Up Coming Events

July 29- Aug 1       ASR National Rally Nashville, Indiana
Aug 27- 29            1st Annual Biker Sunday Warren, Ohio
Sept 19- 20          West Virginia Biker Sunday Clennenin, WV
Sept  22-25          UPCI General Conference St Louis, MO


Remember when you are planning your next biker event. Please give your information to the board. This way we can get your event listed on our website and here on the rumblings and on both of our facebook sites.
Thank you,
Michael Theodore
National Road Captain


Azusa StreetRiders Covid-19 Relief update

Forwarded from Rodante de Guzman Azusa StreetRiders Philippines Area Coordinator:

I already sent the financial support to the ASR members here in the Philippines. . on behalf of Azusa Street Riders Phils. We thank you for the financial support. These are some of the members who already received their financial support will send additional photo once I received their photo.



By Julie McGhghy

Blessings to all of my ASR friends. Mike and I love and miss you so much, but we are enjoying serving as Associates in Missions in Costa Rica.

I also started a new project.  I’ll be writing a new blog post on http://confidenceingod.com/ approximately every other week. As the name of the website suggests, I will be blogging about having confidence in God in many areas of our lives.

I spent many years of my Christian walk with faith, but not confidence. I had faith that God was all He said He was and would do all He said He would do. But I wasn’t confident that He would do those things for or through me. Through the years He has shown me His faithfulness, His desire for each of us to complete our walk with Him, that I can relax in Him because He will keep me with Him, and that He will work for and through me. Now my heart’s passion is to share with others what I have learned in order to walk with confidence in God.

The first post in the website asks, “Do you lack confidence in God?” and provides 8 scriptures to demonstrate how God loves and protects us. God used so many of you to help me build confidence in Him as I rode with the ASR and served as the National Ladies’ Chaplain. I’d like to help you grow your confidence in God in return.

Please visit the Confidence in God page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BuildConfidenceInGod/) and the website (http://confidenceingod.com/). Like, share, comment, send me a private message. And you will receive an additional article entitled, 5 Steps to Experience More Confidence in God when you sign up to receive updates about the website.

Culture of Caring by Carmen Hamby

During this time of COVID-19 there are so many people in anguish. Not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually. Hardships on families financially, stress in the home and people looking to place blame to feel the slightest bit of comfort and justification in their minds.

Is is so important for us as Christians to show strength, faith and unity. The churches have taken a hit with the accusations regarding the pandemic. It has been asked: If you have faith, why are you closing your doors? If your God is a healer – why are Christians dying? If you God is so mighty – why is He doing this? It rains on the just and unjust. God is not a respecter of persons.(Acts 10:34)

It is so important for our speech, actions, and response to folks negative comments be received without offense, responding in a positive manner exactly as Christ did. To be like Jesus – to be like Jesus on earth I long to be like him! Let’s bind together and pray for healing through the chaos in our world. People are being stirred and experiencing feelings of desperation for something they can believe in and seek refuge in.

I know souls will be saved through this tragedy and it will be the beginning of a break through in our churches like never before! Revival is coming! I want to be right in the middle of it! God said, “in the last days I will pour out my spirit on ALL people. (Acts 2:17)

Like the scripture, When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him! (Isaiah 59:18). What if we move the comma? ** When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of God will raise a standard against him! God is moving like a flood!

Thru tragedy comes TRIUMPH! I pray God’s blessings and protection on each of you.

We are believing for the following prayer request:

Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and a hunger to know God more intimately.

President, Donald Trump
Vice President Pence
All government representatives

All Health Care Workers, Policeman and First Responders

Rev. Mike McGhghy and Rev. Julie McGhghy-AIMers to Costa Rica

Home Missions
Rev. Mike Markham-Turning Point Fellowship- Clanton, AL
Rev. Johnny Carr-Apostolic Church of Tatum- Tatum, TX


Destiny Hearon 18 – Her dad was hit by a truck while rididng his bicycle and killed on contact. Please lift her up in prayer. She is Sis. Esther Carr’s grandson’s girlfriend.
Tom Thompson-complete healing in body
Lydia Diaz-undergoing chemotherapy
Delbert Hayes-undergoing chemotherapy for Leukemia
Anthony Storey-Recovering from motorcycle accident
Kaila Markham Miller-Healing from two brain surgeries
Rev. Johnny Carr- Vertigo & Headaches
Sis. Esther Carr – Chronic Pain
Joyce Knight-Recovering from hip surgery

