The burden for lost souls

I have heard it said that the Azusa StreetRiders ministry is all about souls well I might be throwing a monkey wrench into your theology but ASR is not necessarily all about souls. Don’t grab the wood, stake and your Zippo lighter just yet hear me out.

The burden for lost souls must be within each and everyone of us regardless of what ministry we belong to, regardless of what activities or interest groups we surround ourselves with. The burden for lost souls is as individual to each and everyone of us as our walk with God. Our burden for the lost can not be based by our membership within ASR, we need to understand that this burden which is a God-given, God mandated command known as the Great Commission in the word of God  “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”.(Mark 16:15) This needs to apply to each of us regardless of membership.

You see Jesus mandated to individuals to go out into all the world and preach the gospel that was never directed to a particular ministry, a particular interest group or even a particular function of the church this mandate was given to individuals just like you and I. Let me take this a step further those absolutely knowing the truth, baptized in Jesus name, filled with the Holy Ghost and living an overcoming life in my opinion should be held to a higher standard. To go out and seek out the lost just like you and I were at one time, those lost living in darkness, not knowing the truth, bound for a lake of fire, we have read the back of the book.  Do you remember what that was like, I know I do? In addition each and everyone of us were lost regardless if you came in from a bar stood or sleeping under a pew on Sunday night we all needed to come to repentance and obey ACTS 2:38

We need to have a heart given desire to reach lost souls we must do our part through prayer, fasting, reading of the word of God daily and a strong foundation in a local Apostolic, tongue talking, baptizing in Jesus name, Holy Ghost filled church to give us a strong foundation to work from. Jesus will do the rest how do I know he said it! A strong desire for lost souls, sorry ASR cannot give you that, ASR however can certainly help equip you with the tools to assist you in your quest, if you have the desire.

We have a common thread that runs between all of us, motorcycles. We choose by the grace of God to allow Jesus Christ to take what we enjoy and put that to use for the kingdom of God. It’s true ASR has never won a soul however the God fearing members that have chosen to put what they have at God’s disposal (reminders me of a box lunch with 3 loves and a couple of fishes) and we allow God to put it to use which has through the Holy Ghost been able to reach the lost, see them baptized, filled with the Holy Ghost and are now part of the family of God.

I feel one of another great attributes or benefits of this ministry is how we encourage and equip each other to do battle. The Bible says “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend” Proverbs 27:17. You know what another word for this is “Fellowship” Yes the times were with each other we do talk about motorcycles, new gadgets, helmets and places to ride (Like Tennessee, Oh Yea can’t wait ! ) but we also talk about Our Father’s Business and that’s what fellowship is all about.

In closing my wife brought up a good point and I don’t want any of you “He Men” to look sideways at me but she said she not concerned about who I am with or what I am doing when I am with my Azusa StreetRiders family. Not that she needs to worry but wives are just funny that way I think even if they don’t let on, they like it when they know their man is going about doing the work of the Lord. I like the fact that she not only approves of my time given to this ministry but she encourages me to be a part of this ministry in any way I can and that’s a nice feeling.

God Bless each and every one of you keep up the good work, pray everyday, remember to fast and always be faithful to the house of God and especially your home church.

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ





Tentative 2019 National Rally Schedule

Tentative 2019 National Rally Schedule
Times may vary the closer we get to the National Rally

Wednesday July 31
7:00 PM – Prayer Meeting @ FAC
7:30 PM – Opening Service for the 2019 National Rally
Bro Kenneth Carpenter
ALJC General Supernatant
Meet & Greet immediately following – FAC Event Center

Thursday August 1st
8:30 AM – Road Safety Course
Highland Manor Inn
7766 East Lamar Alexander Parkway
Townsend, TN 37822
Instructors: Bro & Sis Diaz

9:30 AM – Kickstands Up
(Leaving from Highland Manor)
1:00 PM – Lunch
5:00 – 6:00 PM – Return to Highland Manor
7:00 PM – Prayer Meeting @ FAC
7:30 PM – Missionary Service
Bro Darry Crossley
UPCI Regional Director over South America, Retired
Dinner Served immediately following – FAC Event Center

