Azusa StreetRiders Emissaries to Costa Rica

Greeting in Jesus name from Costa Rica. We miss seeing everyone this year at the National Rally. Our friends in ASR are so supportive and caring that it is always a time of encouragement when we are together. We are starting our 8th week in Costa Rica and have been busy. We completed 4 weeks of Spanish immersion classes which is a start but we have a long way to go to be fluent in Spanish. God has provided a vehicle at a very reasonable price so we are able to get around. We were able to sell our house in July so we praise God that we are not maintaining two households.

We have been able to teach in Sunday School and Julie will start teaching English classes at the Pavas church in mid-August.   The people here are excited about learning English since it provides more opportunities for employment. God is opening doors for us to get involved.  The people here are true worshippers and are expecting and working toward a great revival in Costa Rica.

We have met a few bikers here and have handed out several of our ASR cards. One of the bikers has been in group rides with the Soldiers for Jesus, which is the only Christian motorcycle club in Costa Rica that we have found. We are living in the San Jose metro area which has a population of around 2.2 million people. The roads are similar to what you would find in the Smokey Mountains – very narrow, lots of curves, and steep climbs. A 1.5 mile drive to the grocery store can take 15-20 minutes each way. Motorcycles are everywhere and are very aggressive.   It gives a totally new meaning to lane splitting. The motorcycles are on your right, your left, and will cross in front of you to go from one side to the other depending on traffic. It will be an experience to ride here.

We are praying for ASR, the services and for the business meeting at the Nation Rally. Please keep us in your prayers as we make this transition. God is Great!

Bro & Sis McGhghy

ASR Thailand – Great Time of Outreach and Fellowship

On this side of the world, ASR Thailand has been busy organizing rides with other motorcycle enthusiasts. Our love for riding is also an instrument in reaching more souls for Christ. Two years ago, I started a riding club and now has grown to a good number. Some may just see it as a weekend hobby- but we have a deeper reason for meeting as many as we can. Souls. Precious souls!

Ride safe everyone!
Bro Steve Kabasen, ASR Thailand

Sawadee Khap (Good morning/afternoon/evening in Thai language)!

The Azusa Street Riders of Thailand have been very busy the past weeks meeting riders on various groups rides and meet-ups that we have organized. We are all based in Bangkok and we often organize weekend rides out of the city to various locations. Some of the riders we have met during these rides have expressed their interest in coming to church, and some have already been to church.

I started an informal riding club about over a year ago and for the past few months, we have seen many members joining. The group is composed mainly of Filipinos and some Thais. Both from our churches and non-church people. This is a ministry for me, while enjoying riding our bikes here in Thailand. A few unbelievers have expressed their observation comparing our group to others here in Bangkok. We don’t drink and our wives wear skirts all the time, even when riding. When they ask why so, we see it as an opportunity to share what we believe, about God, salvation, life. We have just started this motorcycle ministry, but it has been a way for us to meet many people- to invite them to church, to pray for them and to minister to them in many ways.

Before every ride, before every meal, the non-church riders already know we pray first. It may have been awkward at first but now, it is a part of every activity we do. I always look forward to every prayer we do with the group. It is a great opportunity to declare that the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY god and Savior!

We would appreciate your prayers for our group here in Thailand and looking forward to many riders and their friends born into God’s kingdom!

On behalf of ASR of Thailand- May the Lord continue to bless each one of you!!!


Image may contain: one or more people, motorcycle and outdoor

Image may contain: one or more people, motorcycle and outdoor

Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people sitting, table, outdoor and food

Image may contain: one or more people, motorcycle, sky, outdoor and nature

Update from the Philippines

Group of ASR Phils Attending the Riders Safety Advocate of the Philippines seminar facilitated by Philippine National Police Col. Bonifacio Bosita witg RSAP national President Bro Billjoe Gavero, ASR Ph National Chief Marshal.

ASR had a chance to share the Apostolic faith to hundreds of Riders club who attended the seminar.

ASR Ph with RSAP founder Col. Bonifacio Bosita and RSAP National President Bro Billjoe Gavero who also the ASR ph. National Chief Marshal.

Be mindful of what we do ….


Once upon a time a young girl was trudging along a mountain path, trying to reach her grandmother’s house. It was bitter cold and the wind cut like a knife. When she was within sight of her destination, she heard a rustle at her feet.

Looking down, she saw a snake. Before she could move, the snake spoke to her.

He said: “I am about to die. It is too cold for me up here and I am freezing. There is no food in these mountains and I am starving. Please put me under your coat and take me with you.”

“No,” replied the girl. “I know your kind. You are a rattlesnake. If I pick you up, you will bite me and your bite is poisonous.”

“No, no,” said the snake. “If you help me, you will be my best friend. I will treat you differently.”

