Saturday November 14 at New Harvest Apostolic Church
372 old route 66 Saint Robert, MO 65584
Kickstands up at 10AM
More Information contact
David Scott 318-820-6783 OR Christan Romanowski 573-855-2483
Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ ~ Official Site
Saturday November 14 at New Harvest Apostolic Church
372 old route 66 Saint Robert, MO 65584
Kickstands up at 10AM
More Information contact
David Scott 318-820-6783 OR Christan Romanowski 573-855-2483
The end of another year is upon us. Time surely has a way of quickly passing. There is still so much work to be done-so many souls still to be reached.
I am thankful for the ASR ministry and the outlet it provides to reach those that we may have never even encountered in other settings.
so many different types of people- battered, broken, depressed, empty and totally abandoned. But no matter the case, they ALL have one thing in common- they need to know Jesus! We are here to show them the love and compassion of Christ. People are searching for something, they are hungry in these perilous times we are living. We need to show them a love far more than they have ever felt. Only Jesus can fill their loneliness, emptiness, desperate need in their lives. Let our lights shine in this dark and gloomy world that they can see Jesus through our daily living. We may be the only bible that some ever see.
Let’s unite in prayer for the lost and hurting!
We also need to be in prayer for the upcoming election and our president.
The devil is on a rampage to destroy and we must bind every stronghold
Please join in prayer and fasting for the following needs:
Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy
Aimers to Costa Rica
Bro. Fred Bealle -complete healing in body
Bro. Doug Solomon-brain tumor
Baby Rosie Gilbert -still in ICU (parents ASR members in New Haven, CT)
Bro. Tom Thompson-complete healing in body.
Sis. Lydia Diaz-complete healing in body.
Bro. Delbert Hayes-chemo treatment
Chaplain Carman Hamby
If you can remember the Azusa StreetRiders raised $7,500.00 in out Missionary service Thursday night for Brother Scotty Grihm at our Annual Conference in Nashville, IN. I feel this is a great example of how Jesus takes the little that we give and multiplies it for his kingdom.
Here is an update from the field:
We bought it new for $1,175 and gave him n additional $100.The third bike we purchased went to Pastor Abraham our Regional Leader of the Kaikaluru region of Southern India.
Pastor Chad Akers
Shelburn, IN
Well of Life Pentecostal Church – Shelburn, IN
Pastor Chad Akers
Sis Jody Akers
Shelburn, IN
Well of Life Pentecostal Church – Shelburn, IN
Pastor Chad Akers
Bro Delbert Hayes & Sis Tina Hayes
Pinch, WV
Clendenin Pentecostal Church – Clendenin, WV
Pastor F.L. Walker
Pastor Bill Monk & Sis Chere’ Monk
Dunbar, WV
Clendenin Pentecostal Church – Clendenin, WV
Pastor Bill Monk
Sis Christina Scott (Wife of Bro David Scott)
Jefferson City, MO
Landmark Church – Jefferson City, MO
Pastor Scott Breedlove
It is with great anticipation that we look toward BTSM 2021! This annual event was birthed out of compassion and faith, and has been a mainstay event throughout the last several years for the ASR Ministry. Each year the focus of prayer and supplication, taking our needs before the Lord, and Binding the enemy of our soul and our communities has brought a tremendous amount of understanding within our ministry and beyond. Each year many have traveled great distances to participate, and each event has given great encouragement and strength. This coming year is no exception…and it is our desire to take BTSM to the next level!!
Mark your calendars and set March 5th and 6th aside and plan to participate in Bind The Strong Man 2021!!!
Much more information will be to come, but we have decided to make several changes…the first is that we will have, not only one location, but, five locations across the United States, and we are looking at locations internationally. All of these will be on the same dates with the same theme at each location. Our goal is to bring it close enough for everyone within ASR to participate….and, we do believe that it will impact your life in a great way.
Please set these dates aside and we will share more information in the upcoming months!!
If you would ask several different people how to measure success, you would no doubt get several different answers. With each event, comes the desire for everything to go smoothly, everyone to have a good time, to enjoy riding, and have good fellowship and church. However, everything we deem important for success, dims in comparison to how God views it. This year, we had some great fellowship, some awesome riding, and good times. We had some breakdowns on our ride, and I began to be concerned with making sure everyone was having a good time. It was in that moment, God reminded me, it’s not about the ride, it’s about souls. To see a young lady give her heart to God during Biker Sunday service made everything fade in the distance, as we rejoiced with her. Sometimes we have to be reminded, although there is good times when we ride with our brothers and sisters, we do what we do for the harvest of souls. Looking forward to what God is going to do in this ministry!
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the ASR members that went to the hospital Friday evening to pray for mom, the staff, the patients, and Bro Beall. God met with us there, and I am believing the report of the Lord!
I want to give special thanks and honor to Bro Randy Hennigan, for bringing an anointed Word from the Lord.
It was an honor to become a chapter during our Biker Weekend. I want to welcome our new members of the Appalachian Chapter.