Friday August 2nd
9:00 AM – Kickstands Up
(Leaving from TBA)
1:00 PM – Lunch
5:00 – 6:00 PM – Return to Highland Manor
7:00 PM – Prayer Meeting @ FAC
7:30 PM– Evangelist Service
Bro Joe Campetella
Evangelist and Pastor at the Pentecostals of Deland, FL
Dinner Served immediately following – FAC Event Center

Saturday August 3rd
2019 Annual Azusa StreetRiders Meeting
8:00 AM – Coffee & Donuts in the FAC Event Center
9:00 AM – Starts the 2019 ASR Annual Meeting

Lunch served immediately following the closing prayer
** Area ride will be offered for anyone wanting to go, open schedule

Greetings to you from the land of the big bamboo

Thailand Update

Here is an update from Bro Frizzell and Bro Kebasen from the Azusa StreetRiders, Bangkok, Thailand Chapter of which if you check out the New Members for April 2019 let’s welcome   Bro Dionaro Orcullo from Par Kret, Nonthaburi Province, outside of Bangkok, Thailand
From Bro Frizzell:
Greetings to you from the land of the big bamboo and traffic jams in South East Asia!
I am writing to you so you may understand what is going on here with your new ASR chapter in Thailand.
The guys that have joined ASR are English speaking people and predominantly Filipino.
The churches that they pastor are all English speaking.
Pastor Steve Kebasen pastors 3 churches and Pastor Dionaro Orcullo pastors at least 2 churches. Both these men have several mid-week meetings going on along with the other men who have applied to  ASR for membership. They are connected with other motorcycle groups who are sinners and they are working with them.
Our church organization is International Apostolic Church of Thailand = iACT.
We do things organizationally for the sake of unity and the witness of the real Church here among the Thai and the other nationalities.
Whatever they have done to be a part of ASR has always been presented to me first then onto you; they understand the chain of command.
It is a pleasure working with them and I know they will work along with the ASR ministry as much as possible.
Live to Ride for the Glory of God!
Robert P Frizzell

Welcome New Members

Let’s Welcome our Newest Members for April 2019

Bro Dionaro Orcullo & Sis Quenie Orcullo
Pak Kret, Nonthaburi Province
International Apostolic Church of Thailand
Rev Robert P Frizzell, Pastor
Bangkok International UPCI


Bro Alvin Waldhart
Wisconsin Dells, WI
Madison Pentecostal Assembly
Bishop Eugene S Johnson, Pastor
Madison, WI


Motorcycle Club (MC) Protocols

John (left his last name out by design), a former member of the Azusa StreetRiders with an extensive background within the motorcycle (MC) community who is currently taken a different path in reaching these lost souls. John is currently prospecting for a well-known Motorcycle Club (MC) that all of us would be familiar with. Now I know there might be mixed feeling about this approach only time will tell, I feel our prayers should help direct John to be a light in that dark world.

I had a long talk with John and felt he had some valuable insight in the MC world than many of us might be unfamiliar with. Granted to some these protocols might be common knowledge but I know for a fact the majority of our ASR members they are not aware of maybe how to approach and carry on a conversation with a member of an MC. The Bible talks about in 2 Cor 2:11 “that we might not have Satan get an advantage against us, for we are not ignorant of his thoughts” I know this is referring to spiritual devices which in this case I feel is applicable. If this is the world we choose to take for Jesus Christ we must be knowledgeable to their ways and customs, however always remember we are in the world not of this world so we never let down our standards in order to attempt to win a soul. That is a trick of the Satan himself.

MC Protocols:
The MC world is driven by Respect we need to remember that as we minister in this world. If some does not extend their hand the first time you meet them do not get discouraged or give up just keep introducing yourself. When you introduce yourself <club name> <road name or given name> look the square in the eyes with confidence, practice makes perfect! Always start with the dominant club in order of rank then support clubs and then everyone else.