Family Members passed in 2020
Rev. Mike Markham’s sister Karen Elaine Yaworski passed April 25 COVID-19

Family Members passed in 2019
Jon & Serrena Weber’s daughter
Krysta a Arkham’s father
Joe Endicotts mother
Lisa Endicotts mother
Doug Solomon’s father
Anthony Storey’s father

Chaplain Carman Hamby

ASR Philippines Update

I received this email today after posting the one from Missionary Mark Namie concerning the sitution in the Philippines . Our Brothers and Sisters are in dyer need of help.

Contact me via  email robert@azusastreetriders.com and I will do whatever I can do to help facilitate your offering and no amount is to small.

Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus!
I just want to update about the ASR Philippines..

The Taal Volcano eruption
The volcano erupted again on the afternoon of January 12, 2020, 43 years after the 1977 eruption, many of people reside within the volcano perimeter 12km danger zone lost their home/ livelyhood are affected, churches are destroyed, but by the grace of God no casualties on the ASR members. All ASR memebers contributed to raised fund to buy essentials goods so we can give it to our brethren in need to ease their situation.
UPCPI General conference in Davao.
A group of ASR (pastor & non-Pastor) attended the conference and being tap to help in crown control and assisting VIP personnel, we had a chance to meet & greet the ASR member from Luzon, Visayas, & Mindano for the first time. 4 new member join the ASR 3 are UPC pastor & 1 non pastor. The conference is successfull and we recieved spiritual blessings from the lectures & preachings.

The crisis of the COVID 19 Pandemic.
March 17, 2020, the President of the Philippines announced that the whole NCR will be under the Enhance Community Quarantine due to the rapid spread of the deadly virus, many people was lock down & no one is allowed to go out except to those have quarantine pass given by the Local Gov’t.. only 1 pass per family, schools /office/malls are closed and mass gathering is prohibited including the church services. in the first week of ECQ implementation ASR riders are still allowed to go out, so we are able to distribute relief to our church members who are affected since many of them are no work no pay, but as weeks go by many of the ASR members is now struggling to survive, food from the government are delayed for a week, so I try to help to distribute goods together with bro Bernie Gavero ( ASR Vice Pres)we are now on the 7th week of the lock down and we are now also in the struggilng situation, but still ASR Ph officers are doing our best to help. Please pray for the ASR Phils members & brethren for God’s provision.

Being a 3rd world economy country, 1 month without income will be a struggle.. I believed US and some countries on 1st world economy can still survive in our current situation. Im now appealing to all ASR members world wide under the 1st world economy.. a cent will help to ease the needy – ASR Philippines ..
God bless every one and stay Safe in Jesus name.
In Christ,
Rodante de Guzman
ASR Philippine Coordinator

Spiritual Guerrilla Warfare!

“Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military. ”

I’m sure I’m not the only one that has been praying and seeking the face of the Lord in these unprecedented times. As I’ve pondered and sought the Lord concerning the “Stay at Home” and “Social Distancing” demands that government has imposed due to the COVID-19 “pandemic”, I have felt compelled to share this thought. God is using this situation to help us reevaluate two areas that we have neglected…Family and How we Do Church.

Families have been drifting away from a Biblical pattern for too long. The dad has stepped out of his “Priest of the Home” responsibilities and handed it over to Sunday School Teachers, Youth Pastors, and Bishops. Nothing wrong with any of these valuable leadership roles, but because we are too busy we lazily gave up the role of spiritual leadership that must start in the home. The other area is we have learned to play and eat together. All have been a valuable reinjection of love and family, that is Biblically sound experiences.

Church…for too long we have become predictable. We chuckle at having three songs, an offering, testimony service, and a sermon, but our predictability has gone far beyond the service order. The Church, for far too many, has become a place to go and have a shout, dance, light show, and awesome preaching. All of which, again, I’m not speaking against. But, the greatest revival the “Church” has ever known is found in the Book of Acts where the believers went house to house, walked the streets healing the sick, and daily saw the miraculous in action. It wasn’t a once, twice, or three times a week thrill seeking experience for those first believers. It was a daily, moment by moment, seeking the will of God and being led of the Spirit to do His bidding. A moving organism that could not be controlled and certainly could not be predicted as to its next move.

