Welcome New Members We Have A New Chapter

I would like to reach out to all our new members and take this opportunity to welcome you into the greatest One God motorcycle ministry anywhere. Also Welcome our newest Chapter – Myrtle Beach,  South Carolina

Pastor Charles & Sis Charlotte Shopher
Marianna, FL
Pentecostal Faith Ministries
Pastor Charles Shopher

Bro Mathew & Sis Rachel Maylee
Vichy, MO
Tabernacle of Praise “TOP”
Pastor Tim Blackwell

Bro Todd & Sis Amy Colosimo
Little River, SC
Power House Church
Pastor Jon Feld

Bro German & Sis Molly Badillo
Myrtle Beach, SC
Christen Life Center
Pastor Stacy Davis

Bro Howard & Sis Sylvia Ketron
Conway, SC
Christen Life Center
Pastor Stacy Davis

Bro Joseph & Sis Abigail Lester
Conway, SC
Christen Life Center
Pastor Stacy Davis

Evangelist Jonathan Ashcroft
Bay City, TX
Peace Tabernacle
Pastor Kenneth Grant



I will be accepting nominations beginning April 1st and ending May 31st for the positions of Vice President and Secretary. You can email me, text me, facebook messenger me your nominations. Not a requirement but only a request that who you wish to nominate that you contact them and find out if they are interested in running.
Thank you
Tom Thompson

You Are Important

How many times have you felt that your importance in life was less than optimal? Every day just like the last? No apparent change in ourselves or those around us? Why would a person continue this adventure called life and never feel like you have made a difference? It is safe to say that no one has not felt this way at some point.

In our visually dependent society, the need to have verifiable evidence has been driven into our lives on so many levels. The keeping up with the Jones mentality is a great example. If you can’t point to a piece of evidence that you have achieved some level of success, then you have a hard time getting some folks to believe it! When we reach one of those times in our lives that we can’t see any signs of success, we quickly fall into the trap of doubt and then our real troubles start.

Doubt is the one enemy of success that we bring to ourselves at the first sign a drought! No positive feedback then no way is what we’re doing the right path. No return on our investment starts us reinvesting in another adventure. No one likes the long game! As the timeframe gets longer, the doubt gets bigger. The shorter the distance seen gives rise to greater and greater doubt. If not careful, doubt becomes the new vision and success fades into oblivion.

Good News!

Be ye not weary in well doing! God’s measurement of success is not defined by man’s evidence but rather by evidence not seen. We are not even promised tomorrow so the farmer who plants may not ever see the harvest. My success in life is measured by my trust and faith in God. Let no one ever tell you that your walk with God is not important. Your life and efforts are more important than you can even imagine. When the world sees you they are seeing CHRIST and the world is lost without you.

What ever you are doing today, keep believing.
What ever you are saying today, keep believing.
What ever you are thinking today, keep believing.

Don’t stop trying!
Don’t stop trusting!
Don’t stop reaching!

You are important today!
You are important to the Kingdom!
You are important to Jesus!

Welcome New Members

I would like to reach out to all out new members and take this opportunity to welcome you into the greatest One God motorcycle ministry anywhere.

Bro Robert & Sis Dawn Van Ness
Weirsdale, FL
Pentecostals of Apopka
Pastor Caleb Hill

Bro Kevin & Sis Jenni Harris
Sylvania, OH
FAC of Toledo
Pastor Kris Dillingham

Sis Michelle & Bro Gary Cooper
Sherman, TX
Truth Church
Pastor Darren Gilbert

Sis Carolin Sturbert
Sherman TX
Truth Church
Pastor Darren Gilbert

Sis Ronda Nelson
Savoy, TX
Truth Church
Pastor Darren Gilbert

Sis Debbie Underwood
Denison, TX
Truth Church
Pastor Darren Gilbert

Sis Shanda Nottingham
Denison, TX
Truth Church
Pastor Darren Gilbert

2022 Rally

Tom’s thoughts on this year’s rally;

Our normal rally is great preaching Thursday and Friday night and sometimes Wednesday evening at host church, we have some great rides , we see some great sights. We enjoy the fellowship with all the members and we always eat great food! It is really a great time that is well worth the trip.  But remember the first sentence of this article? I will say it again “Tom’s thought’s on this year’s rally”

This year needs to be different as it is gonna be, the rally is not in host church but a music hall, yes we gonna have great preaching, great worship and more than likely great food. As I am not trying to steal thunder from Sis Laureen and her church family I just want to be sure that her vision along with my vision reaches the body of ASR. First let me say as much as I love the idea of the music hall it was not me but the Theodore’s that landed this great rally location.