The little girl sat down on a rock for a moment to rest and think things over. She looked at the beautiful markings on the snake and had to admit that it was the most beautiful snake she had ever seen.

Suddenly, she said: “I believe you. I will save you. All living things deserve to be treated with kindness.”

The little girl reached over, put the snake gently under her coat and proceeded toward her grandmother’s house. Within a moment, she felt a sharp pain in her side. The snake had bitten her.

“How could you do this to me?” she cried. “You promised that you would not bite me if I would protect you from the bitter cold.”

The snake hissed: “You knew what I was when you picked me up”. He slithered away.

If it looks like a snake, moves like a snake and comes from a snake nest, it probably is a snake and can only be expected to behave like one.

Unknown author or at least I don’t know

2019 National Rally Registration

Let’s Get Registered !

We have had a strong response so far with members registering  for the 2019 National Rally. So far almost everyone that has registered has also included the MEAL PLAN so please do no hesitate, let’s get signed up and reservations made.  The Registration App for the 2019 National Rally can be found by clicking on the link below.
FYI – There is still rooms at the host Hotel available

2019 Azusa StreetRiders National Rally ~ Maryville, TN


Due to the success at our 2018 National Rally in Jefferson, Ohio compliments of Brother and Sister Theodore in regards to the lunch & Dinner arrangements, the Chapter in Maryville, TN would like to offer a “Meal Plan” at this years Rally. This meal plan would cover Thursday & Friday for both lunch (for those on the ride only) and dinner, immediately following service on both nights and will be held in the event center at FAC.

I could go into more details of all the benefits of the meal plan  however anyone who attended the 2018 National Rally knows how nice it was to walk from the service and have a nice hot meal ready and waiting. Unfortunately this year there will be a cost involved. For those who wish to “go out” you are certainly welcomed to do so there are many restaurants in the area however you would miss out on some of the best fellowship were going to have at this years National Rally.

Due to the number of people attending I would strongly suggest you signup for the meal plan when you register. After July 25th the price of dinners will change to $20.00 for adults & $10.00 for children. In addition there will be only a limited number of “extra” dinners at the door available (I have been told by the ones preparing the meals they do not wish to have  a lot of leftovers). Furthermore those that choose not to partake in the “lunch” meal plan(s) must bring a lunch with them if they want to eat. The venue for the lunches will be at a park or roadside picnic bench with limited or no access to any location to buy food. (Note: No extra lunches will be available for purchase on the ride)

** Please note you can sign up for one or all of the meals and if need be we have several months until the Rally so you can make partial payments over a period of time (Please get with Sis Theodore)

Registration Fee – covers the registration, 2019 event pin, Saturday Breakfast & Saturday Lunch. The Maryville chapter will host a meet & greet in the event center following Wednesday night service where pizza, salad, desserts and drinks will be served complements of this local chapter.

The fee’s are as follows: 
$25.00 – Registration fee
Includes: Registration Fee, Event Pin, Saturday Breakfast & Saturday Lunch
Thursday Lunch – $10.00 per person (for those on the ride only)
$5.00 – Per child under 12  (for those on the ride only)
Thursday Dinner – $15.00 per person (after church in the FAC event center)
$7.50 – Per child under 12
Friday Lunch – $10.00 per person (for those on the ride only)
$5.00 – Per child under 12 (for those on the ride only)
Friday Dinner – $15.00 per person (after church in the FAC event center)

$7.50 – Per person for children under 12

Please do not hesitate to contact Bro Thompson for more details

Welcome New Members – May 2019

John & Cynthie Zerbe
Pierson, MI
Solid Rock Worship
Rev. Bobby Gray

Cedar Springs, MI

Bishop Brian Kyer
Danville, KY
Apostolic Faith Light House
Bishop Brian Kyer

Danville, KY

Charles Austin
Shreve, OH
Wooster Apostolic Pentecostal Church
Benjamin Robinson
Wooster, OH
Norman Knight
Wakins Glenn, NY
Abundant Life United Pentecostal Church
Brad Dutcher
Cortland, NY

Amazon SMILE Program

Dear Charity Administrator,

This email is to notify you that Azusa Streetriders Inc (EIN: 20-5765142) has been issued a donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation. Azusa Streetriders Inc’s AmazonSmile donation balance as of March 31, 2019 was under the minimum donation amount of $5 and as a courtesy, we have rounded up your donation to $5.00 this quarter. Once per year, the AmazonSmile Foundation issues donations to all registered organizations that have earned donations, even if the donation amount is below the $5 minimum. The donation was deposited to your organization’s bank account around May 8, 2019. It may take several days for the deposit to appear in your organization’s account.

You can increase donations for Azusa Streetriders Inc by reminding your supporters to do their Amazon shopping at