The excellent design work below was done by Dale McBroom!
Below each download is a description of it. To download any one of the files, right-click on it and choose “Save As.”

Azusa StreetRiders International
The Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ ~ Official Site
The excellent design work below was done by Dale McBroom!
Below each download is a description of it. To download any one of the files, right-click on it and choose “Save As.”
First off all of us should take a moment and thank the Lord for Brother & Sister Mcleod, Brother & Sister Perry and all of the members of the New Haven, CT Chapter for a Job well done presenting the Azusa StreetRiders Ministry at the WinterFire conference. Job Well Done!
Bro Thompson, ASR National President
“THAT WORKED” by Brother David Mcleod
Bro Jeff Banores and Bro Dave McLeod
standing in front of our new
Azusa StreetRiders display booth
We, as Azusa StreetRiders, were privileged to have an opportunity to explain our Motorcycles for Missions Ministry to numerous Oneness people during the 3rd week of February.
The venue was the major WinterFire Conference that occurs annually in the Hartford, CT area. It’s the premiere gathering of Apostolics for the Northeast Quadrant of North America.
It was also the first time to utilize our new ASR display backdrop.
Have a look at the attached photos. It’s 10 ft wide and 7ft high. The “face” of the unit is fabric and our favourite “Azusa Biker” is the visual centre point. The fabric is attached to the frame using Velcro. It takes about one minute to either set it up or take it down. Simply remove the display from its wheeled container and pull it apart. It unfolds and raises as it opens
People walking past us would literally stop and stare. It’s that effective!
This would give us an opening to say something like “Do you ride?” And the conversation was off and running.
I got to meet many of the New Haven, CT chapter members as we were on their home turf, so to speak. They’re to be commended for the ease with which they were able slide into biker related conversations. I’m convinced that these guys are on a 1st name basis with about half the population of New England! Hugs and “Biker Handshakes” were the order of the event.
Chapter President, Jeff Banores, has some really good plans to promote the ASR message in his area. President Jeff now has the contact information for five prospective members. We probably wouldn’t have found these folks had it not been for our WinterFire participation.
We’re looking forward to riding with any of the New Haven members who are planning to attend the National gathering this summer.
Please allow me to share some insights gathered in Hartford.
There are numerous District Conferences, Men’s Conferences, Youth Conferences, etc that fall under the umbrella of our various Oneness organizations. These events are where we will have an opportunity to meet prospective members and raise our profile.
The display is guaranteed to attract attention. We have the “common denominator” of our shared interest in all things “motorcycle.” In Hartford, we heard things like:
Dave McLeod / ASR Director for Canada & Atlantic Canada Chapter President
Everything is in motion for Bind The Strong Man 2019 (BTSM). Many of you have shared the flyers on social media and I encourage you to continue to do so. Please help keep this event at the top of your page. You never know who will see it and decide to attend. Our church seats about 250 and we’d love to have full capacity for a powerful all–night move of God! Remember the dates and location…Friday night, March 1, 2019, from 8:00 PM until Saturday March 2, 2019, at 7:00 AM. Christian Life Center, 124 April Gray Lane, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579.
I’ve had several inquiries about the event name, “Bind The Strong Man.” It comes from Mark 3:27 where Jesus says, “No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.” Before studying the scripture, I had a common misconception about its meaning. As with all Scripture, it must be read in context of surrounding Scripture to gain understanding…The “strong man” is Satan and the “house” is his domain. The “goods” are what he possesses—in this case, a blind and mute man whom Jesus releases from the power of a demon (Matthew 3:22). Jesus cannot use Satan’s power to cast out the demon because He needs to bind Satan in order to free the man.
This is what we strive for and what we hope to better understand after Bro. Hurt’s teachings at the BTSM 2019! Remember, the public is invited and everyone is encouraged to attend and bring guests. There is no charge! We encourage all ASR Members to attend as this kicks off our annual riding and witnessing season!
Chaplains, BTSM 2019 will be especially helpful to you! If we expect to see changes in our lives and the lives of those for whom we pray, we need to know more about prayer and how to become a true Prayer Warrior! Fasting sets the foundation for this event! Personally, I will be doing at least a 3–day (possibly longer) water–only fast the weekend before BTSM 2019. Please join me as there is power in numbers and let me know you’re participating so I can pray for you during this time. Towards the middle of February, I’ll be posting more on the two ASR Facebook pages (“ASR Friends” and “ASR Members Only”) to remind you, but please mentally prepare for fasting now…it helps!
