Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ ~ Official Site
Greetings in Jesus name! I can not believe we are at the end of June already. Time sure is flying by—the only positive thing about time passing so quickly is that is getting that much closer to Jesus coming to take us home!
The shape that this world is in, I know many are saying, “ Come Lord Jesus”! I’m sure that all of you agree with me that it seems like this world has lost its mind. The things that once were good are mocked and criticized and the things that I was taught were sin and immoral, are now in the front-being fought for and justified. There is so much evil and corruption in our daily living and its only getting worse. People are finding it hard to distinguish right from wrong, moral from immoral and holy from unholy.
2 Timothy 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own-selves , covetous, boasters, proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
It is so very sad that immorality is so “common”. Christians or anyone with an ounce of morals are the strange ones. The grasp that sin has on some hearts and minds is unbelievable. It can take a person and twist them into a being that is unrecognizable. I have a person in my every day life like this. I know from experience what sin can do to a mind and heart.
My daughter, Lindsey was raised 3rd generation in an Apostolic church, she has been filled with the holy ghost, shouted, prayed people through to the holy ghost and been a soul winner. She let sin creep in and started listening to others. At 17, she was completely backslidden and “finding herself” . At the age of 20 she moved to California to live in a homosexual relationship. She is still currently living there.
How could my baby girl, be gay? I questioned God, I argued with God and still don’t understand. I have dealt with the evil spirit of homosexuality for many years with her. It twists a mind almost like it rewires a way of thinking. I don’t argue and tell her she is wrong…… she knows. But she has a way of twisting EVERYTHING and making justifications for her lifestyle. From the start she knew where we stood and where we still stand. Love the sinner hate the sin… unless you have experienced dealing with the evil it brings, its hard to understand. Evil from this lifestyle is real, the failed attempts of suicide, the anger and blame toward me, but I also know that my God is real too!
There have been three different prophecies over Lindsey and that she will have a testimony that will win souls and how she will help those struggling with this. I hold on to that. I dedicated her when she was a baby and my God will bring her back!
I said all that to say this. He is an on time God. I have to trust in him to work on HIS time, not mine. I believe that maybe I can help a mom that is facing difficulty with a child and homosexuality. God can take something bad and use it for the good. I want to be used through him, no matter the cost. Please cover Lindsey in your prayers.
Rev. Mike and Julie McGhghy Aimers to Costa Rica
Chaplain Carman Hamby
Bro Michael & Sis Colton Frizzell
Vivian, LA
Pentecostals of Bossier City – Bossier City, LA
Pastor Jerry Dean
Bro Shane & Sis Carrie Hayden
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church – Washington, IN
Pastor Peter Aldrich
Bro Nicholas Smith
Washington, IN
Victory Community Church – Washington, IN
Pastor Peter Aldrich
Bro David & Sis Alicia Locke
Old River – Winfree, TX
Peace Tabernacle – Baytown, TX
Pastor Kenneth Grant
Pastor Gene & Sis Reta Alphin
Lincoln, NE
The Life Church of Lincoln – Lincoln, NE
Pastor Gene Alphin
Bro Ken Johnson
Denison, TX
Truth Church – Denison, TX
Pastor Darren Gilbert
Forgive me Lord …
I have sat down and attempted to write this for several days only to have a hindering spirit press against my goal of putting to paper what the Lord laid upon my heart. I pray this softens someone’s heart in what might be a difficult situation.
Forgive Me Lord …. I think for many of us this might have been some of the first words we ever expressed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Coming to the Lord broken, many of our lives upside down looking for a way out of a sinful lifestyle, tired of all the shame and heartaches that plagued us in life. Whatever the reason that drove you to an alter of repentance for the first time I can only imagine that these words would have at some point been expressed.