This year let’s not focus on the ride, the fellowship or any of the normal rally festivities, but let’s focus on the Azusa street revival that we got our name from. Let’s all reach out to other motorcycle ministries, other churches regardless of denomination, let’s reach out to anyone we can that does not have the Holy Ghost and invite them to this years rally. If we reach out to any lost soul that we can and get them to the rally then we are setting the stage for God to grant us a revival similar to the Azusa street revival and if we work hard in faith it can be greater than the original revival! So I’m asking us all to pray, to invite and to believe for revival this year at our national rally!

Let’s make 2022 Rally a Rally with purpose of Revival!

Miracles Signs and Wonders will happen if we seek and believe!

Thank you

Tom T

Goodbye 2021, Welcome 2022

So goes another year goodbye 2021 and for many good riddance, Hello 2022! Holidays are about over, the Christmas tree has been put away, the presents are still stacked up in the corner and the decorations have been gingerly packed away until next year. I know it’s been said we can sometimes forget the meaning of the season with all the hoopla going on around us, at home, church and work. As this holidays is now a memory I would like to stop and remind myself as to the greatest gift the Lord has given not only myself but all of those that have been Baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost. Take OUR salvation coupled with the relationship we have with our Lord how can anyone not cherish that more than anything this world has to offer. I know His gifts are poured out upon us, as unworthy as we are, however I also like to be mindful of the “Stocking Stuffers” or what I consider “Dividends” that the Lord grants us everyday and all year long that we receive being a child of God.

These blessing can vary in range and can come in small or large packages, so to speak. I’m talking here about those things we have a tendency to take for granted  or even be overlooked. Events I try to keep an eye opened for in my everyday living. For example not finding your keys after 20 minutes of searching everywhere, only to whisper “Lord please help me find them” and all of a sudden there they are. Pulling into a crowded parking lot and finding a space right by the front door. Maybe a check came in the mail or an unexpected financial blessing. Or perhaps just driving along and out of nowhere the presence of God floods your vehicle and you begin to speak in tongues and know the Lord has just touched your life in a special way.

I don’t know why the Lord had laid this on my heart for the Rumbling’s as an end of year thought, but he has. I just want to say I personally want to be “more mindful” of the blessings that come my way.

The Bible says “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thes 5:18

So one of my goals starting the New Year will be to give thanks for the “Stocking Stuffers” or “Dividends” that come my way all year long  and to be diligent in seeking for them in my life. Thanking the Lord always for the good things he has given me.

But what about when we experience hard times?

I know there are those reading this article and shaking their heads because right now your lives are filled with difficulties and more drama than you deserve. You might not feel or see these the blessing I am referring to right now, perhaps you don’t even feel like looking? You are in the midst of the battle, we have all been there, but this to will pass. Be faithful as our Lord has been faithful and as you are drawn out of this valley remember that God loves and knows you well. Sometimes that is the hardest thing to remember that the Lord Jesus Christ knows exactly where we are and what we’re going through.

“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?  But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Luke 12:6-7

So when the Lord does deliver you off the battlefield don’t forget to give God thanks. Our Lord Jesus Christ will be here sooner than we know for his church and in the end it will be worth it all. Do not waver, keep your eye on the prize and that is making it into heaven in one piece. We might be battered, bruised and maybe broken but make it in we need to do. We need to as Paul wrote “Finish the course, and keep the faith”  that is out goal. And if I can add an addendum it would be and pick up as many as we can along the way.

God Bless each and every one of you, your families, your pastors and your church. Be safe and we’ll see y’all at the 2022 Regional “Bind The Strongman” event, let’s all make an effort to be at one.