Kathy Roat, Roger & Wanda White, Hubie & Andrea Harper, Delbert & Tina Hayes, Bill & Chere Monk
God Bless,
Jeremiah Hayes (Bullfrog)
Fall is here crisper air and falling leaves are the telltale signs that summer is over and fall is here. Before you have to worry about snow and ice, you may need to prepare for wet roads and slippery leaves littering your favorite stretch of road.
Riding your motorcycle in autumn means being prepared for fluctuating temperatures and getting caught in the rain now and then.
Make sure you are wearing adaptable gear, such as a riding jacket with a removable liner and a helmet with close able vents, so that you can adjust to the temperature at various times of day. You may want to consider keeping rain gear with you as well.
Fallen leaves can obscure the surface of the road. Be careful when riding over and through leaves, as they may be covering potholes or imperfections in the road, and wet leaves may affect your wheels’ traction.
You’ll also need to keep your eyes out for wildlife, because some animals become more active during the fall as they are migrating or looking for food before the long winter. At this time of year, for example, deer can be particularly active at dawn and dusk — so keep your eyes peeled and use extra caution. So be prepared so you can enjoy your fall time ride and take in some beautiful scenery. This is my favorite time of year to ride.
Keep it between the lines
Michael Theodore
National Public Relations Coordinator
We are already getting ready for October! Where has this year gone?
It has been such a stressful, uncertain year for most. Our world is completely out of sorts so it seems. Much sadness with the Covid-19 and how it has, in one way or another, affected almost each and every one of us in some form or fashion. Many lives changed forever through the sickness.
The riots, the total disrespect for our government and our leaders. We must continue to pray for our President and family, our troops, and the ones fighting battles right here close to home. All the situations our children are seeing and having to deal with are upsetting to them and they don’t understand. The changes in what they are having to face as “normal” now has a huge impact on them. We need to step in and surround them with prayer. Our prayers may be all the covering that many of these people receive.
My heart hurts when I see the chaos in the world. Seems people have lost their sense of love, respect and compassion for their friends and neighbors.
The bible says that in the last days, perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high,indee, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. (2 Timothy 3: 1-4)
I believe we are truly in the last days and it is so important to be the care and compassion, the joy in this dark world that so many are seeking.
My desire is to be a witness and if I can help one soul, that is one less lost and going to hell. I pray that the world sees Jesus in us!
Please join in prayer and fasting for the following needs:
Rev. Mike and Rev. Julie McGhghy
Aimers to Costa Rica
Bro. Fred Bealle -complete healing in body
Bro. Doug Solomon-brain tumor
Baby Rosie Gilbert -still in ICU (parents ASR members in New Haven, CT)
Bro. Tom Thompson-complete healing in body.
Sis. Lydia Diaz-complete healing in body.
Bro. Delbert Hayes-chemo treatment
Jon & Serena Weber’s daughter
Krysta Markham’s father
Joe Endicott’s mother
Lisa Endicott’s mother
Doug Solomon’s father
Anthony Stoney’s father
Chaplain Carman Hamby
Pastor Emory & Sis Tami Aldrick
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church – Washington IN
Pastor Emory (Pete) Aldrich
Bro Robert & Sis Angie Foster
Indianapolis, IN
Southwest Apostolic Church – Indianapolis, IN
Pastor James Young
Bro Roger & Sis Wanda White
Charleston, WV
Smithers Church of Jesus Christ – Smithers, WV
Pastor Ronald Price
Sis Kathy Roat
Cannelton, WV
Smithers Church of Jesus Christ – Smithers, WV
Pastor Ronald Price
Bro Hubert & Sis Andrea Harper
Charleston, WV
Smithers Church of Jesus Christ – Smithers, WV
Pastor Ronald Price
Bro John Fouch III
Wayne, WV
Apostolic Life Cathedral – Huntington, WV
Pastor Edwin S Harper
Bro Joe & Sis Casie Blake
Huntington, WV
Apostolic Life Cathedral – Huntington, WV
Pastor Edwin S Harper
I think we’re in good hands.
We have world changing students at Apostolic Christian Academy, Maryville, TN — Recently, in their Bible class they were asked to write an essay concerning idols in Paul’s day, compared to idols in 2020. Here is one response from an anointed young lady who lives a godly life:
“In the Bible days the people’s idols were shrines, golden images, and gods made out of stone. Today our idols could be our cell phones, tv shows, movies, music, sports, social media, or anything else we put before God. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the moment that we never think about the future. We can get so stirred up in worldly things that we never think about God.
God has called us to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and peculiar people!
We can’t let the things of this world overtake our lives. We need to stop worrying about how many followers we have, why he or she doesn’t like me, how many likes I have, and why I can’t play sorts like they can; we need to focus on what God has in store for our life and how we can fulfill the calling he’s placed upon us.
An idol is like an unhealthy food or drink, if you are constantly eating and drinking unhealthy things you are not going to be a very healthy person. When we constantly have idols in our lives it will develop an unhealthy relationship with God. It’s okay to have social media (if you use it in a good way), play sports or watch tv but it does not need to be all we’re concerned about.