Our heartfelt desire to be forgiven for the things we had done, the lifestyle we had lived especially for those that weren’t raised in the church like myself and many others within this membership. Given an opportunity to knee before the King of Kings and ask him to forgive us for all the ugly, sinful, hateful acts in our lives and he was faithful and just to not only forgive us of those sins but to wash them away he threw them into a sea of forgetfulness. How grateful we felt for that, to be forgiven and yet it seems we have, at time the inability of forgiving those around us for so much less. Those we feel have offended us one way or another. Whether it be the warranted or manufactured in our own hearts and minds, we need to be careful, after all;
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it. (Jer 17:9)
You see I don’t even know how much the Lord had forgiven me of, many of you know my past, however the Lord knows everything every dark, dirty unmentionable secret within my heart that he has forgiven me of. I am not just talking about the first time but included is every time since. I ask the Lord to search my heart everyday and forgive me of my sins. You see I do not want anything to come between the Lord and myself that would hinder our relationship. I suppose that is why I have a difficult time watching brother next brother both in church, both filled with the Holy Ghost having a fault one to another, the inability to forgive and allowing our foolish pride to hinder asking someone for forgiveness and if forgiveness is asked the inability to in fact do so, after all the Lord did so much more for us.
Jesus Christ hung on a cross so we would not have to, why, so we could humble ourselves and ask him for forgiveness, the first step in the plan of salvation. In addition not everything we repent of and ask for with respect to forgiveness needs to be sinful in nature; sometimes it’s attitudes and actions that need a check and balance. Perhaps a time out could be in order to do a personal inventory and compare those results to the word of God. Were quick to and assured of that the Lord has forgiven us, but has he ?
Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.(Matt 5:23,24)
I don’t think there is much wiggle room here in this scripture. It’s pretty much cut and dry. How can I hold ought against my brother and expect the Lord to forgive me. How can I not forgive my brother after all the Lord did for me the only thing I can come up with is pride? To proud to go to a brother who might not even be fully aware of the offense or perhaps is hurting as much as we are only to pray that the gulf between us could be closed, but because were a stiffed neck generation that wound remains open seeping until is becomes infected with hurt, anger, strife, ill will and so much more. The Lord shows us forgiveness everyday should we not in turn show others the same courtly.
Does the Bible not say that we should be Christ like where does that line end, where do we stop being Christ like and become what he hates to see in us? Love one anther as I have loved you,
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another (James 5:34,35)
Some might say I can love them but I just don’t like them, it doesn’t really work like that. We need to learn to forgive and forget it’s difficult but is possible. Because my word say;
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. (Matt 19:26)
My Pastor early in my walk told me that earnestly praying for a person that has offended might not affect that individual’s attitude towards me (but it might) but it most certainly helps the way I look at them. I learned a long time ago you can’t earnestly pray for someone and not have it affect your attitude toward him or her. In other words I cannot pray sincerely for someone and not have the Lord soften my heart toward him or her, I have never known it not to work. You may not become best friends but one can walk brother with brother in the sight of Christ.
I closing I want to say if while reading this someone comes to your mind that maybe there is some riff between you. You don’t really know how to take that first step let me say just call them (don’t text) and talk to them from your heart let them know if there is an offense please forgive me. It will take some humility perhaps, especially if you are not at fault. Remember it might not be for them it’s more so for you. At that point in the sight of God you have fulfilled your requirements to make things right. If that individual refuses to acknowledge your attempt to set things straight it’s totally on his head, he will need to answer for that, you will not. You never know he or she might just be waiting for such a call and only eternity will tell whom all that one act might effect for the kingdom of God.
Registration is now open for the 2021 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally in Bossier City, Louisiana October 14-16. Instructions for pre registration- Log onto our website azusastreetriders.com and Click on events, scroll to National Rally and click on view details to register. Make sure to add the lunch/dinner plans you will be attending. Once you complete the registration make sure you receive an email to confirm you have completed the process and payment was received. Please contact me for any questions or if you need help with registration. We look forward to seeing you all at the National Rally!
25.00 Registration includes-Rally pin, Name tag, Business meeting donuts and coffee, Catered lunch for the Saturday business meeting.
God bless, Sis Laureen Theodore ASR International Treasurer
ASR Official report
Thank you to all who came to New Straitsville!
What a great service! 2 refilled and 1 first time Holyghost!