Where o Where Are You Tonight

Most of us who has seen Hee Haw would follow up with why did you leave me here all alone!
I am sitting here at the Hennigan Compound by my fire pit and thinking about what I wanted to write to all of our Rumbling Rowdies! We have grown to become a very large and diverse cross section of churches and ministries over the last few years. All walks of life, personalities, and backgrounds are to be found in our ranks. Many time I feel as VP that I’m very much a small frog in a very large pond. So many of you guys and gals bring much knowledge and life experiences far beyond my own.

As the holidays move closer, there are many that will experience very different emotions over the next few weeks and I wanted you to know that you are never alone! I may not know where you may be at any particular time but God never loses sight of us. He said he will never leave you alone.

Many of us have lost loved ones this year due to Covid and other issues. Loneliness and feelings of loss go hand in hand with these issues of life. God never loses sight of us and He never leaves us alone.

Many have lost jobs and finances over the last year. Gas tanks take more money or we use less gas. Cost of living is taking a toll on 401 and IRA balances. God never loses sight of us and He never leaves us alone.

Some of us have changed our lifestyles and habits to better lead us to a closer walk with God. This has led to a loss of some friends and family sometimes seem to disprove of our more Godly choices. Addictions are difficult to break and even harder to replace with better coping skills. We seem so small and insignificant. God never loses sight of us and He never leaves us alone.

It seems like the commission that was handed to us by the Almighty is to large and impossible to accomplish with our meager talents and abilities. In walking thru the hedges and byways we see ourselves in those we seek to invite to the marriage supper and we wonder at our success in showing them the Christ. Such a responsibility. Such a vision. Such potential. So much to do. God never loses sight of us and He never leaves us alone.

I may not know where each of you may be this evening. I may not now your struggle today. I may not know how far or close you may be to throwing in the towel. I may not be able to give you the direction you seek or the answer you desire. I can tell you this,

Jesus never loses sight of you and your never alone!

Hugs and prayers to all of you!

Thank You Bossier City, LA Chapter

I want to take extend a hearty THANK YOU for the  Pentecostals of Bossier City, LA church, Bro Dean and the Azusa StreetRiders chapter from an excellent job in hosting the 2021 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally. Bro Thwing and his crew hosted our rally flawlessly and in the highest regard of excellence. From all of us again Thank You, a job well done.

Starting out Wednesday night with the Pastoral teaching of Bro Dean talking to us about the Heart of Worship” Than kicking off Thursday morning with a group meeting of the Coordinator’s, Chaplains & Chapter Presidents and anyone else that would like to have sat in. We discussed many topics  the main theme however is going forward the increase of responsibility on these three groups.

We than had a dinner that couldn’t be beat. I would like to thank  Bro Matt, his family and friends who provided (a better term would be “stuffed us”)  us over the next several days, no one went hungry.  the meals were some of the best ever again Bro Thwing sparing nothing in the hosting of this Rally. After lunch we than had a great ride into the Louisiana back roads.

Thursday night service was upbeat and powerful as Bro Tom Harding our new Global Missionary Coordinator presented us with the word of God from his heart and ministered  to all in regards to “purpose” in our walk with God. In addition we raised over $30,000 for Motorcycles for Missionaries” this years recipients so far are :

Bro Scotty Grimm – ALJC East Africa –  2x bikes
Bro Keith Ikerd – UPCI Namibia Africa – 2x bikes
Bro Randy Watts – ALJC India – 2x bikes
Bro Rusty Riddick – UPCI Sierra Leone – 2x bikes
Bro Sam Speer – ALJC Uganda – 2x bikes
Bro James  Waldred – India – 1x Bike

Thursday evening also brought the news of the passing of Bro Mike Powell an elderly ASR member in  Diana, TX and that his funeral was to be held Friday morning. Bro Thwing made an adjustment to our schedule and we split the members attending the Nationals in half. Half went to Apostolic church of Dania, TX to minister to the family and friends and the other half went on the scheduled ride to minister in the opposite direction.