Never talk with a helmet or sunglasses on
Never cross if front of some to talk to someone
Never interrupt, wait posted until they call you in
Never reach over a table
Never call someone Brother, you will know when you earn that right with someone
Never Lie
Keep hands out of pockets
Watch the colors your wear
Look Listen and learn

Going Forward:
As you get to know people get phone numbers and call. You will build relationships that will last forever. Before going to the event practice introductions and just be calm. Think before you speak, don’t answer any question you do not know the answer too. If asked about the motorcycle ministry, refer all club business to the chapter president. Once you get to know everyone, your ministry opportunities will increase.  The Handshake with change to a hug.

Thank You John for your insight

If you have any questions please email or call Bro Robert Thompson, President of Azusa StreetRiders






Q1 Update from the Philippines

Hello Brother thompson,

Below is the ASR Phils update for Q1.. 2019

Can we acknowledge the new member here in the Philippines in ASR official website?

I will send you the names of new members this week also I only consider member once the applicant acquired the ASR official patch, but if they just acquired the reflectorized vest only (our philippines vest with orange & white stripes) they are considered provisionary member for 6 months. if they failed to acquire the ASR patch within 6 months, their membership will be void and they need to pay the membership again.

ASR update , Accomplishments & upcoming Activities

  1. Commendation of UPCI Vice President  Rev Art Martinez for the outstanding support ASR Philippines to the UPCI General Conference held in Cuneta Astrodome & Marikina Sports Center
  2. Successful turn over of the Motorcycle for the Missionary/Pioneering Pastor Recipient: Pastor Nomer Butial of QUEBIC District
  3. Newly Appointed ASR Adviser to replace the position of Bishop Celedonio Ompad
    1. Rev Arturo Martinez – UPCI Assistant Gen. Superintendent / UPCI Vice President
  4. Commendation of Gen. Roy Taguinod – Director General for Traffic Enforcement MMDA
  5. Releasing of ASR T shirt for members (exclusive for Members & spouse only)
  6. Monthly dues compliance.
    1. all monthly dues will be remitted to Pastor Marcos Prieto as he is the ASR leader in NELD
    2. all monthly dues will be remitted to Pastor Dennis Elardo as he is the ASR leader in NSLD
    3. all monthly dues will be remitted to Sis Sherry Gibas  in NCRD
  7. ASR Phils 56 members official count as of March 2019
  8. Welcoming of new members
  9. Implementation of Mandatory Health card for every riders
    1. Maxicare card Plan 600 for renewable for 1 year
      1. 15K for Emergency cases/Hospitalization
      2. 25K Death insurance

Upcoming ride activity Q2’19

  1. Leyte Ride & Promotion on AMD conference
    1. April 14  to 23, 2019
  2. QUEBIC youth camp promotion, c/o ptr Jhun Villaraza of QBD
    1. April 22, 2019
  3. Awarding of Adviser Certificate to Rev Lorenzo Reyes.
  4. SEC registration

Whats New!

  1. Launching of new Patch with caption “May I pray for you”
  2. New name patch for the new release of Rvest (embro type)
    1. Optional for the previous batch released of R vest.
  3. Standard arrangement of Patch & Flag on our ASR international Vest
  4. New member in WVD Pastor Jesreel Arcenio (Western Visayas District)
  5. New member in Central Luzon District Pastor Matt Pagcu
  6. NCRD sec 2 National Capita Region Sis Sydney Echavarai
  7. New Member in Masbate Bro. Emmanuel Verano
  8. New member in Cagayan de Oro Pastor Mark David Pestano
  9. New Member in New Southern Luzon District sec 3 Pastor Romualdo Cabarle( Filipino Missionary in Qatar/Bahrain/Saudi)


  1. A group of Apostolic Riders planning to join the ASR Phils..with 20+ membersC/o pastor Matt of CLD


Rodante de Guzman
Philippians National Coordinator

Welcome New Members

Rev Jeff Treat
Ozark, IL
First Pentecostal Church of Ozark
Rev Jeff Treat, Pastor
Ozark, IL

Bro Shawn A Wilson
Mattoon, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev D Stoval, Pastor
Toledo, OH