The response for financially help fund BTSM 2109 from the ASR membership has been fantastic! Although BTSM is a “nationally sanctioned” ASR event, it is still fully funded by the local chapter of ASR and/or the local church. For this reason and due to the anticipated expenses, we’re asking any ASR member and/or ASR supporter for donations (fully tax deductible). 100% of the funds will be used for direct expenses for the event to include, airfare, meals and an honorarium for Bro. Hurt, plus snacks for the all–night event and breakfast Saturday morning for all ASR attendees. If funds are received above the expenses incurred, all excess funds will go to our “Motorcycles for Missionaries” program. Please help! Any donation is appreciated! The best way to donate is to mail a check to me that’s made out to CLC of Myrtle Beach. Mark on the check for 2019 BTSM. Fred Beall, 3501 North Kings Highway, Suite 103–B, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577.
Thank you and God bless…
Fred Beall
Azusa StreetRiders, Myrtle Beach, SC
Additional comment from our National Secretary Bro Tom Thompson
Bind the strong man event:
I would like to personally invite all members and beyond to this event. My wife Renaye and I are eyewitnesses to Bro. George Hurt’s ability to reach God through his prayer techniques. The presence of God was so thick that day it’s hard to put to words. “Amazing” is only one word that comes to mind. He talked to the four of that were in hotel room for little while, then prayed. We were all speaking in tongues and he instructed Renaye to step forward. She did, she walked few steps and he said, “Sister you’re walking!” She looked as if she saw ghost. He told her, “Don’t stop now!” She walked all over that hotel room, kept walking past wall mirror and saying, “I’m walking!” That was first time in 5.5 years that she was even able to put weight on left foot/leg, not to forget first time walking. I urge you all, if you can only attend one event this year, make it “Bind The Strong Man!”
Thank you
Bro. Tom Thompson
ASR Secretary
Highland Manor Inn
7766 East Lamar Alexander Parkway
Townsend, TN 37882
Contact Cory or Sandy
Office Phone: 865-448-2211
Web Site:
Room Rates:
Deadline for registration: March 31st with guaranteed rooms set-aside. After that you will receive the volume rate, however based strictly on availably. Must mention Azusa StreetRiders group rate.
1 Queen Bed – $99.50
2 Queen Bed – $109.50
1 King Bed – $109.50
Limited continental breakfast is served in our private dining room. Anyone not staying at the Highland Manor can pay $4.50 and access the breakfast bar. There are several restaurants in the area also.
Tremont Lodge & Resort
7726 East Lamar Alexander Parkway
Townsend, TN 37882
Contact the front desk
Office Phone: 865-448-3200
Web Site:
Room Rates:
Deadline for registration June 30th with guaranteed rooms set-aside. After that you will receive the volume rate, however based strictly on availably. Must mention Azusa StreetRiders group rate.
Jacuzzi Suite
Sunday – Thursday = $125.00
Friday – Saturday = $134.00
Cades Cove
Sunday – Thursday = $125.00
Friday – Saturday = $134.00
King Fireplace Suite
Sunday – Thursday = $116.00
Friday – Saturday = $125.00
King Suite
Sunday – Thursday = $98.00
Friday – Saturday = $107.00
Family Suite
Sunday – Thursday = $98.00
Friday – Saturday = $107.00
Deluxe Room
Sunday – Thursday = $89.00
Friday – Saturday = $98.00
Tremont Lodge currently does NOT offer any kind of breakfast
There is a KOA campground located about 5-7 minutes from the hotels, at:
8533 State Highway 73
Townsend, TN 37822
Phone: 865-448-2241
Note: Your type of camping determines the cost. Contact KOA for pricing details.
Note: There are several hotels in the Maryville/Alcoa area. We chose to host at these hotels in Townsend so we would not need to fight traffic coming and going on our rides. We will be departing from the Highland Manor both Thursday and Friday mornings at a specified time. Ride time to the church is approximately a half hour ride.
For any additional information contact:
Donnie Grider
Mobile: 865-648-1143
This was published almost four years ago but stands the test of time… Please feel free to comment!
Many people have heard the name “Azusa StreetRiders” and know that it’s a motorcycle ministry, some even know we’re an Apostolic motorcycle ministry. But who are the Azusa StreetRiders? Pastor, what do you know about us? Apostolic motorcycle rider, what do you know about us?
