As the chaplaincy grows, I felt it necessary to publish those that are delving into the world of doing the work of the chaplain. Its not an easy role! It does not take the place of a Pastor, yet it is an Apostleship, of sorts, where it reaches beyond the walls of the Church. Being a Chaplain holds a tremendous responsibility. One must remain submitted to the local church leadership, while by the same token being a presence in the community…especially in the biker arena.
The following are those who have accepted this challenge:
International Chaplain – Mark Hardin (618-292-7415)
Ladies Chaplain – Diane Beall (843-449-3651)
Northeast Region Chaplain – Pastor Rick Perry (203-589-0893)
Southern Region Chaplain – Justo Saavedra (954-235-2442)
Midwest Region Chaplain – Laureen Theodore (330-720-4382)
Central Region Chaplain – Clarence Earp (682-229-6240)
West Coast Region Chaplain – Pastor Michael Moore (209-483-3381)
State: Missouri – Donald Hamby (573-258-9803)
Kentucky – Vicky Storey (502-257-3933)
Alabama – Krysta Markham (205-331-3446) Charlotte Dawes – East Texas (409-423-9823)
Henry Cherry – Texas (504-232-8103)
Joe Endicott – Ohio (330-277-3839)
Lisa Endicott – Ohio (330-277-3189)
Greg Pray – Georgia (770-468-9267)
Sheryl Pray – Georgia (770-313-4735)
As you can see, we have a lot of room to grow, so if this is an area that you feel led to delve into, please contact Chaplain Hardin (618-292-7415 or
It is our goal to have a chaplain for every chapter as well as one for every state that ASR is represented in, and the same for our international locations by our next rally. We do have at least a half dozen that are currently working on the basic requirements to become an ASR Chaplain. Those beginning requirements are to purchase and read a book called “The Work of a Chaplain” and complete a questionnaire that corresponds with the book, and fill out an application for chaplaincy (signed by the pastor). Once again, contact Chaplain Hardin for details and forms.
We welcome you to grow with us!
Mark A Hardin
International Chaplain/Illinois Regional Coordinator