In all of this pandemic, it is my heartfelt belief that the Church must be engaged in Spiritual Guerrilla Warfare! If we look at the enemy (Satan and those who follow his Worldly command), we will know that we are outnumbered by a much larger force. The Church has become so predictable that we’ve made the Devils job easy! All he has to do is show up in a board meeting or cause one person to act up in a service and faith goes out the window. When the larger army can’t predict what the saints of God will do next, he cannot control. When the Holy Ghost is leading in such a way that our strikes are unpredictable, with precision…cutting off the enemies supply chain, confusing the enemy as to where we will hit next….taking a turn at the corner and heading to a backsliders home to pray with them, parking the motorcycle in front of a bar and anointing the walls with oil and praying against the spirit of alcoholism, riding around the drug dealers block and commanding the drug supply chain to dry up, taking the message to a lost world instead of waiting for them to show up at “church”. Unpredictable! Relentless! Smaller in number, yet frustrating the enemy on every hand!

I pray that ASR members and associates will break out of the mold of predictability. Stepping away from a Laodicean mindset where we are at ease with our routines. But that we will become a pesky force to be reckoned with! A body of believers that are willing to turn our motorcycle into a ministry. A bunch of “misfits” perhaps, that have caught the fire of the Holy Ghost to such a degree that it is said, “These be they that turn the world upside down, and they have come hither also!”

Don’t seek predictable military strategy. Seek to become a menace to the enemy…and take it to the enemy by means of “Spiritual Guerrilla Warfare”!!

Mark A Hardin
International Chaplain/Illinois Coordinator

2020 National Rally Accommodations Information

We are only 3 months away from our ASR National Rally!!!

As we draw closer, I recommend that you consider making reservations early, and if something happens as we get closer, you can always cancel. We have a block of rooms at the Seasons Lodge that I’ve been monitoring with their sales team and in the next month they will be pressing to begin to release some of the block of rooms if it appears that we are not getting as many reservations as anticipated. Here is a breakdown of information you will need to make a sound decision.

Seasons Lodge:
1-800-365-7327 (Special Rates under Azusa Streetriders)
Standard Rooms Wed-Thurs @ $90/night
Fri @ $119/night
(Standard rooms have one queen size bed or two queen size beds)
Deluxe Rooms Wed-Thurs @ $99/night
Fri @ $139/night
(Deluxe Rooms are bigger rooms, also have small fridge, microwave, and private balcony. A few King size but most 2 queen size beds)
Two two room Suites at $199.00 per night
All rooms are plus 12% tax

For those looking for camping…I have listed several locations below. The one in Gnaw Bone is the closest to the church so its listed it first.
You can check with Brown County State Park, but from all that I saw it was already booked! Needless to say, this is a popular place.

For those who are looking for bike rentals…I have been in contact with the Harley Davidson Dealers in the Indianapolis area and they have instructed to go to the following link to make inquiries and rentals…

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
Mark Hardin (Regional Coordinator)
cell # 618-292-7415

Azusa StreetRiders Missionary to the Philippines

In 2013 Bro Mark Naimy’s Missionary to the  Philippians was presented with three motorcycles through our Motorcycles for Missionary program to be put to work there to save souls. The bikes we gave them have been instrumental in saving souls. I the opportunity to talk to Bro Naimy the other day and we now have an opportunity being presented to us to save souls in a different way.

I received this from Bro Naimy and felt compelled to reach out to the Azusa StreetRiders members and friends to ask that we do whatever we can to be a blessing to souls in the Philippines. I also know it’s been difficult for many of us over the last six to eight weeks but take what we have been through and multiply it ten fold and imagine what it’s like in a third world country. No offering is to small so all I can ask is do what you can do.

From the pen of Bro Naimy

In recent days, I’ve heard several of my American friends make light-hearted comments about the weight they have gained during the corona virus lockdowns.