In response to an email received on July 22, 2015, I attempted to answer the question received with the subject title “Just Want To Know.” I have modified the email below to only correct punctuation, spelling and grammar and to hide the identity of the individual who sent it. My response is nearly verbatim as to what I sent to him. As of this writing [and as of January 2019], I have not heard back.
Hopefully this email and its response will address some concerns others may have about “Who Are The Azusa StreetRiders?”
Fred B. Beall, Azusa StreetRiders
The Oneness Apostolic Motorcycle Ministry of Jesus Christ
Sent from my iPad. I would like to know if your colors are copyrighted?
You see I’m a believer. There’s only one God, one Faith and one Baptism. And I do believe in Acts 2:38. And I have been baptized received the Holy Ghost and I do speak in other tongues.
But our church is having some problems and my pastor, well, I should just say pray for him. I told him I would like to ride with your colors but never heard anything and that was two years ago.
The reason I ask about your colors is that our church started in Southern California in the early 1930s following the Azusa Street Revival. And, well you know the rest. God just moved in a mighty way and now we preach all over the world and God is moving in a mighty way.
We’re in End Times my Brother. Maybe I’ll just design my own patch and put “Apostolic Rider for Jesus” on it if you don’t let me patch over [join Azusa StreetRiders]. See, I go where you guys don’t go; to bars, to 1% parties, etc. I just hang out where I used to. Isn’t that what Jesus said? “Go and preach my word.”
See most of you that are saved, you got in your comfort zone and don’t have that drive anymore. You forgot where God brought some of you from. Sorry but that’s the way it is. If you boys need someone in California, fast, pray and leave it to God. He’s always been there. Regardless, I’m going to my Master.
Hello Bro. David:
Greetings in Jesus’ Name! With interest, I read your message and inquiry above. Thank you for taking time to ask questions and share your thoughts.
Our colors are not copyrighted although several people have suggested that we do so. With the cost of design, set up, and embroidery, it is unlikely that someone would go to the trouble and expense of duplicating our backpatch. Should that happen, we would address it at that time and legal precedent is on our side to protect our colors. But seriously, this is of no concern.
From what you say, and assuming you are a faithful member of your church, you are definitely a candidate for membership in Azusa StreetRiders. All that would be required is the application completion and approval of your pastor. But, as you say, your pastor never responded to your inquiry about joining us. Please don’t be offended, but could it be, that you are not a “faithful” member of the church? Being a “faithful” member of your church is one of our requirements.
Over the years, we have had many, what I call, “rogue” Apostolic bikers try to join us. Some were successful, but most were not because of the insistence on a pastor’s approval to join ASR. By “rogue,” I’m simply referring to someone who has issues with authority and submission, both of which are solid Biblical principles. If someone cannot be “faithful” to a pastor and his church, can they truly be “faithful” to the kingdom of God?
As for your pastor, I pray every day for pastors around the world who preach God’s saving Acts 2:38 message. Hopefully he is in “right standing” with the Lord! I believe that many believing Christians, even many Apostolic pastors, will be surprised on Judgment Day just as they were in Matthew 7:21-23. Not knowing your pastor, I/we will pray for him and other pastors, that God would give them clear direction in these end times!
2 Corinthians 6:17 says, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” This Scripture, along with many other supportive Scriptures, is the basis for our outreach efforts. Also, Romans 14:16, “Let not then your good be evil spoken of.” These scriptures should not, and do not for Azusa StreetRiders, negate Luke 14:23 where Jesus said, “And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
As believing and faithful Apostolics, we must wisely balance our efforts to reach the lost. We believe this is done with the approval of and under the watchful eye of our pastors. If we have truly submitted to him, he should know us well enough to know whether or not we are capable of stepping into the world to “bring them out” or if we would be drawn back into the world. Highways and hedges ministry, true outreach into the anti-Christian cultures of the world, is not for everyone! I would like to think that every member of Azusa StreetRiders is capable of doing so, but, realistically, I know this is not true.
Hanging out in the bars and at the 1%ers’ parties, to us, runs contrary to the two scriptures cited above. Saying that, we try very hard to interact with 1%ers and others who are lost at any opportunity made available to us. We are a ministry, not a club! We try to avoid the club mentality. Yet, we do things that would surprise many Apostolics. For example, in my hometown of Myrtle Beach, SC, we have cosponsored a couple of events with the Hells Angels. This opened the door for me to teach a Bible study to the local chapter president and for several years, we were able to take his two boys to our church for Sunday school. Although not in church, he is a good friend today.
