out of the city to various locations. Some of the riders we have met during these rides have expressed their interest in coming to church, and some have already been to church.

I started an informal riding club about over a year ago and for the past few months, we have seen many members joining. The group is composed mainly of Filipinos and some Thais. Both from our churches and non-church people. This is a ministry for me, while enjoying riding our bikes here in Thailand. A few unbelievers have expressed their observation comparing our group to others here in Bangkok. We don’t drink and our wives wear skirts all the time, even when riding. When they ask why so, we see it as an opportunity to share what we believe, about God, salvation, life. We have just started this motorcycle ministry, but it has been a way for us to meet many people- to invite them to church, to pray for them and to minister to them in many ways.

Before every ride, before every meal, the non-church riders already know we pray first. It may have been awkward at first but now, it is a part of every activity we do. I always look forward to every prayer we do with the group. It is a great opportunity to declare that the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY god and Savior!

We would appreciate your prayers for our group here in Thailand and looking forward to many riders and their friends born into God’s kingdom!

On behalf of ASR of Thailand- May the Lord continue to bless each one of you!!!


Image may contain: one or more people, motorcycle and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, motorcycle and outdoor

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people sitting, table, outdoor and food

Image may contain: one or more people, motorcycle, sky, outdoor and nature