While I fully understand and appreciate that struggle, this illustrates one of the big differences between the situation in the United States and that in underdeveloped nations.

Though being out of work has caused inconveniences for everyone, and true hardship for some, most Americans are finding ways to get through this multi-week period without income.  Our government has provided cash assistance. Many people have at least some savings they can tap into.  And in a crunch, most of us can use a credit card to buy groceries.  But, it isn’t that way in many parts of the world outside of the USA.

Most workers in the Philippines earn the equivalent of $5-10 per day, in normal times.  Now, with almost everybody out of work, and government assistance being scarce to non-existant, many people, including some of our members, are going hungry.

If the situation doesn’t improve soon, people will literally begin starving to death.

We have been doing everything we can to get cash assistance to our churches in the Philippines so they can purchase and distribute food to their members and to folks in their communities, but much more is needed.

I realize everyone is feeling “the pinch” right now, but if there ever was a time for sacrificial giving, it is now, when people are in great need.

God bless you for caring!

Philippines for Christ
Missionaries Mark & Debra Naimy
Help us get food to those in need.
Many people in underdeveloped countries are going hungry right now, due to the Covid-19 crisis.

Philippines for Christ has already distributed thousands of dollars worth of food to truly needy people.

Help us reach more!

Watch this short video to learn more.

Donate here.


A Thankful Heart

A thankful heart goes a long way with most people. Nothing quite like it when you are a blessing to someone and they respond with a sincere expression of thankfulness. For example many of us have experienced perhaps a Birthday or Christmas when an unexpected gift is given to a child and the reaction is such that it brings joy to our hearts that our efforts are rewarded in an expression of thankfulness. At the same time all of us have probably experienced when we have gone out of our way to do what we thought was something nice for someone when yet that individual response might’ve been ho-hum or perhaps not even acknowledge. This can be very disheartening and discouraging. Regardless if it’s family, friends, coworker or even someone we’ve never met, passing on the street. A lack of thankfulness is hard to accept regardless who it’s from.

The funny thing is the Lord is somewhat the same way, throughout our day the Lord drops little blessings upon us. We can be in those times not sensitive to what’s going on around us. Perhaps because we’re busy or God forbid we might write that off as our good fortune, being in the right place at the right time but the Bible says: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of lights with home is no varied in this neither shadow of turning. James 11:7 (KJV)

If the scripture is true, which it is, that tells me as a Child of God the good things that come our way, those little blessings throughout the day, are not by chance but they are either one of two things. A direct blessing from our Lord or allowing our circumstance to be a blessing onto us. These blessings can come in many shapes and sizes something as trivial perhaps as pulling into a crowed parking lot and finding a spot at the front entrance.

Maybe opening the mail and receiving a refund check for something that you weren’t even expecting and don’t quite understand how it all happen. Some people might construe this as just being fortunate or lucky however as a child of God we need to recognize from whence our blessings come as James wrote in James 11:7 and we need to be thankful.

Not only that, you see it’s easy to be thankful for the big blessings the Lord brings our way however we need to be mindful of the little things, the day in and day blessing that we receive. Those that if were not to careful go by us unnoticed and unacknowledged. You see if were thankful for the little blessings it can set the stage for the Lord to do more. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. Luke 16:10

So some might ask “So should I thank God every time something good happens in my life regardless of the circumstance. The answer is YES. Go as far as to ask yourself, why shouldn’t I ? Psalms 105:10 states “give thanks unto the Lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people” (KJV) Perhaps stopping and taking a moment to be thankful to the Lord for allowing you to be blessed might be an opportunity to be a witness to someone who doesn’t know the Lord. Remember a Thankful Heart goes a long way.

In addition we cannot even enter into his presence without a thankful heart Psalms 100:4 states “enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful on him and bless his name” That let’s me know that in order to gain access into that inter circle we should have a thankful heart gets us the introduction than praise gets us a seat at the table.

The Lord laid all this on my heart a couple of weeks ago this simple thought: Be thankful for the little things that come our way. If we are diligent to look for it the Lord will not only show us but will increase our awareness. In doing to we set the stage to draw closer to the Lord and who would not want to do that ? My prayer is that this article is received as the Lord has expressed it to me.

God Bless you all and God Bless America