My suggestion—again, it’s up to the individual’s pastor—is to attend every function sponsored by any of the bike clubs or ministries. In doing so, however, I also suggest that we do not “enter” the bars, but rather stand outside and witness! This is especially effective for us during poker runs.
By using this approach, I have been told by 1%ers on several occasions and have had other club members tell me that there is a different, higher level of respect given to Azusa StreetRiders because we are not perceived as a “sitting-on-the-fence-ministry.” Other ASR members have had similar statements made to them for approaching outreach in this manner.
Having said all of this, please do not take my statements as condemnation for what you are doing. For us, this approach has proven not only to be successful, but to be acceptable to our Apostolic non-biking brethren…our “good” is not mistaken for “evil.”
The term “comfort zone” to you seems to mean “going places where church-going Christians do not typically go.” Food for thought… Could it be that your “comfort zone” is in the bars and with the 1%ers and hanging out at church is OUTSIDE of your “comfort zone?” Don’t be misled into thinking that you can only reach those you are trying to reach by being just like them! Read Romans 12:2.
Hopefully this email will give you clarity as to the Azusa StreetRiders approach to outreach. Remember, the last part of Luke 14:23 says, “…and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Jesus didn’t say “compel them to sit on barstools and have church.” Our goal is to “fill His house.”
If after reading this you have more questions about Azusa StreetRiders, please let me know and I will try to respond or have a conversation with you at any available time. If you desire to join us based on our outreach model cited above, I suggest you fast and pray about it and if God directs you, download our application, fill it out completely, take it to your pastor and have a serious conversation with him about your walk with God. Then have him sign it, and mail it to us. We will welcome you with open arms and put you to work with Azusa StreetRiders for His Kingdom!
May God bless you, my friend! We are all on the same team. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
In His Service,
Fred Beall
Sent from my iPhone
Dear Azusa StreetRiders (and friends):
Very soon the ASR ministry will unveil a newly remodeled (actually rebuilt from the ground up) main ASR website (and online store). Starting now, you can already use our two main Facebook groups (see links below) to discuss all things ASR and especially anything related to ministry to lost souls. Please note: the newly rebuilt website will no longer have a built-in forum nor be designed “primarily” to facilitate discussion. It will be possible to “comment” on its public posts, but other than that, even after the new site is unveiled, dialogue will continue to be facilitated by the Facebook groups (see the following links). The ASR national board did not make such a decision lightly, and beneath the following links, I will explain why the decision was called for.
ASR & Friends Group:
ASR Official Group:
Technology applications can often be like “shifting sand” — certain choices, though well intentioned, can fail at being foundation-worthy for the long haul. Finding a technology setup that can whether the tests of time is a challenge.
I’m Pastor Doug Joseph. I am an ASR and I serve in a completely volunteer capacity as the main administrator behind the most recent ASR websites and mobile apps.
Back when I was first approached by ASR Founder, Fred Beall, about taking over as volunteer web admin, ASR’s technical needs constituted a tall order. Because the needs were quite complex, it greatly limited our choices of what platforms could serve well or even halfway decently. I selected the best platform I could find that had the capability to meet all the complex needs, or at least be extendable so as to meet all the complex needs — as well as possible at the time.
Things were done right at the start of our ASR website, and the site served quite well for a time. However, after literally tens of thousands of fake “spam-bot” accounts were created on our site, and none of the anti-bot, anti-spam tools at our disposal proved effective, we had to change the site’s policy for new accounts over to an invitation-only setup. That was certainly less than ideal.
Also, over time, the software platform we had selected fell further and further behind the “state of the art” when it came to its CMS (content management system) features. Even at the time I selected it, the CMS features were crude. And as modern CMS products, including wonderful, free, open-source platforms such as WordPress, were providing better and better tools, such as easy, drag-and-drop, button-click simplicity, with “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” convenience, the archaic CMS features of the platform we were using, proved very limiting.
The ASR ministry had also, through me, hired an app-coder (who specialized in our selected platform) to create ASR mobile apps (both iOS and Android). However, as time went by, Apple’s deliberately frustrating policies — which are designed to intentionally force a cycle of obsolescence onto apps that have nothing internally wrong with them, forced our iOS app onto the ash heap of “unusable” apps. iPhone users beyond a certain generation of the iOS (operating system) found themselves blocked from using our ASR mobile app on their phone. Apple’s policies insisted we have a developer update the code and recompile the deliverable as a newer version. Without a site we felt comfortable with, and with our platform falling further and further behind, we did not pursue recompiling the app.