Friday night started with Pizza at the hotel, Saturday morning was the ride with prayer at Sis Phillips front lawn praying for her healing from cancer as first and most important stop of the day!
Then rode through the hills to Cornerstone church in Circleville Oh and had great lunch ready for us. Thank you Cornerstone and Gary and Sheri Miller!
Then we took different route through the hills back to Logan to get ready for meet and greet at Olde Dutch restaurant where buffet was provided by New Straitsville United Pentecostal Church.
Sunday morning Service! Oh what a service!
During the service I was able to give honor and thankfulness to Rev David and Sis Karen Murphy retired pastor and first lady in Niles Ohio as well as Rev David and Sis Jeanie Showalter retired pastor and first lady of Omaha Nebraska. These 2 couples have paved the way for so many souls to be saved and both have now passed the torch to their children to continue pastoring.
We were blessed to have Rev Mike and Sis Debbie Coram of Stedman North Carolina to bring us what God put on his heart 18 months ago for this service. Let me tell you, it was worth the wait! Thank you Bro Coram!
Thank you to all who helped and were involved in our biker weekend!
Please join us June 25&26, 2022 for our 6th annual Biker Sunday being preached by our Vice President Bro Randy Hennigan!
Next up
Indiana Northern Chapter Biker Sunday July 16-18
Wooster, Ohio Biker Sunday July 30-Aug 1st. Louisiana Biker Sunday Aug 8 MICHIGAN BIKER SUNDAY AUGUST 13-15 Illinois Biker Sunday Aug 20-22
West Virginia Biker Sunday September 18-19
ASR National Rally October 14-16 Bossier City,Louisiana
Michael Theodore
National Public Relations Coordinator
We were excited at our turnout for our biker weekend in Omaha. We had seven states represented ; Texas, Alabama, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska. Our meet and greet was fun, meeting new riders while enjoying pizza’s from Godfathers and Valentino’s both businesses originating here in Nebraska.
our Saturday morning ride kicked off and we headed toward out on our ride westward. We stopped in the town Wahoo to gas up get drinks and munchies. While there we met a group of riders who were from the Omaha metro area. We invited them to church and gave them church cards. Before leaving Bro Michael Theodore was getting ready to buy his drink when a lady spoke up and told him she was paying for it. She said she was happy to see someone promoting the gospel. We gathered in the parking lot and had prayer for the town of Wahoo before leaving. We then headed to Seward, Nebraska where Pastor Timothy Daywitt and church family had prepared a BBQ meal fit for a king. I am excited to report that ASR blessed the church there with a free will donation of $650.00. Pastor Daywitt said he was impressed with the friendliness of everyone and stated that anytime we wanted him to fix BBQ for a biker event he would be happy to do so. We gathered on the front steps of the church and prayed for Brother and Sister Daywitt. There were 23 bikes lined up at the church for the lunch and an estimated 30 riders.
After leaving Seward we headed back east and headed to a stop for the ladies, Bakers Chocolate Factory in Greenwood, Nebraska. There were lots of smiles.
Our Sunday service saw a close to full house. District Superintendent Myron Powell preached a wonderful message and God moved in the altar service. ASR really made an impact upon Nebraska. There were seven pastors involved in our weekend, four of those are on the district board. I look for this to be the start of great opportunity for ASR growing in Nebraska. Following our Sunday service and lunch provided by Apostolic Life Center, some of us headed out to the Black Hills. We stopped in Norfolk where Pastor Danny Wilson and wife, Rebeka, we’re holding their inaugural service of The Refuge Church. ASR members gathered around Bro and Sis Wilson and prayed for them. This is the ministry of ASR in action.
My thanks to Bro Clarence Earp for calling me last year bringing the idea of a biker weekend coupled with his Black Hills ride. Thanks also for Bro Michael Theodore’s help in my planning this event. His experience was extremely valuable to me.
Nebraska was truly blessed by ASR and look forward to becoming an active arm of this ministry here in the Midwest.
This is a group picture with our back patch showing so you can see where we are from.