Now I personally need to apologize to Bro Thwing and the Bossier City Azusa StreetRiders Chapter. After we all got back to the church for a fish dinner (yum yum) I called a short board meeting before Fridays night service. Unfortunately that short meeting turned into a couple of hours and the board did not attend the scheduled outreach tent service at the local Harley dealership. This is inexcusable and I apologize for doing that I can assure it was totally unintentional however that does not negate the fact that we missed the most important portion of any rally or event and I hope you accept my sincere apology.

Friday night’s service was again powerful  and Bro Dean ministered to us on God’s love language,  Winning Christ. I do believe the services have been posted on the both ASR Facebook pages.  I also wanted to thank Bro Dean and I hope he doesn’t mind me mentioning this the love offering Azusa StreetRiders presented to Bro Dean for Friday night was given back to Azusa StreetRiders Motorcycles for Missionaries fund and paid for half a motorcycle for Bro James  Waldred during a special offering taken up by Bro Heningan at the conclusion of Friday night’s service.

All in all the Rally was an outstanding success the business meeting went well,  See below for the minutes of the 2021 Azusa StreetRiders Annual meeting. Lastly everyone got home safely which I would like to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for.

2021 meeting minutes

  • Bro Cedric opened in prayer.
  • Bro Randy H & Bro Earp motion to wave reading of minutes, all in favor except Diaz’s.
  • Sis Laureen financial report.
  • Bro Earp & Cedric motion to accept.
  • Bro Randy held election for President & Treasurer
  • All in favor confidence votes.
  • Thanked Theo
  • Bro and Sis Beall given plaque full for coordinators.
  • Install Bro Tom Harding as Global missions coordinator.
  • Bro Randy went over bylaws
  • All in favor vote with permission to correct punctuation.
  • Annual waiver on dues invoice.
  • Dues now 40 per year with chapters raising money on own.
  • Ride waiver for minors needed.
  • Sis. Laureen gave run down on 2022 Rally
  • Tom T gave rundown on Zanesville Ohio biker church rally to drum up support for 2022 rally.
  • Bro Robert gave recap of meeting.
  • BTSM so far for 2022 is Price, Jonesboro. Wooster, Shelbourne.
  • Motorcycles for missions report given.
  • Bro Randy & Tom motion to adjourn

Already looking forward to our 2022 National Rally in Warren OH and stay tuned were going to be doing something completely different next year, see ya there.  God Bless and continue to Make This Ministry Effective for the Kingdom,  Keep the Faith, Stay the Course my Brothers and Sisters were almost home.

Robert Thompson
President Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ


A Word From the New West Tennessee Chapter

Greetings from West Tennessee!

I personally would like to take a moment to extend a warm appreciation to Brother Thompson and the Azusa Street Riders community. We are grateful for each one of you and your guidance in this process! West TN is full of Apostolic motorcycle enthusiast. Our first ride was graced with 15 riders!

We’ve grown into 10 paid chapter members with several more planning on joining the ministry! We are wanting to keep the momentum going with rides and outreach even as the riding season is digressing.

We are blessed with great support from our pastoral staff here at FPC Lexington TN ! Last Sunday night we had our presentation of the patches. It was a great night as we celebrated this inaugural installment of this exciting ministry! If you know anyone in the West TN area looking for Christ centered Apostolic riding ministry, then send them our info! Thanks and God bless!

Ben Benfield Vice President
Azusa Street Riders West Tn Chapter

Welcome New Members

I would like to reach out to all out new members and take this opportunity to welcome you into the greatest One God motorcycle ministry anywhere.

Sis Sherry & Bro  Dupree
Shreveport, LA
POBC of Bossier City, LA
Pastor Jerry Dean

Welcome Back Bro  Eades

I especially want to Welcome our latest Chapter
The West Tennessee Chapter:
Thank you for your support Pastor Beecham

Pastor David & Sis Bonnie Beechman
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Donnie & Sis Tonya Taylor
Jacks Creek, TN
Jacks Creek Apostolic
Pastor Brent Daniel

Bro Brandon & Karen Tillman
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Donnavun & Sis Nichole Burnett
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Andrew Burnett
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Sis Debbie Hopper
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Greg Hopper
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Todd & Sis Lori Rosel
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham

Bro Ben & Sis Angela Benfield
Lexington, TN
FPC of Lexington, TN
Pastor David Beecham