I was probably the last one to admit we needed to overhaul the site, due to two understandable reasons: (1) Because of all the major investment of hours and hard work I had put into the site, I naturally had a bit of emotional investment that made me more blind to the creeping shortcomings. (2) Because I knew how tall of an order the ASR’s complex needs were, I did not know of any better solution. This fact made me unable to consider an overhaul, as I did not know a way to do one successfully.
It was our former president, the original founder of the ASR ministry, Brother Fred Beall, that astutely suggested we consider lightening the load, by reducing the requirements, through moving the discussion forum off site. That one spark of genius was enough to help me reorient my thinking.
Many organizations I know, including some non-profits, use a similar setup: leave the dialogue/forum features to an off-site platform such as Facebook, and then concentrate on what remains, on the main “proprietary” site. After much deliberation, this is the approach the ASR national board has voted to take. I serve at their pleasure, and even though the vote means a mountain of work for me, I am in favor of the change. I think I can say on behalf of the board (and please note I am not a national officer): “We hope you understand why the changes were needed, and we pray you are blessed by the new site, and will join us on the Facebook groups for ongoing ASR discussion!”
Azusa StreetRiders are very please to announce the establishment of the Azusa StreetRiders Philippines International Chapter to be known as from this day forth
Azusa StreetRiders Ministry would first like to Welcome the ASR Advisors and Pastors of the newly established ASR Philippines Chapter and Thank them for their support:
I would like to start 2017 by saying thank you to each and everyone of the Azusa StreetRiders!!
Thank you for your dedication to this ministry. thank you for all the prayer that went out in 2016, not only for our members in need of prayer but for all who were in need of prayer.
2016 was an awesome year. There was awesome growth in this ministry in many places of the country. We each have had our own trials and victories, but we made it through with the help of an awesome God.
Please continue to pray that we can reach more soul’s in need of a relationship with Jesus and that the right door will open so we can share His Word with them.
We started off 2016 with Bind the Strongman all night prayer service in Cincinnati Ohio and we had an awesome time in the Lord a big thanks to Bro. & Sis. McGhghy for all there work.
Our2016 National Rally was awesome! We had a great turn out in Cameron, Missouri. The chapter that hosted the rally did an awesome job. I would like to thank Bro. Jones and his group for a job well done!! The Azusa StreetRiders had their first Chapter of the year and Coordinator of the year in 2016. Keep pushing, your chapter could be picked in 2017. We had some Holy Ghost filled Church!!!
I would like to thank our National board for all their work in 2016
Rev. Jim. Curley National VP
Rev. Lydia Diaz National Treasurer
Robert Thompson National Secretary ( former )
Michael Luttrell National Secretary
I would like to thank my friend Bro. Robert Thompson for his many years of service on the National Board of Directors.
2016 we added a Chaplain brigade headed up by Rev. Robert Eades our National Chaplain and our National Ladies Chaplain Sis. Julie McGhghy. the list of 9 chaplains and their districts can be found on our national website please use these men and women they are there to assist you..
Like I said 2016 was an awesome year, but 2017 will be even greater!!
We must stay in prayer and HIS WORD!!
Now for a few things about 2017 and even a little bit of what’s to come in2018.
First, March is not far off, so plan to be in Clarksburg WV March 3-4 2017 for bind the strong man. We are always blessed at this all night prayer service. Bring a friend!
Our National Rally will be in Dennison Texas Aug. 2-5 2017
Thursday night missionary service, Rev. Bruce Howell, St Louis Mo will be preaching.
Friday, Rev. Samuel Smith, Evansville In will be preaching.
We are going to have an awesome time of fellowship and worship you will not want to miss it.
I am going to share a little about the 2018 National Rally in Ohio
Thursday night Missionary service. Rev Dwayne Abernathy from Belize and he is also our 2017 sponsored mission for the ASR motorcycle for missionaries program.
Friday night service. we will have Rev. Aaron Bounds preaching.
It’s going to be good !!
Vicky and I are looking forward to seeing each of you in 2017
We pray that God Blesses each of you and your families in the years to come. God Bless
Love Ya’ll
Rev. Anthony Storey
Azusa StreetRiders
International President