Bro Chisum B Wilson
Matton, IL
Calvary Tabernacle
Rev D Stoval, Pastor
Toledo, OH

Bro John P Zerbe Sr
Peirson, MI
Solid Rock Worship Center
Rev Bobby Gray, Pastor
Cedar Springs, MI

Sis Cynthie A Zerbe Sr
Peirson, MI
Solid Rock Worship Center
Rev Bobby Gray, Pastor
Cedar Springs, MI

Bro Marcus Dunlop Sr
New Palestine, IN
Liberty Tabernacle Church
Rev Brian Lane, Pastor
Whiteland, IN

Bro Bud Caudill
Dupont, IN
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
Rev Herbert White, Pastor
Austin, IN

Shout Out for a Job Well Done

I just wanted to take a moment and thank a couple of our brethren for jobs well done. Bro Theodore & Bro Joseph have over the years worked behind the scenes updating and maintaining this ministry’s public information flow. From monitoring both the Web Site and the various FB pages they  have continually kept us informed and up to date with information relevant to ASR members and guests. In addition have kept inappropriate content from tarnishing our reputation. BroTheodore also contributes articles to our Rumblin’s  every month and Bro Joseph works all the back office duties for our Web site.

So a big “Hat’s Off” for both you
Thank you and God bless you and yours.
Bro Thompson
Azusa StreetRiders National President

Sometimes You Ride The Bike And Sometimes The Bike Rides You

Life seems to be so difficult to understand at times! It seems like all is going along so great and then WHAM! all hell breaks loose and you are in the fight of your life! I don’t know about you or your lives but mine has always seemed like a roller coaster and not the kiddie kind if you know what I mean!?! How do we get through the trials and disasters that come our way? How do we keep our chins up? How do we get to Heaven if is seems like all we live in is hell??

Well suffice it to say……I have no idea!! lol I do however have an idea on the mindset required to get through the issues and get to our promise!! A long time ago, when my bones weren’t as brittle and my brain wasn’t as developed, I broke, trained, and rode a few horses both on our ranch and rodeo. I had a wise old cowboy (Pawpaw) tell me after a little go round and mix up on a frisky critter that called itself a horse that sometimes you ride the horse and sometimes the horse rides you! Wonderful words to hear while dusting your seat off on the ground! (and almost hard to hear them though the laughter!)

I took a ride the other day with another ASR member and a mutual friend. I tried to tell them that they should pick the route. They did not listen and I punched in a route app that asked me if I wanted to avoid highways. I obviously checked YES!! Well, a few miles down the road, we found ourselves on a clay freshly graded road in Mississippi with mud about a foot deep. With a total of 5 falls between us and motorcycles that looked like dirt bikes after a weekend of fun, we finally spotted pavement ahead and went to find a car wash! AS I passed a Jeep going the other way laughing at such a odd sight, I told him through the window that a Jeep was cheating! What a day! Bikes seemed to be riding us more than we rode them. Thankfully no one was hurt and bikes lived to ride again.

How many times have we found ourselves on life muddy road and cant seem to get where we are going since we keep falling off our bikes? People laughing at our calamity and wondering why we are doing what we are doing? I can tell you that during these times, we may be in the dirt more than we are on the bikes, but the pavement is coming!! The road will get better and there will be a car wash around the corner to get cleaned back up!

I wish we didn’t have to go through some things but life is still life. We still have to get up every day and get to work in the kingdom. He didn’t promise us every day would be wonderful but he did promise us he would never leave us or forsake us! He would never put more on us than we can bear! We may sometimes choose the wrong road but he even keeps us safe and will provide a way out if necessary. Jesus love us enough to even overlook our zealous attitudes and let us avoid the highway at times.

I may not know how to avoid the muddy roads of our lives but I do know who helps go down them! If you are in the midst of a disaster, keep your chin up. You may be under the bike now, but there’s pavement coming! Jesus helps us to look back and maybe even find some humor. You should have seen us pitiful looking bikers!

Keep the wheels down and your spirits flying high!
God Bless!!